35,291 research outputs found

    Electric welding torch Patent

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    Development of electric weeding torch with casing on one end to form inert gas shiel

    Analysis and application of digital spectral warping in analog and mixed-signal testing

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    Spectral warping is a digital signal processing transform which shifts the frequencies contained within a signal along the frequency axis. The Fourier transform coefficients of a warped signal correspond to frequency-domain 'samples' of the original signal which are unevenly spaced along the frequency axis. This property allows the technique to be efficiently used for DSP-based analog and mixed-signal testing. The analysis and application of spectral warping for test signal generation, response analysis, filter design, frequency response evaluation, etc. are discussed in this paper along with examples of the software and hardware implementation

    Effect of surface roughness on rate-dependent slip in simple fluids

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    Molecular dynamics simulations are used to investigate the influence of molecular-scale surface roughness on the slip behavior in thin liquid films. The slip length increases almost linearly with the shear rate for atomically smooth rigid walls and incommensurate structures of the liquid/solid interface. The thermal fluctuations of the wall atoms lead to an effective surface roughness, which makes the slip length weakly dependent on the shear rate. With increasing the elastic stiffness of the wall, the surface roughness smoothes out and the strong rate dependence is restored again. Both periodically and randomly corrugated rigid surfaces reduce the slip length and its shear rate dependence.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures; submitted to J. Chem. Phy

    Paraelectric and ferroelectric order in two-state dipolar fluids

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    Monte Carlo simulations are used to examine cooperative creation of polar state in fluids of two-state particles with nonzero dipole in the excited state. With lowering temperature such systems undergo a second order transition from nonpolar to polar, paraelectric phase. The transition is accompanied by a dielectric anomaly of polarization susceptibility increasing by three orders of magnitude. The paraelectric phase is then followed by formation of a nematic ferroelectric which further freezes into an fcc ferroelectric crystal by a first order transition. A mean-field model of phase transitions is discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    A New Waveform Consistency Test for Gravitational Wave Inspiral Searches

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    Searches for binary inspiral signals in data collected by interferometric gravitational wave detectors utilize matched filtering techniques. Although matched filtering is optimal in the case of stationary Gaussian noise, data from real detectors often contains "glitches" and episodes of excess noise which cause filter outputs to ring strongly. We review the standard \chi^2 statistic which is used to test whether the filter output has appropriate contributions from several different frequency bands. We then propose a new type of waveform consistency test which is based on the time history of the filter output. We apply one such test to the data from the first LIGO science run and show that it cleanly distinguishes between true inspiral waveforms and large-amplitude false signals which managed to pass the standard \chi^2 test.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravity for the proceedings of the Eighth Gravitational Wave Data Analysis Workshop (GWDAW-8

    Determination of the chemical potential using energy-biased sampling

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    An energy-biased method to evaluate ensemble averages requiring test-particle insertion is presented. The method is based on biasing the sampling within the subdomains of the test-particle configurational space with energies smaller than a given value freely assigned. These energy-wells are located via unbiased random insertion over the whole configurational space and are sampled using the so called Hit&Run algorithm, which uniformly samples compact regions of any shape immersed in a space of arbitrary dimensions. Because the bias is defined in terms of the energy landscape it can be exactly corrected to obtain the unbiased distribution. The test-particle energy distribution is then combined with the Bennett relation for the evaluation of the chemical potential. We apply this protocol to a system with relatively small probability of low-energy test-particle insertion, liquid argon at high density and low temperature, and show that the energy-biased Bennett method is around five times more efficient than the standard Bennett method. A similar performance gain is observed in the reconstruction of the energy distribution.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Broadband sum frequency generation via chirped quasi-phase-matching

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    An efficient broadband sum frequency generation (SFG) technique using the two collinear optical parametric processes \omega 3=\omega 1+\omega 2 and \omega 4=\omega 1+\omega 3 is proposed. The technique uses chirped quasi-phase-matched gratings, which, in the undepleted pump approximation, make SFG analogous to adiabatic population transfer in three-state systems with crossing energies in quantum physics. If the local modulation period %for aperiodically poled quasi-phase-matching first makes the phase match occur for \omega 3 and then for \omega 4 SFG processes then the energy is converted adiabatically to the \omega 4 field. Efficient SFG of the \omega 4 field is also possible by the opposite direction of the local modulation sweep; then transient SFG of the \omega 3 field is strongly reduced. Most of these features remain valid in the nonlinear regime of depleted pump

    Decoherence in an exactly solvable qubit model with initial qubit-environment correlations

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    We study a model of dephasing (decoherence) in a two-state quantum system (qubit) coupled to a bath of harmonic oscillators. An exact analytic solution for the reduced dynamics of a two-state system in this model has been obtained previously for factorizing initial states of the combined system. We show that the model admits exact solutions for a large class of correlated initial states which are typical in the theory of quantum measurements. We derive exact expressions for the off-diagonal elements of the qubit density matrix, which hold for an arbitrary strength of coupling between the qubit and the bath. The influence of initial correlations on decoherence is considered for different bath spectral densities. Time behavior of the qubit entropy in the decoherence process is discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Electronic thermal conductivity at high temperatures: Violation of the Wiedemann-Franz law in narrow band metals

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    We study the electronic part of the thermal conductivity kappa of metals. We present two methods for calculating kappa, a quantum Monte-Carlo (QMC) method and a method where the phonons but not the electrons are treated semiclassically (SC). We compare the two methods for a model of alkali-doped C60, A3C60, and show that they agree well. We then mainly use the SC method, which is simpler and easier to interpret. We perform SC calculations for Nb for large temperatures T and find that kappa increases with T as kappa(T)=a+bT, where a and b are constants, consistent with a saturation of the mean free path, l, and in good agreement with experiment. In contrast, we find that for A3C60, kappa(T) decreases with T for very large T. We discuss the reason for this qualitatively in the limit of large T. We give a quantum-mechanical explanation of the saturation of l for Nb and derive the Wiedemann-Franz law in the limit of T much smaller than W, where W is the band width. In contrast, due to the small W of A3C60, the assumption T much smaller than W can be violated. We show that this leads to kappa(T) \sim T^{-3/2} for very large T and a strong violation of the Wiedemann-Franz law.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure
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