1,020 research outputs found

    Hydroxyapatite promotes superior adhesion and proliferation of telomerase transformed keratocytes in comparison with inert plastic skirt materials used in leading contemporary keratoprostheses

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    Aim: Published clinical series suggest the osteoodontokeratoprosthesis (OOKP) may have a lower extrusion rate than current synthetic keratoprostheses. The OOKP is anchored in the eye wall by autologous tooth. The authors’ aim was to compare adhesion, proliferation, and morphology for telomerase transformed keratocytes seeded on calcium hydroxyapatite (the principal mineral constituent of tooth) and materials used in the anchoring elements of commercially available synthetic keratoprostheses. Methods: Test materials were hydroxyapatite, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), polyhydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA), and glass (control). Cell adhesion and viability were quantified at 4 hours, 24 hours, and 1 week using a calcein-AM/EthD-1 viability/cytotoxicity assay. Focal contact expression and cytoskeletal organisation were studied at 24 hours by confocal microscopy with immunoflourescent labelling. Further studies of cell morphology were performed using light and scanning electron microscopy. Results: Live cell counts were significantly greater on hydroxyapatite surfaces at each time point (p<0.04). Dead cell counts were significantly higher for PTFE at 7 days (p<0.002). Β1 integrin expression was highest on hydroxyapatite. Adhesion structures were well expressed in flat, spread out keratocytes on both HA and glass. Keratocytes tended to be thinner and spindle shaped on PTFE. The relatively few keratocytes visible on HEMA test surfaces were rounded and poorly adherent. Conclusions: Keratocyte adhesion, spreading, and viability on hydroxyapatite test surfaces is superior to that seen on PTFE and HEMA. Improving the initial cell adhesion environment in the skirt element of keratoprostheses may enhance tissue integration and reduce device failure rates

    The Influence of Drying on the Physical Properties of Sweet Potato Slices

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    The effects of varying drying conditions on the physical properties of sweet potato slices were studied. Fresh tubers were peeled, washed and cut into two shapes (rectangular: 50 x 60 mm and cylindrical 60 mm diameter) and two thicknesses (4 and 6mm) slices. Some slices were blanched in water at 90 oC for 5 mins and some untreated. The slices were dried in the sun or oven (50 oC , 70 oC , 90 oC ). The bulk density, dimensional changes and moisture loss were investigated. Moisture loss and percent shrinkage increased with higher temperature and longer drying time. 4mm thick samples lost more moisture and higher % shrinkage than 6mm thick samples, although not significantly (P>0.05). Logarithmic equations gave best fit of moisture loss with time at the different temperatures. Initial sample thickness had a greater impact on shrinkage than sample shape. Blanching minimized % shrinkage although not significantly (P>0.05). Greater shrinkage took place in the sample thickness (up to 63%) than across product diameter or length (values up to 26.3%). % shrinkage can be predicted using either the linear or logarithmic equations. The bulk densities of dried sweet potato slices were not influenced by blanching. Keywords: moisture content, drying kinetics, blanching, dimensional changes, bulk density

    Regular black holes and black universes

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    We give a comparative description of different types of regular static, spherically symmetric black holes (BHs) and discuss in more detail their particular type, which we suggest to call black universes. The latter have a Schwarzschild-like causal structure, but inside the horizon there is an expanding Kantowski-Sachs universe and a de Sitter infinity instead of a singularity. Thus a hypothetic BH explorer gets a chance to survive. Solutions of this kind are naturally obtained if one considers static, spherically symmetric distributions of various (but not all) kinds of phantom matter whose existence is favoured by cosmological observations. It also looks possible that our Universe has originated from phantom-dominated collapse in another universe and underwent isotropization after crossing the horizon. An explicit example of a black-universe solution with positive Schwarzschild mass is discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure. 6 referenses and some discussion added, misprints correcte

    The conserved Pkh–Ypk kinase cascade is required for endocytosis in yeast

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    Internalization of activated signaling receptors by endocytosis is one way cells downregulate extracellular signals. Like many signaling receptors, the yeast α-factor pheromone receptor is downregulated by hyperphosphorylation, ubiquitination, and subsequent internalization and degradation in the lysosome-like vacuole. In a screen to detect proteins involved in ubiquitin-dependent receptor internalization, we identified the sphingoid base–regulated serine–threonine kinase Ypk1. Ypk1 is a homologue of the mammalian serum– and glucocorticoid-induced kinase, SGK, which can substitute for Ypk1 function in yeast. The kinase activity of Ypk1 is required for receptor endocytosis because mutations in two residues important for its catalytic activity cause a severe defect in α-factor internalization. Ypk1 is required for both receptor-mediated and fluid-phase endocytosis, and is not necessary for receptor phosphorylation or ubiquitination. Ypk1 itself is phosphorylated by Pkh kinases, homologues of mammalian PDK1. The threonine in Ypk1 that is phosphorylated by Pkh1 is required for efficient endocytosis, and pkh mutant cells are defective in α-factor internalization and fluid-phase endocytosis. These observations demonstrate that Ypk1 acts downstream of the Pkh kinases to control endocytosis by phosphorylating components of the endocytic machinery

    Barriers to development and progression of women entrepreneurs in Pakistan

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    This article would help integration of women entrepreneurs into the mainstream economy in Pakistan.In Pakistan, women entrepreneurs do not enjoy the same opportunities as men due to a number of deep-rooted discriminatory socio-cultural values and traditions. Furthermore, these restrictions can be observed within the support mechanisms that exist to assist such fledgling businesswomen. The economic potential of female entrepreneurs is not being realised as they suffer from a lack of access to capital, land, business premises, information technology, training and agency assistance. Inherent attitudes of a patriarchal society, that men are superior to women and that women are best suited to be homemakers, create formidable challenges. Women also receive little encouragement from some male family members, resulting in limited spatial mobility and a dearth of social capital. The research suggests that in order to foster development, multi-agency cooperation is required. The media, educational policy makers and government agencies could combine to provide women with improved access to business development services and facilitate local, regional and national networks

    Quantum and classical criticalities in the frustrated two-leg Heisenberg ladder

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    This talk was about the frustration-induced criticality in the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on the two-leg ladder with exchange interactions along the chains, rungs, and diagonals, and also about the effect of thermal fluctuations on this criticlity. The method used is the bond mean-field theory, which is based on the Jordan-Wigner transformation in dimensions higher than one. In this paper, we will summarize the main results presented in this talk, and report on new results about the couplings and temperature dependences of the spin susceptibility.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, talk presented at the Theory Canada 3 conference in 2007, submitted to the Canadian Journal of Physic

    Is tissue engineering of the TMJ disc a feasible process?

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    Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders are common and difficult to remedy. Tissue engineering is one alternative that seeks to improve TMJ sugical treatment options. Tissue engineering aims to replace diseased or injured tissue with biologically engineered constructs. These constructs should reproduce native function and limit an immune response. To achieve tissue engineering success, it is important to first understand the tissue's cellular, biochemical and mechanical properties in order to create validation and design criteria. Reviewd herein are the known properties of the TMJ disc and initial attempts toward TMJ disc tissue engineering. Important aspects of tissue engineering are scaffold selection, cell source, biochemical factors, and mechanical stimuli

    Studying the anisotropy of the gravitational wave stochastic background with LISA

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    A plethora of gravitational wave stochastic backgrounds populate the sensitivity window of the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna. We show that LISA can detect the anisotropy of the background corresponding to the multipole moments of order l=2 and 4. The signal-to-noise ratio generated by galactic white dwarf binary systems could be as high as 60 for 3 yrs of integration, and LISA could provide valuable information on the spatial distribution of a variety of galactic sources. We also show that the cross-correlation of the data sets from two interferometers could marginally lead to meaningful upper-limits on the degree of isotropy of the primordial gravitational wave background.Comment: 4 pages, uses RevTe