31 research outputs found

    Species differences in care

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    Data is an excel file containing information on lab experiments in which two species of burying beetle were reciprocally cross-fostered


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    This data file contains parental care measurements and larval numbers for N. orbicollis and N. vespilloides males and females


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    Data collected from D. pseudoobscura derived from Tucson Arizona but cultured in the lab. Using a quantitative genetics design in which sires were mated to multiple dams, we measured sperm head and flagellum length of short, nonfertilizing sperm and long, fertilizing sperm from sons. Data are represented in six columns: sire ID, dam ID, short sperm head length, short sperm flagellum length, long sperm head length, long sperm flagellum length

    All data from Ecology & Evolution 2015 Newcombe et al.

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    Data on free AA in eggs from females (2 populations) reared on 2 different diets (sunflower, milkweed). Also hatching weight of offspring and egg size of mothers

    Hopwood et al 2015_JEB_data

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    Dataset accompanying Hopwood et al. 2015 Journal of Evolutionary Biolog


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    This is the data for the manuscript “Behavioral plasticity and GxE of reproductive tactics in Nicrophorus vespilloides burying beetles” by MJ Carter, ML Head, AJ Moore & NJ Royle. Data was collected by MJC. All methods are described in the associated manuscript. Column headings are described in the excel spreadsheet

    Hopwood-etal-male reproductive competition in burying beetles JEB-2015-00671-data

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    These data relate to "The effect of size and sex-ratio experiences on reproductive competition in Nicrophorus vespilloides burying beetles in the wild." Hopwood, Paul E., Moore, Allen J., Tregenza, Tom, Royle, Nick J