1,212 research outputs found

    Exploiting orbital constraints from optical data to detect binary gamma-Ray pulsars

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    It is difficult to discover pulsars via their gamma-ray emission because current instruments typically detect fewer than one photon per million rotations. This creates a significant computing challenge for isolated pulsars, where the typical parameter search space spans wide ranges in four dimensions. It is even more demanding when the pulsar is in a binary system, where the orbital motion introduces several additional unknown parameters. Building on earlier work by Pletsch & Clark, we present optimal methods for such searches. These can also incorporate external constraints on the parameter space to be searched, for example, from optical observations of a presumed binary companion. The solution has two parts. The first is the construction of optimal search grids in parameter space via a parameter space metric, for initial semicoherent searches and subsequent fully coherent follow-ups. The second is a method to demodulate and detect the periodic pulsations. These methods have different sensitivity properties than traditional radio searches for binary pulsars and might unveil new populations of pulsars. © 2020. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society

    Determinants of hospital length of stay after thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair

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    AbstractPurpose: Extended hospital length of stay (LOS) and consequent high costs are associated with thoracic and thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm (TAAA) surgery. In this study, we examined factors that may influence LOS after TAAA repair. Methods: Five hundred forty thoracic and TAAA repairs were performed by one surgeon between 1990 and 1999. The data were analyzed with multiple linear regression with appropriate logarithmic transformation. The predictor variables included patient demographics, disease extent, severity indicators, intraoperative factors, and postoperative complications. Results: The median LOS was 15 days. Postoperative creatinine level of greater than 2.9 was the most important predictor of LOS, followed by spinal cord deficit, age, and pulmonary complication (all statistically significant with P <.05). A second model constrained to preoperative risk factors showed both age and complete diaphragmatic division to be associated with increased LOS. Preservation of the diaphragm led to reduced LOS by an average of 4 days. The adjunct cerebrospinal fluid drainage and distal aortic perfusion was associated with a decrease in LOS, although it did not reach statistical significance. Conclusion: Renal failure, spinal cord deficit, and pulmonary complication were the major determinants of LOS in patients for TAAA repair. This study shows that the preservation of diaphragmatic function and the use of the adjunct distal aortic perfusion and cerebrospinal fluid drainage may reduce hospital LOS. (J Vasc Surg 2002;35:648-53.

    Influence of contrast media dose and osmolality on the diagnostic performance of contrast fractional flow reserve

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    Background—Contrast fractional flow reserve (cFFR) is a method for assessing functional significance of coronary stenoses, which is more accurate than resting indices and does not require adenosine. However, contrast media volume and osmolality may affect the degree of hyperemia and therefore diagnostic performance. Methods and Results—cFFR, instantaneous wave–free ratio, distal pressure/aortic pressure at rest, and FFR were measured in 763 patients from 12 centers. We compared the diagnostic performance of cFFR between patients receiving low or iso-osmolality contrast (n=574 versus 189) and low or high contrast volume (n=341 versus 422) using FFR≤0.80 as a reference standard. The sensitivity, specificity, and overall accuracy of cFFR for the low versus iso-osmolality groups were 73%, 93%, and 85% versus 87%, 90%, and 89%, and for the low versus high contrast volume groups were 69%, 99%, and 83% versus 82%, 93%, and 88%. By receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analysis, cFFR provided better diagnostic performance than resting indices regardless of contrast osmolality and volume (P&lt;0.001 for all groups). There was no significant difference between the area under the curve of cFFR in the low- and iso-osmolality groups (0.938 versus 0.957; P=0.40) and in the low- and high-volume groups (0.939 versus 0.949; P=0.61). Multivariable logistic regression analysis showed that neither contrast osmolality nor volume affected the overall accuracy of cFFR; however, both affected the sensitivity and specificity. Conclusions—The overall accuracy of cFFR is greater than instantaneous wave–free ratio and distal pressure/aortic pressure and not significantly affected by contrast volume and osmolality. However, contrast volume and osmolality do affect the sensitivity and specificity of cFFR

    Extreme Electron-Phonon Coupling in Boron-based Layered Superconductors

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    The phonon-mode decomposition of the electron-phonon coupling in the MgB2-like system Li_{1-x}BC is explored using first principles calculations. It is found that the high temperature superconductivity of such systems results from extremely strong coupling to only ~2% of the phonon modes. Novel characteristics of E_2g branches include (1) ``mode lambda'' values of 25 and greater compared to a mean of 0.4\sim 0.4 for other modes, (2) a precipitous Kohn anomaly, and (3) E_2g phonon linewidths within a factor of ~2 of the frequency itself, indicating impending breakdown of linear electron-phonon theory. This behavior in borne out by recent inelastic x-ray scattering studies of MgB2 by Shukla et al.Comment: 4 two-column pages, 4 figures. Equations simplified. Figure 4 changed. Comparison with new data include

    Optical cavities as amplitude filters for squeezed fields

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    We explore the use of Fabry-P\'erot cavities as high-pass filters for squeezed light, and show that they can increase the sensitivity of interferometric gravitational-wave detectors without the need for long (kilometer scale) filter cavities. We derive the parameters for the filters, and analyze the performance of several possible cavity configurations in the context of a future gravitational-wave interferometer with squeezed light (vacuum) injected into the output port.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Strongly focused light beams interacting with single atoms in free space

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    We construct 3-D solutions of Maxwell's equations that describe Gaussian light beams focused by a strong lens. We investigate the interaction of such beams with single atoms in free space and the interplay between angular and quantum properties of the scattered radiation. We compare the exact results with those obtained with paraxial light beams and from a standard input-output formalism. We put our results in the context of quantum information processing with single atoms.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Transition Spectra for a BCS Superconductor with Multiple Gaps: Model Calculations for MgB_2

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    We analyze the qualitative features in the transition spectra of a model superconductor with multiple energy gaps, using a simple extension of the Mattis-Bardeen expression for probes with case I and case II coherence factors. At temperature T = 0, the far infrared absorption edge is, as expected, determined by the smallest gap. However, the large thermal background may mask this edge at finite temperatures and instead the secondary absorption edges found at Delta_i+Delta_j may become most prominent. At finite T, if certain interband matrix elements are large, there may also be absorption peaks at the gap difference frequencies | Delta_i-Delta_j | . We discuss the effect of sample quality on the measured spectra and the possible relation of these predictions to the recent infrared absorption measurement on MgB_2

    QCD strings with spinning quarks

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    We construct a consistent action for a massive spinning quark on the end of a QCD string that leads to pure Thomas precession of the quark's spin. The string action is modified by the addition of Grassmann degrees of freedom to the string such that the equations of motion for the quark spin follow from boundary conditions, just as do those for the quark's position.Comment: REVTeX4, 10 pages, no figure

    The Primordial Gravitational Wave Background in String Cosmology

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    We find the spectrum P(w)dw of the gravitational wave background produced in the early universe in string theory. We work in the framework of String Driven Cosmology, whose scale factors are computed with the low-energy effective string equations as well as selfconsistent solutions of General Relativity with a gas of strings as source. The scale factor evolution is described by an early string driven inflationary stage with an instantaneous transition to a radiation dominated stage and successive matter dominated stage. This is an expanding string cosmology always running on positive proper cosmic time. A careful treatment of the scale factor evolution and involved transitions is made. A full prediction on the power spectrum of gravitational waves without any free-parameters is given. We study and show explicitly the effect of the dilaton field, characteristic to this kind of cosmologies. We compute the spectrum for the same evolution description with three differents approachs. Some features of gravitational wave spectra, as peaks and asymptotic behaviours, are found direct consequences of the dilaton involved and not only of the scale factor evolution. A comparative analysis of different treatments, solutions and compatibility with observational bounds or detection perspectives is made.Comment: LaTeX, 50 pages with 2 figures. Uses epsfig and psfra

    Chemical telemetry of OH observed to measure interstellar magnetic fields

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    We present models for the chemistry in gas moving towards the ionization front of an HII region. When it is far from the ionization front, the gas is highly depleted of elements more massive than helium. However, as it approaches the ionization front, ices are destroyed and species formed on the grain surfaces are injected into the gas phase. Photodissociation removes gas phase molecular species as the gas flows towards the ionization front. We identify models for which the OH column densities are comparable to those measured in observations undertaken to study the magnetic fields in star forming regions and give results for the column densities of other species that should be abundant if the observed OH arises through a combination of the liberation of H2O from surfaces and photodissociation. They include CH3OH, H2CO, and H2S. Observations of these other species may help establish the nature of the OH spatial distribution in the clouds, which is important for the interpretation of the magnetic field results.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, accepted by Astrophysics and Space Scienc