4 research outputs found

    Weighting of NMME temperature and precipitation forecasts across Europe

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    Multi-model ensemble forecasts are obtained by weighting multiple General Circulation Model (GCMs) outputs to heighten forecast skill and reduce uncertainties. The North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME) project facilitates the development of such multi-model forecasting schemes by providing publicly-available hindcasts and forecasts online. Here, temperature and precipitation forecasts are enhanced by leveraging the strengths of eight NMME GCMs (CCSM3, CCSM4, CanCM3, CanCM4, CFSv2, GEOS5, GFDL2.1, and FLORb01) across all forecast months and lead times, for four broad climatic European regions: Temperate, Mediterranean, Humid-Continental and Subarctic-Polar. We compare five different approaches to multi-model weighting based on the equally weighted eight single-model ensembles (EW-8), Bayesian updating (BU) of the eight single-model ensembles (BU-8), BU of the 94 model members (BU-94), BU of the principal components of the eight single-model ensembles (BU-PCA-8) and BU of the principal components of the 94 model members (BU-PCA-94). We assess the forecasting skill of these five multi-models and evaluate their ability to predict some of the costliest historical droughts and floods in recent decades. Results indicate that the simplest approach based on EW-8 preserves model skill, but has considerable biases. The BU and BU-PCA approaches reduce the unconditional biases and negative skill in the forecasts considerably, but they can also sometimes diminish the positive skill in the original forecasts. The BU-PCA models tend to produce lower conditional biases than the BU models and have more homogeneous skill than the other multi-models, but with some loss of skill. The use of 94 NMME model members does not present significant benefits over the use of the 8 single model ensembles. These findings may provide valuable insights for the development of skillful, operational multi-model forecasting systems

    Evaluation of the skill of North-American multi-model ensemble (NMME) global climate models in predicting average and extreme precipitation and temperature over the continental USA

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    This paper examines the forecasting skill of eight Global Climate Models (GCMs) from the North-American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME) project (CCSM3, CCSM4, CanCM3, CanCM4, GFDL2.1, FLORb01, GEOS5, and CFSv2) over seven major regions of the continental United States. The skill of the monthly forecasts is quantified using the mean square error skill score. This score is decomposed to assess the accuracy of the forecast in the absence of biases (potential skill) and in the presence of conditional (slope reliability) and unconditional (standardized mean error) biases. We summarize the forecasting skill of each model according to the initialization month of the forecast and lead time, and test the models’ ability to predict extended periods of extreme climate conducive to eight ‘billion-dollar’ historical flood and drought events. Results indicate that the most skillful predictions occur at the shortest lead times and decline rapidly thereafter. Spatially, potential skill varies little, while actual model skill scores exhibit strong spatial and seasonal patterns primarily due to the unconditional biases in the models. The conditional biases vary little by model, lead time, month, or region. Overall, we find that the skill of the ensemble mean is equal to or greater than that of any of the individual models. At the seasonal scale, the drought events are better forecasted than the flood events, and are predicted equally well in terms of high temperature and low precipitation. Overall, our findings provide a systematic diagnosis of the strengths and weaknesses of the eight models over a wide range of temporal and spatial scales

    A dynamical statistical framework for seasonal streamflow forecasting in an agricultural watershed

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    The state of Iowa in the US Midwest is regularly affected by major floods and has seen a notable increase in agricultural land cover over the twentieth century. We present a novel statistical-dynamical approach for probabilistic seasonal streamflow forecasting using land cover and General Circulation Model (GCM) precipitation forecasts. Low to high flows are modelled and forecast for the Raccoon River at Van Meter, a 8900 km2 catchment located in central-western Iowa. Statistical model fits for each streamflow quantile (from seasonal minimum to maximum; predictands) are based on observed basin-averaged total seasonal precipitation, annual row crop (corn and soybean) production acreage, and observed precipitation from the month preceding each season (to characterize antecedent wetness conditions) (predictors). Model fits improve when including agricultural land cover and antecedent precipitation as predictors, as opposed to just precipitation. Using the dynamically-updated relationship between predictand and predictors every year, forecasts are computed from 1 to 10 months ahead of every season based on annual row crop acreage from the previous year (persistence forecast) and the monthly precipitation forecasts from eight GCMs of the North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME). The skill of our forecast streamflow is assessed in deterministic and probabilistic terms for all initialization months, flow quantiles, and seasons. Overall, the system produces relatively skillful streamflow forecasts from low to high flows, but the skill does not decrease uniformly with initialization time, suggesting that improvements can be gained by using different predictors for specific seasons and flow quantiles

    Improved ENSO forecasting using Bayesian updating and the North American Multi Model Ensemble (NMME)

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    This study assesses the forecast skill of eight North American Multi Model Ensemble (NMME) models in predicting Niño3/3.4 indices and improves their skill using Bayesian updating (BU). The forecast skill that is obtained using the ensemble mean of NMME (NMME-EM) shows strong dependence on lead (initial) month and target month, and is quite promising in terms of correlation, root mean square error (RMSE), the standard deviation ratio (SDRatio) and probabilistic Brier Skill Score, especially at short lead months. However, the skill decreases in target months from late spring to summer due to the “Spring Predictability Barrier.” When BU is applied to eight NMME models (BU-Model), the forecasts tend to outperform NMME-EM in predicting Niño3/3.4 in terms of correlation, RMSE, and SDRatio. For Niño3.4, the BU-Model outperforms NMME- EM forecasts for almost all leads (1-12; particularly for short leads) and target months (from January to December). However, for Niño3, the BU-Model does not outperform NMME-EM forecasts for leads 7-11 and target months from June to October in terms of correlation and RMSE. Last, we test further potential improvements by preselecting “good” models (BU-Model-0.3) and by using principal components analysis to remove the multicollinearity among models, but these additional methodologies do not outperform the BU-Model, which produces the best forecasts of Niño3/3.4 for the 2015/2016 El Niño event