1,271 research outputs found

    ToF-SIMS depth profiling analysis of the uptake of Ba2+ and Co2+ ions by natural kaolinite clay

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    The sorption behavior of Ba2+ and Co2+ ions on a natural clay sample rich in kaolinite was studied using time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS). Depth profiling at 10-Å steps was performed up to a 70-Å matrix depth of the clay prior to and following sorption. The results showed that Co2+ is sorbed in slightly larger quantities than Ba2+, with significant numbers of ions fixed on the outermost surface of the clay. Depletion of the ions K+, Mg 2+, and Ca2+ from the clay lattice was observed to accompany enrichment with Co2+ and Ba2+ ions. The data obtained using X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) indicated insignificant structural and morphological changes in the lattice of the clay upon sorption of both Ba2+ and Co2+ ions. Analysis using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) showed that the average atomic percentage (±S.D.) of Ba and Co on kaolinite surface were 0.49±0.11 and 0.61±0.19, respectively, indicating a limited uptake capacity of natural kaolinite for both ions

    Excitation of EMIC waves detected by the Van Allen Probes on 28 April 2013

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    Abstract We report the wave observations, associated plasma measurements, and linear theory testing of electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) wave events observed by the Van Allen Probes on 28 April 2013. The wave events are detected in their generation regions as three individual events in two consecutive orbits of Van Allen Probe-A, while the other spacecraft, B, does not detect any significant EMIC wave activity during this period. Three overlapping H+ populations are observed around the plasmapause when the waves are excited. The difference between the observational EMIC wave growth parameter (Eh) and the theoretical EMIC instability parameter (Sh) is significantly raised, on average, to 0.10 ± 0.01, 0.15 ± 0.02, and 0.07 ± 0.02 during the three wave events, respectively. On Van Allen Probe-B, this difference never exceeds 0. Compared to linear theory (Eh\u3eSh), the waves are only excited for elevated thresholds

    Perceptions of veterinarians in bovine practice and producers with beef cow-calf operations enrolled in the US voluntary bovine Johne's disease control program concerning economic losses associated with Johne's disease

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    This study compares the perceptions of producers and veterinarians on the economicimpacts of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) infection in cow-calfherds. Questionnaires were mailed to beef producers through the Designated Johne’sCoordinators and to veterinarians belonging to a nationwide professional organization.Important components of losses associated with MAP infected cows were used to estimatetotal loss per infected cow-year using an iterative approach based on collected survey data.Veterinarians were more likely to perceive a lower calving percentage in MAP infectedcows compared to producers (P = 0.02). Income lost due to the presence of Johne’s disease(JD) in an infected cattle herd was perceived to be higher by veterinarians (P < 0.01). Com-pared to veterinarians without JD certification, seedstock producers were more likely toperceive genetic losses due to culling cows positive for MAP (P < 0.01). There were mixedopinions regarding the magnitude of lowered weaning weight in calves from infected cowsand perceived differences in risk of other diseases or conditions in infected cows. An annualloss of 235(95235 (95% CR: 89–457)foreachinfectedanimalwasestimatedbasedoninfor−mationfromtheproducersurvey.Theanalogousestimateusinginformationinputsfromveterinarianswas457) for each infected animal was estimated based on infor-mation from the producer survey. The analogous estimate using information inputs fromveterinarians was 250 (82–82–486). Mean annual loss due to JD in a 100 cow herd with a7% true prevalence was 1644(1644 (625–3250)basedoninformationprovidedbyproducers.Similarly,meanannuallossbasedoninformationcollectedfromveterinarianswas3250) based on information provided by producers.Similarly, mean annual loss based on information collected from veterinarians was 1747(575–575–3375).Program for the Study of Johne’s Disease in Texas and by a cooperative agreement with USDA-APHIS-VS.http://ww w.elsevier.com/locate/prevetmedhb2014ab201

    Comparison of calf weaning weight and associated economic variables between beef cows with and without serum antibodies against or isolation from feces of Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis 

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    OBJECTIVE—To compare calf weaning weight and associated economic variables for beef cows with serum antibodies against Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis (MAP) or from which MAP was isolated from feces with those for cows that were seronegative for antibodies against or culture negative for MAP. DESIGN—Retrospective study. ANIMALS—4,842 beef cows from 3 herds enrolled in the USDA National Johne’s Disease Demonstration Herd Project. PROCEDURES—Individual cow ELISA and culture results were obtained from the project database. During each parity evaluated for each cow, the 205-day adjusted weaning weight (AWW) of its calf was calculated. The AWW was compared between test-positive and testnegative cows by use of multilevel mixed-effect models. The median value for feeder calves from 2007 to 2011 was used to estimate the economic losses associated with MAP test– positive cows. RESULTS—The AWW of calves from cows with strongly positive ELISA results was 21.48 kg (47.26 lb) less than that of calves from cows with negative ELISA results. The AWW of calves from cows classified as heavy or moderate MAP shedders was 58.51 kg (128.72 lb) and 40.81 kg (89.78 lb) less, respectively, than that of calves from MAP culture–negative cows. Associated economic losses were estimated as 57.49/calfforcowswithstronglypositiveELISAresultsand57.49/calf for cows with strongly positive ELISA results and 156.60/calf and $109.23/calf for cows classified as heavy and moderate MAP shedders, respectively. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE—Calves from cows with MAP-positive test results had significantly lower AWWs than did calves from cows with MAP-negative test results, which translated into economic losses for MAP-infected beef herds. (J Am Vet Med Assoc 2013;243:1609–1615)http://avmajournals.avma.org/loi/javmaam2014ab201

    The c2d Spitzer Spectroscopic Survey Of Ices Around Low-Mass Young Stellar Objects. I. H2O And The 5-8 Mu M Bands

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    To study the physical and chemical evolution of ices in solar-mass systems, a spectral survey is conducted of a sample of 41 low-luminosity YSOs (L similar to 0.1-10 L-circle dot) using 3-38 mu m Spitzer and ground-based spectra. The sample is complemented with previously published Spitzer spectra of background stars and with ISO spectra of well-studied massive YSOs (L similar to 10(5) L-circle dot). The long-known 6.0 and 6.85 mu m bands are detected toward all sources, with the Class 0-type YSOs showing the deepest bands ever observed. The 6.0 mu m band is often deeper than expected from the bending mode of pure solid H2O. The additional 5-7 mu m absorption consists of five independent components, which, by comparison to laboratory studies, must be from at least eight different carriers. Much of this absorption is due to simple species likely formed by grain surface chemistry, at abundances of 1%-30% for CH3OH, 3%-8% for NH3, 1%-5% for HCOOH, similar to 6% for H2CO, and similar to 0.3% for HCOO- relative to solid H2O. The 6.85 mu m band has one or two carriers, of which one may be less volatile than H2O. Its carrier(s) formed early in the molecular cloud evolution and do not survive in the diffuse ISM. If an NH4+- containing salt is the carrier, its abundance relative to solid H2O is similar to 7%, demonstrating the efficiency of low-temperature acid-base chemistry or cosmic-ray-induced reactions. Possible origins are discussed for enigmatic, very broad absorption between 5 and 8 mu m. Finally, the same ices are observed toward massive and low-mass YSOs, indicating that processing by internal UV radiation fields is a minor factor in their early chemical evolution.NWO SpinozaNOVAEuropean Research Training Network PLANETS HPRN-CT-2002-00308NASA Origins NAG5-13050NASA Hubble Fellowship 01201.01NASA NAS 5-26555Astronom

    The Spitzer c2d Survey of Weak-line T Tauri Stars II: New Constraints on the Timescale for Planet Building

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    One of the central goals of the Spitzer Legacy Project ``From Molecular Cores to Planet-forming Disks'' (c2d) is to determine the frequency of remnant circumstellar disks around weak-line T Tauri stars (wTTs) and to study the properties and evolutionary status of these disks. Here we present a census of disks for a sample of over 230 spectroscopically identified wTTs located in the c2d IRAC (3.6, 4.5, 4.8, and 8.0 um) and MIPS (24 um) maps of the Ophiuchus, Lupus, and Perseus Molecular Clouds. We find that ~20% of the wTTs in a magnitude limited subsample have noticeable IR-excesses at IRAC wavelengths indicating the presence of a circumstellar disk. The disk frequencies we find in these 3 regions are ~3-6 times larger than that recently found for a sample of 83 relatively isolated wTTs located, for the most part, outside the highest extinction regions covered by the c2d IRAC and MIPS maps. The disk fractions we find are more consistent with those obtained in recent Spitzer studies of wTTs in young clusters such as IC 348 and Tr 37. From their location in the H-R diagram, we find that, in our sample, the wTTs with excesses are among the younger part of the age distribution. Still, up to ~50% of the apparently youngest stars in the sample show no evidence of IR excess, suggesting that the circumstellar disks of a sizable fraction of pre-main-sequence stars dissipate in a timescale of ~1 Myr. We also find that none of the stars in our sample apparently older than ~10 Myrs have detectable circumstellar disks at wavelengths < 24 um. Also, we find that the wTTs disks in our sample exhibit a wide range of properties (SED morphology, inner radius, L_DISK/L*, etc) which bridge the gaps observed between the cTTs and the debris disk regimes.Comment: 54 pages, 13 figures, Accepted by Ap

    The Impossibility of a Perfectly Competitive Labor Market

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    Using the institutional theory of transaction cost, I demonstrate that the assumptions of the competitive labor market model are internally contradictory and lead to the conclusion that on purely theoretical grounds a perfectly competitive labor market is a logical impossibility. By extension, the familiar diagram of wage determination by supply and demand is also a logical impossibility and the neoclassical labor demand curve is not a well-defined construct. The reason is that the perfectly competitive market model presumes zero transaction cost and with zero transaction cost all labor is hired as independent contractors, implying multi-person firms, the employment relationship, and labor market disappear. With positive transaction cost, on the other hand, employment contracts are incomplete and the labor supply curve to the firm is upward sloping, again causing the labor demand curve to be ill-defined. As a result, theory suggests that wage rates are always and everywhere an amalgam of an administered and bargained price. Working Paper 06-0

    Taking the Measure of the Universe: Precision Astrometry with SIM PlanetQuest

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    Precision astrometry at microarcsecond accuracy has application to a wide range of astrophysical problems. This paper is a study of the science questions that can be addressed using an instrument that delivers parallaxes at about 4 microarcsec on targets as faint as V = 20, differential accuracy of 0.6 microarcsec on bright targets, and with flexible scheduling. The science topics are drawn primarily from the Team Key Projects, selected in 2000, for the Space Interferometry Mission PlanetQuest (SIM PlanetQuest). We use the capabilities of this mission to illustrate the importance of the next level of astrometric precision in modern astrophysics. SIM PlanetQuest is currently in the detailed design phase, having completed all of the enabling technologies needed for the flight instrument in 2005. It will be the first space-based long baseline Michelson interferometer designed for precision astrometry. SIM will contribute strongly to many astronomical fields including stellar and galactic astrophysics, planetary systems around nearby stars, and the study of quasar and AGN nuclei. SIM will search for planets with masses as small as an Earth orbiting in the `habitable zone' around the nearest stars using differential astrometry, and could discover many dozen if Earth-like planets are common. It will be the most capable instrument for detecting planets around young stars, thereby providing insights into how planetary systems are born and how they evolve with time. SIM will observe significant numbers of very high- and low-mass stars, providing stellar masses to 1%, the accuracy needed to challenge physical models. Using precision proper motion measurements, SIM will probe the galactic mass distribution and the formation and evolution of the Galactic halo. (abridged)Comment: 54 pages, 28 figures, uses emulateapj. Submitted to PAS

    Ernst Freund as Precursor of the Rational Study of Corporate Law

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    Gindis, David, Ernst Freund as Precursor of the Rational Study of Corporate Law (October 27, 2017). Journal of Institutional Economics, Forthcoming. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2905547, doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2905547The rise of large business corporations in the late 19th century compelled many American observers to admit that the nature of the corporation had yet to be understood. Published in this context, Ernst Freund's little-known The Legal Nature of Corporations (1897) was an original attempt to come to terms with a new legal and economic reality. But it can also be described, to paraphrase Oliver Wendell Holmes, as the earliest example of the rational study of corporate law. The paper shows that Freund had the intuitions of an institutional economist, and engaged in what today would be called comparative institutional analysis. Remarkably, his argument that the corporate form secures property against insider defection and against outsiders anticipated recent work on entity shielding and capital lock-in, and can be read as an early contribution to what today would be called the theory of the firm.Peer reviewe
