25,713 research outputs found

    Phonon spectral function for an interacting electron-phonon system

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    Using exact diagonalzation techniques, we study a model of interacting electrons and phonons. The spectral width of the phonons is found to be reduced as the Coulomb interaction U is increased. For a system with two modes per site, we find a transfer of coupling strength from the upper to the lower mode. This transfer is reduced as U is increased. These results give a qualitative explanation of differences between Raman and photoemission estimates of the electron-phonon coupling constants for A3C60 (A= K, Rb).Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, 2 eps figur

    On the universality of the scaling of fluctuations in traffic on complex networks

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    We study the scaling of fluctuations with the mean of traffic in complex networks using a model where the arrival and departure of "packets" follow exponential distributions, and the processing capability of nodes is either unlimited or finite. The model presents a wide variety of exponents between 1/2 and 1 for this scaling, revealing their dependence on the few parameters considered, and questioning the existence of universality classes. We also report the experimental scaling of the fluctuations in the Internet for the Abilene backbone network. We found scaling exponents between 0.71 and 0.86 that do not fit with the exponent 1/2 reported in the literature.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Slow polaritons with orbital angular momentum in atomic gases

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    Polariton formalism is applied for studying the propagation of a probe field of light in a cloud of cold atoms influenced by two control laser beams of larger intensity. The laser beams couple resonantly three hyperfine atomic ground states to a common excited state thus forming a tripod configuration of the atomic energy levels involved. The first control beam can have an optical vortex with the intensity of the beam going to zero at the vortex core. The second control beam without a vortex ensures the loseless (adiabatic) propagation of the probe beam at a vortex core of the first control laser. We investigate the storage of the probe pulse into atomic coherences by switching off the control beams, as well as its subsequent retrieval by switching the control beams on. The optical vortex is transferred from the control to the probe fields during the storage or retrieval of the probe field. We analyze conditions for the vortex to be transferred efficiently to the regenerated probe beam and discuss possibilities of experimental implementation of the proposed scheme using atoms like rubidium or sodium.Comment: 4 figure

    Polarisation rotation of slow light with orbital angular momentum in ultracold atomic gases

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    We consider the propagation of slow light with an orbital angular momentum (OAM) in a moving atomic medium. We have derived a general equation of motion and applied it in analysing propagation of slow light with an OAM in a rotating medium, such as a vortex lattice. We have shown that the OAM of slow light manifests itself in a rotation of the polarisation plane of linearly polarised light. To extract a pure rotational phase shift, we suggest to measure a difference in the angle of the polarisation plane rotation by two consecutive light beams with opposite OAM. The differential angle Δα\Delta\alpha_{\ell} is proportional to the rotation frequency of the medium ωrot\omega_{\mathrm{rot}} and the winding number \ell of light, and is inversely proportional to the group velocity of light. For slow light the angle Δα\Delta\alpha_{\ell} should be large enough to be detectable. The effect can be used as a tool for measuring the rotation frequency ωrot\omega_{\mathrm{rot}} of the medium.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Space weather effects on drilling accuracy in the North Sea

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    The oil industry uses geomagnetic field information to aid directional drilling operations when drilling for oil and gas offshore. These operations involve continuous monitoring of the azimuth and inclination of the well path to ensure the target is reached and, for safety reasons, to avoid collisions with existing wells. Although the most accurate method of achieving this is through a gyroscopic survey, this can be time consuming and expensive. An alternative method is a magnetic survey, where measurements while drilling (MWD) are made along the well by magnetometers housed in a tool within the drill string. These MWD magnetic surveys require estimates of the Earth’s magnetic field at the drilling location to correct the downhole magnetometer readings. The most accurate corrections are obtained if all sources of the Earth’s magnetic field are considered. Estimates of the main field generated in the core and the local crustal field can be obtained using mathematical models derived from suitable data sets. In order to quantify the external field, an analysis of UK observatory data from 1983 to 2004 has been carried out. By accounting for the external field, the directional error associated with estimated field values at a mid-latitude oil well (55 N) in the North Sea is shown to be reduced by the order of 20%. This improvement varies with latitude, local time, season and phase of the geomagnetic activity cycle. By accounting for all sources of the field, using a technique called Interpolation In-Field Referencing (IIFR), directional drillers have access to data from a “virtual” magnetic observatory at the drill site. This leads to an error reduction in positional accuracy that is close to matching that of the gyroscopic survey method and provides a valuable independent technique for quality control purposes

    Optimal routing on complex networks

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    We present a novel heuristic algorithm for routing optimization on complex networks. Previously proposed routing optimization algorithms aim at avoiding or reducing link overload. Our algorithm balances traffic on a network by minimizing the maximum node betweenness with as little path lengthening as possible, thus being useful in cases when networks are jamming due to queuing overload. By using the resulting routing table, a network can sustain significantly higher traffic without jamming than in the case of traditional shortest path routing.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Integrated Regulatory and Metabolic Networks of the Marine Diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum Predict the Response to Rising CO2 Levels.

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    Diatoms are eukaryotic microalgae that are responsible for up to 40% of the ocean's primary productivity. How diatoms respond to environmental perturbations such as elevated carbon concentrations in the atmosphere is currently poorly understood. We developed a transcriptional regulatory network based on various transcriptome sequencing expression libraries for different environmental responses to gain insight into the marine diatom's metabolic and regulatory interactions and provide a comprehensive framework of responses to increasing atmospheric carbon levels. This transcriptional regulatory network was integrated with a recently published genome-scale metabolic model of Phaeodactylum tricornutum to explore the connectivity of the regulatory network and shared metabolites. The integrated regulatory and metabolic model revealed highly connected modules within carbon and nitrogen metabolism. P. tricornutum's response to rising carbon levels was analyzed by using the recent genome-scale metabolic model with cross comparison to experimental manipulations of carbon dioxide. IMPORTANCE Using a systems biology approach, we studied the response of the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum to changing atmospheric carbon concentrations on an ocean-wide scale. By integrating an available genome-scale metabolic model and a newly developed transcriptional regulatory network inferred from transcriptome sequencing expression data, we demonstrate that carbon metabolism and nitrogen metabolism are strongly connected and the genes involved are coregulated in this model diatom. These tight regulatory constraints could play a major role during the adaptation of P. tricornutum to increasing carbon levels. The transcriptional regulatory network developed can be further used to study the effects of different environmental perturbations on P. tricornutum's metabolism

    Electronic thermal conductivity at high temperatures: Violation of the Wiedemann-Franz law in narrow band metals

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    We study the electronic part of the thermal conductivity kappa of metals. We present two methods for calculating kappa, a quantum Monte-Carlo (QMC) method and a method where the phonons but not the electrons are treated semiclassically (SC). We compare the two methods for a model of alkali-doped C60, A3C60, and show that they agree well. We then mainly use the SC method, which is simpler and easier to interpret. We perform SC calculations for Nb for large temperatures T and find that kappa increases with T as kappa(T)=a+bT, where a and b are constants, consistent with a saturation of the mean free path, l, and in good agreement with experiment. In contrast, we find that for A3C60, kappa(T) decreases with T for very large T. We discuss the reason for this qualitatively in the limit of large T. We give a quantum-mechanical explanation of the saturation of l for Nb and derive the Wiedemann-Franz law in the limit of T much smaller than W, where W is the band width. In contrast, due to the small W of A3C60, the assumption T much smaller than W can be violated. We show that this leads to kappa(T) \sim T^{-3/2} for very large T and a strong violation of the Wiedemann-Franz law.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    BRST quantization of the massless minimally coupled scalar field in de Sitter space (zero modes, euclideanization and quantization)

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    We consider the massless scalar field on the four-dimensional sphere S4S^4. Its classical action S=12S4dV(ϕ)2S={1\over 2}\int_{S^4} dV (\nabla \phi)^2 is degenerate under the global invariance ϕϕ+constant\phi \to \phi + \hbox{constant}. We then quantize the massless scalar field as a gauge theory by constructing a BRST-invariant quantum action. The corresponding gauge-breaking term is a non-local one of the form SGB=12αV(S4dVϕ)2S^{\rm GB}={1\over {2\alpha V}}\bigl(\int_{S^4} dV \phi \bigr)^2 where α\alpha is a gauge parameter and VV is the volume of S4S^4. It allows us to correctly treat the zero mode problem. The quantum theory is invariant under SO(5), the symmetry group of S4S^4, and the associated two-point functions have no infrared divergence. The well-known infrared divergence which appears by taking the massless limit of the massive scalar field propagator is therefore a gauge artifact. By contrast, the massless scalar field theory on de Sitter space dS4dS^4 - the lorentzian version of S4S^4 - is not invariant under the symmetry group of that spacetime SO(1,4). Here, the infrared divergence is real. Therefore, the massless scalar quantum field theories on S4S^4 and dS4dS^4 cannot be linked by analytic continuation. In this case, because of zero modes, the euclidean approach to quantum field theory does not work. Similar considerations also apply to massive scalar field theories for exceptional values of the mass parameter (corresponding to the discrete series of the de Sitter group).Comment: This paper has been published under the title "Zero modes, euclideanization and quantization" [Phys. Rev. D46, 2553 (1992)

    Miss Caroline / words by Thos. S. Allen

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    Cover: drawing of an African American male singing and playing a five string banjo, while an African American female makes eyes at him; description reads southern serenade song; Publisher: O. E. Story (Boston)https://egrove.olemiss.edu/sharris_c/1064/thumbnail.jp