435 research outputs found

    MeV-mass dark matter and primordial nucleosynthesis

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    The annihilation of new dark matter candidates with masses mXm_X in the MeV range may account for the galactic positrons that are required to explain the 511 keV γ\gamma-ray flux from the galactic bulge. We study the impact of MeV-mass thermal relic particles on the primordial synthesis of 2^2H, 4^4He, and 7^7Li. If the new particles are in thermal equilibrium with neutrinos during the nucleosynthesis epoch they increase the helium mass fraction for m_X\alt 10 MeV and are thus disfavored. If they couple primarily to the electromagnetic plasma they can have the opposite effect of lowering both helium and deuterium. For mX=4m_X=4--10 MeV they can even improve the overall agreement between the predicted and observed 2^2H and 4^4He abundances.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, references and two appendices added, conclusions unchanged; accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.

    Electron Dynamics in Nd1.85_{1.85}Ce.15_{.15}CuO4+δ_{4+\delta}: Evidence for the Pseudogap State and Unconventional c-axis Response

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    Infrared reflectance measurements were made with light polarized along the a- and c-axis of both superconducting and antiferromagnetic phases of electron doped Nd1.85_{1.85}Ce.15_{.15}CuO4+δ_{4+\delta}. The results are compared to characteristic features of the electromagnetic response in hole doped cuprates. Within the CuO2_2 planes the frequency dependent scattering rate, 1/τ(ω)\tau(\omega), is depressed below \sim 650 cm1^{-1}; this behavior is a hallmark of the pseudogap state. While in several hole doped compounds the energy scales associated with the pseudogap and superconducting states are quite close, we are able to show that in Nd1.85_{1.85}Ce.15_{.15}CuO4+δ_{4+\delta} the two scales differ by more than one order of magnitude. Another feature of the in-plane charge response is a peak in the real part of the conductivity, σ1(ω)\sigma_1(\omega), at 50-110 cm1^{-1} which is in sharp contrast with the Drude-like response where σ1(ω)\sigma_1(\omega) is centered at ω=0\omega=0. This latter effect is similar to what is found in disordered hole doped cuprates and is discussed in the context of carrier localization. Examination of the c-axis conductivity gives evidence for an anomalously broad frequency range from which the interlayer superfluid is accumulated. Compelling evidence for the pseudogap state as well as other characteristics of the charge dynamics in Nd1.85_{1.85}Ce.15_{.15}CuO4+δ_{4+\delta} signal global similarities of the cuprate phase diagram with respect to electron and hole doping.Comment: Submitted to PR

    Anthropogenic Space Weather

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    Anthropogenic effects on the space environment started in the late 19th century and reached their peak in the 1960s when high-altitude nuclear explosions were carried out by the USA and the Soviet Union. These explosions created artificial radiation belts near Earth that resulted in major damages to several satellites. Another, unexpected impact of the high-altitude nuclear tests was the electromagnetic pulse (EMP) that can have devastating effects over a large geographic area (as large as the continental United States). Other anthropogenic impacts on the space environment include chemical release ex- periments, high-frequency wave heating of the ionosphere and the interaction of VLF waves with the radiation belts. This paper reviews the fundamental physical process behind these phenomena and discusses the observations of their impacts.Comment: 71 pages, 35 figure

    Topological Defects in an Open Universe

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    (To appear in Nuclear Physics B Supplements Proceedings section) This talk will explore the evolution of topological defects in an open universe. The rapid expansion of the universe in an open model slows defects and suppresses the generation of CBR fluctuations at large angular scale as does the altered relationship between angle and length in an open universe. Defect models, when normalized to COBE in an open universe, predict a galaxy power spectrum consistent with the galaxy power spectrum inferred from the galaxy surveys and do not require an extreme bias. Neither defect models in a flat universe nor standard inflationary models can fit either the multipole spectrum or the power spectrum inferred from galaxy surveys.Comment: 11 pages and 4 figures, Elsevier Publisher's LaTeX, POP-54

    de Sitter spacetime: effects of metric perturbations on geodesic motion

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    Gravitational perturbations of the de Sitter spacetime are investigated using the Regge--Wheeler formalism. The set of perturbation equations is reduced to a single second order differential equation of the Heun-type for both electric and magnetic multipoles. The solution so obtained is used to study the deviation from an initially radial geodesic due to the perturbation. The spectral properties of the perturbed metric are also analyzed. Finally, gauge- and tetrad-invariant first-order massless perturbations of any spin are explored following the approach of Teukolsky. The existence of closed-form, i.e. Liouvillian, solutions to the radial part of the Teukolsky master equation is discussed.Comment: IOP macros, 10 figure

    Non-Fermi liquid behavior and scaling of low frequency suppression in optical conductivity spectra of CaRuO3_3

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    Optical conductivity spectra σ1(ω)\sigma_1(\omega) of paramagnetic CaRuO3_3 are investigated at various temperatures. At T=10 K, it shows a non-Fermi liquid behavior of σ1(ω)1/ω12\sigma_1(\omega)\sim 1/{\omega}^{\frac 12}, similar to the case of a ferromagnet SrRuO3_3. As the temperature (TT) is increased, on the other hand, σ1(ω)\sigma_1(\omega) in the low frequency region is progressively suppressed, deviating from the 1/{\omega}^{\frac 12%}-dependence. Interestingly, the suppression of σ1(ω)\sigma_1(\omega) is found to scale with ω/T\omega /T at all temperatures. The origin of the % \omega /T scaling behavior coupled with the non-Fermi liquid behavior is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Competition of charge, orbital, and ferromagnetic correlations in layered manganites

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    The competition of charge, orbital, and ferromagnetic interactions in layered manganites is investigated by magneto-Raman scattering spectroscopy. We find that the colossal magnetoresistance effect in the layered compounds results from the interplay of the orbital and ferromagnetic double-exchange correlations. Inelastic scattering by charge-order fluctuations dominates the quasiparticle dynamics in the ferromagnetic-metal state. The scattering is suppressed at low frequencies, consistent with the opening of a charge-density wave pseudogap.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Gravitational Leptogenesis and Neutrino Mass Limit

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    Recently Davoudiasl {\it et al} \cite{steinhardt} have introduced a new type of interaction between the Ricci scalar RR and the baryon current JμJ^{\mu}, μRJμ{\partial_\mu R} J^{\mu} and proposed a mechanism for baryogenesis, the gravitational baryogenesis. Generally, however, μR\partial_{\mu} R vanishes in the radiation dominated era. In this paper we consider a generalized form of their interaction, μf(R)Jμ\partial_{\mu}f(R)J^{\mu} and study again the possibility of gravitational baryo(lepto)genesis. Taking f(R)lnRf(R)\sim \ln R, we will show that μf(R)μR/R\partial_{\mu}f(R)\sim \partial_{\mu} R/R does not vanish and the required baryon number asymmetry can be {\it naturally} generated in the early universe.Comment: 4 page

    Generalized Chaplygin gas model: Cosmological consequences and statefinder diagnosis

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    The generalized Chaplygin gas (GCG) model in spatially flat universe is investigated. The cosmological consequences led by GCG model including the evolution of EoS parameter, deceleration parameter and dimensionless Hubble parameter are calculated. We show that the GCG model behaves as a general quintessence model. The GCG model can also represent the pressureless CDM model at the early time and cosmological constant model at the late time. The dependency of transition from decelerated expansion to accelerated expansion on the parameters of model is investigated. The statefinder parameters rr and ss in this model are derived and the evolutionary trajectories in srs-r plane are plotted. Finally, based on current observational data, we plot the evolutionary trajectories in srs-r and qrq-r planes for best fit values of the parameters of GCG model. It has been shown that although, there are similarities between GCG model and other forms of chaplygin gas in statefinder plane, but the distance of this model from the Λ\LambdaCDM fixed point in srs-r diagram is shorter compare with standard chaplygin gas model.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, accepted in Astrophys Space Sci. (2011

    Analytical approximation of the stress-energy tensor of a quantized scalar field in static spherically symmetric spacetimes

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    Analytical approximations for {} and {} of a quantized scalar field in static spherically symmetric spacetimes are obtained. The field is assumed to be both massive and massless, with an arbitrary coupling ξ\xi to the scalar curvature, and in a zero temperature vacuum state. The expressions for {} and {} are divided into low- and high-frequency parts. The contributions of the high-frequency modes to these quantities are calculated for an arbitrary quantum state. As an example, the low-frequency contributions to {} and {} are calculated in asymptotically flat spacetimes in a quantum state corresponding to the Minkowski vacuum (Boulware quantum state). The limits of the applicability of these approximations are discussed.Comment: revtex4, 17 pages; v2: three references adde