238 research outputs found

    Educación mediante tecnologías para entornos con inteligencias múltiples

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    El enfoque actual sobre Educación Inclusiva, el cual plantea contemplar la diversidad de todos los estudiantes del sistema para poder dar respuestas adecuadas a cada uno desde las propuestas áulicas e institucionales. El proyecto propone implementar el uso de la aplicación tecnológica Kinems como herramienta en la construcción de contextos pedagógicos heterogéneos concebidos para una educación diversa. Este tipo de herramienta sirve para fomentar, mediante el juego y el movimiento, la inclusión del niño/a en el mundo simbólico, así como también promover el desarrollo de habilidades sociales, comunicacionales, funciones ejecutivas, cognitivas, motrices y sensoriales. En una primera etapa, la investigación se focalizará en el trastorno de espectro autista de alto funcionamiento, analizando las posibilidades de transferencia tecnológica a escuelas especiales que trabajen con niños con esta u otras dificultades de aprendizaje. Los niños con TEA, como también otros niños que no padecen este trastorno, presentan una afinidad por las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) y su aplicación es de gran ayuda para fomentar, mediante juegos, la inclusión del niño en el universo simbólico teniendo como punto principal el valor del juego enunciado por Jean Piaget en su Teoría Estructuralista. Se plantea la implementación de Kinems ya que ofrece modalidades naturales de interacción del usuario y parece ser muy beneficioso para la población con el trastorno mencionado en edades tempranas debido a la combinación de actividades físicas con tareas de entrenamiento cognitivo

    Knowledge, attitudes and practices towards COVID-19 among nursing students of the University of Palermo: Results from an online survey

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    Introduction. The aim of the study was to evaluate the knowledge, attitude and practices towards SARS-CoV-2 among nursing students of University of Palermo during the rapid rise period of the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and methods. This is cross-sectional study. A survey was provided to all nursing students and consisted of two parts: demographics and Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) survey. A multivariate linear regression model was used and adjusted Odds Ratios (aOR) are presented. Results. 575 students were interviewed, and their mean age was 22.29 ± 4.2. The overall score indicates good knowledge (p=0.046) and good practices among the four courses of study (p=0.038). Multivariate linear regression showed that Attitude score (b = -0.29; p = 0.024) and Knowledge score (b = 0.10; p = 0.026) adjusted for age, gender, year of study, perceived economic status, perceived health status were significantly associated with Practice score. Conclusion. Our results suggest that proper health education is useful for encouraging optimistic attitudes and maintaining safe practices among future category of nurses

    Interpreting the Time-Resolved Photoluminescence of Quasi-2D Perovskites

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    Optical excitation of quasi-2D perovskites leads to excited-state populations of excitons, free charge carriers, or a mixture of both, depending on the type and amount of 2D spacer used. The fluence dependence of three quantities: 1) the time-resolved photoluminescence decay, 2) the photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY) after pulsed excitation, and 3) the initial rate of photon emission, allow the mixture of excited states present to be determined. These can be described by a simple model considering noninteracting populations of excitons and charge carriers in separate subvolumes of the film. The model reproduces all unique features of the data, such as the anomalous peak of the PLQY at intermediate fluences, due to bimolecular free carrier emission gaining efficiency before exciton–exciton annihilation reduces the exciton emission efficiency. The excited state population varies from 100% excitons in films made from high concentrations of butylamine spacers to ≈7% excitons and 93% free carriers for low concentrations of 1-naphthylmethylamine spacers. The effective rates of free carrier recombination and exciton–exciton annihilation are high, often on the order of 1 × 10−9 cm3 s−1. The implications for the different excited-state populations and their dynamics in terms of device engineering are discussed

    Intermittent or Continuous Therapy of Experimental Meningitis Due to Streptococcus pneumoniae in Rabbits: Preliminary Observations on the Postantibiotic Effect in Vivo

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    The relative effectiveness of bolus vs. constant intravenous administration of equivalent doses of penicillin G in killing bacteria in vivo was studied in a rabbit model of meningitis due to Streptococcus pneumoniae. Samples of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serum were obtained from 30 rabbits at intervals of ⩽8 hr after treatment for determination of antibiotic concentrations and titers of viable bacteria in the CSF. When penicillin G was given by continuous infusion (105 units/hr after an initial l05-unit loading dose), concentrations of drug in serum and CSF reached a steady state in 1 hr. With intermittent bolus administration of 4 × 105 units every 4 hr, higher peak and lower trough concentrations were achieved, and these concentrations paralleled those in the CSF. Although an initial acceleration in bactericidal rate was observed with the bolus infusion between the first and second hour of therapy, after the second hour the rate of bacterial killing was identical for the two methods of administration. The duration of therapy required for sterilization of the CSF was dependent only on the bacterial count before treatment and not on the mode of drug administration. The effect of single bolus intravenous administration of ampicillin was examined in experimental pneumococcal meningitis. Ampicillin was given at various dosages (3.25-62.5 mg/kg), and frequent samples of CSF were obtained for determination of concentrations of pneumococci and ampicillin. A long postantibiotic effect was observed in the CSF of all animals, and this effect consistently was longer than that observed in vitr

    Medial tunica degeneration of the ascending aortic wall is associated with specific microRNA changes in bicuspid aortic valve disease

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    Ascending aortic diameter is not an accurate parameter for surgical indication in patients with bicuspid aortic valve (BAV). Thus, the present study aimed to identify specific microRNAs (miRNAs/miRs) and their expression levels in aortic wall aneurysm associated with BAV according to severity of medial degeneration and to elucidate the association between the tissue expression levels of the miRNAs with their expression in plasma. Aortic wall and blood specimens were obtained from 38 patients: 12 controls and 26 patients with BAV with ascending aortic aneurysm. Of the patients with BAV, 19 had cusp fusions of right and left, 5 of right and non-coronary, and 2 of left and non-coronary. Two groups of patients were identified according to the grade of medial degeneration (MD): Low-grade D group (LGMD) and high-grade MD group (HGMD). Expression level of miR-122, miR-130, miR-718 and miR-486 were validated by reverse transcription-quantitative PCR in plasma and tissue samples. MD grade was found to be independent from the BAV phenotype. The HGD group showed increased expression levels of MMP-9 and MMP-2, and an increase in the number of apoptotic cells. Tissue expression levels of miR-718 and miR-122 were lower in the LGMD and HGD groups compared with expression in the control group; the HGD group showed increased levels of miR-486. Plasma expression levels of miR-122 were decreased in the LGMD and HGD groups, and miR-718 was only reduced in the HGD group. On the contrary, expression of miR-486 was increased in the LGMD and HGD groups. The data suggested that miR-486 may be considered as a non-invasive biomarker of aortic wall degeneration. Dysregulation of this putative biomarker may be associated with high risk of dissection and rupture in patients with BAV

    Continuous wave amplified spontaneous emission in phase-stable lead halide perovskites

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    Sustained stimulated emission under continuous-wave (CW) excitation is a prerequisite for new semiconductor materials being developed for laser gain media. Although hybrid organic-inorganic lead-halide perovskites have attracted much attention as optical gain media, the demonstration of room-temperature CW lasing has still not been realized. Here, we present a critical step towards this goal by demonstrating CW amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) in a phase-stable perovskite at temperatures up to 120 K. The phase-stable perovskite maintains its room-temperature phase while undergoing cryogenic cooling and can potentially support CW lasing also at higher temperatures. We find the threshold level for CW ASE to be 387 W cm-2 at 80 K. These results indicate that easily-fabricated single-phase perovskite thin films can sustain CW stimulated emission, potential at higher temperatures as well, by further optimization of the material quality in order to extend the carrier lifetimes