731 research outputs found

    Political Parties and Political Foundations in Italy. Their Changing Landscape of Structure and Financing

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    This book, published with research funds from the University of Rome La Sapienza, aims at disseminating knowledge about the Italian system of political parties and political foundations among non-Italian scholars, in the light of the recent legislative reforms in this field. Due to their nature as free associations of citizens under art. 49 Cost., political parties are supposed to enjoy a full autonomy in determining their own purposes, internal organisation and financial management. However, the recent regulation on the funding of political parties contains provisions aimed at influencing the contents of party statutes, imposing upon them several organisational obligations. Moreover, some draft laws concerning the internalfunding have been proposed, with the idea of making intra-party democracy not only a prerequisite for obtaining funds, but also for competing in elections. However, many argue that a law should be the least invasive possible, and parties should instead proceed to self-reformation. The stronger the erosion process of party organisations and of political cultures is, the more strongly affirmed will be the personalised models of political organisation, in which even the funding of the organisation’s own public viability is managed autonomously. This is why ever more frequently some political leaders make use of think tanks for fund-raising, by virtue of the broad degree of autonomy that they enjoy

    An experimental study on micro-milling of a medical grade Co-Cr-Mo alloy produced by selective laser melting

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    Cobalt-chromium-molybdenum (Co-Cr-Mo) alloys are very promising materials, in particular, in the biomedical field where their unique properties of biocompatibility and wear resistance can be exploited for surgery applications, prostheses, and many other medical devices. While Additive Manufacturing is a key technology in this field, micro-milling can be used for the creation of micro-scale details on the printed parts, not obtainable with Additive Manufacturing techniques. In particular, there is a lack of scientific research in the field of the fundamental material removal mechanisms involving micro-milling of Co-Cr-Mo alloys. Therefore, this paper presents a micro-milling characterization of Co-Cr-Mo samples produced by Additive Manufacturing with the Selective Laser Melting (SLM) technique. In particular, microchannels with different depths were made in order to evaluate the material behavior, including the chip formation mechanism, in micro-milling. In addition, the resulting surface roughness (Ra and Sa) and hardness were analyzed. Finally, the cutting forces were acquired and analyzed in order to ascertain the minimum uncut chip thickness for the material. The results of the characterization studies can be used as a basis for the identification of a machining window for micro-milling of biomedical grade cobalt-chromium-molybdenum (Co-Cr-Mo) alloys

    The influence of temperature and moisture on the mode I fracture toughness and associated fracture morphology of a highly toughened aerospace CFRP

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    This paper addresses the characterisation of the mode I interlaminar fracture toughness of a carbon fibre/epoxy composite material, toughened with thermoplastic particles in the ply interlayers. The characterisation is undertaken at −55 °C, 19 °C, and 90 °C, on both dry and fully moisture saturated coupons. Fractographic observations of the delamination surfaces allows identification of the failure mechanisms. The mode I propagation fracture toughness tested at wet/90 °C exhibits a 176% increase compared to the dry/19 °C specimens, due to enhanced plastic deformation of the interlayers and more prominent fibre bridging. Moisture-saturated coupons tested at −55 °C suffered a 57% reduction of mode I fracture toughness compared to those under dry/19 °C conditions. This is due to the dis-bond and consequent plucking of the thermoplastic particles from the surrounding matrix. This observation points to the fact that wet/cold conditions may represent the worst-case scenario for the interlaminar fracture performance of composite systems toughened with thermoplastic interleaves

    Intended and unintended effects: community perspectives on a performance-based financing programme in Malawi.

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    Background: Several performance-based financing (PBF) evaluations have been undertaken in low-income countries, yet few have examined community perspectives of care amid PBF programme implementation. We assessed community members' perspectives of Support for Service Delivery Integration - Performance-Based Incentives ('SSDI-PBI'), a PBF intervention in Malawi, and explored some of the unintended effects that emerged amid implementation. Methods: We conducted 30 focus group discussions: 17 with community leaders and 13 with mothers within catchment areas of SSDI-PBI implementing facilities. We analysed data using the framework approach. Results: Community leaders and women had mixed impressions regarding the effect of SSDI-PBI on service delivery in facilities. They highlighted several improvements (including improved dialogue between staff and community, and cleaner, better-equipped facilities with enhanced privacy), but also persisting challenges (including inadequate and overworked staff, overcrowded facilities and long distances to facilities) related to services in SSDI-PBI-implementing facilities. Further, respondents described how four targeted service indicators related to maternal risk factor management, antenatal care (ANC) in the first trimester, skilled birth attendance and couple's HIV testing sparked unintended negative effects as experienced by women and communities. The unintended effects included women returning home for delivery, women feeling uncertain about their pregnancy status, women feeling betrayed or frustrated by the quality of care provided and partnerless women being denied ANC. Conclusion: PBF programmes such as SSDI-PBI may improve some aspects of service delivery. However, to achieve system improvement, not only should necessary tools (such as medicines, equipment and human resources) be in place, but also programme priorities must be congruent with cultural expectations. Finally, facilities must be better supported to expect and then address increases in client load and heightened expectations in relation to services

    Effect Heterogeneity in Responding to Performance-Based Incentives: A Quasi-Experimental Comparison of Impacts on Health Service Indicators Between Hospitals and Health Centers in Malawi.

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    Heterogeneity of effects produced by performance-based incentives (PBIs) at different levels of care provision is not well understood. This study analyzes effect heterogeneities between different facility types resulting from a PBI program in Malawi. Identical PBIs were applied to both district hospitals and health centers to improve the performance of essential health services provision. We conducted two complementary quasi-experiments comparing all 17 interventions with 17 matched independent control facilities (each 12 health centers, five hospitals). A pre- and post-test design with difference-in-differences analysis was used to estimate effects on 14 binary quality indicators; interrupted time series analysis of monthly routine data was used to estimate effects on 11 continuous quantity indicators. Effects were estimated separately for health centers and hospitals. Most quality indicators performed high at baseline, producing ceiling effects on further measurable improvements. Significant positive effects were observed for stocks of iron supplements (hospitals) and partographs (health centers). Four quantity indicators showed similar positive trend improvements across facility types (first-trimester antenatal visits, voluntary HIV-testing of couples, iron supplementation in pregnancy, vitamin A supplementation of children); two showed no change for either type of facility (skilled birth attendance, fully immunized one-year-olds); five indicators revealed different effect patterns for health centers and hospitals. In both health centers and hospitals, the largely positive PBI effects on antenatal care included resilience against interrupted supply chains and improvements in attendance rates. Observed heterogeneity might have been influenced by the availability of specific resources or the redistribution of service use

    Effects of information, education, and communication campaign on a community-based health insurance scheme in Burkina Faso

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    Objective : The study analysed the effect of Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) campaign activities on the adoption of a community-based health insurance (CHI) scheme in Nouna, Burkina Faso. It also identified the factors that enhanced or limited the campaign's effectiveness. Design : Complementary data collection approaches were used. A survey was conducted with 250 randomly selected household heads, followed by in-depth interviews with 22 purposively selected community leaders, group discussions with the project management team, and field observations. Bivariate analysis and multivariate logistic regression models were used to assess the association between household exposure to campaign and acquisition of knowledge as well as household exposure to campaign and enrolment. Results : The IEC campaign had a positive effect on households’ knowledge about the CHI and to a lesser extent on household enrolment in the scheme. The effectiveness of the IEC strategy was mainly influenced by: 1 frequent and consistent IEC messages from multiple media channels (mass and interpersonal channels), including the radio, a mobile information van, and CHI team, and 2 community heads’ participation in the CHI scheme promotion. Education was the only significantly influential socio-demographic determinant of knowledge and enrolment among household heads. The relatively low effects of the IEC campaign on CHI enrolment are indicative of other important IEC mediating factors, which should be taken into account in future CHI campaign evaluation. Conclusion : The study concludes that an IEC campaign is crucial to improving the understanding of the CHI scheme concept, which is an enabler to enrolment, and should be integrated into scheme designs and evaluations
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