10 research outputs found

    PsorĂ­ase e o impacto na sexualidade

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    Psoriasis is a skin disease, not contagious, chronic, serious and considered limiting, resulting prejudice, stigma and social exclusion providing loss in quality of life.Mostly affects self-image of affected people, as well as self-esteem and self-concept.These disease characteristics bring great losses in occupational areas, damaging interpersonal relationships of individuals, which may cause impact on various occupational areas, including sexuality, which translates not only as sex itself, but also as identity, social roles, pleasure, reproduction and other. The aim of this study was to investigate the self-image of individuals with psoriasis and their influence on sexuality. This is a qualitative study of a case study with seven patients in the Reference Center, Support and Treatment ParaĂ­ba State Psoriasis installed in the clinic of the University Hospital LauroWanderley – Universidade Federal da ParaĂ­ba. Data were collected through semi-structured interview, categorized and treated according to the Content Analysis. The results show that psoriasis affects the sexuality of individuals, more significantly in women's fashion, as attribute different meanings to the body, for reasons of aesthetics and beauty.Men also feel affected, but in view of the achievement, caring companionship, and seek to clarify their partners or future partners and their relationships, about the disease. We note here the influence of culture to gender conditions.A PsorĂ­ase Ă© uma doença dermatolĂłgica, nĂŁo contagiosa, crĂŽnica, considerada grave e limitante, acarretando preconceito, estigma e exclusĂŁo social proporcionando prejuĂ­zos na qualidade de vida. Na sua grande maioria, afeta a autoimagem das pessoas acometidas, assim como a autoestima e autoconceito. Estas caracterĂ­sticas da doença trazem grandes prejuĂ­zos nas ĂĄreas ocupacionais, prejudicando as relaçÔes interpessoais dos indivĂ­duos, podendo ocasionar impacto em vĂĄrias ĂĄreas ocupacionais, incluindo a sexualidade, que se traduz nĂŁo sĂł como o sexo em si, mas tambĂ©m como identidade, papĂ©is sociais, prazer, reprodução entre outros. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar sobre a autoimagem dos indivĂ­duos com psorĂ­ase e sua influĂȘncia na sexualidade. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo do tipo estudo de caso, com sete pacientes do Centro de ReferĂȘncia, Apoio e Tratamento em PsorĂ­ase do Estado da ParaĂ­ba instalado no ambulatĂłrio do Hospital UniversitĂĄrio Lauro Wanderley – Universidade Federal da ParaĂ­ba. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista semiestruturada, categorizados e tratados de acordo com a AnĂĄlise de ConteĂșdo. Os resultados encontrados mostram que a psorĂ­ase afeta a sexualidade dos indivĂ­duos, de forma mais significativa nas mulheres, pois atribuem significados diferentes ao corpo, por razĂ”es de estĂ©tica e beleza. Os homens tambĂ©m se sentem afetados, mas na perspectiva da conquista, se importando com o companheirismo, e procuram esclarecer para suas companheiras ou futuras companheiras e em seus relacionamentos, sobre a doença. Observamos aqui a influĂȘncia da cultura Ă s condiçÔes de gĂȘner

    Making a Difference in ICT Research: Feminist Theorization of Sociomateriality and the Diffraction Methodology

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    Part 3: Hybrid Agency and the Performativity of TechnologyInternational audienceOver the last decade, sociomateriality appeared as a theme in IS research that has been interrogated with a variety of theoretical lenses. However, researchers have since raised methodological concerns regarding its application. This paper argues that a research methodology cannot be separated from either the theoretical lens that the research adopts or from its overarching purpose. Considering the broad range of theoretical lenses through which sociomateriality could be examined, this paper focuses on Barad’s theory of agential realism [25]. The paper provides a brief history of agential realism to shed light on the reasons behind IS researchers methodological difficulty and offers a diffraction methodology as a possible methodological guide to IS research adopting this lens. Implication for research is discussed