12 research outputs found

    The Adaptive Gain Integrating Pixel Detector at the European XFEL

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    The Adaptive Gain Integrating Pixel Detector (AGIPD) is an x-ray imager, custom designed for the European x-ray Free-Electron Laser (XFEL). It is a fast, low noise integrating detector, with an adaptive gain amplifier per pixel. This has an equivalent noise of less than 1 keV when detecting single photons and, when switched into another gain state, a dynamic range of more than 104^4 photons of 12 keV. In burst mode the system is able to store 352 images while running at up to 6.5 MHz, which is compatible with the 4.5 MHz frame rate at the European XFEL. The AGIPD system was installed and commissioned in August 2017, and successfully used for the first experiments at the Single Particles, Clusters and Biomolecules (SPB) experimental station at the European XFEL since September 2017. This paper describes the principal components and performance parameters of the system.Comment: revised version after peer revie

    Megapixels @ Megahertz -- The AGIPD High-Speed Cameras for the European XFEL

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    The European XFEL is an extremely brilliant Free Electron Laser Source with a very demanding pulse structure: trains of 2700 X-Ray pulses are repeated at 10 Hz. The pulses inside the train are spaced by 220 ns and each one contains up to 101210^{12} photons of 12.4 keV, while being 100\le 100 fs in length. AGIPD, the Adaptive Gain Integrating Pixel Detector, is a hybrid pixel detector developed by DESY, PSI, and the Universities of Bonn and Hamburg to cope with these properties. It is a fast, low noise integrating detector, with single photon sensitivity (for Eγ6\text{E}_{\gamma} \ge 6 keV) and a large dynamic range, up to 10410^4 photons at 12.4 keV. This is achieved with a charge sensitive amplifier with 3 adaptively selected gains per pixel. 352 images can be recorded at up to 6.5 MHz and stored in the in-pixel analogue memory and read out between pulse trains. The core component of this detector is the AGIPD ASIC, which consists of 64×6464 \times 64 pixels of 200μm×200μm200 {\mu}\text{m} \times 200 {\mu}\text{m}. Control of the ASIC's image acquisition and analogue readout is via a command based interface. FPGA based electronic boards, controlling ASIC operation, image digitisation and 10 GE data transmission interface AGIPD detectors to DAQ and control systems. An AGIPD 1 Mpixel detector has been installed at the SPB experimental station in August 2017, while a second one is currently commissioned for the MID endstation. A larger (4 Mpixel) AGIPD detector and one to employ Hi-Z sensor material to efficiently register photons up to Eγ25\text{E}_{\gamma} \approx 25 keV are currently under construction.Comment: submitted to the proceedings of the ULITIMA 2018 conference, to be published in NIM

    Segmented flow generator for serial crystallography at the European X-ray free electron laser

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    Serial femtosecond crystallography (SFX) with X-ray free electron lasers (XFELs) allows structure determination of membrane proteins and time-resolved crystallography. Common liquid sample delivery continuously jets the protein crystal suspension into the path of the XFEL, wasting a vast amount of sample due to the pulsed nature of all current XFEL sources. The European XFEL (EuXFEL) delivers femtosecond (fs) X-ray pulses in trains spaced 100 ms apart whereas pulses within trains are currently separated by 889 ns. Therefore, continuous sample delivery via fast jets wastes >99% of sample. Here, we introduce a microfluidic device delivering crystal laden droplets segmented with an immiscible oil reducing sample waste and demonstrate droplet injection at the EuXFEL compatible with high pressure liquid delivery of an SFX experiment. While achieving ~60% reduction in sample waste, we determine the structure of the enzyme 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate-8-phosphate synthase from microcrystals delivered in droplets revealing distinct structural features not previously reported

    Vertically Integrated Circuits: Example of an Application to an x-ray Detector

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    Replacing planar circuits with vertically integratedones allows to increment circuit functionalities on a given siliconarea, while avoiding some of the problems associated withaggressively scaled technology nodes. This is particularly true forapplications likely to subject circuits to high doses of ionizingradiation (such of x-ray detectors to be used in synchrotron ringsand Free Electron Lasers), since the degradation mechanisms ofsome of the innovative materials to be used in most recent nodeshave not been fully characterized yet. In this paper, an evolutionis presented for the readout ASIC of a pixelated x-ray detector tobe used for such applications. The readout circuit is distributedin a stack of two vertically interconnected tiers, thus doubling thecircuitry resident in each pixel without increasing the pixel pitch(and thus compromising spatial resolution of the detector). A firstprototype has been designed and manufactured, using acommercial 130nm CMOS technology. Design issues arediscussed, along with preliminary characterization results

    Megapixels @ Megahertz – The AGIPD high-speed cameras for the European XFEL

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    The European XFEL is an extremely brilliant Free Electron Laser Source with a very demanding pulse structure: trains of 2700 X-Ray pulses are repeated at 10 Hz. The pulses inside the train are spaced by 220 ns and each one contains up to 101210^{12} photons of 12.4 keV, while being 100\rm \leq 100 fs in length.AGIPD, the Adaptive Gain Integrating Pixel Detector, is a hybrid pixel detector developed by DESY, PSI, and the Universities of Bonn and Hamburg to cope with these properties. It is a fast, low noise integrating detector, with single photon sensitivity (for Eγ6E_{\gamma} \gtrapprox 6 keV) and a large dynamic range, up to 10410^4 photons at 12.4 keV. This is achieved with a charge sensitive amplifier with 3 adaptively selected gains per pixel. 352 images can be recorded at up to 6.5 MHz and stored in the in-pixel analogue memory and read out between pulse trains. The core component of this detector is the AGIPD ASIC, which consists of 64×6464 \times 64 pixels of 200 µm ×\times 200 µm. Control of the ASIC's image acquisition and analogue readout is via a command based interface. FPGA based electronic boards, controlling ASIC operation, image digitisation and 10 GE data transmission interface AGIPD detectors to DAQ and control systems. An AGIPD 1 Mpixel detector has been installed at the SPB experimental station in August 2017, while a second one is currently commissioned for the MID endstation. A larger (4 Mpixel) AGIPD detector and one to employ Hi-Z sensor material to efficiently register photons up to EγE_{\gamma} \approx 25 keV are currently under construction

    AGIPD, the electronics for a high speed X-rayimager at the Eu-XFEL

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    The AGIPD (Adaptive Gain Integrated Pixel Detector) X-ray imaging camera will operateat the X-ray Free Electron Laser, Eu-XFEL, under construction in Hamburg, Germany.Key parameters are 1Mega 200μm square pixels, single 12.4 keV photon detection anda dynamic range to 10000/pixel/image. The developed sensors, ASICs, PCB-electronicsand FPGA-firmware acquire individual images per bunch at 27000 bunches/s, packed into10 bunch-trains/s with a bunch separation of 220 ns. Bunch-trains are handled by 352analogue storage cells within each pixel of the ASIC and written to written during the0.6msec train delivery. Random addressing provides reusability of each cell after an imagehas been declared as low-quality. Digitization is performed between trains (99.4 msec).The talk will introduce all functional blocks, concentrating on the DAQ-chain PCB-electronics:a dense area of 1024 ADC-channels, each with a pickup-noise filtering and sampling ofup to 50 MS/s/ADC and a serial output of 700 Mbit/s/ADC. FPGAs operate the ASICssynchronized to the bunch structure and collect the bit streams from 64 ADCs/FPGA.Pre-sorted data is transmitted on 10 GbE links out of the camera head using the timebetween trains. The control and monitoring of the camera with 700 A current consumptionis based on a micro-controller and I2C bus with an addressing architecture allowing manydevices and identical modules. The high currents require planned return paths at the systemlevel. First experimental experience of the constructed components will be presented

    The Adaptive Gain Integrating Pixel Detector at the European XFEL

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    The Adaptive Gain Integrating Pixel Detector (AGIPD) is an X-ray imager, custom designed for the European X-ray Free-Electron Laser (XFEL). It is a fast, low-noise integrating detector, with an adaptive gain amplifier per pixel. This has an equivalent noise of less than 1 keV when detecting single photons and, when switched into another gain state, a dynamic range of more than 104^4 photons of 12 keV. In burst mode the system is able to store 352 images while running at up to 6.5 MHz, which is compatible with the 4.5 MHz frame rate at the European XFEL. The AGIPD system was installed and commissioned in August 2017, and successfully used for the first experiments at the Single Particles, Clusters and Biomolecules (SPB) experimental station at the European XFEL since September 2017. This paper describes the principal components and performance parameters of the system

    The Adaptive Gain Integrating Pixel Detector at the European XFEL

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    The Adaptive Gain Integrating Pixel Detector (AGIPD) is an X-ray imager, custom designed for the European X-ray Free-Electron Laser (XFEL). It is a fast, low-noise integrating detector, with an adaptive gain amplifier per pixel. This has an equivalent noise of less than 1keV when detecting single photons and, when switched into another gain state, a dynamic range of more than 10(4)photons of 12keV. In burst mode the system is able to store 352 images while running at up to 6.5MHz, which is compatible with the 4.5MHz frame rate at the European XFEL. The AGIPD system was installed and commissioned in August 2017, and successfully used for the first experiments at the Single Particles, Clusters and Biomolecules (SPB) experimental station at the European XFEL since September 2017. This paper describes the principal components and performance parameters of the system