97 research outputs found

    Instant Controlled Pressure Drop (DIC) Technology in Food Preservation: Fundamental and Industrial Applications

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    Alternative to conventional processes, many innovative techniques have been studied to preserve the nutritional quality and to protect food from deterioration. This chapter represents the principles and the applications of the instant controlled pressure drop (DIC) process in food drying and decontamination. This process is considered as a highly appropriate HTST-type treatment induced by subjecting the material to saturated steam, during a short time, followed by an instant pressure drop leading to auto evaporation of water, product texturing, and cooling. This effect results in improved drying of foods and in killing of the vegetative bacteria and/or spores with no impact on thermosensitive molecules or on the product quality. A wide range of foods and pharmaceutical products were effectively treated by DIC technology at both laboratory and industrial scales


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    The main objective of this study was to intensify the extraction of total phenols from Salvia officinalis L. using instant controlled pressure drop (DIC) as a texturing pre-treatment. The effect of solvent type on Total Phenolic Content (TPC) was also studied. TPC was determined using spectrophotometric Folin-Ciocalteau method and external calibration with Gallic acid. The obtained results showed that water was the most efficient solvent to extract total phenols from Salvia officinalis L. Moreover, texturing and expansion by DIC pretreatment had a great impact on polyphenol yields and revealed greater extraction kinetics. Likewise, drying kinetics of DIC-treated sage was enhanced compared to the raw material. DIC-assisted extraction can be considered as a promising technology to use in the case of the Moroccan Salvia officinalis L. as an important Mediterranean source of natural phenols


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    The current work discusses the use of Instant Controlled Pressure Drop (DIC) as a pretreatment texturing stage intensifying phenolic compound extraction from South Tunisian Punicagranatum L. peels in both cases of conventional and Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE). Response Surface Methodology (RSM) allowed identifying the effects of DIC processing parameters on the yields of Total Phenol Compounds (TPC), Total Flavonoid (TF), Condensed Tannins (CT), and Hydrolysable Tannins (HT), and antioxidant capacities via 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical-scavenging capacity and ß-carotene-linoleic acid as responses. Comparative methods were used to evaluate DIC-textured and Raw samples. The results obtained confirmed that appropriate DIC-texturing improved both kinetic and yield of bioactive compound extraction using ASE from Punicagranatum L. peels. Extraction kinetics was studied through Coupled Washing-Diffusion CWD model. The effective diffusivity was identified and quantified ranged from 0.27 to 8.22 against 0.4710-10 m2s-1 for DIC textured and raw material (RM), respectively. DIC swelling enabled solid vegetal material matrix to expand and be more adapted to mass transfer thus increasing extractability of the phenol compounds. Scanning Electron Microscope SEM showed that DIC generated pores with an average diameter of 50 µm

    Instant Controlled Pressure-Drop DIC as a Strategic Technology for Different Types of Natural Functional Foods

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    The increasing demand for functional foods requires the design, simulation, and further optimization of preservation processes of food with the purpose of keeping as high as possible the functionality of food products. Many studies have shown that the high consumption of fruit and vegetables prevent chronic diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, cancer, among others. Fruits and vegetables are important sources of nutrients, dietary fibers, and phytochemicals. However, after harvest, they are highly perishable because of their high moisture content of almost 3–9 g H2O/g db. Solar and airflow drying processes have been the most popular methods to increase the shelf life of these products. Nevertheless, low organoleptic and nutritional quality, hygiene problems, and long drying periods constitute significant barriers to a more widespread use. “Swell-drying” is a special drying process convective airflow drying (CAD) to the instant controlled pressure-drop (DIC) expansion. This process is well-known as guaranteeing (1) the preservation of functional properties; (2) the organoleptic quality; (3) the effective microbiological/fungi decontamination; and (4) a reduced energy consumption and a lower drying time. DIC treatment is a high temperature/short time (HTST) process that improves both performance of drying process and high-quality functional foods

    The Antimicrobial Activities of The Extracts of Red Fruit (Pandanus conoideus Lam.) Pre-dried by Détente Instantanée Contrôlée (DIC)

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    Red fruit (Pandanus conoideus Lam.) is an indigenous plant from Papua Province, Indonesia. Local communities believed that fruit of P. conoideus Lam. can treat several degenerative diseases such as cancer, arteriosclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and stroke. DIC is a high-steam pressure treatment, is also categorized as a HTST (High Temperature Short Time) process. In this study, the antimicrobial activity of the etanolic and the hexane extract of red fruit pre-treated and untreated by DIC, and the red fruit oil are observed. The red fruit oil and all the ethanolic extract obtained from the red fruit powder pre-treated and untreated by DIC do not show an inhibitory activity toward Escherichia coli and Staphyloccoccus aureus. Also, the hexane extract from DIC pre-treatment does not show an inhibitory activity toward Escherichia coli and Staphyloccoccus aureus, whereas that of the untreated shows an inhibitory activity, but is not as potent as amoxicillin. Keywords: Dètente Instantanée Côntrolée, pre-drying, Red Fruit (Pandanus conoideus), antimicrobia

    Strawberries hybrid drying combining airflow, dic technology and intermittent microwaves

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    [EN] 1-cm strawberry slices were partially airflow-dried at 50 °C, to reach 0.25 g H2O/g db. Optimized DIC treatment was performed at 350 kPa for 10 s. The final drying stage of these DIC-expanded slices was achieved from 0.25 to 0.1 g H2O/g db (dry basis) using intermittent Pulsed Micro-Wave Drying PMWD to prevent from the paradoxical step of coupled conduction heat transfer with deep generation and transfer of vapor. PMWD was defined at constant 100 W for 3.25±0.05 g with constant active time ton maintained at 2 s, and tempering time toff ranged between 2 and 10 s, or with a continuous way. By decreasing both energy consumption and total drying time of DIC-expanded slices using intermittent microwave, the whole cost significantly decreased to be much lower than the conventional MWD drying, with a great increasing of the quality.Amami, E.; Besombes, C.; Kechaou, N.; Allaf, K. (2018). Strawberries hybrid drying combining airflow, dic technology and intermittent microwaves. En IDS 2018. 21st International Drying Symposium Proceedings. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1639-1646. https://doi.org/10.4995/IDS2018.2018.7556OCS1639164

    Optimization of the Drying Method of Red Fruit (Pandanus conoideus Lam) by Detente Instantanee Controlee (DIC)

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    The development of process engineering and the finding of plant-based new medicines are growing very fast. Pandanus conoideus Lam, an indigenous fruit plant in Irian Jaya, the eastern province of Indonesia is one of the well-known herbal plants. "Buah Merah" (Indonesian), meaning red fruit due to the bright red color of the main variety, is well known as a medicinal plant traditionally used as anti-cancer, anti diabetic, anti dislipidemia, anti-oxidant agent, etc., whose effects greatly depend on its total phenol, flavonoids, tocopherols, carotenoids, vitamins content, etc. Good-quality herbal medicine should be a phyto-pharmaceutical product, which requires certain prerequisites to obtain standardized extract or powder form. Good extract quality normally involves a well dried raw material in order to minimize the enzymatic and hydrolytic reactions. In this study, the effect of pre drying by Detente Instantanee Controlee(DIC) method is studied, as it opens up the plant cells' pores, so that the vaporization will be accelerated; and the thermal degradation is reduced. Thirteen operating parameters of DIC have been studied. The results showed that maximum moisture content reduction for a drying time of 180 minutes, of DIC-15 (0.2 MPa steam pressure, 3 cycles of 20 seconds each) was of 94.58%, and of DIC-16 (0.25 MPa, 4 cycles of 15 seconds, each) was 91.24%, which a/so produced 3.21% Catechin Equivalent (CE) and 6.44% Gallic Acid Equivalent (GAE), respectively. They were higher than those obtained from the conventionally-dried (CD) fruits without and after juice extraction which produced 2.61% and 1.13% CE, and 4.58% and 2.57% GAE, respectively. DIC pretreatment was also able to enhance cttocopherol extraction compared to those of CD red fruits (after juice extraction); and the DIC-19 (0.15 MPa, 2 cycles of 15 seconds, each) extract produced 3,2750.5 mg ct-tocopherol /kg extract, although the yield of the CD fruit extract without juice extraction was 6,631.95 mg/kg extract. This research is a collaboration between the fields of Engineering and Pharmacy

    Cytotoxicity Assay of Dètente Instantanée Côntrolée Pre-Dried Pandanus conoideus Lam. Extracts

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    Buah merah (Pandanus conoideus Lam.) mengandung senyawa antioksidan yang tinggi, antara lain betakaroten dan tokoferol, yang dapat menetralkan senyawa radikal bebas penyebab kanker. Buah merah mengandung 46% air sehingga buah merah hanya bisa bertahan 5 hari. Untuk menjaga stabilitasnya, perlu dilakukan pengeringan dengan berbagai metode, misalnya détente instantanée control (DIC) yang merupakan prosedur pengeringan dengan penurunan tekanan yang revolusioner. Metode pengeringan bahan baku dapat mempengaruhi kualitas dan aktivitasnya, misalnya aktivitas antikanker buah merah. Uji sitotoksisitas in-vitro ekstrak buah merah pra-kering DIC pada sel HeLa belum pernah diuji, sehingga penting untuk dipelajari. Buah merah yang diperoleh dari Klamono, Sorong, dataran tinggi di Papua diekstraksi dengan etanol atau heksana yang sebelumnya dikeringkan dengan metode DIC pra-pengeringan atau pengeringan konvensional ditimbang kemudian dilarutkan dalam DMSO. Uji sitotoksisitas dilakukan dengan metode MTT dengan lima jenis konsentrasi ekstrak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan uji sitotoksisitas ekstrak buah merah terhadap sel HeLa menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak buah merah dapat menghambat viabilitas sel. Ekstrak buah merah yang dikeringkan secara konvensional menunjukkan sitotoksisitas yang lebih kuat terhadap sel HeLa daripada ekstrak pra-kering DIC. Sitotoksik ekstrak buah merah terhadap sel HeLa: ekstrak etanol buah merah yang sebelumnya dikeringkan dengan teknik pengeringan konvensional > ekstrak etanol buah merah yang sebelumnya dikeringkan dengan proses DIC pre-drying > ekstrak heksana buah merah yang sebelumnya dikeringkan dengan metode pengeringan konvensional > ekstrak heksana buah merah buah yang sebelumnya dikeringkan dengan proses pra-pengeringan DIC

    The Antioxidant Activities of The Extracts of Red Fruit (Pandanus conoideus Lam.) Pre-dried by Detente Instantanee Controlee (DIC)

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    Red fruit is an indigenous fruit from Irian Jaya, is known contains large amounts of polyphenolic compounds, B-carotene and a-tocopherol wich has antioxidant capacities, and these may prevent oxidative damage of DNA. Detente lnstantanee Contr61ee (DIC) which is a high-steam pressure treatment, is also categorized as a High Temperature Short Time (HTST) process. It increases the material porosity as well as the specific surface area and reduces the diffusion resistance of moisture during the final dehydration step. This research was directed to appraise the antioxidant activity of the ethanol and the hexane extract treated with DIC as a predrying/ texturing method and compare it with the untreated one, evaluate antioxidant activities using in vitro methods of 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and FRAP's radical scavenging. The results were analyzed by one-way ANOVA. From this study, it is indicated that the DIG-assisted extraction had better impact in terms of antioxidant activity compared to extract without DIC pre-drying