7 research outputs found


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    The use of modern innovative technologies in vocational education is an important challenge of today through the prism of technological development. The aim of the article is to analyze the introduction of innovative technologies in vocational education under the conditions of informatization of society, to determine the problems and prospects of this process. The article is written through the prism of using comparative analysis, predictive method, modeling method. The empirical study involved 170 teachers from 28 to 74 years old and the corresponding difference in professional experience from 1 to 35 years. The results demonstrated the effectiveness and prevalence of the use of information technology in professional education. Based on the materials worked out, it was proved that only 2.28% of teachers had never used information technology in their work. The most widespread in the use of appropriate computer technology and software, electronic platforms, and online courses. As a result of the analytical material, the general problems that may arise in their use in professional education are highlighted. First of all, we are talking about the insufficient level of training of teachers, trainers, etc. lack of necessary facilities, lack of means to assess the effectiveness, low salaries of teachers. The conclusions also summarize the importance of addressing continuing education as an innovative educational technology that allows you to take into account the dynamics of digital technology in the training of specialists.A utilização de modernas tecnologias inovadoras na educação profissional é um importante desafio da atualidade sob o prisma do desenvolvimento tecnológico. O objetivo do artigo é analisar a introdução de tecnologias inovadoras na educação profissional nas condições de informatização da sociedade, para determinar os problemas e as perspectivas desse processo. O artigo é escrito através do prisma do uso de análise comparativa, método preditivo, método de modelagem. O estudo empírico envolveu 170 professores de 28 a 74 anos e a correspondente diferença de experiência profissional de 1 a 35 anos. Os resultados demonstraram a efetividade e prevalência do uso da tecnologia da informação na educação profissional. Com base nos materiais elaborados, constatou-se que apenas 2,28% dos professores nunca utilizaram a informática em seu trabalho. O mais difundido no uso de tecnologia e software de informática apropriados, plataformas eletrônicas e cursos online. Como resultado do material analítico, destacam-se os problemas gerais que podem surgir em seu uso na educação profissional. Em primeiro lugar, estamos a falar do nível insuficiente de formação de professores, formadores, etc. falta de instalações necessárias, falta de meios para avaliar a eficácia, baixos salários dos professores. As conclusões também resumem a importância de abordar a educação continuada como uma tecnologia educacional inovadora que permite levar em consideração a dinâmica da tecnologia digital na formação de especialistas

    Manganese(II) Complexes with Schiff Bases Immobilized on Nanosilica as Catalysts of the Reaction of Ozone Decomposition

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    In this article, we submit the description of synthesis and identification of manganese(II) complexes with pyrogenic nanosilica-immobilized (d av = 10 nm; S sp = 290 m2/g) hydroxyaldimine ligands (Mn(L)2/Si): salicilaldiminopropyl (L1); 5-bromosalicilaldiminopropyl (L2); 2-hydroxynaphtaldiminopropyl (L3); 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldiminopropyl (L4); 2-hydroxy-3,5-dichloroacetophenoniminopropyl (L5); and 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldiminopropyl (L6). The ligands and complexes were characterized by UV-VIS and IR spectrometry. Nanocomposites consisting of complexes Mn(L)2/Si showed a high catalytic activity in low-temperature ozone decomposition in the range of concentrations between 2.1 × 10−6 and 8.4 × 10−6 mol/l. The number of catalytic cycles increased for isostructural pseudotetrahedral complexes Mn(L)2/Si (L1–L5) in the following order: Mn(L3)2 >> Mn(L4)2 > Mn(L1)2 > Mn(L2)2 > Mn(L5)2. In the case of pseudooctahedral complexes with L6, the change of coordination polyhedral does not influence the kinetics and stoichiometric parameters of the reaction

    Water Vapor Adsorption by Some Manganese Oxide Forms

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    Manganese oxide forms prepared by different methods differ by their compositions, phase ratios in polyphase samples, and crystallite sizes (XRD and TEM characterization). Among the phases, tunnel-structured β-MnO2 (pyrolusite), α-MnO2 (cryptomelane), ε-MnO2 (akhtenskite), and β-Mn2O3 (bixbyite) have been identified. Water vapor sorption isotherms showed substantial differences in the affinities of water molecules to oxide surfaces of the manganese oxide forms under study. The parameters of the BET equation and pore size distribution curves have been calculated. The manganese oxide forms have mesoporous structures characterized by uniform and non-uniform pore sizes as well as by moderate hydrophilic behavior

    Water vapor adsorption by nanostructured polyphase compositions based on the solid component of welding aerosol

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    The samples of the solid component of welding aerosols (SCWAs) formed in the electric arc plasma in the process of steel welding by electrodes of Ukrainian manufacture (ANO-4, ANO-21, UONI 13/55, and TsL-11,) differed in their chemical composition. The samples were characterized by X-ray phase analysis, IR spectroscopy, and water vapor ad/desorption. The results obtained allow suggesting the influence of a phase composition on the structural-adsorption properties of SCWAs