55 research outputs found

    Data Clustering Using Wave Atom

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    Clustering of huge spatial databases is an important issue which tries to track the densely regions in the feature space to be used in data mining, knowledge discovery, or efficient information retrieval. Clustering approach should be efficient and can detect clusters of arbitrary shapes because spatial objects cannot be simply abstracted as isolated points they have different boundary, size, volume, and location. In this paper we use discrete wave atom transformation technique in clustering to achieve more accurate result. By using multi-resolution transformation like wavelet and wave atom we can effectively identify arbitrary shape clusters at different degrees of accuracy. Experimental results on very large data sets show the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed wave atom bases clustering approach compared to other recent clustering methods. Experimental result shows that we get more accurate result and denoised output than others

    Numerical Evaluation of Bond Behavior of Ribbed Steel Bars or Seven-wire Strands Embedded in Lightweight Concrete

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    The bond-slip relationship between concrete and steel is significant in evaluating the nonlinear behavior of reinforced concrete structures. The force transmitted by the bond in reinforced concrete structures was studied numerically in high-strength, lightweight concrete with ribbed reinforcing steel bar or seven-wire strand, using ATENA 3D software. The first part of the study was a validation of the model based on the actual results of standardized pull-out tests using the software. Subsequently, the bond behavior was studied, where a four-point static bending test was modeled based on the real bond-slip relationship of the pull-out test. It was deduced that the ATENA 3D software can simulate the experimental tests and provide meaningful results. In addition, inferred from the numerical modeling, the maximum crack width and the mid-span deflection of the reinforced concrete beam increased when the bond stress between the concrete and the reinforcing steel bars was decreased. When a high amount of reinforcement (two strands) was used, concrete failure occurred before the strands yielded. However, further increase of the bond stress also decreased the maximum crack width and mid-span deflection. The failure occurred due to the increase in the strand yielding point by using one strand as a reinforcement of the beam

    Ownership structure’s effect on financial performance : an empirical analysis of Jordanian listed firms

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    This study aims to examine the impact of the ownership structure on firm performance in the Jordan. This study employed the multiple-regression model and fixed regression effect to analyse the data. The sample included all Jordanian first market firms listed on the Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) from 2012 to 2018. The paper’s findings reveal a positive and significant relationship between institutional ownership and both accounting measure Return on Assets (ROA) and market measure Tobin’s Q (TQ). Other ownership structure types, such as concentration of ownership, also affect ROA and TQ. While managerial ownership shows a negative relationship with ROA, but there is no association with TQ. This study has broad and comprehensive practical implications that are good for policymakers. On the one hand, it adds to the debate on agency theory from the ownership structure and firm’s performance relationship. On the other hand, it helps the Jordanian Government formulate policies and regulations to strengthen corporate governance (CG), which increases the interests of all stakeholders in the Jordanian market

    القدرة التنبؤية للتشوهات المعرفية وقلق الموت في جودة الحياة لدى عينة من كبار السن في فلسطين

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    الأهداف: هدفت الدراسة التعرف إلى القدرة التنبؤية للتشوهات المعرفية وقلق الموت في جودة الحياة لدى عينة من كبار السن في فلسطين. المنهجية: أجريت الدراسة وفقاً للمنهج الوصفي الارتباطي، من خلال تطبيق مقياس التشوهات المعرفية، ومقياس قلق الموت، ومقياس جودة الحياة، على عينة متيسرة ضمت (108) من كبار السن في فلسطين، وحللت البيانات باستخدم برنامج (SPSS, 28)، من خلال المتوسطات الحسابية، ومعامل ارتباط بيرسون، واختبار معامل الانحدار المتعدد التدريجي باستخدام أسلوب الإدخال (Stepwise). ولغايات تحديد مستوى كل من متغيرات الدراسة، حولت المتوسطات إلى ثلاثة مستويات: مرتفع (3.68-5)، ومتوسط (2.34-67.3)، ومنخفض (2.33 فأقل). النتائج: أظهرت النتائج أن مستوى كل من التشوهات المعرفية، وقلق الموت، وجودة الحياة لدى المسنين، جاءت جميعها بمستوى متوسط، وبلغ المتوسط الحسابي للدرجة الكلية للتشوهات المعرفية (2.79)، بينما بلغ المتوسط لقلق الموت (2.91)، في حين بلغ المتوسط لجودة الحياة (3.55). وبينت النتائج وجود أثر دال إحصائيًا لكل من التشوهات المعرفية وقلق الموت في التنبؤ بجودة الحياة، وأن كل من التشوهات المعرفية وقلق الموت قد وضحا معًا (%41.9) من نسبة التباين في جودة الحياة؛ أي أن متغيري: التشوهات المعرفية وقلق الموت، لهما دور مهم وأساس في التنبؤ بجودة الحياة. وأشارت النتائج إلى عدم وجود فروق دالة إحصائيًا في التشوهات المعرفية، أو قلق الموت، أو جودة الحياة باختلاف الجنس للمسن. الخلاصة: توضح النتائج أهمية الأخذ بالاعتبار التعامل مع التشوهات المعرفية وقلق الموت في بناء البرامج الإرشادية لتحسين الشعور بالرضا عن الحياة لدى المسنين

    Surgical resection of giant pleural solitary fibrous tumor: a case report

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    Solitary fibrous tumors of the pleura (SFTP) are uncommon neoplasms. We present the case of a 73-year-old male diagnosed with SFTP, exhibiting two masses measuring 20×18 cm and 9×8 cm in diameter, resulting in a notable cardio mediastinal shift towards the right side. The patient underwent successful surgical resection without experiencing any postoperative complications and was discharged in favorable condition. Although complete resection diminishes the risk of recurrence in both malignant and benign SFTP cases, long-term follow-up is necessary.

    Efficacy of metformin monotherapy in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus patients treated at Prince Mohammed Bin Abdulaziz hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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    Background: Metformin monotherapy is the primary therapeutic approach in most cases of newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) as it is safe, efficient, and is known to lower risks like vascular complications in patients. Previous studies have shown that glycemic control provided by metformin monotherapy is not consistent and needs to be monitored in association with other factors. Due to the complex nature of the disease and other factors like genetic predisposition, ethnicity, and geographic distribution, it is crucial to investigate its effect on the Saudi population. This study aimed to evaluate the glycemic response of metformin monotherapy in individuals with newly diagnosed T2DM who had not previously taken any other medications. Methods: A retrospective study model was followed to determine metformin monotherapy in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes patients. The efficacy of the metformin monotherapy was evaluated in the patients who were drug naive and had undergone treatment for six months. Results: HbA1c levels for our study population (n=136) before and after metformin monotherapy for a period of six months was collected from patient records. The study cohort included both male (n=71) and female (n=67) patients. There was a significant difference in the HbA1c levels of all diabetes patients before (Mean=9.1, SD=2.84) and after (Mean=7.13, SD=1.51) medication; 2-tailed significance p<0.001. Conclusions: Metformin monotherapy was effective in reducing the HbA1c levels across both genders and all age groups in the present study. These results suggest that metformin monotherapy could be the first line of therapy for newly diagnosed T2DM individuals

    Computer vision syndrome among Al-Rayan Medical Colleges students, Madinah, Saudi Arabia

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    Background: Digital devices now become a part of university student’s life, and with prolonged use, they may experience some ocular problems like dryness, headache, eye strain, and pain. These symptoms and others constitute computer vision syndrome (CVS). Our study aimed to assess CVS among Al-Rayan medical college students and to evaluate students’ behaviors related to preventing CVS. Methods: A cross-sectional, questionnaire-based study was performed among the students of Alrayan Medical College from the period from November to December 2022, with a sample size of 270 cases. Data were collected using (CVS-Q) questionnaire. Results: Near half of the participants (53.7%) were suffering from CVS. The most reported symptoms included headache (43.3%), tearing (42.9%), burning (39.3%), and blurred vision (35.1%). The most significant measures applied to minimize the impact of electronic devices were putting the digital device at enough distance (p value=0.001) and adjusting the screen brightness of the digital device (p value=0.004). Conclusions: This study disclosed that CVS is a common problem among medical students. The manifestation of CVS was affected by the frequency and duration of electronic device use

    Analysis of Dehydration and Strength in Elite Badminton Players

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    Background: The negative effects of dehydration on aerobic activities are well established. However, it is unknown how dehydration affects intermittent sports performance. The purpose of this study was to identify the level of dehydration in elite badminton players and its relation to muscle strength and power production. Methodology: Seventy matches from the National Spanish badminton championship were analyzed (46 men?s singles and 24 women?s singles). Before and after each match, jump height and power production were determined during a countermovement jump on a force platform. Participants? body weight and a urine sample were also obtained before and after each match. The amount of liquid that the players drank during the match was also calculated by weighing their individual drinking bottles. Results and Discussion: Sweat rate during the game was 1.1460.46 l/h in men and 1.0260.64 l/h in women. The players rehydrated at a rate of 1.1060.55 l/h and 1.0160.44 l/h in the male and female groups respectively. Thus, the dehydration attained during the game was only 0.3760.50% in men and 0.3260.83% in women. No differences were found in any of the parameters analyzed during the vertical jump (men: from 31.8265.29 to 32.9064.49 W/kg; p.0.05, women: from 26.3664.73 to 27.2564.44 W/kg; p.0.05). Post-exercise urine samples revealed proteinuria (60.9% of cases in men and 66.7% in women), leukocyturia (men = 43.5% and women = 50.0%) and erythrocyturia (men = 50.0% and women = 21.7%). Conclusions: Despite a moderate sweat rate, badminton players adequately hydrated during a game and thus the dehydration attained was low. The badminton match did not cause muscle fatigue but it significantly increased the prevalence of proteinuria, leukocyturia and erythrocyturia