3 research outputs found

    Morphometric and Morphological Analysis of Gullies in Lafia LGA, Nasarawa State, Nigeria

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    This study assessed morphometric of gullies in Nasarawa State Soil erosion is among the most endemic environmental problems of modern times Both primary and secondary sources of data were used for this study As ample of 36 gully sites were carried out in three Local Government Areas representing the study area for this research work Information on gullies morphometric morphology soil particles size and the coordinate of each identified gullies site were taken from the field Instruments such as hand auger global position system GPS photograph Abeny level linen tape ranging poles pegs and measuring tape and field observation methods were also adopted The results generated from the field were subjected to statistical and laboratory analysis The results of the findings revealed that 44 4 of the gullies in the study area are discontinuous gullies 55 6 were continuous gullies while gullies in the study are at their 5 and above development 58 3 of the sampled gullies were at a stable state of development while 41 7 of the gullies were at an unstable state of development It was also revealed that 38 9 of the sampled gullies in the study area were long-narrow gullies while 22 2 were linear shaped gullie

    Microbial Contaminants in Fresh and Extended Turkey Semen and their Sensitivity to Antibiotics

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    Microorganisms that inhabit the avian cloaca usually contaminate poultry semen which could easily spread throughout an entire flock. This study was conducted to determine the presence of microbial contaminants in turkey semen and evaluate their antibiotic sensitivity. Semen was collected from each tom, pooled and then divided into two aliquots A and B. Aliquot A was immediately  evaluated for microbial contaminants and antibiotic sensitivity while aliquot B, was extended and preserved for 24 hours at 40 C and thereafter microbial culture, identification and antibiotic sensitivity were conducted. Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, Bacillus subtilis, Corynebacteria species and a fungal organism Candida albican were isolated and identified in both aliquots. All the identified organisms were sensitive to pefloxacin, gentamicin and ciprofloxacin, while Enterococcus faecalis, Bacillus subtilis and Corynebacteria species were resistant to Ampicillin-cloxacillin, cefuroxime, amoxicillin and ceftriaxone. Escherichia coli was only resistant to co-trimoxazole, ofloxacin and nalidixic acid. The study concludes that, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus foecalis, Bacillus subtilis, Corynebacteria species and Candida albican were found to be turkey semen contaminants and were resistant to penicillin and streptomycin combination in turkey semen extender but sensitive to pefloxacin, gentamicin and ciprofloxacin. Key words: Microbial contaminants, turkey semen, extender, antibiotic sensitivit

    Management of Dystocia Due to Uterine Torsion in a Murah Buffalo Using Schafer’s Technique

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    Uterine torsion is considered an obstetrical emergency and should be corrected as soon as it is diagnosed. It occurs frequentlyin buffaloes as compared to other species of animals, mainly due to their peculiar anatomy and physiology. This case reportdescribes the occurrence of uterine torsion in a pregnant pluriparous buffalo. The buffalo was presented with history of persistentstraining for over 6 hours. The cervix was fully dilated and obstetrical examination revealed dystocia due to a left sided uterinetorsion. Hematological results revealed a normal PCV but with an accompanying macrocytosis. There was also neutrophilia,eosinophilia as well as lymphopenia as well as hypocalcium and hypomagnesemia. The dystocia was corrected using theSchafer’s technique. This involved the placing of the free end of a wooden plank on the left flank while the other free end,having an assistant standing on it rested on the ground. Rolling the buffalo twice with this arrangement corrected the anomaly. Keywords: Buffalo; Dystocia; Obstetrical Emergency; Reproduction; Schafer’s Technique; Uterine Torsio