17 research outputs found

    Изучение зависимости рецепторного статуса от степени злокачественности опухоли у больных раком молочной железы

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    Prognosticul variantei evoluţiei clinice a CGM are o mare însemnătate în elaborarea tacticii de tratament, deoarece în baza factorilor de prognostic se elaborează tactica optimă de tratament. În baza analizei discriminanate a diferitor factori, la 496 de bolnave de CGM stadiul I s-a stabilit setul factorilor decisivi de prognostic ai variantei evoluţiei clinice care este determinat de 3 tipuri de factori: a) factorii care caracterizează parametrii tumorii (tipul de creştere, diametrul tumorii, recidivul în cicatrice); b) factorii care caracterizează particularităţile organismului (patologiile glandei tiroide şi organelor reproductive, hepatopatiile, bronhopatiile, vârsta); c) tipul tratamentului aplicat, inclusiv PCT în cadrul tratamentului complex.Изучение зависимости рецепторного статуса от степени злокачественности опухоли у больных раком молочной желез

    Synthesis of function generating spherical four bar mechanism for the six independent parameters

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    This study deals with the function generation synthesis of spherical four bar mechanism for six independent construction parameters φ0, ψ0, α1, α2, α3, and α4 by giving six or more design points with respect to the methods that are used in synthesis procedure. Quaternion algebra is used to derive the objective function of spherical four bar mechanism by following some rotational sequences. Three different methods as interpolation approximation, least squares approximation and Chebyshev approximation are used during synthesis procedure. During the consecutive trials in Chebyshev approximation, a new approach is taken to renew the design points φi by plotting the graph of the objective functions derivative and taking the roots of it as new design points with two boundary points. Separate examples are given for each section and the results are tabulated. Discussions about the study and comparisons between the used methods are given at the end of the study

    Structural synthesis of parallel manipulators

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    In this paper, structural synthesis and classification of parallel manipulators are considered. Parallel manipulators are classified according to their platform type(s) and connections between them. New and revised methods and formulations for designing variety of parallel manipulators with single and multiple platforms are presented along with examples

    Analytical synthesis of function generating spherical four-bar mechanism for the five precision points

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    This paper presents an analytical method for synthesis of function generating spherical 4R mechanisms for the five precision points. For the design requirements an additional parameter, reference value of output angle, ψ0, was added to angular link length parameters, α i(i = 1, ..., 4). In the dimensional synthesis procedure, a novel approach of polynomial approximation method was proposed to determine these five design parameters. Using this method, a set of five non-linear equations was easily transformed into a set of fifteen linear equations. Hence, the problem was reduced to the solution of a cubic polynomial equation. Moreover, a graphical method in a CAD environment is proposed to verify the solutions. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Structural synthesis of serial platform manipulators

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    In this paper, structural synthesis of serial platform manipulators is considered. Serial platform manipulators are created according to the development of the platforms and closed loops. Also a new structural formula of mobility of parallel Cartesian platform robot manipulators is presented. Structural synthesis of serial platform manipulators with lower and higher kinematic pairs with respect to their structures are also examined. Structural synthesis of parallel Cartesian platform robot manipulators is also introduced. History of structural formulas DOF are presented as a table with equations, authors, years and some commentaries. New and revised methods for structural synthesis of serial platform manipulators and parallel Cartesian platform robot manipulators are illustrated along with examples

    Structural design of parallel manipulators with general constraint one

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    In this paper structural design of parallel manipulators with general constraint one regarding angular and linear-angular conditions are considered. Four known overconstrained mechanisms with angular and two new designs with linear-angular conditions are presented. 14 structural groups and end effector chains in subspace λ = 5 are examined. New formulations and definitions of constructing overconstrained manipulators are described. Using examined structural groups, all architectures of subspace λ = 5 parallel manipulators with revolute joints and single-loop are introduced via structural bonding

    Structural Synthesis of Lower-Class Robot Manipulators with General Constraint One

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    In this research, the structural synthesis of lower-class robot manipulators with general constraint one is investigated. The number of constraints d = 1 and the mobility number λ = 5 for sphere–sphere and sphere–plane combinations of higher kinematic pairs are investigated by using the analytical approach. Structural synthesis of new first- and second-class robot manipulators is investigated by using transformations of higher kinematic pairs to lower kinematic pairs. Therefore, using this approach, we obtain structural groups with general constraint one. Further, kinematic structures and physical models of overconstrained robot manipulators are presented in the research

    Düzlemsel iki serbestlik dereceli mekanizmaların en küçük kareler toplamı yöntemi ile işlev sentezi

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    Bu çalışmada düzlemsel iki serbestlik dereceli beş ve yedi uzuvlu düzlemsel mekanizmalar ile en küçük kareler toplamı yöntemi kullanılarak işlev sentezi uygulanmaktadır. Beş uzuvlu mekanizmalar tek devreli iken yedi mafsallı mekanizmalar iki devre birleştirilerek oluşmaktadır. R döner mafsal, P ise kayar mafsal olmak üzere RPRRR, RRRRR, 2RPR-RRR, RPR-RRR-RRR, 2RRR-RRR, PRRRR, PPRRR, PRR-RRR-RRR, PRR-PRR-RRR mekanizmaları için sentez formülasyonu türetilmiş ve bilgisayar ortamında sayısal model oluşturulmuştur. Sayısal çalışmalardan bir tanesi çalışmada örnek olarak sunulmuştur

    Structural synthesis of Euclidean platform robot manipulators with variable general constraints

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    In this paper, new method for structural synthesis of Euclidean platform robot manipulators with variable general constraints (EPRM) is presented. Three dimensional motion of the base moving platform is generated by the motion of dyads on the Euclidean planes. Each dyad is connected to the moving base platform by universal, spherical or spherical in torus (St) kinematic pairs. This allows solving the structural synthesis of Euclidean robot manipulators with various DoF and different platform motions. New structural formulations with variable general constraints for the platform motion and the mobility of robot manipulators are presented. The new structural classification of simple structural groups with variable general constraints including platforms, hinges, legs and branch loops from different subspaces and space is also introduced. Moreover, new method for structural synthesis of serial, parallel and serial-parallel EPRM is illustrated along with examples. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved