14 research outputs found

    Fire Resistant Geopolymers Based on Several Clays Mixtures

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    This chapter aims to highlight the effect of clay mixture mineral composition and alkali concentration of potassium alkaline solutions on the thermal behavior of geopolymer materials. For this, three mixtures composed of kaolin (pure, impure kaolin or mixture of both), calcium carbonate, sand and potassium feldspar and three potassium alkaline silicate solutions with different concentrations were used (5, 6 and 7 mol.L−1). At first, the effect of rotary calcination parameters at 750°C such as the dwell time (30, 60, 120 and 180 min) and weight powder (100, 400 and 500 g) was investigated. It was demonstrated that the kaolin dehydroxylation is quasi complete (> 90%) and do not significantly depend on the dwell time and powder weight. Whereas the carbonate decomposition degree increases with the increase of dwell time and the decrease of powder weight but still not complete ( 50%) and low wettability values (500 ΌL/g) for the three used alkaline solutions. The thermal behavior at 1000°C depends on the chemical composition of the aluminosilicate source and the concentration of alkaline solution. A conservation of the compressive strength at 43 MPa after thermal treatment at 1000°C of geopolymers based on mixture of pure and impure kaolin and a low potassium concentration solution (5 mol.L−1) was evidenced

    The race against time against erosion: the strategy developed in the MĂ©doc (Gironde, France)

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    Le littoral sableux aquitain est soumis Ă  une Ă©rosion sĂ©vĂšre qui s’accĂ©lĂšre sous l’effet du dĂ©rĂšglement climatique. Ce phĂ©nomĂšne entraĂźne la mise au jour d’anciens niveaux de marais estuariens recelant un exceptionnel patrimoine archĂ©ologique et naturel. Une Ă©quipe interdisciplinaire s’est fixĂ© pour objectif de croiser les donnĂ©es relatives aux occupations humaines et aux grandes phases d’évolution du paysage, afin de restituer l’histoire des trajectoires d’adaptation des sociĂ©tĂ©s aux changements environnementaux, du NĂ©olithique Ă  la fin de l’AntiquitĂ©. Travailler sur l’estran prĂ©sente nĂ©anmoins des contraintes fortes en termes d’accessibilitĂ© au terrain, de temps de travail contraint par les marĂ©es, d’investissement humain et financier, et de cadre administratif. Au fil des annĂ©es, une stratĂ©gie a Ă©tĂ© Ă©laborĂ©e en MĂ©doc, tant en ce qui concerne les mĂ©thodes d’intervention et d’acquisition des donnĂ©es que les partenariats. S’il convient de se fĂ©liciter que les recherches bĂ©nĂ©ficient pour l’instant de conditions satisfaisantes, il n’en reste pas moins qu’il s’agit de solutions locales et temporaires. Pour assurer la conservation par l’étude d’un patrimoine archĂ©ologique littoral vouĂ© Ă  disparaĂźtre, il est urgent de dĂ©velopper un cadre institutionnel et des moyens pĂ©rennes, seuls Ă  mĂȘme de rĂ©pondre aux enjeux scientifiques et patrimoniaux liĂ©s au changement climatique.The sandy coastline of Aquitaine is subject to severe erosion that is accelerating under the effect of climate change. In the MĂ©doc, this phenomenon has led to the discovery of ancient levels of estuarine marshes containing an exceptionally well-preserved archaeological and natural heritage, long sealed under the dune mass and in an anaerobic environment that preserves the organic remains. These characteristics make this region an ideal laboratory for studying the relationships between societies and their environment. An interdisciplinary team has therefore set itself the goal of cross-referencing data on human occupations and the major phases of landscape evolution, in order to reconstruct the history of societies' adaptation to environmental changes, from the Neolithic to the end of Antiquity.Working on the foreshore nevertheless presents strong constraints. The legibility of the soil and the accessibility of the remains is uncertain, depending on the movement of the sandbanks and the baĂŻnes. Winter is the best time to work because the beach is cleared of sand. The periods of high tides must be favored in order to have a maximum of working time. The presence of various types of remains, especially eco-facts, requires significant resources in terms of analysis and conservation. Finally, the management of the operation schedule may not be adapted to the needs.Faced with these constraints, over the years a strategy has been developed in the MĂ©doc, both in terms of intervention and data acquisition methods and partnerships. Regular monitoring through surveys and the elaboration of an archaeological map using GIS allows us to prioritize excavations according to the degree of vulnerability of the remains. The excavation mainly concerns the wooden structures which are surveyed using photogrammetry, dismantled in several phases, and then restored in the form of 3D models. Geoarchaeological investigations and paleoenvironmental analyses are carried out at the same time as the archaeological operations.The success of the research project owes everything to the institutional and administrative framework that was gradually put in place. We first benefited from several collaborative projects within the Laboratoire d'Excellence Sciences ArchĂ©ologiques de Bordeaux, which were then relayed by the Ministry of Culture, then by the CommunautĂ© de Communes MĂ©doc-Atlantique and finally by the RĂ©gion Nouvelle-Aquitaine, through the current ESTRAN project.While it is to be welcomed that research is benefiting for the moment from satisfactory conditions, it is nonetheless a question of local and temporary solutions. To ensure the conservation through study of a coastal archaeological heritage doomed to disappear, it is urgent to develop an institutional framework and permanent funding, the only ones able to respond to the scientific and heritage issues related to climate change

    The race against time against erosion: the strategy developed in the MĂ©doc (Gironde, France)

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    Le littoral sableux aquitain est soumis Ă  une Ă©rosion sĂ©vĂšre qui s’accĂ©lĂšre sous l’effet du dĂ©rĂšglement climatique. Ce phĂ©nomĂšne entraĂźne la mise au jour d’anciens niveaux de marais estuariens recelant un exceptionnel patrimoine archĂ©ologique et naturel. Une Ă©quipe interdisciplinaire s’est fixĂ© pour objectif de croiser les donnĂ©es relatives aux occupations humaines et aux grandes phases d’évolution du paysage, afin de restituer l’histoire des trajectoires d’adaptation des sociĂ©tĂ©s aux changements environnementaux, du NĂ©olithique Ă  la fin de l’AntiquitĂ©. Travailler sur l’estran prĂ©sente nĂ©anmoins des contraintes fortes en termes d’accessibilitĂ© au terrain, de temps de travail contraint par les marĂ©es, d’investissement humain et financier, et de cadre administratif. Au fil des annĂ©es, une stratĂ©gie a Ă©tĂ© Ă©laborĂ©e en MĂ©doc, tant en ce qui concerne les mĂ©thodes d’intervention et d’acquisition des donnĂ©es que les partenariats. S’il convient de se fĂ©liciter que les recherches bĂ©nĂ©ficient pour l’instant de conditions satisfaisantes, il n’en reste pas moins qu’il s’agit de solutions locales et temporaires. Pour assurer la conservation par l’étude d’un patrimoine archĂ©ologique littoral vouĂ© Ă  disparaĂźtre, il est urgent de dĂ©velopper un cadre institutionnel et des moyens pĂ©rennes, seuls Ă  mĂȘme de rĂ©pondre aux enjeux scientifiques et patrimoniaux liĂ©s au changement climatique.The sandy coastline of Aquitaine is subject to severe erosion that is accelerating under the effect of climate change. In the MĂ©doc, this phenomenon has led to the discovery of ancient levels of estuarine marshes containing an exceptionally well-preserved archaeological and natural heritage, long sealed under the dune mass and in an anaerobic environment that preserves the organic remains. These characteristics make this region an ideal laboratory for studying the relationships between societies and their environment. An interdisciplinary team has therefore set itself the goal of cross-referencing data on human occupations and the major phases of landscape evolution, in order to reconstruct the history of societies' adaptation to environmental changes, from the Neolithic to the end of Antiquity.Working on the foreshore nevertheless presents strong constraints. The legibility of the soil and the accessibility of the remains is uncertain, depending on the movement of the sandbanks and the baĂŻnes. Winter is the best time to work because the beach is cleared of sand. The periods of high tides must be favored in order to have a maximum of working time. The presence of various types of remains, especially eco-facts, requires significant resources in terms of analysis and conservation. Finally, the management of the operation schedule may not be adapted to the needs.Faced with these constraints, over the years a strategy has been developed in the MĂ©doc, both in terms of intervention and data acquisition methods and partnerships. Regular monitoring through surveys and the elaboration of an archaeological map using GIS allows us to prioritize excavations according to the degree of vulnerability of the remains. The excavation mainly concerns the wooden structures which are surveyed using photogrammetry, dismantled in several phases, and then restored in the form of 3D models. Geoarchaeological investigations and paleoenvironmental analyses are carried out at the same time as the archaeological operations.The success of the research project owes everything to the institutional and administrative framework that was gradually put in place. We first benefited from several collaborative projects within the Laboratoire d'Excellence Sciences ArchĂ©ologiques de Bordeaux, which were then relayed by the Ministry of Culture, then by the CommunautĂ© de Communes MĂ©doc-Atlantique and finally by the RĂ©gion Nouvelle-Aquitaine, through the current ESTRAN project.While it is to be welcomed that research is benefiting for the moment from satisfactory conditions, it is nonetheless a question of local and temporary solutions. To ensure the conservation through study of a coastal archaeological heritage doomed to disappear, it is urgent to develop an institutional framework and permanent funding, the only ones able to respond to the scientific and heritage issues related to climate change

    La course contre la montre face Ă  l’érosion : la stratĂ©gie dĂ©veloppĂ©e en MĂ©doc (Gironde, France)

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    International audienceThe sandy coastline of Aquitaine is subject to severe erosion that is accelerating under the effect of climate change. In the MĂ©doc, this phenomenon has led to the discovery of ancient levels of estuarine marshes containing an exceptionally well-preserved archaeological and natural heritage, long sealed under the dune mass and in an anaerobic environment that preserves the organic remains. These characteristics make this region an ideal laboratory for studying the relationships between societies and their environment. An interdisciplinary team has therefore set itself the goal of cross-referencing data on human occupations and the major phases of landscape evolution, in order to reconstruct the history of societies' adaptation to environmental changes, from the Neolithic to the end of Antiquity.Working on the foreshore nevertheless presents strong constraints. The legibility of the soil and the accessibility of the remains is uncertain, depending on the movement of the sandbanks and the baĂŻnes. Winter is the best time to work because the beach is cleared of sand. The periods of high tides must be favored in order to have a maximum of working time. The presence of various types of remains, especially eco-facts, requires significant resources in terms of analysis and conservation. Finally, the management of the operation schedule may not be adapted to the needs.Faced with these constraints, over the years a strategy has been developed in the MĂ©doc, both in terms of intervention and data acquisition methods and partnerships. Regular monitoring through surveys and the elaboration of an archaeological map using GIS allows us to prioritize excavations according to the degree of vulnerability of the remains. The excavation mainly concerns the wooden structures which are surveyed using photogrammetry, dismantled in several phases, and then restored in the form of 3D models. Geoarchaeological investigations and paleoenvironmental analyses are carried out at the same time as the archaeological operations.The success of the research project owes everything to the institutional and administrative framework that was gradually put in place. We first benefited from several collaborative projects within the Laboratoire d'Excellence Sciences ArchĂ©ologiques de Bordeaux, which were then relayed by the Ministry of Culture, then by the CommunautĂ© de Communes MĂ©doc-Atlantique and finally by the RĂ©gion Nouvelle-Aquitaine, through the current ESTRAN project.While it is to be welcomed that research is benefiting for the moment from satisfactory conditions, it is nonetheless a question of local and temporary solutions. To ensure the conservation through study of a coastal archaeological heritage doomed to disappear, it is urgent to develop an institutional framework and permanent funding, the only ones able to respond to the scientific and heritage issues related to climate change.Le littoral sableux aquitain est soumis Ă  une Ă©rosion sĂ©vĂšre qui s’accĂ©lĂšre sous l’effet du dĂ©rĂšglement climatique. Ce phĂ©nomĂšne entraĂźne la mise au jour d’anciens niveaux de marais estuariens recelant un exceptionnel patrimoine archĂ©ologique et naturel. Une Ă©quipe interdisciplinaire s’est fixĂ© pour objectif de croiser les donnĂ©es relatives aux occupations humaines et aux grandes phases d’évolution du paysage, afin de restituer l’histoire des trajectoires d’adaptation des sociĂ©tĂ©s aux changements environnementaux, du NĂ©olithique Ă  la fin de l’AntiquitĂ©. Travailler sur l’estran prĂ©sente nĂ©anmoins des contraintes fortes en termes d’accessibilitĂ© au terrain, de temps de travail contraint par les marĂ©es, d’investissement humain et financier, et de cadre administratif. Au fil des annĂ©es, une stratĂ©gie a Ă©tĂ© Ă©laborĂ©e en MĂ©doc, tant en ce qui concerne les mĂ©thodes d’intervention et d’acquisition des donnĂ©es que les partenariats. S’il convient de se fĂ©liciter que les recherches bĂ©nĂ©ficient pour l’instant de conditions satisfaisantes, il n’en reste pas moins qu’il s’agit de solutions locales et temporaires. Pour assurer la conservation par l’étude d’un patrimoine archĂ©ologique littoral vouĂ© Ă  disparaĂźtre, il est urgent de dĂ©velopper un cadre institutionnel et des moyens pĂ©rennes, seuls Ă  mĂȘme de rĂ©pondre aux enjeux scientifiques et patrimoniaux liĂ©s au changement climatique