26 research outputs found

    Risk of imported malaria infections in Zanzibar: a cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Zanzibar has made substantial progress in malaria control with vector control, improved diagnosis, and artemisinin-based combination therapy. Parasite prevalence in the population has remained around 1% but imported infections from mainland Tanzania contribute to sustained local transmission. Understanding travel patterns between mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar, and the risk of malaria infection, may help to control malaria importation to Zanzibar. METHODS: A rolling cross-sectional survey linked to routine reactive case detection of malaria was carried out in Zanzibar between May 2017 and October 2018. Households of patients diagnosed with malaria at health facilities were surveyed and household members were tested for malaria using rapid diagnostic tests and a sub-sample by quantitative PCR (qPCR). Interviews elicited a detailed travel history of all household members who had travelled within the past two months, including trips within and outside of Zanzibar. We estimated the association of malaria infection with travel destinations in pre-defined malaria endemicity categories, trip duration, and other co-variates using logistic regression. RESULTS: Of 17,891 survey participants, 1177 (7%) reported a recent trip, of which 769 (65%) visited mainland Tanzania. Among travellers to mainland Tanzania with travel destination details and a qPCR result available, 241/378 (64%) reported traveling to districts with a 'high' malaria endemicity and for 12% the highest endemicity category was 'moderate'. Travelers to the mainland were more likely to be infected with malaria parasites (29%, 108/378) than those traveling within Zanzibar (8%, 16/206) or to other countries (6%, 2/17). Among travellers to mainland Tanzania, those visiting highly endemic districts had a higher odds of being qPCR-positive than those who travelled only to districts where malaria-endemicity was classified as low or very low (adjusted odd ratio = 7.0, 95% confidence interval: 1.9-25.5). Among travellers to the mainland, 110/378 (29%) never or only sometimes used a mosquito net during their travel. CONCLUSIONS: Strategies to reduce malaria importation to Zanzibar may benefit from identifying population groups traveling to highly endemic areas in mainland Tanzania. Targeted interventions to prevent and clear infections in these groups may be more feasible than attempting to screen and treat all travellers upon arrival in Zanzibar

    Epidemiology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis lineages and strain clustering within urban and peri-urban settings in Ethiopia

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    Background Previous work has shown differential predominance of certain Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tb) lineages and sub-lineages among different human populations in diverse geographic regions of Ethiopia. Nevertheless, how strain diversity is evolving under the ongoing rapid socio-economic and environmental changes is poorly understood. The present study investigated factors associated with M. tb lineage predominance and rate of strain clustering within urban and peri-urban settings in Ethiopia. Methods Pulmonary Tuberculosis (PTB) and Cervical tuberculous lymphadenitis (TBLN) patients who visited selected health facilities were recruited in the years of 2016 and 2017. A total of 258 M. tb isolates identified from 163 sputa and 95 fine-needle aspirates (FNA) were characterized by spoligotyping and compared with international M.tb spoligotyping patterns registered at the SITVIT2 databases. The molecular data were linked with clinical and demographic data of the patients for further statistical analysis. Results From a total of 258 M. tb isolates, 84 distinct spoligotype patterns that included 58 known Shared International Type (SIT) patterns and 26 new or orphan patterns were identified. The majority of strains belonged to two major M. tb lineages, L3 (35.7%) and L4 (61.6%). The observed high percentage of isolates with shared patterns (n = 200/258) suggested a substantial rate of overall clustering (77.5%). After adjusting for the effect of geographical variations, clustering rate was significantly lower among individuals co-infected with HIV and other concomitant chronic disease. Compared to L4, the adjusted odds ratio and 95% confidence interval (AOR; 95% CI) indicated that infections with L3 M. tb strains were more likely to be associated with TBLN [3.47 (1.45, 8.29)] and TB-HIV co-infection [2.84 (1.61, 5.55)]. Conclusion Despite the observed difference in strain diversity and geographical distribution of M. tb lineages, compared to earlier studies in Ethiopia, the overall rate of strain clustering suggests higher transmission and warrant more detailed investigations into the molecular epidemiology of TB and related factors

    Network analysis of dairy cattle movement and associations with bovine tuberculosis spread and control in emerging dairy belts of Ethiopia

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    Background: Dairy cattle movement could be a major risk factor for the spread of bovine tuberculosis (BTB) in emerging dairy belts of Ethiopia. Dairy cattle may be moved between farms over long distances, and hence understanding the route and frequency of the movements is essential to establish the pattern of spread of BTB between farms, which could ultimately help to inform policy makers to design cost effective control strategies. The objective of this study was, therefore, to investigate the network structure of dairy cattle movement and its influence on the transmission and prevalence of BTB in three emerging areas among the Ethiopian dairy belts, namely the cities of Hawassa, Gondar and Mekelle. Methods: A questionnaire survey was conducted in 278 farms to collect data on the pattern of dairy cattle movement for the last 5 years (September 2013 to August 2018). Visualization of the network structure and analysis of the relationship between the network patterns and the prevalence of BTB in these regions were made using social network analysis. Results: The cattle movement network structure display both scale free and small world properties implying local clustering with fewer farms being highly connected, at higher risk of infection, with the potential to act as super spreaders of BTB if infected. Farms having a history of cattle movements onto the herds were more likely to be affected by BTB (OR: 2.2) compared to farms not having a link history. Euclidean distance between farms and the batch size of animals moved on were positively correlated with prevalence of BTB. On the other hand, farms having one or more outgoing cattle showed a decrease on the likelihood of BTB infection (OR = 0.57) compared to farms which maintained their cattle. Conclusion: This study showed that the patterns of cattle movement and size of animal moved between farms contributed to the potential for BTB transmission. The few farms with the bulk of transmission potential could be efficiently targeted by control measures aimed at reducing the spread of BTB. The network structure described can also provide the starting point to build and estimate dynamic transmission models for BTB, and other infectious disease

    Prevalence of bovine tuberculosis and its associated risk factors in the emerging dairy belts of regional cities in Ethiopia

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    Bovine tuberculosis (BTB) has become an economically important disease in dairy herds found in and around Addis Ababa City and is emerging in regional cities like Gondar, Hawassa and Mekelle because of the establishment of dairy farms in the milk sheds of these cities. A cross-sectional study to estimate the prevalence of BTB and identify associated risk factors was conducted between February 2016 and March 2017. A total of 174 herds comprising of 2,754 dairy cattle in the cities of Gondar, Hawassa and Mekelle were tested using the Single Intradermal Comparative Cervical Tuberculin (SICCT) test. Data on herd structure, animal origin, body condition, housing condition, farm hygiene, management and biosecurity practices were collected using a pre-tested structured questionnaire. Generalized Linear Models (GLM) and Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLMM) were used to analyze the herd and animal level risk factors, respectively. The herd prevalence was 22.4% (95% CI: 17–29%) while the animal prevalence was 5.2% (95% CI: 4–6%) at the cut-off >4 mm. The herd prevalence rose to 65.5% (95% CI: 58–72%) and the animal prevalence rose to 9% (95% CI: 8–10%) when the severe interpretation of >2 mm cut-off was applied. The mean within-herd prevalence in positive farms at the cut-off >4 mm was 22.7% (95% CI: 15–31%). At the herd level, the analysis showed that herd size, farm hygiene, feeding condition and biosecurity were significantly associated with BTB status, while new cattle introductions showed only borderline significance and that age of farm, housing condition, farmers’ educational status and animal health care practice were not significant. At the animal level, the results showed that age and animal origin were identified as significant predictors for BTB positivity but sex and body condition score were not related to BTB status. Descriptive analysis revealed that herds having ‘BTB history’ showed slightly higher likelihood of being BTB positive compared to farms having no previous BTB exposure. In conclusion, this study showed relatively lower average prevalence in the emerging dairy regions as compared to the prevalence observed in and around Addis Ababa City, warranting for implementation of control program at this stage to reduce or possibly stop further transmission of BTB

    Steganografi Berbasis Citra Digital Untuk Menyembunyikan Data Menggunakan Metode Least Significant Bit (Lsb)

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    Kerahasiaan data merupakan hal yang sangat sangat penting dalam suatu organisasi maupun untuk pribadi. Apalagi kalau data tersebut berada dalam suatu sistem komputer, jaringan komputer bahkan dalam jaringan internet.kebutuhan akan keamanan dan kerahasiaan menjadi kebutuhan pokok saat ini. Karena maraknya pembajakan data maupun pencurian data. Steganografi bisa menjadi solusi dalam menjaga kerahasiaan data dan keamanan dari data yang dimiliki. Data yang ada akan disembunyikan sehingga tidak semua orang bisa melihat dan menggunakannya. Dengan metode Least Significant Bit, Steganografi bisa dilakukan dengan menyisipkan data kedalam gambar yang diinginkan. Proses yang terjadi adalah bit-bit data akan disisipkan ke dalam bit citra digital sehingga bit data akan berada di dalam bit wadah citra digital tersebut untuk disembunyikan. Dengan adanya steganografi dan metode Least Significant Bit data bisa disembunyikan kemuian diambil kembali untuk bisa dibaca oleh pemilik data

    Nawādir al-UĆŸĆ«l des al-កakÄ«m at-Tirmiតī

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    Die Dissertation beschĂ€ftigt sich mit dem populĂ€ren mystischen Haditkommentar Nawādir al-uÈƫl von al-កakÄ«m at-Tirmiតī. Eine Sichtung des Handschriftenbestandes zeigt, daß die weitverbreitete Fassung des Werkes, die auch in gedruckter Form vorliegt, deutliche Spuren einer spĂ€teren Überarbeitung aufweist. FĂŒr Tirmidhi typische GedankengĂ€nge, die spĂ€ter als hĂ€retisch oder anstĂ¶ĂŸig empfunden wurden, sind in dieser Version nicht enthalten. Die Dissertation enthĂ€lt eine kritische Edition des arabischen Textes des 42. AÈl des Werkes und eine kommentierte Übersetzung von 20 ausgewĂ€hlten Kapiteln, die den Charakter der Hadithkommentierung bei Tirmiតī illustriert. Es folgt ein Index der direkten GewĂ€hrsmĂ€nner Tirmiតīs, eine Zusammenstellung sĂ€mtlicher kommentierter HaupthadÍÝe sowie eine Übersicht ĂŒber die Tradition mystischer HaddÍÝkommentare

    Implementasi Data Mining untuk Menentukan Trend Penjualan Cetakan Sablon pada Fatih Clothing di Bandar Lampung

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    Data mining terbukti menjadi salah satu alat penting untuk mengidentifikasi informasi yang berguna dari sejumlah besar basis data di hampir semua industri,  Fatih Clothings Bandar Lampung adalah salah  Perusahaan percetakan yang ada di bandar Lampung sebagai objek dalam penelitian ini. Saat ini, Perusahaan memperoleh keunggulan kompetitif dengan mengumpulkan data masa lalu dan menggunakannya untuk perkiraan masa depan. Taksiran masa depan biasanya didasarkan pada data dan informasi masa lalu. Metode yang  peneliti gunakan pada Penelitian ini adalah algoritma apriori dimana digunakan untuk menjelaskan konsep data mining yang telah muncul sebagai teknik menemukan pola asosiasi untuk membuat strategi dan keputusan yang lebih baik.penelitian ini menghasilkan penerapan Algoritma Apriori pada teknik Data Mining sangat efisien dan dapat mempercepat proses pembentukan pola kombinasi itemset hasil transaksi Trend Penjualan Cetakan Sablon dan Prediksi Cetakan yaitu dengan support dan confidence tertinggi adalah Kaos , Topi , Jersey Futsal

    Metode Extreme Programming dalam Membangun Aplikasi Kos-kosan di Kota Bandar Lampung Berbasis Web

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    Teknologi saat ini sangatlah terus berkembang dalam membantu mendapatkan informasi serta pengetahuan. Dalam memanfaatkan teknologi pengguna dapat lebih mudah, aman , dan efektif dalam menggunakkan teknologi. Serta untuk mahasiswa membantu dalam mendapatkan informasi kost yang sesuai keinginan. Dengan kebutuhan rumah kost sangat penting bagi mahasiswa, karena mahasiswa dalam melakukan study membuntuhkan waktu yang cukup lama. Dan dalam hal ini membuat masalah mahasiswa dalam mencari informasi rumah kost dan informasi letak kost yang sesuai dengan keinginan. Sistem yang akan dikembangkan ini adalah memuat informasi dalam pencarian rumah kost yang sesuai keinginan mahasiswa, agar tidak merasa bingung dalam memilih rumah kost. Karena mahasiswa dapat mencari informasi secara online.dalam pengembangan sistem pencarian rumah kost ini menggunakan metode Extreme Programing (XP) yang memiliki tahap-tahap dalam menyelesaikan program yaitu dengan planning atau perencanaan, desain, coding, dan yang terakhir testing. Keberhasilan dalam sistem ini adalah dapat berjalan dengan baik serta dapat membantu mahasiswa dalam mendapatkan informasi rumah kost yang terdapat dalam halaman website (web). Serta memudahkan dalam mendatkan informasi letak rumah kost sesuai dengan keinginan