53 research outputs found

    Enrichment and characterization of a bacteria consortium capable of heterotrophic nitrification and aerobic denitrification at low temperature

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    Nitrogen removal in wastewater treatment plants is usually severely inhibited under cold temperature. The present study proposes bioaugmentation using psychrotolerant heterotrophic nitrification-aerobic denitrification consortium to enhance nitrogen removal at low temperature. A functional consortium has been successfully enriched by stepped increase in DO concentration. Using this consortium, the specific removal rates of ammonia and nitrate at 10 degrees C reached as high as 3.1 mg N/(g SS h) and 9.6 mg N/ (g SS h), respectively. PCR-DGGE and clone library analysis both indicated a significant reduction in bacterial diversity during enrichment. Phylogenetic analysis based on nearly full-length 16S rRNA genes showed that Alphaproteobacteria. Deltaproteobacteria and particularly Bacteroidetes declined while Gammaproteobacteria (all clustered into Pseudomonas sp.) and Betaproteobacteria (mainly Rhodoferax ferrireducens) became dominant in the enriched consortium. It is likely that Pseudomonas spp. played a major role in nitrification and denitrification, while R. ferrireducens and its relatives utilized nitrate as both electron acceptor and nitrogen source. Crown Copyright (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000312926400021&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=8e1609b174ce4e31116a60747a720701Agricultural EngineeringBiotechnology & Applied MicrobiologyEnergy & FuelsSCI(E)EIPubMed31ARTICLE151-15712

    Rapid Assessment of Intertidal Wetland Sediments

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    Urbanization of coastal areas poses a severe threat to ecologically valuable intertidal wetlands. This paper presents a pragmatic approach called Rapid Assessment for Intertidal Wetland Sediments (RAITWS) for evaluating the sediment quality of intertidal wetlands. RAITWS involves construction of reference groups, selection of a subset of environmental variables, matching of test sites to reference groups, prediction of the benthic fauna community structure (e. g. of macroinvertebrates) at test sites, evaluation of the Observation to Expectation ratio (O/E ratio), quantification of environmental variables with series of dynamic numerical models, and interpretation of the O/E findings. The proposed method extends the existing rapid biological assessment approach from static to dynamic applications. In particular, RAITWS provides a fast method of assessing intertidal wetland sites which are undergoing ecological change due to nearby coastal development.Environmental SciencesSCI(E)EI0ARTICLE5574-5852

    On the Applicability of Temperature and Precipitation Data from CMIP3 for China

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    Global Circulation Models (GCMs) contributed to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) and are widely used in global change research. This paper assesses the performance of the AR4 GCMs in simulating precipitation and temperature in China from 1960 to 1999 by comparison with observed data, using system bias (B), root-mean-square error (RMSE), Pearson correlation coefficient (R) and Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency (E) metrics. Probability density functions (PDFs) are also fitted to the outputs of each model. It is shown that the performance of each GCM varies to different degrees across China. Based on the skill score derived from the four metrics, it is suggested that GCM 15 (ipsl_cm4) and GCM 3 (cccma_cgcm_t63) provide the best representations of temperature and precipitation, respectively, in terms of spatial distribution and trend over 10 years. The results also indicate that users should apply carefully the results of annual precipitation and annual temperature generated by AR4 GCMs in China due to poor performance. At a finer scale, the four metrics are also used to obtain best fit scores for ten river basins covering mainland China. Further research is proposed to improve the simulation accuracy of the AR4 GCMs regarding China

    Erosion-induced CO2 flux of small watersheds

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    Soil erosion not only results in severe ecological damage, but also interferes with soil organic carbon formation and decomposition, influencing the global green-house effect. However, there is controversy as to whether a typical small watershed presumed as the basic unit of sediment yield acts as a CO2 sink or source. This paper proposes a discriminant equation for the direction of CO2 flux in small watersheds, basing on the concept of Sediment Delivery Ratio (SDR). Using this equation, watersheds can be classified as Sink Watersheds, Source Watersheds, or Transition Watersheds, noting that small watersheds can act either as a CO2 sink or as a CO2 source. A mathematical model for calculating the two discriminant coefficients in the equation is set up to analyze the conditions under which each type of watershed would occur. After assigning the model parameter values at three levels (low, medium, and high), and considering 486 scenarios in total, the influences are examined for turnover rate of the carbon pool, erosion rate, deposition rate, cultivation depth and period. The effect of adopting conservation measures like residue return, contour farming, terracing, and conservation tillage is also analyzed. The results show that Sink Watersheds are more likely to result in conditions of high erosion rate, long cultivation period, high deposition rate, fast carbon pool turnover rate, and small depth of cultivation; otherwise, Source Watersheds would possibly occur. The results also indicate that residue return and conservation tillage are beneficial for CO2 sequestration. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Geography, PhysicalGeosciences, MultidisciplinarySCI(E)EI0ARTICLE101-11094-9

    Effects of ultrasound on electrochemical oxidation mechanisms of p-substituted phenols at BDD and PbO2 anodes

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    The effects of low-frequency (40 kHz) ultrasound are investigated with regard to the effectiveness and mechanisms of electrochemical oxidation of p-substituted phenols (p-nitrophenol, p-hydroxybenzaldehyde, phenol, p-cresol, and p-methoxyphenol) at BDD (boron-doped diamond) and PbO2 anodes. Although ultrasound improved the disappearance rates of p-substituted phenols at both the BDD and PbO2 anodes, the degree of enhancement varied according to the type of p-substituted phenol and type of anode under consideration. At the BDD anode, the % Increase values were in the range 73-83% for p-substituted phenol disappearance and in the range 60-70% for COD removal. However, at the PbO2 anode, the corresponding %Increase values were in the range 50-70% for disappearance of p-substituted phenols and only 5-25% for COD removal, much lower values than obtained at the BDD anode. Further investigations on the influence of ultrasound on the electrochemical oxidation mechanisms at BDD and PbO2 anodes revealed that the different increase extent were due to the specialized electrochemical oxidation mechanisms at these two anodes. The hydroxyl radicals were mainly free at the BDD electrodes with a larger reaction zone, but adsorbed at the PbO2 electrodes with a smaller reaction zone. Therefore, the enhancement due to ultrasound was greater at the BDD anode than at the PbO2 anode. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000280422800007&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=8e1609b174ce4e31116a60747a720701ElectrochemistrySCI(E)EI21ARTICLE205569-55755

    Experimental measurement of focused wave group and solitary wave overtopping

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    Prediction of individual wave overtopping events is important in assessing danger to life and property, but data are sparse and hydrodynamic understanding is lacking. Laboratory-scale waves of three distinct types were generated at the Coastal Research Facility to model extreme waves overtopping a trapezoidal embankment. These comprised wave groups of compact form, wave groups embedded in a background wave field, and a solitary wave. The inshore wave propagation was measured and the time variation of overtopping rate estimated. The total volume overtopped was measured directly. The experiments provide well-defined data without uncertainty due to the effect of reflection on the incident wave train. The dependence of overtopping on a range of wave shapes is thus determined and the influence of wave-wave interactions on overtopping assessed. It was found that extreme overtopping may arise from focused waves with deep troughs rather than large crests. Furthermore, overtopping waves can be generated from small wave packets without affecting the applicability of results to cases in which there are surrounding waves. Finally, overtopping from a solitary wave is comparable with overtopping from focused wave groups of the same amplitude. © 2011 Copyright International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research

    A finite volume shock-capturing solver of the fully coupled shallow water-sediment equations

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    This paper describes a numerical solver of well-balanced, 2D depth-averaged shallow water-sediment equations. The equations permit variable variable horizontal fluid density and are designed to model watersediment flow over a mobile bed. A Godunov-type, HLLC finite volume scheme is used to solve the fully coupled system of hyperbolic conservation laws which describe flow hydrodynamics, suspended sediment transport, bedload transport and bed morphological change. Dependent variables are specially selected to handle the presence of the variable density property in the mathematical formulation. The model is verified against analytical and semi-analytical solutions for bedload transport and suspended sediment transport, respectively. The well-balanced property of the equations is verified for a variable-density dam break flow over discontinuous bathymetry. Simulations of an idealised dam-break flow over an erodible bed are in excellent agreement with previously published results ([1]), validating the ability of the model to capture the complex interaction between rapidly varying flow and an erodible bed and validating the eigenstructure of the system of variable-density governing equations. Flow hydrodynamics and final bed topography of a laboratory-based 2D partial dam breach over a mobile bed are satisfactorily reproduced by the numerical model. Comparison of the final bed topographies, computed for two distinct sediment transport methods, highlights the sensitivity of shallow water-sediment models to the choice of closure relationships

    Rapid assessment of sustainability in Mainland China

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    This paper presents an approach for rapid assessment of sustainability for Mainland China based on a multilayer index system. Efficient assessment is conducted with the basic mapping units at county and city levels. After evaluating a comprehensive sustainable development index, SDI, for each unit, five rankings of sustainability are determined, and a zonation map produced. Regional characteristics and differences are interpreted through macro-analysis of the spatial variation in SDI. A sensitivity analysis is performed by which the weights of the sub-indices are altered by +/- 20%, and SDI re-evaluated; the resulting grades remain the same, thus confirming the robustness of the technique. Moreover, the accuracy of the proposed approach is indirectly validated by comparison with assessment results from an alternative systems analysis method. It is found that major conurbations such as Beijing have relatively high levels of sustainability, whereas provinces in central and western China require investment to improve their sustainability. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved