137 research outputs found

    Study of thirty-one economically important traits in twenty silkworm Bombyx mori varieties

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    The aim of this experiment was to study thirty-one economically important traits in twenty silkworm Bombyx mori breeds varieties. These varieties included 31, 1005, 113 (2029), 153 (Xihang-1), 5118 × 10133-3-3, F6 × 101, 1433-15, 1126 (111), 113-K, 1003-4, M2-6-18 (109), M2-6-22 (107), 151 (103 × M-1-1), Xihang 2/3, M-1-1 × 103, 7409, 107-K, 103, T5-M and 101433-1-4. Rearing of young silkworm instars was performed by feeding with chopped leaves and by using paraffin paper as a coverage while to the last instars, entire leaves and branches were administered. Rice straw was used as cocoon frames for spinning in each replication separately. Seven days after the starting of cocoon spinning, obtained cocoons were gathered and sorted on the basis of form, thickness, clarity, etc., into four classes including good, middle, double and low cocoons. The ratio of each cocoon class was calculated for each replication separately. The data obtained for different parameters were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) to determine if the differences found among treatments were significant. Following ANOVA, Tukey’s studentized range test in a complete randomized design was used at p < 0.05. Obtained results showed that among studied varieties, the highest level of percentage of hatchability was observed in 107-K (97.77%), while 1003-4 variety (63.07%) remained at lower level than other varieties. Meanwhile, among studied varieties, the highest level of good cocoon number belonged to Xihang-1 (328.33), and 109 variety (159.67) remained at the lowest level with respect to other varieties (p < 0.05). Also, the highest level of good cocoon weight belonged to 1003-4 (341.83 g) and 7409 variety (194.09 g) remained at the lowest level in comparison to other varieties (p < 0.05). Finally, it is shown that the highest level of cocoon shell percentage belonged to 111 (1126) (23.11%) and 113-k variety (18.10%) remained at the lowest level as compared to other varieties (p < 0.05).Keywords: Silkworm, performance, germplasm, cocoon, fecundity, diseas

    Comparison of Phenotypic Value Changes in Pure Lines of \u3cem\u3eBombyx mori\u3c/em\u3e (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae) During Consecutive Generations Following Initial Selection on Cocoon Weight

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    The experiments reported here were conducted to investigate the effect of selection on three quantitative traits, namely cocoon weight, cocoon shell weight, and cocoon shell percentage, during four generations by rearing six pure breeds of domesticated silkworm, Bombyx mori L. (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae) of Chinese and Japanese origin compared with random unselected groups as controls. All stages of rearing and data recording were performed over four rearing periods, with generations 1–3 during successive spring seasons and generation 4 during the autumn season in year 3. Each pure line contained two groups of selected and random (control) groups. Comparisons included the effect of selection methods, pure line, and generation on the phenotypic values. We found strong main effects of pure line, generation, sex, and group and support for nearly all interactions between these main effects for all three response traits. The results indicated that cocoon weight and cocoon shell weight in the selected group were higher than in the control or nonselected group. Both selected and nonselected groups had the lowest cocoon weight, cocoon shell weight, and cocoon shell percentage in the fourth generation when environmental conditions during the autumn season were less favorable than spring. The cocoon weight and cocoon shell weight averages were higher for nonselected groups in the second and third generations, and for the selected group in the first generation due to the direct effect of selection

    Effetti del timo in polvere e dell’estratto acquoso del timo sul profilo degli acidi grassi nella carne del petto di pollo

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    This experiment was performed to evaluate the effects of thyme (Thymus vulgaris) extract and thyme powder on fatty acid profile of breast meat in broilers. Experimental treatments included aqueous extract of thyme (50 and 100 mg/kg feed) and thyme powder (150 and 250 mg/kg feed) which were used in combination with the basal diet (control). The obtained results revealed the highest percentage of unsaturated fatty acids was related to the higher levels of thyme powder and thyme extract; the highest mean was related to thyme extract (100)+thyme powder (250), and the lowest to thyme extract (0)+thyme powder (0). In general, in the present study, it can be concluded that the use of thyme powder and thyme extract in the diet of Ross 308 broilers decreased some saturated fatty acids and increased unsaturated fatty acids which have health benefits.Istraživanje je provedeno kako bi se ocijenio utjecaj ekstrakta timijana (Thymus vulgaris) i timijana u prahu na profil masnih kiselina prsnih mišića brojlera. U eksperimentu je korištena vodena otopina timijana (50 i 100 mg/kg hrane) i timijan u prahu (150 i 250 mg/kg hrane), u kombinaciji s osnovnom hranom (kontrolna skupina). Dobiveni rezultati su pokazali da je najveći postotak nezasićenih masnih kiselina povezan s višim razinama timijana u prahu i timijanovog ekstrakta; najviša srednja vrijednost je povezana s ekstraktom timijana (100) + timijanom u prahu (250), a najniža s ekstraktom timijana (0) i timijanom u prahu (0). Općenito, ovo je istraživanje pokazalo da je uporabom timijana u prahu i ekstrakta timijana u hranidbi Ross 308 brojlera smanjen postotak određenih zasićenih masnih kiselina u mesu a povećana je količina nezasićenih masnih kiselina, čija je prisutnost zdravstveno opravdana.Dieser Versuch wurde durchgeführt, um die Auswirkungen von Thymian (Thymus vulgaris)-Extrakt und Thymian-Pulver auf das Fettsäureprofil des Brustfleisches bei Broilern zu bewerten. Das Experiment umfasste wässrigen Thymianextrakt (50 und 100 mg/kg Futter) und Thymianpulver (150 und 250 mg/kg Futter), die in Kombination mit dem Grundfutter (Kontrolle) verwendet wurden. Die erhaltenen Ergebnisse zeigten, dass der höchste Prozentsatz an ungesättigten Fettsäuren mit höheren Mengen an Thymianpulver und Thymianextrakt zusammenhängt; der höchste Mittelwert wurde mit Thymianextrakt (100) + Thymianpulver (250) und der niedrigste mit Thymianextrakt (0) + Thymianpulver (0) erzielt. Im Allgemeinen kann in der vorliegenden Studie geschlussfolgert werden, dass die Verwendung von Thymianpulver und Thymianextrakt in der Ernährung von Ross 308 Broilern einige gesättigte Fettsäuren verringerte und ungesättigte Fettsäuren erhöhte, was bestimmte gesundheitliche Vorteile hat.El estudio se realizó para evaluar el efecto del extracto de tomillo (Thymus vulgaris) y el polvo de tomillo sobre el perfil de ácidos grasos de los músculos pectorales de los pollos de engorde. En el experimento se utilizó una solución acuosa de tomillo (50 y 100 mg / kg de alimento) y el tomillo en polvo (150y 250 mg / kg de alimento), en combinación con el alimento básico (el grupo control). Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que el mayor porcentaje de ácidos grasos insaturados se asoció con los mayores niveles del tomillo en polvo y el extracto de tomillo; el valor medio más alto se asocia con el extracto de tomillo (100) + el tomillo en polvo (250), y la más baja con el extracto de tomillo (0) y el tomillo en polvo (0). En general, este estudio demostró que el uso del tomillo en polvo y del extracto de tomillo en la alimentación de los pollos de engorde Ross 308 redujo el porcentaje de ciertos ácidos grasos saturados en la carne y aumentó la cantidad de ácidos grasos insaturados, cuya presencia está médicamente justificada.La ricerca è stata condotta per valutare l’impatto dell’estratto di timo (Thymus vulgaris) e del timo in polvere sul profilo degli acidi grassi dei muscoli pettorali dei polli da carne. Nell’esperimento sono stati impiegati una soluzione acquosa di timo (50 e 100 mg/kg di mangime) e il timo in polvere (150 e 250 mg/ kg di mangime), in combinazione con il mangime base (gruppo di controllo). I risultati ottenuti hanno dimostrato che la maggior percentuale di acidi grassi insaturi è legata ai livelli più elevati di timo in polvere e dell’estratto di timo; il maggior valore medio è legato all’estratto di timo (100) + al timo in polvere (250), quello più basso all’estratto di timo (0) e al timo in polvere (0). In generale, questa ricerca ha dimostrato che, con l’impiego del timo in polvere e dell’estratto di timo nel mangime dei polli da carne Ross 308, si riduce la percentuale di determinati acidi grassi saturi nella carne, mentre aumenta la quantità di acidi grassi insaturi, la cui presenza ha effetti benefici sulla salute

    Impatto dell\u27aggiunta della vitamina C sul profilo degli acidi grassi contenuti nella carne del petto dei polli da carne

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    This experiment was performed to evaluate the effects of using three different levels of vitamin C (0, 200 and 400 mg/kg) in diet on fatty acid profiles of breast meat of broilers. The experiment was performed in a completely randomized design in 3 treatments and 4 replicates with 10 chickens per pen for 42 days using 120 one-day-old male chickens of commercial Ross 308 strain. Data analysis was performed by SAS statistical software and the comparison of the means with Duncan\u27s multiple-range test at 5% probability level. The results showed that the percentage of saturated fatty acids such as myristic acid, palmitic acid and stearic acid decreased by 200 mg/kg vitamin C. Also, the amount of unsaturated fatty acids increased at the same level of vitamin C and the saturated fatty acids were reduced.Cilj istraživanja bio je procijeniti koje učinke uvrštavanje tri različite razine vitamina C (0, 200 i 400 mg/kg) u prehranu ima na profil masnih kiselina u mesu prsa brojlera. Istraživanje je provedeno u 3 ciklusa i 4 ponavljanja u trajanju od 42 dana, na potpuno randomiziranom uzorku od 10 pilića po kavezu, ukupno 120 jednodnevnih muških pilića komercijalnog hibrida Ross 308. Analiza podataka provedena je uporabom programa za statističku analizu SAS, dok je usporedba srednjih vrijednost izvršena Duncanovim testom višestrukog raspona uz vjerojatnost pogreške od 5 %. Rezultati su pokazali da se kod dodatka vitamina C razine 200 mg/kg smanjio postotak zasićenih masnih kiselina poput miristinske, palmitinske i stearinske kiseline, pri čemu se količina nezasićenih masnih kiselina povećala, a količina zasićenih masnih kiselina smanjila.Ziel der Studie war es, die Auswirkungen der Aufnahme von drei verschiedenen Vitamin C-Mengen (0, 200 und 400 mg / kg) in die Ernährung auf das Fettsäureprofil im Broilerbrustfleisch zu bewerten. Die Studie wurde in 3 Zyklen und 4 Wiederholungen in Dauer von 42 Tagen durchgeführt, an einer vollständig randomisierten Probe von 10 Hühnern pro Käfig, insgesamt 120 männliche Hühner im Alter von einem Tag des kommerziellen Hybrids Ross 308. Die Datenanalyse wurde unter Verwendung des statistischen SAS-Analyseprogramms vorgenommen, während der Vergleich der Mittelwerte mit dem Duncan multiplen Vergleichstest mit einer Fehlerwahrscheinlichkeit von 5% durchgeführt wurde. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die Zugabe von Vitamin C in einer Menge von 200 mg / kg den Prozentsatz an gesättigten Fettsäuren wie Myristinsäure, Palmitinsäure und Stearinsäure verringert, wobei die Menge an ungesättigten Fettsäuren zunahm und die Menge an gesättigten Fettsäuren abnahm.El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar los efectos de la adición de tres niveles diferentes de la vitamina C (0, 200 y 400 mg / kg) en la dieta, sobre el perfil de los ácidos grasos en la carne de broiler. El estudio fue realizado en 3 ciclos y 4 réplicas durante 42 días, con una muestra completamente al azar de 10 pollos por jaula, un total de 120 pollos machos de un día de edad del híbrido comercial Ross 308. El análisis de los datos fue realizado utilizando el programa de análisis estadístico SAS, mientras que la comparación de los valores medios se realizó mediante la prueba de rango múltiple de Duncan con una probabilidad de error del 5%. Los resultados mostraron que la adición de la vitamina C a un nivel de 200 mg / kg disminuyó el porcentaje de ácidos grasos saturados como el ácido mirístico, palmítico y esteárico, mientras que la cantidad de los ácidos grasos insaturados aumentó y la cantidad de los ácidos grasos saturados disminuyó.La ricerca è stata finalizzata alla valutazione dell\u27impatto dell\u27inserimento di tre differenti livelli di vitamina C (0, 200 e 400 mg/kg) nel mangime sul profilo degli acidi grassi contenuti nella carne del petto dei polli da carne. La ricerca è stata svolta in 3 cicli e 3 ripetizioni, per la durata di 42 giorni, su un campione completamente randomizzato di 10 pulcini per gabbia, per un totale di 120 pulcini maschi di un giorno del tipo ibrido commerciale Ross 308. L\u27analisi dei dati è stata condotta con l\u27impiego del programma d\u27analisi statistica SAS, mentre la comparazione dei valori medi è stata eseguita con il test di comparazione multipla di Duncan con probabilità d\u27errore del 5%. I risultati hanno dimostrato che, con l\u27aggiunta della vitamina C livello 200 mg/kg, la percentuale di acidi grassi saturi come l\u27acido miristico, l\u27acido palmitico e l\u27acido stearico s\u27è ridotta, mentre è aumentata la quantità di acidi grassi insaturi ed è diminuita quella degli acidi grassi saturi


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    : The effect of supplementary vitamin E levels on the performance of broiler breeder flocks was studied. A completely randomized design with four treatments (100, 500, 1000, or 1500 IU vitamin E/kg) and three replicates per treatment was used. Each replicate included seven females and one male broiler breeder. Rearing conditions, lighting, temperature, humidity, amount of feed, and the amount of other nutrients in the diet were equal for all treatment groups and according to specifications of the management guide for broiler production. Eggs from each replicate were collected up to six times daily for nine weeks. Every three days, eggs were transferred to a hatchery and their characteristics were determined. The results showed 5- to 15-fold Vitamin E levels over the recommended daily dose had significant negative effects on hatchability and related parameters as well as on herd economic index (P<0.05)

    Effect of a low crude protein diet supplemented with different levels of threonine on growth performance, carcass traits, blood parameters, and immune responses of growing broilers

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    ABSTRACT A study was conducted to evaluate growth performance, carcass traits, blood serum parameters, and immune responses of Ross 308 male broilers fed diets containing 2 different crude protein (CP) levels (97.5 and 100%) and 4 threonine (Thr) levels (100, 110, 120, and 130% of Ross recommendations for starter and grower periods). A completely randomized block design was adopted and main effects (CP and Thr) were arranged in a 2 Ă— 4 factorial approach. Optimum growth performance was achieved when broiler requirements for CP and Thr were 100% satisfied. The 110% Thr inclusion in 97.5% CP diet increased ADG, ADFI, energy intake, and protein intake (Thr,

    Effects of supra-nutritional levels of vitamin E and vitamin C on growth performance and egg production traits of Japanese quails

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    A study was conducted to evaluate growth performance and egg production traits of Japanese quails fed diets containing different supra-nutritional levels of vitamin E and C (600, 800 and 1000 mg/kg). A completely randomised design was adopted and main effects (vitamin E and C) were arranged in a 3 × 3 factorial approach. Throughout the study (42 to 105 d), the highest feed intake (vitamin C, p = .01) and weight gain (vitamin E × C, tendency p = .06) were obtained with vitamin E and/or C at 800 mg/kg whereas the highest dietary efficiency with 600 mg/kg of vitamin E plus 600 or 1000 of C and with 800 mg/kg of E plus 600 or 800 mg/kg of C (vitamin E × C, tendency p = .06). The highest final body weight was achieved with 1000 mg/kg of both the vitamins (vitamin E × C, p = .02). Vitamin E and/or C at 1000 mg/kg increased egg production, weight of produced eggs (vitamin E × C, p = .04), number of produced eggs to feed ratio, weight of produced eggs to feed ratio (vitamin E and C, p < .01), average egg volume (vitamin E × C, p = .03), and egg shape index (vitamin E, p < .01; vitamin C, p = .01). Current findings showed that feeding vitamin E and C at supra-nutritional levels can be a good management practice in Japanese quail nutrition to promote growth performance and egg production traits under thermoneutral condition.Highlights Supra-nutritional levels of vitamin E and C can promote growth performance and egg production traits of Japanese quails. Vitamin E plus C at high doses (1000 mg/kg) can synergistically act in promoting quail growth. Dietary supplementation with vitamin E at 800 or 1000 mg/kg plus vitamin C at 1000 mg/kg can improve egg production traits

    Which is the best alternative for ascites syndrome prevention in broiler chickens? Effect of feed form and rearing temperature conditions

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    Ascites syndrome (AS) is a metabolic disorder in fast-growing broilers that is characterized by non-tumult fluid collection in the abdomen. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of variable feeding and rearing temperature on AS occurrence in broilers. A total of 360 one-day-old male Ross-308 chicks were assigned to three equal groups (n = 120) fed pellet, crumble or mash diets and within each group, half of birds (n = 60, starting from the 22nd day of age) were reared under two different temperatures: at 23°C (comfort) or at 14°C (cold), respectively. There were six treatments and four replicates including 15 broilers per replicate per treatment. Birds' growth performances and blood parameters as well the incidence of ascites were assessed. The haematocrit percentage, T3 and T4 hormones activity in pellet-fed group under cold temperature conditions were significantly higher (P  .05). Further, feeding of mash diet reduced broilers' feed consumption per unit of time, especially by level of achieving energy that is reducing the growth and AS

    Prah ruĹľmarina kao dodatak prehrani prepelica: uÄŤinak na rast, svojstva trupa, sastav krvne plazme, crijevnu mikrofloru i imunost

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    This study was conducted to investigate the effects of feed supplementation with rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) powder (RP) on the performance, carcass traits, blood variables, antibody responses, and gut microbiota of quails. 270 one-day-old male Japanese quails were allotted to 6 dietary treatments with 3 replications (15 birds per pen). The diets contained RP at levels of 0 g/kg of feed (CON), 5 g/kg of feed (T05), 10 g/kg of feed (T10), 15 g/kg of feed (T15), 20 g/kg of feed (T20) or 25 g/kg of feed (T25). The trial lasted 42 days. Body weight and feed intake were measured weekly by pen, and the feed conversion ratio (FCR) was calculated. Blood samples were collected for assessing the humoral immune response to Newcastle vaccination at the 29th and 42nd days of age. Analysis of caecal microflora was performed on one quail per replication on the 14th and 42nd days of age. At slaughter, the carcasses and the organs were weighed, and blood constituent analyses were performed. Quails fed with RP had higher weight gain (P0.05) or the caecal microbiota of the quails (P>0.05). RP increased the antibody titre against vaccinations on the 29th day of age (P 0,05) ni na crijevnu mikrofloru prepelica (P > 0,05). Prah ružmarina povećao je titar protutijela na cjepivo 29. dan (P < 0,05) i smanjio omjer LDL-a i HDL-a u plazmi (P < 0,05). Dodatak praha ružmarina do 25 g/kg po obroku poboljšao je svojstva i imunost prepelica a da nije negativno utjecao na njihovu crijevnu mikrofloru
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