35 research outputs found

    Blood Biochemistry Analysis to Detect Smoking Status and Quantify Accelerated Aging in Smokers

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    Abstract There is an association between smoking and cancer, cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality. However, currently, there are no affordable and informative tests for assessing the effects of smoking on the rate of biological aging. In this study we demonstrate for the first time that smoking status can be predicted using blood biochemistry and cell count results andthe recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI). By employing age-prediction models developed using supervised deep learning techniques, we found that smokers exhibited higher aging rates than nonsmokers, regardless of their cholesterol ratios and fasting glucose levels. We further used those models to quantify the acceleration of biological aging due to tobacco use. Female smokers were predicted to be twice as old as their chronological age compared to nonsmokers, whereas male smokers were predicted to be one and a half times as old as their chronological age compared to nonsmokers. Our findings suggest that deep learning analysis of routine blood tests could complement or even replace the current error-prone method of self-reporting of smoking status and could be expanded to assess the effect of other lifestyle and environmental factors on aging

    In search for geroprotectors: in silico screening and in vitro validation of signalome-level mimetics of young healthy state

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    ABSTRACT Populations in developed nations throughout the world are rapidly aging, and the search for geroprotectors, or anti-aging interventions, has never been more important. Yet while hundreds of geroprotectors have extended lifespan in animal models, none have yet been approved for widespread use in humans. GeroScope is a computational tool that can aid prediction of novel geroprotectors from existing human gene expression data. GeroScope maps expression differences between samples from young and old subjects to aging-related signaling pathways, then profiles pathway activation strength (PAS) for each condition. Known substances are then screened and ranked for those most likely to target differential pathways and mimic the young signalome. Here we used GeroScope and shortlisted ten substances, all of which have lifespan-extending effects in animal models, and tested 6 of them for geroprotective effects in senescent human fibroblast cultures. PD-98059, a highly selective MEK1 inhibitor, showed both life-prolonging and rejuvenating effects. Natural compounds like N-acetyl-L-cysteine, Myricetin and Epigallocatechin gallate also improved several senescence-associated properties and were further investigated with pathway analysis. This work not only highlights several potential geroprotectors for further study, but also serves as a proof-of-concept for GeroScope, Oncofinder and other PAS-based methods in streamlining drug prediction, repurposing and personalized medicine

    Vive la radiorésistance!: converging research in radiobiology and biogerontology to enhance human radioresistance for deep space exploration and colonization.

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    While many efforts have been made to pave the way toward human space colonization, little consideration has been given to the methods of protecting spacefarers against harsh cosmic and local radioactive environments and the high costs associated with protection from the deleterious physiological effects of exposure to high-Linear energy transfer (high-LET) radiation. Herein, we lay the foundations of a roadmap toward enhancing human radioresistance for the purposes of deep space colonization and exploration. We outline future research directions toward the goal of enhancing human radioresistance, including upregulation of endogenous repair and radioprotective mechanisms, possible leeways into gene therapy in order to enhance radioresistance via the translation of exogenous and engineered DNA repair and radioprotective mechanisms, the substitution of organic molecules with fortified isoforms, and methods of slowing metabolic activity while preserving cognitive function. We conclude by presenting the known associations between radioresistance and longevity, and articulating the position that enhancing human radioresistance is likely to extend the healthspan of human spacefarers as well

    The OncoFinder algorithm for minimizing the errors introduced by the high-throughput methods of transcriptome analysis

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    The diversity of the installed sequencing and microarray equipment make it increasingly difficult to compare and analyze the gene expression datasets obtained using the different methods. Many applications requiring high-quality and low error rates can not make use of available data using traditional analytical approaches. Recently, we proposed a new concept of signalome-wide analysis of functional changes in the intracellular pathways termed OncoFinder, a bioinformatic tool for quantitative estimation of the signaling pathway activation (SPA). We also developed methods to compare the gene expression data obtained using multiple platforms and minimizing the error rates by mapping the gene expression data onto the known and custom signaling pathways. This technique for the first time makes it possible to analyze the functional features of intracellular regulation on a mathematical basis. In this study we show that the OncoFinder method significantly reduces the errors introduced by transcriptome-wide experimental techniques. We compared the gene expression data for the same biological samples obtained by both the next generation sequencing (NGS) and microarray methods. For these different techniques we demonstrate that there is virtually no correlation between the gene expression values for all datasets analyzed (R2 < 0.1). In contrast, when the OncoFinder algorithm is applied to the data we observed clear-cut correlations between the NGS and microarray gene expression datasets. The signaling pathway activation profiles obtained using NGS and microarray techniques were almost identical for the same biological samples allowing for the platform-agnostic analytical applications. We conclude that this feature of the OncoFinder enables to characterize the functional states of the transcriptomes and interactomes more accurately as before, which makes OncoFinder a method of choice for many applications including genetics, physiology, biomedicine and molecular diagnostics

    REVIEW Open Access Molecular aspects of development and regulation of endometriosis

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    Endometriosis is a common and painful condition affecting women of reproductive age. While the underlying pathophysiology is still largely unknown, much advancement has been made in understanding the progression of the disease. In recent years, a great deal of research has focused on non-invasive diagnostic tools, such as biomarkers, as well as identification of potential therapeutic targets. In this article, we will review the etiology and cellular mechanisms associated with endometriosis as well as the current diagnostic tools and therapies. We will then discuss the more recent genomic and proteomic studies and how these data may guide development of novel diagnostics and therapeutics. The current diagnostic tools are invasive and current therapies primarily treat the symptoms of endometriosis. Optimally, the advancement of “-omic ” data will facilitate the development of non-invasive diagnostic biomarkers as well as therapeutics that target the pathophysiology of the disease and halt, or even reverse, progression. However, the amount of data generated by these types of studies is vast and bioinformatics analysis, such as we present here, will be critical to identification of appropriate targets for further study