31 research outputs found

    Identification of soft tissue injuries by ultrasonography for forensic medical purposes

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    Introducere. Ultrasonografia a ajuns, actualmente, una dintre cele mai larg utilizate proceduri în practica medicală. Având în vedere răspândirea, accesibilitatea și inocuitatea, importanța acestei proceduri este foarte mare. Peste 1/3 din toate explorările imagistice efectuate la nivel mondial sunt cele ultrasonografice ale țesuturile moi (tegumentelor, țesuturilor subcutanate, tendoanelor și mușchilor). Scopul lucrării. Evidențierea aplicabilității ultrasonografiei în practica medico-legală pentru identificarea leziunilor țesuturilor moi. Material și metode. A fost studiată literatura medicală și medico-legală privind posibilitățile ultrasonografiei în identificarea leziunilor țesuturilor moi și oportunitatea aplicării acestei metode de cercetare pentru scopuri medico-legale. Rezultate. Analiza literaturii medicale a arătat că această tehnică imagistică permite depistarea hemoragiilor din țesuturile moi, rupturilor fibrelor musculare, rupturilor ligamentelor articulare, afectării meniscului și determinarea prezenței diverselor procese inflamatorii la nivel de sistem musculo-scheletal. În același timp, în literatura medico-legală nu există publicații care ar descrie utilitatea acestei metode clinice pentru scopuri judiciare, fapt care, în mod indirect, pledează pentru neutilizarea ei. Cu toate acestea, în practica medico-legală sunt adeseori examinate victime ale diferitor incidente traumatice, care acuză dureri, însă nu prezintă leziuni externe vizibile. Concluzii. Ultrasonografia țesuturilor moi poate avea o aplicabilitate enormă pentru activitatea medico-legală și deveni o metodă de investigare decisivă pentru depistarea leziunilor profunde ale țesuturilor moi, care nu au o exteriorizare vizibilă. Considerăm că, în asemenea cazuri, ultrasonografia ar putea deveni o metodă de elecție și un suport științific argumentat pentru confirmarea prezenței leziunilor profunde și constatarea vechimii acestora.Background. Nowadays, ultrasonography has become one of the most widely used procedures in medical practice. The importance of this procedure is very high given its widespread, accessibility and harmlessness. More than 1/3 of all imaging examinations performed all over the world are ultrasonographic investigations of soft tissues (skin, subcutaneous tissues, tendons, and muscles). Objective of the study. To highlight the applicability of ultrasonography in forensic medical practice for the identification of soft tissue injuries. Material and methods. Medical and forensic medical literature on the possibilities of ultrasonography in the identification of soft tissue injuries and the suitability of this research method for forensic purposes was reviewed. Results. The review of medical literature showed that this imaging technique allows the detection of soft tissue hemorrhages, muscle fiber tears, joint ligament tears, meniscus damage, and various inflammatory processes in the musculoskeletal system. At the same time, in the forensic medical literature, there are no publications describing the usefulness of this clinical method for forensic purposes, which indirectly argues against its use. However, in forensic medical practice, victims of various traumatic incidents who are in pain but have no visible external injuries are often examined. Conclusions. Soft tissue ultrasonography may have enormous applications for forensic medical practice and sometimes can become a decisive method for the detection of deep soft tissue injuries not visible externally. We do believe that, in such cases, ultrasonography could become a selective method and scientific support for proving the deep lesions and estimating their age

    Gait Characterization in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) Using a Single-Sensor Accelerometer: Classical Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches

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    Differences in gait patterns of children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and typically-developing (TD) peers are visible to the eye, but quantifications of those differences outside of the gait laboratory have been elusive. In this work, we measured vertical, mediolateral, and anteroposterior acceleration using a waist-worn iPhone accelerometer during ambulation across a typical range of velocities. Fifteen TD and fifteen DMD children from 3-16 years of age underwent eight walking/running activities, including five 25 meters walk/run speed-calibration tests at a slow walk to running speeds (SC-L1 to SC-L5), a 6-minute walk test (6MWT), a 100 meters fast-walk/jog/run (100MRW), and a free walk (FW). For clinical anchoring purposes, participants completed a Northstar Ambulatory Assessment (NSAA). We extracted temporospatial gait clinical features (CFs) and applied multiple machine learning (ML) approaches to differentiate between DMD and TD children using extracted temporospatial gait CFs and raw data. Extracted temporospatial gait CFs showed reduced step length and a greater mediolateral component of total power (TP) consistent with shorter strides and Trendelenberg-like gait commonly observed in DMD. ML approaches using temporospatial gait CFs and raw data varied in effectiveness at differentiating between DMD and TD controls at different speeds, with an accuracy of up to 100%. We demonstrate that by using ML with accelerometer data from a consumer-grade smartphone, we can capture DMD-associated gait characteristics in toddlers to teens

    Machine Learning to Improve Energy Expenditure Estimation in Children With Disabilities: A Pilot Study in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.

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    BackgroundChildren with physical impairments are at a greater risk for obesity and decreased physical activity. A better understanding of physical activity pattern and energy expenditure (EE) would lead to a more targeted approach to intervention.ObjectiveThis study focuses on studying the use of machine-learning algorithms for EE estimation in children with disabilities. A pilot study was conducted on children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) to identify important factors for determining EE and develop a novel algorithm to accurately estimate EE from wearable sensor-collected data.MethodsThere were 7 boys with DMD, 6 healthy control boys, and 22 control adults recruited. Data were collected using smartphone accelerometer and chest-worn heart rate sensors. The gold standard EE values were obtained from the COSMED K4b2 portable cardiopulmonary metabolic unit worn by boys (aged 6-10 years) with DMD and controls. Data from this sensor setup were collected simultaneously during a series of concurrent activities. Linear regression and nonlinear machine-learning-based approaches were used to analyze the relationship between accelerometer and heart rate readings and COSMED values.ResultsExisting calorimetry equations using linear regression and nonlinear machine-learning-based models, developed for healthy adults and young children, give low correlation to actual EE values in children with disabilities (14%-40%). The proposed model for boys with DMD uses ensemble machine learning techniques and gives a 91% correlation with actual measured EE values (root mean square error of 0.017).ConclusionsOur results confirm that the methods developed to determine EE using accelerometer and heart rate sensor values in normal adults are not appropriate for children with disabilities and should not be used. A much more accurate model is obtained using machine-learning-based nonlinear regression specifically developed for this target population

    Development and application of stereo camera-based upper extremity workspace evaluation in patients with neuromuscular diseases.

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    BackgroundThe concept of reachable workspace is closely tied to upper limb joint range of motion and functional capability. Currently, no practical and cost-effective methods are available in clinical and research settings to provide arm-function evaluation using an individual's three-dimensional (3D) reachable workspace. A method to intuitively display and effectively analyze reachable workspace would not only complement traditional upper limb functional assessments, but also provide an innovative approach to quantify and monitor upper limb function.Methodology/principal findingsA simple stereo camera-based reachable workspace acquisition system combined with customized 3D workspace analysis algorithm was developed and compared against a sub-millimeter motion capture system. The stereo camera-based system was robust, with minimal loss of data points, and with the average hand trajectory error of about 40 mm, which resulted to ~5% error of the total arm distance. As a proof-of-concept, a pilot study was undertaken with healthy individuals (n = 20) and a select group of patients with various neuromuscular diseases and varying degrees of shoulder girdle weakness (n = 9). The workspace envelope surface areas generated from the 3D hand trajectory captured by the stereo camera were compared. Normalization of acquired reachable workspace surface areas to the surface area of the unit hemi-sphere allowed comparison between subjects. The healthy group's relative surface areas were 0.618±0.09 and 0.552±0.092 (right and left), while the surface areas for the individuals with neuromuscular diseases ranged from 0.03 and 0.09 (the most severely affected individual) to 0.62 and 0.50 (very mildly affected individual). Neuromuscular patients with severe arm weakness demonstrated movement largely limited to the ipsilateral lower quadrant of their reachable workspace.Conclusions/significanceThe findings indicate that the proposed stereo camera-based reachable workspace analysis system is capable of distinguishing individuals with varying degrees of proximal upper limb functional impairments