92 research outputs found


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    Most organizations are going through massive changes. Their customers are changing, their competition is changing, their customerâ€(tm)s needs are changing and their resources availability is changing - the cosmetics companies are no different. Organizational survival and success depends on the ability of the managers to detect and adapt to critical changes in the environment, which may impact the company. \\r\\nThe paper has two main purposes. First to underline the importance performance measurement has in todayâ€(tm)s business and second to present a few key elements regarding the performance of the cosmetics sector in Romania. For this we have tried to answer the following question: Are the cosmetics companies competitive? \\r\\nThis paper is based on exploratory literature review of different approaches regarding organizational performances in organizations in general. \\r\\nDespite the global economic crisis and the general slowdown of many markets, the Romanian beauty and personal care market continued to grow in 2009. Consumer awareness and product knowledge is growing rapidly and the development of retailing chains and their widening product offer have also helped to further the development of the beauty and personal care market.\\r\\nThe paper also presents the results of section three of an online survey conducted at 10 cosmetic companies from Romania. The results have shown that multinationals have both the economic and managerial power to succeed in obtaining their goals. Even though the sample of 72 respondents was rather small, we managed to conclude from the received answers that the majority of companies focus on economic and managerial performance rather than on social and ecological performance indicators. \\r\\nThis paper aimed to contribute to the literature review development in the field of performance management. The results of this study can be of use for managers from the analyzed domain or for other researchers in the economic field. \\r\\nThe authors have contributed to the originality of this paper, by presenting pertinent conclusions about the cosmetics market from Romania, resulted from the literature review and from an empirical study. \\r\\nmanagement, performance, cosmetics market, competition

    Brazilian Companies And The Millennium Development Goals: Does The Global Compact Make A Difference?

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    The Global Compact is the world’s largest corporate citizenship initiative, with over 7300 business participants and other stakeholders. Corporations sign the initiative whereby they voluntarily commit to align their business operations and strategy with ten universally accepted principles and catalyze actions in support of the broader UN Goals. The dissertation presents the results of an empirical study assessing whether or not the Global Compact helps Brazilian companies in achieving the Millennium Development Goals. Using a comparative case study approach, the study highlights the differences and similarities between two groups of companies: the Global Compact signatories and the non Global Compact supporters. The results, although inconclusive, show that the companies in the group of Global Compact signatories are more committed to the Millennium Development Goals than their counterparts. The study thus dismisses some of the criticism surrounding the Global Compact and shows that the initiative has no negative impact on companies’ performances in addressing the millennium goals

    Importanța estetică a mâinii operate

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    Background. Traumatic hand injury represents one of the greatest distressing injuries. Severe hand injuries are related to high efforts for surgical and functional reconstructions to accomplish a satisfactory functional and aesthetic result. Objective of the study. The study was designed to mark the aesthetic importance in the practice of reconstructive surgery on the operated hand, in terms of the correlation between the severity of injuries and the postoperative aesthetic result. Material and Methods. In this retrospective study, we evaluated 175 patients with severe hand injuries in the Clinic of Plastic Surgery at IMU Hospital. The sample included 107 men, 68 women, aged between 15-60 years. Hand injuries were on the phalanges in 115 cases, in the metacarpal region 32, at the level of the carpus 23 and in 5 cases was extended on entire surface of the hand. Results. In the current study we examined the correlation between the hand injury severity scoring system and the quality of life of the pacient in terms of aesthetics associated with functional outcome and psychological impact. The study showed that psychological impact of the event, satisfaction of apperance and hand function were found to be correlated to low indicator of injury. Conclusion. The attempt to preserve both the function and the aesthetic aspect in each group of injuries with a high HISS score requires a lot of effort, time, major costs and technique. The increase of the quality of life, the integration in the society, as well as the desire for recovery rise gradually. Background. Traumatic hand injury represents one of the greatest distressing injuries. Severe hand injuries are related to high efforts for surgical and functional reconstructions to accomplish a satisfactory functional and aesthetic result. Objective of the study. The study was designed to mark the aesthetic importance in the practice of reconstructive surgery on the operated hand, in terms of the correlation between the severity of injuries and the postoperative aesthetic result. Material and Methods. In this retrospective study, we evaluated 175 patients with severe hand injuries in the Clinic of Plastic Surgery at IMU Hospital. The sample included 107 men, 68 women, aged between 15-60 years. Hand injuries were on the phalanges in 115 cases, in the metacarpal region 32, at the level of the carpus 23 and in 5 cases was extended on entire surface of the hand. Results. In the current study we examined the correlation between the hand injury severity scoring system and the quality of life of the pacient in terms of aesthetics associated with functional outcome and psychological impact. The study showed that psychological impact of the event, satisfaction of apperance and hand function were found to be correlated to low indicator of injury. Conclusion. The attempt to preserve both the function and the aesthetic aspect in each group of injuries with a high HISS score requires a lot of effort, time, major costs and technique. The increase of the quality of life, the integration in the society, as well as the desire for recovery rise gradually. Background. Traumatic hand injury represents one of the greatest distressing injuries. Severe hand injuries are related to high efforts for surgical and functional reconstructions to accomplish a satisfactory functional and aesthetic result. Objective of the study. The study was designed to mark the aesthetic importance in the practice of reconstructive surgery on the operated hand, in terms of the correlation between the severity of injuries and the postoperative aesthetic result. Material and Methods. In this retrospective study, we evaluated 175 patients with severe hand injuries in the Clinic of Plastic Surgery at IMU Hospital. The sample included 107 men, 68 women, aged between 15-60 years. Hand injuries were on the phalanges in 115 cases, in the metacarpal region 32, at the level of the carpus 23 and in 5 cases was extended on entire surface of the hand. Results. In the current study we examined the correlation between the hand injury severity scoring system and the quality of life of the pacient in terms of aesthetics associated with functional outcome and psychological impact. The study showed that psychological impact of the event, satisfaction of apperance and hand function were found to be correlated to low indicator of injury. Conclusion. The attempt to preserve both the function and the aesthetic aspect in each group of injuries with a high HISS score requires a lot of effort, time, major costs and technique. The increase of the quality of life, the integration in the society, as well as the desire for recovery rise gradually. Introducere. Traumatismele mâinii reprezintă una dintre cele mai mari suferințe. Reconstrucțiile chirurgicale sunt critice și necesită iscusința chirurgului pentru păstrarea structurii anatomice, funcției și importanța esteticului. Scopul lucrării. Studiul a fost conceput pentru a marca importanța estetică în practica chirurgiei reconstructive asupra mâinii operate din prisma corelației dintre gravitatea leziunilor și rezultatului estetic postoperator. Material și Metode. Studiu de tip observațional s-a desfășurat în Clinica de Chirurgie Plastică în Institutul de Medicină Urgentă. Eșantionul a cuprins 175 pacienți cu tramatisme mutilante. Bărbați 107, femei 68, cu vârsta de la 15-60 ani. Leziunile au fost pe falange în 115 cazuri, în regiunea metacarpiană 32, la nivelul carpului 23 și în 5 cazuri pe întreaga suprafață a mâinii. Rezultate. Studiul s-a exat pe examinarea relației dintre severitatea traumei la mâina operată și modificarea calității vieții pacientului prin prisma esteticului corelat cu impactul funcțional și psihologic. Studiul a demonstrat legătura atât dintre satisfacția imaginii, cât și a funcției mâinii operate, corelate cu indicatorul mic al injuriei. Concluzii. Încercarea de a păstra atât funcția, cât și aspectul estetic în fiecare grup de patologii necesită mult efort. Valoarea înaltă a scorului HISS solicită timp, costuri majore și tehnică de performanță. Sporirea calității vieții, integrării în societate și dorința de recuperare cresc gradual

    Lamboul interosos posterior antebrahial

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    Background. The posterior interosseous forearm flap appeared as an option for upper limb reconstruction with priority on the hand. Being vascularized by the posterior interosseous vessels of the forearm, this flap can be used even when the ulnar or radial vessels are damaged. Objective of the study. To improve the results of the treatment of tissue defects in the hand by using the posterior antebrachial island flap. Material and Methods. In 12 patients treated using this flap, we studied the following items: age, sex, morphological component, size, direction of migration, location of defects and functional outcomes. Results. Using the posterior interosseous forearm flap, a complete regeneration was obtained, total recovery of the function of the forearm and the hand with the movements in a complete volume. Depending on the sex, we had 8 men and 4 women, aged between 28-71 years. The flaps covered defects with an average area of about 35 cm2 and were migrated on the forearm from one patient to the remaining 11 patients in the hand regions. In all cases they were harvested in the fasciocutaneous composition. The registered complications were manifested by transient local infections in 3 patients. Conclusion. The posterior interosseous flap can be migrated with fasciocutaneous components to different parts of the forearm and hand to cover soft tissue defects, with satisfactory surgical and functional outcome and minimal complications. Introducere. Lamboul interosos posterior antebrahial a apărut drept o opțiune pentru reconstrucția membrului superior cu prioritate la nivelul mâinii. Fiind vascularizat de vasele interosoase posterioare ale antebrațului, acest lambou poate fi utilizat chiar când vasele ulnare sau radiale sunt lezate. Scopul lucrării. Îmbunătățirea rezultatelor tratamentului defectelor tisulare la nivelul mâinii prin utilizarea lamboului insular antebrahial posterior. Material și Metode. La 12 pacienți tratați prin utilizarea acestui lambou am studiat următorii itimi: vârsta, sexul, componenta morfologică, dimensiunile, direcția de migrare, localizarea defectelor și rezultatele funcționale. Rezultate. Utilizând lamboul interosos posterior antebrahial, s-a obținut o regenerare completă, recuperare totală a funcției antebrațului și a mâinii cu mișcările într-un volum complet. În funcție de sexe am avut 8 bărbați și 4 femei, cu vârste între 28-71 ani. Lambourile au acoperit defecte cu o suprafață medie de cca 35 cm2 și au fost migrate pe antebraț la un pacient, la restul 11 pacienți pe regiunile mâinii. În toate cazurile au fost recoltate în componența fasciocutanată. Complicațiile înregistrate s-au manifestat prin infecții locale tranzitorii la 3 pacienți. Concluzii. Lamboul interosos posterior antebrahial poate fi migrat cu componente fasciocutanate, în diferite părți ale antebrațului și mâinii pentru acoperirea defectelor țesuturilor moi, cu rezultat chirurgical și funcțional satisfăcător și complicații minime

    Latissimus dorsi pedicle flap in soft tissues reconstruction of upper limb

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    Plastic, Reconstructive and Microsurgery Clinic, State University of Medicine and Pharmacy ”Nicolae Testemițanu” Republic of Moldova, Al VIII-lea Congres Naţional de Ortopedie și Traumatologie cu participare internaţională 12-14 octombrie 2016Purpose: highlighting possible migration variants of pedicle latissimus dorsi flap at thoracic limb's level and the permissive limits in achievement of the best reconstructive results. Material and methods: pedicle latissimus dorsi flap was performed in 5 cases for tissues defects treatment, being used myocutaneous type. LD flap was used to cover 3 regions of the upper limb: arm - 2 (25%) cases, the elbow joint - 3 (37.5%) cases, proximal third of forearm - 3 (37.5%) cases. The flaps were harvested in the classical way on their thoracodorsal pedicle. The maximum dimensions of tissues defects were 30 x 18 cm. Results: in the study were harvested 5 flaps, none being lost. 3 (60%) flaps survived completely, and in 2 (40%) cases had reached to a point 10 cm up to 15 cm distal to the olecranon without significant elongation of the pedicle. 2 (40%) cases developed marginal distal necrosis of about 5 cm, being carried out necrectomy and skin grafting. In 4 (80%) cases migration paths were sutured during first surgical stage and in 1 (20%) cases – at second surgical stage, using skin grafts. No complications at donor site were reported. Conclusions: This study revealed that latissimus dorsi pedicle flap can be used to cover large skin defects localized on thoracic limb's level, down to the proximal third of the forearm. It can be used up to 60% of the LD surface to cover the defects, without compromising the function of the shoulder. Migration distal from olecranon is not always safe, being accompanied by complications such as marginal necrosis

    Amniotic membrane as a source of treatment in trophic ulcer of the lower limb

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    Introduction. Prolonged healing of lower extremity ulcers leads to their superinfection, followed by subsequent amputation of the limb. It is often seen in large chronic wounds with considerable tissue loss, which become senescent in the inflammatory process. In this case, the amniotic membrane is used as a biological dressing with a re-epithelialization effect. Material and methods. For this research activity, the information was obtained by searching PubMed, using the following keywords: amniotic membrane, diabetic ulcer. The selected articles are in English and refer exclusively to the use of human amniotic membrane only in trophic ulcers of the lower limb. It includes an overview of the biologically active factors that induce the clinical effects that can be seen in amniotic membrane ulcers. Results. Amniotic membrane allografts have been shown to be beneficial in the treatment of difficult to heal ulcers when was combined with standard therapy. Only through a meticulous initial evaluation of the wound is it possible to identify the factors contributing to its complexity. Conclusions. The amniotic membrane, by its properties, can promote the formation of granulation tissue, with the suppression of excessive fibrosis, thus inducing the re-epithelialization of the chronic ulcer bed

    In vivo experimental study of the arterial supply of the rabbit posterior limb

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    Background: The use of bone graft has been a successful step in the treatment of a large number of diseases of the osteoarticular system. But a massive bone defect remains a dilemma for modern reconstructive surgery. Present methods used have a high level of morbidity and complication. Literature indicates the absence of an optimal solution in massive bone defects healing. The aim of this study: to perform an in vivo preliminary study of vascularization of the hind limb in the rabbit model, for obtaining a graft able for further inclusion in the host blood circulation, without immunosuppression by decellularization. Material and methods: The study was performed on the 12 laboratory rabbits. After euthanasia of the rabbit, the femoral and tibiofibular bone was collected without soft tissue, only with the vascular pedicle, and keeping the passage through the vessels. In the abdominal aorta was injected contrast material, with the subsequent preparation of the arterial vessels, succeeded by anatomical, morphological, radiography, and microangiography study of this vascularized bone segment. Results: The principal nutrient artery of the rabbit femur springs from the lateral circumflex femoral artery. The optimal segment for vascularized allografting (the rabbit model) was determined the upper third of the femur with the up to the level of the internal iliac artery. So, it could be used as a bone graft for further conservation and decellularization. Conclusions: The vascularized allogeneic bone without immunosuppression would be a perfect alternative in the treatment of the massive bone defects

    Resolving a case with septic complication after total knee prothesasion at an oncological patient

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    Plastic, Reconstructive and Microsurgery Clinic, State University of Medicine and Pharmacy ”Nicolae Testemițanu” Republic of Moldova, Al VIII-lea Congres Naţional de Ortopedie și Traumatologie cu participare internaţională 12-14 octombrie 2016Introduction: The first data about the importance of the vascularization of bone graft transplant appear in 1905 (Huntington T.W.) As the authors mentioned, this helps callus formation in ordinary terms. In 1975 found the first data about successful transfer human vascularized fibula (Taylor G.I.) two years later, the same authors describe the first migration of the proximal fibula, for the replacement of the distal femoral defect. The purpose of the work: Presenting a solved case of bone defect, that occurred after ablation of the total knee prosthesis complicated septic in an oncology patient. Materials and Methods: This work presents the clinical case of a woman of 30 years, who was diagnosed in 2009 with osteoclastoma in1/3of the distal femur operated in the same year in the Oncology Institute, was removed the tumor and was done total knee joint prothesation, at the end of 2015 at our clinic addressed with an septic area at pelvic right limb. After performing preoperative planning, I decided to solve in 2 surgery stage. At the first stage we performed ablation of the protthesis. In another step we made the right knee joint arthrodesis with a vascularized fibular flap. Bone transplantation with a length of 20 cm with a pedicle of 10 cm that was migrated through rollover technic, that in his structure enetered a muscular sleeve and skin island for future monitoring. At the final, the leg was stabilized in an external extrafocar device. After 4 months later, at a follow-up visit, the patient moves independently, using crutches and moderate support on the foot. Conclusions: Using a composite musculoskeletal cutaneous vascular defect axially allow reconstruction complicated septic at pelvic limb without following the required period

    Loco-regional flap in treatment of actinic skin defect

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    Plastic, Reconstructive and Microsurgery Clinic, State University of Medicine and Pharmacy ”Nicolae Testemițanu” Republic of Moldova, Al VIII-lea Congres Naţional de Ortopedie și Traumatologie cu participare internaţională 12-14 octombrie 2016Introduction: Plasty techniques currently used in the treatment of the defects are largely standardized. But in clinical practice, quite often we are faced with patients who were undergoing radiation therapy. In this patients category, reconstructive plastic surgery requires a series of questions determined by major changes produced by ionizing radiation to tissues after underwenting radiotherapy. Clinical case: This work reflects a clinical case of a man of 61 years old, that was submit to radiation therapy after tumoral excision, manifested at the level of the third upper part of the large intestine, rectum. At a distance of 2 years after radiotherapy, in the treated actinic sacral region, there was an area of necrosis of about 20x20 cm. The area that was actinic changed, was divided in 3 fields, the limit between them being visually. During surgery, it have been included all 3 fields, that created a defect in the sacral region, of about 20x20 cm. According to the pre surgery plan, it has been done defect’s plasty with gluteal flap on the both parts, the donor place being closed by direct suture at the same stage. After surgery, the demarcated area were separated and studied histological for determination of the viable area. Conclusions: 1. Target area for histological examination is the No.2 area, where examination is indicative in the damage of the skin and soft tissue. 2. The integration of the tissues and organ transplant from another area in the case of actinic defect, may take place after exceeding the second field, histological appreciated with regenerative potential. 3. A preoperative histopathology of actinic area determines the edge of the viable tissue, in some significant cases-areas with important tissu