458 research outputs found

    Review of Donor Support for the NGO Sector in Romania

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    The objective of this study is to estimate the size and composition of the donor community active in Romania, analyse giving strategies over the last ten years, identify future strategies for support, and propose mechanisms for regularly updating key information about donors' activities

    The dynamics of the relationship between just-for-fun online harassment and perceived school safety

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    [EN] Based on previous analysis needs, our expert team has implemented the project Keeping youth safe from Cyberbullying financed by Erasmus+ KA2, focusing on the in-depth dynamics analysis of the cyberbullying phenomenon that unfortunately has become more and more present in youth online environments. Our team has designed an online questionnaire with the purpose of collecting descriptive data about youth participants, general perception about the cyberbullying particularity incidents, perceived safety of the educational setting and perceived parental support, and lastly a selfrating evaluation scale on self-efficacy perceptions. A total of 92 participants voluntarily responded to. Present research’s focus is the analysis of the association between just-for-fun online harassment type of cyberbullying and youth perceived school safety. Our team has used a curvilinear regression analysis for depicting curvilinear effects, in order to test the hypothesis assuming the curvilinear relationship between youth perceived school safety and just-for-fun online harassment type of cyberbullying. Results confirm the curvilinear relationship, implying the fact that the weaker and as well as the stronger educational context safety is perceived, just-for-fun online harassment type of cyberbullying is present in school; a medium/normal school safety perception triggers a lower just-for-fun online harassment type of cyberbullying incidence in youth. Authors further discuss the implications of these findings, in terms of cyberbullying prevention strategies.Rad, D.; Roman, A.; Dughi, T.; Demeter, E.; Rad, G. (2020). The dynamics of the relationship between just-for-fun online harassment and perceived school safety. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 381-388. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2019.2019.10233OCS38138

    Importanța estetică a mâinii operate

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    Background. Traumatic hand injury represents one of the greatest distressing injuries. Severe hand injuries are related to high efforts for surgical and functional reconstructions to accomplish a satisfactory functional and aesthetic result. Objective of the study. The study was designed to mark the aesthetic importance in the practice of reconstructive surgery on the operated hand, in terms of the correlation between the severity of injuries and the postoperative aesthetic result. Material and Methods. In this retrospective study, we evaluated 175 patients with severe hand injuries in the Clinic of Plastic Surgery at IMU Hospital. The sample included 107 men, 68 women, aged between 15-60 years. Hand injuries were on the phalanges in 115 cases, in the metacarpal region 32, at the level of the carpus 23 and in 5 cases was extended on entire surface of the hand. Results. In the current study we examined the correlation between the hand injury severity scoring system and the quality of life of the pacient in terms of aesthetics associated with functional outcome and psychological impact. The study showed that psychological impact of the event, satisfaction of apperance and hand function were found to be correlated to low indicator of injury. Conclusion. The attempt to preserve both the function and the aesthetic aspect in each group of injuries with a high HISS score requires a lot of effort, time, major costs and technique. The increase of the quality of life, the integration in the society, as well as the desire for recovery rise gradually. Background. Traumatic hand injury represents one of the greatest distressing injuries. Severe hand injuries are related to high efforts for surgical and functional reconstructions to accomplish a satisfactory functional and aesthetic result. Objective of the study. The study was designed to mark the aesthetic importance in the practice of reconstructive surgery on the operated hand, in terms of the correlation between the severity of injuries and the postoperative aesthetic result. Material and Methods. In this retrospective study, we evaluated 175 patients with severe hand injuries in the Clinic of Plastic Surgery at IMU Hospital. The sample included 107 men, 68 women, aged between 15-60 years. Hand injuries were on the phalanges in 115 cases, in the metacarpal region 32, at the level of the carpus 23 and in 5 cases was extended on entire surface of the hand. Results. In the current study we examined the correlation between the hand injury severity scoring system and the quality of life of the pacient in terms of aesthetics associated with functional outcome and psychological impact. The study showed that psychological impact of the event, satisfaction of apperance and hand function were found to be correlated to low indicator of injury. Conclusion. The attempt to preserve both the function and the aesthetic aspect in each group of injuries with a high HISS score requires a lot of effort, time, major costs and technique. The increase of the quality of life, the integration in the society, as well as the desire for recovery rise gradually. Background. Traumatic hand injury represents one of the greatest distressing injuries. Severe hand injuries are related to high efforts for surgical and functional reconstructions to accomplish a satisfactory functional and aesthetic result. Objective of the study. The study was designed to mark the aesthetic importance in the practice of reconstructive surgery on the operated hand, in terms of the correlation between the severity of injuries and the postoperative aesthetic result. Material and Methods. In this retrospective study, we evaluated 175 patients with severe hand injuries in the Clinic of Plastic Surgery at IMU Hospital. The sample included 107 men, 68 women, aged between 15-60 years. Hand injuries were on the phalanges in 115 cases, in the metacarpal region 32, at the level of the carpus 23 and in 5 cases was extended on entire surface of the hand. Results. In the current study we examined the correlation between the hand injury severity scoring system and the quality of life of the pacient in terms of aesthetics associated with functional outcome and psychological impact. The study showed that psychological impact of the event, satisfaction of apperance and hand function were found to be correlated to low indicator of injury. Conclusion. The attempt to preserve both the function and the aesthetic aspect in each group of injuries with a high HISS score requires a lot of effort, time, major costs and technique. The increase of the quality of life, the integration in the society, as well as the desire for recovery rise gradually. Introducere. Traumatismele mâinii reprezintă una dintre cele mai mari suferințe. Reconstrucțiile chirurgicale sunt critice și necesită iscusința chirurgului pentru păstrarea structurii anatomice, funcției și importanța esteticului. Scopul lucrării. Studiul a fost conceput pentru a marca importanța estetică în practica chirurgiei reconstructive asupra mâinii operate din prisma corelației dintre gravitatea leziunilor și rezultatului estetic postoperator. Material și Metode. Studiu de tip observațional s-a desfășurat în Clinica de Chirurgie Plastică în Institutul de Medicină Urgentă. Eșantionul a cuprins 175 pacienți cu tramatisme mutilante. Bărbați 107, femei 68, cu vârsta de la 15-60 ani. Leziunile au fost pe falange în 115 cazuri, în regiunea metacarpiană 32, la nivelul carpului 23 și în 5 cazuri pe întreaga suprafață a mâinii. Rezultate. Studiul s-a exat pe examinarea relației dintre severitatea traumei la mâina operată și modificarea calității vieții pacientului prin prisma esteticului corelat cu impactul funcțional și psihologic. Studiul a demonstrat legătura atât dintre satisfacția imaginii, cât și a funcției mâinii operate, corelate cu indicatorul mic al injuriei. Concluzii. Încercarea de a păstra atât funcția, cât și aspectul estetic în fiecare grup de patologii necesită mult efort. Valoarea înaltă a scorului HISS solicită timp, costuri majore și tehnică de performanță. Sporirea calității vieții, integrării în societate și dorința de recuperare cresc gradual


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Maladia Dupuytren este o afecțiune caracterizată prin contractura progresivă a fasciei palmare, conducând la afectarea funcționalității mâinii. Diversele tehnici chirurgicale utilizate și eficacitatea lor rămân a fi subiect de cercetare. Scopul lucrării. Acest studiu a avut ca scop analiza diferitor tehnici chirurgicale utilizate în maladia Dupuytren, evaluând ratele de recurență, îmbunătățirea funcțională și satisfacția pacientului. Material și metode. A fost realizat un reviu sistematic prin căutarea în bazele de date electronice: PubMed, Scopus, Elsevier și Embase, pentru studii publicate între 2010 și 2023, care au inclus tehnici chirurgicale și rezultatele acestora, rata de recurență, îmbunătățirea funcțională a mâinii, rezultate raportate de pacienți și rata de complicații. Rezultate. Reviul a inclus 25 de studii, cuprinzând diverse tehnici chirurgicale: fasciectomie deschisă, fasciectomie limitată, aponeurotomie percutană cu ac și injectare de colagenază. Rata de recurență a variat în funcție de tehnicile utilizate, fasciectomia deschisă fiind asociată cu rate mai scăzute de recurență. Ratele de satisfacție ale pacienților au fost, în general, crescute, majoritatea persoanelor experimentând ameliorarea simptomelor și îmbunătățirea funcției mâinii. Ratele de complicații au fost relativ scăzute, cel mai frecvent întâlnindu-se probleme legate de vindecarea plăgilor. Concluzii. Tehnicile chirurgicale utilizate în maladia Dupuytren oferă rezultate variate. Fasciectomia deschisă rămâne o opțiune de încredere pentru obținerea rezultatelor favorabile, cu rate reduse de recurență. Studii comparative suplimentare și urmărirea pe termen lung sunt necesare pentru a optimiza ghidurile de tratament și a optimiza abordările chirurgicale.Background. Dupuytren’s disease is a common hand condition characterized by progressive contracture of the palmar fascia, leading to impaired hand function. Various surgical techniques are employed to treat Dupuytren’s disease, but their comparative outcomes and effectiveness remain a subject of investigation. Objective of the study. This study aimed to comprehensively analyze different surgical techniques for Dupuytren’s disease, evaluating recurrence rates, functional improvement, and patient satisfaction. Material and methods. A systematic review was conducted by searching electronic databases including PubMed, Scopus, Elsevier and Embase for studies published between 2010 and 2023, including studies reporting on surgical techniques and their outcomes, recurrence rates, hand function improvement, patient-reported outcomes, and complication rates. Results. The review encompassed 25 studies involving various surgical techniques: open fasciectomy, limited fasciectomy, needle aponeurotomy, and collagenase injection. The recurrence rates varied across the techniques, with open fasciectomy generally associated with lower rates compared to other approaches. Functional improvement was observed across all techniques, although the extent varied. Patient satisfaction rates were generally high, with most individuals experiencing relief from symptoms and improved hand function. Complication rates were relatively low, with the most common being wound healing issues. Conclusion. Surgical techniques in Dupuytren’s disease offer varying outcomes. Open fasciectomy remains a reliable option for achieving favorable outcomes with lower recurrence rates. Further comparative studies and longterm follow-up are necessary to refine treatment guidelines and optimize surgical approaches

    MaLeFiSenta: Machine Learning for FilamentS Identification and Orientation in the ISM

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    Filament identification became a pivotal step in tackling fundamental problems in various fields of Astronomy. Nevertheless, existing filament identification algorithms are critically user-dependent and require individual parametrization. This study aimed to adapt the neural networks approach to elaborate on the best model for filament identification that would not require fine-tuning for a given astronomical map. First, we created training samples based on the most commonly used maps of the interstellar medium obtained by Planck and Herschel space telescopes and the atomic hydrogen all-sky survey HI4PI. We used the Rolling Hough Transform, a widely used algorithm for filament identification, to produce training outputs. In the next step, we trained different neural network models. We discovered that a combination of the Mask R-CNN and U-Net architecture is most appropriate for filament identification and determination of their orientation angles. We showed that neural network training might be performed efficiently on a relatively small training sample of only around 100 maps. Our approach eliminates the parametrization bias and facilitates filament identification and angle determination on large data sets..

    Factors influencing alcohol and illicit drug use amongst first year medical students

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    The aims of this study were a) to investigate patterns of alcohol, smoking and illicit drug use and b) evaluate the relationship between substance abuse and personality factors in a cohort of 267 first year medical students. 12.3 % (men) and 11.8% (female) medical students reported to be drinking above the “low risk” level of alcohol. Illicit drug use was present amongst the students surveyed, with 12.4% having experimented with cannabis at some stage during their life. A significant proportion of the students (44.1%) suffered from anxiety. There are personality characteristics like extraversion and openness that influence the drug taking and drinking habits of students, suggesting that such individuals may still pursue these habits although they know these are not healthy habits. Considering these, it may be prudent to consider the promotion of harm reduction and safer use of drugs and alcohol in medical student

    Some aspects of the behavior of 25 lines inoculated with artificial infections with Fusarium Spp.

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    In Europe the most important pathogens that produce the breakage belong to the genus Fusarium, being F. graminearum, F. culmorum, F. avenaceum, F. poae, F. oxysporum and F. lateritium. Corn fusariosis is one of the main problems of this crop, encompassing all the areas around the world where this plant is grown. The most widespread species in the western area of Romania are: F. moniliforme and F. graminearum. Pathogens contribute to the degradation and quantitative and qualitative decrease of production on average by 20-25%. A limited number of diseases can damage the maize crops, causing significant losses of production. Among these are fusarian diseases which, due to their frequency and intensity, can be considered the most damaging for corn crops (Mureşan et al, 1973; Moose, 2004; Nagy et al 2006). Fusarium diseases reduce the value and quality of crops by massive accumulation of mycelial masses of mushrooms of the genus Fusarium (about 85%) on berries and earbuds as well as contamination with specific mycotoxins such as deoxynivalenol (DON), zearalenone (ZEA) and fumonisin (FUM) (Vyn and Tolenar, 1998; Yazar and Omurtag, 2008). This experience at the ARDS Lovrin corn amelioration laboratory is aimed at obtaining an initial material resistant to this disease, sorting, selecting existing material within the laboratory, and genetic aspects of maize resistance to this disease. Experience has taken place in the experimental field of the laboratory. In order to study this disease, (respectively the two species of Fusarium), three types of infections were carried out according to the organ of the plant: stalk (It); seed infections (Is); ear infections (Isht). The experimental genotypes are inbred lines in the crossbreeding program (25 variants) of different precocity groups, as well as inbred lines of parental forms of hybrids in culture and those proposed for homologation

    Influence of the long-term fertilization on the wheat yield, in period 1996-2018, at A.R.D.S. Lovrin

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    This study aims to analyze the evolution of winter wheat production, between 1996 and 2018, under the influence of 25 fertilization combinations with nitrogen and phosphorus. Nitrogen fertilizers applied have graduations of 0,30,60,90 and 120 kg active substance/ha, and of phosphorus 0, 40,80,120 and 160 kg of active substance/ha. The research carried out on a typical chernozem in the West of Romania showed that the fertilizers are well used by the winter wheat crop. During the 1996-2018 period, the influence of chemical fertilizers with nitrogen and phosphorus has been studied in a 3 years rotation (soya bean- wheatmaize). Unilateral application of nitrogen and phosphorus bring production increases within the range 573 kg grains/ha - 1016 kg/ha, nitrogen and 282 kg grains/ha - 998 kg/ha, phosphorus. The obtained results highlight the fundamental role of the combined application of the two types of fertilizers. The optimal dose of fertilizer, from an economic point of view is N88P122, with a production of 6866 kg wheat/ha