7 research outputs found

    BPS and non-BPS states in a supersymmetric Landau-Ginzburg theory

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    We analyze the spectrum of the N=(2,2) supersymmetric Landau-Ginzburg theory in two dimensions with superpotential W=X^{n+2}-lambda X^2. We find the full BPS spectrum of this theory by exploiting the direct connection between the UV and IR limits of the theory. The computation utilizes results from the Picard-Lefschetz theory of singularities and its extension to boundary singularities. The additional fact that this theory is integrable requires that the BPS states do not close under scattering. This observation fixes the masses of non-BPS states as well.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figure

    Strings on type IIB pp-wave backgrounds with interacting massive theories on the worldsheet

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    We consider superstring theories on pp-wave backgrounds which result in an integrable N=(2,2){\cal N}=(2,2) supersymmetric Landau-Ginzburg theory on the worldsheet. We obtain exact eigenvalues of the light-cone gauge superstring hamiltonian in the massive and interacting world-sheet theory with superpotential Z3ZZ^3-Z. We find the modes of the supergravity part of the string spectrum, and their space-time interpretation. Because the system is effectively at strong coupling on the worldsheet, these modes are not in one-to-one correspondence with the usual type IIB supergravity modes in the p0p_{-} \to 0 limit. However, the above correspondence holds in the α0\alpha'\to 0 limit.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure; minor changes, comments adde

    Infinite spin limit of semiclassical string states

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    Motivated by recent works of Hofman and Maldacena and Dorey we consider a special infinite spin limit of semiclassical spinning string states in AdS5 x S5. We discuss examples of known folded and circular 2-spin string solutions and demonstrate explicitly that the 1-loop superstring correction to the classical expression for the energy vanishes in the limit when one of the spins is much larger that the other. We also give a general discussion of this limit at the level of integral equations describing finite gap solutions of the string sigma model and argue that the corresponding asymptotic form of the string and gauge Bethe equations is the same.Comment: 38 pages, 3 figures; v2: comments on derivation of bound states of magnons from discrete Bethe equations added in section 4 and appendix C, references added, Imperial-TP-AT-6-4, HUTP-06/A002

    Two-loop world-sheet corrections in AdS_5 x S^5 superstring

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    We initiate the computation of the 2-loop quantum AdS_5 x S^5 string corrections on the example of a certain string configuration in S^5 related by an analytic continuation to a folded rotating string in AdS_5 in the ``long string'' limit. The 2-loop term in the energy of the latter should represent the subleading strong-coupling correction to the cusp anomalous dimension and thus provide a further check of recent conjectures about the exact structure of the Bethe ansatz underlying the AdS/CFT duality. We use the conformal gauge and several choices of the \kappa-symmetry gauge. While we are unable to verify the cancellation of 2d UV divergences we compute the bosonic contribution to the effective action and also determine the non-trivial finite part of the fermionic contribution. Both the bosonic and the fermionic contributions to the string energy happen to be proportional to the Catalan's constant. The resulting value for 2-loop superstring prediction for the subleading coefficient a_2 in the scaling function matches the numerical value found in hep-th/0611135 from the BES equation.Comment: 48 pages, 1 Figure. v3: several mistakes corrected, the finite result for the 2-loop coefficient is found to agree with the numerical value found by Benna et al in hep-th/061113