8 research outputs found

    Prevalência e tipos de bullying em escolares brasileiros de 13 a 17 anos

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    Objetivo: Verificar a prevalência e os tipos de bullying em escolares brasileiros de 13 a 17 anos, bem como, analisar os fatores associados. Métodos: Utilizou-se a amostragem aleatória simples para a seleção dos 525 escolares de 14 escolas municipais do 3° e 4° ciclos. A coleta de dados foi realizada por um único pesquisador, utilizando o questionário sobre bullying Modelo TMR. Considerou-se como vítimas de bullying os alunos que admitiram sofrer esse tipo de violência por 3 ou mais vezes no ano da coleta. Os dados foram armazenados no SPSS e analisados por meio da estatística analítica, através dos testes Qui-quadrado de Pearson e Exato de Fisher (pObjetivo Verificar a prevalência e os tipos de bullying em escolares brasileiros de 13 a 17 anos, bem como, analisar os fatores associados.Métodos Utilizou-se a amostragem aleatória simples para a seleção dos 525 escolares. A coleta de dados foi realizada por um único pesquisador, utilizando o questionário sobre bullying Modelo TMR. Considerou-se como vítimas de bullying os alunos que admitiram sofrer esse tipo de violência por três ou mais vezes no ano da coleta. Os dados foram organizados com o SPSS e analisados por meio dos testes Qui-quadrado de Pearson e Exato de Fisher (p and lt;0,05).Resultados A média de idade dos escolares foi de 14,2 anos (±1,1), sendo 54,1% do sexo feminino. Dentre os pesquisados, 23,6 % foram caracterizados como vítimas de bullying, com a maioria sendo de 14 anos de idade (27,3 %), do sexo masculino (31,5 %), do 7° ano de escolaridade (25,3 %), não existindo diferença de envolvimento entre os turnos escolar analisados (manhã e tarde). Houve associação entre o sexo do escolar e a ocorrência de bullying (p and lt;0,001). O tipo de bullying mais prevalente foi o verbal (87,7 %), seguido do relacional (37,7 %) e do físico (19,7 %).Conclusão É elevada a prevalência de bullying, com os meninos constituindo-se nas principais vítimas, predominando o bullying do tipo verbal

    Violent Deaths and Maxillofacial Injuries in Children and Adolescents in Campina Grande, PB, Brazil

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    Cilj: u ovom istraživanju je procijenjen mortalitet od vanjskih uzroka kod djece i adolescenata, te pojavnost maksilofacijalnih ozljeda u gradu Campini Grande, PB, Brazil, u 2003. godini. Metode: Pregledano je 837 forenzičnih medicinskih izvještaja, a od njih odabrano 115 žrtava (13.7%) od 0 do 18 godina. Uzroci su klasificirani u skladu s Poglavljem XX Međunarodne klasifikacije bolesti – CID 10. Podaci su obrađeni Epi-Info 3.4.1. programskim paketom. Asocijacija ispitivanih varijabli: tip uzroka i maksilofacijalne ozljede kao zavisne i spol i godine kao nezavisne varijable korištenjem Hi-kvadrat i Fisherova testa (p<0.05). Rezultati: Opažen je viši mortalitet kod dječaka (70.4%) te kod starosne grupe od 14 do 18 godina (50.3%), premda bez satatistički značajne razlike među starosnim skupinama i spolu (p=0.149). Prevladavale su prometne nesreće (32.2%), i dodatno kao pješak (37.8%). Ustanovljeno je da muški imaju 4.6 puta veću mogućnost da budu žrtva vatrenog oružja, nego ženska djeca. Žrtve su zadobile višestruke ozljede, uz prevladavanje abrazija (39.4%) i rana (24.5%). Prevalencija ozljeda glave je bila 22.5%, a lica 20.4%. Maksilofacijalne ozljede su identificirane kod 41.7% žrtava. Šest žrtava (12.5%) je imalo frakture, većinom mandibule (37.5%). Žrtve prometnih nesreća imale su 2.9 puta veću vjerojatnost za dobivanje ozljeda maksilofacijalnog područja. Zaključak: Dječaci od 14 do 18 godina su većinom bili žrtve vanjskih uzroka, većinom prometnih nesreća, i pojavnost višestrukih ozljeda glave i lica je bila učestala.Objective: In this study, mortality by external causes of children and adolescents and the occurrence of maxillofacial injuries was evaluated in the city of Campina Grande, PB, Brazil in 2003. Methods: 837 forensic medical reports were reviewed, 115 (13.7%) of them belonging to victims aged from 0 to 18 years. The causes were classified according to the Chapter XX of the International Classification of Diseases - CID 10. Data were organized using Epi-Info 3.4.1 software. The association of the variables: type of cause and maxillofacial injuries as dependent variables and sex and age as independent variable was performed by the chi-square and Fisher’s exact tests (p<0.05). Results: Higher mortality was observed among boys (70.4%) and in the 14-18-year-old age group (50.3%), although without statistically significant difference between the age groups and the genders (p=0.149). There was a predominance of traffic accidents (32.2%), most involving pedestrians (37.8%). Males had a 4.6 times greater chance of being victims of firearms than females. Most of the victims had multiple injuries, with predominance of abrasions (39.4%) and wounds (24.5%). The prevalence of injuries to the head and face was 22.5% and 20.4%, respectively. Maxillofacial injuries were identified in 41.7% of the victims. Six victims (12.5%) exhibited fractures, mainly in the mandible (37.5%). Victims of traffic accidents had a 2.9 times greater chance of suffering injuries to the maxillofacial region. Conclusion: Boys aged between 14 and 18 years were the main victims of fatalities due to external causes, mainly traffic accidents, and the occurrence of multiples injuries to the head and face was frequent

    In vitro Susceptibility of Streptococcus oralis to Different Mouthwashes

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    Svrha: Otopine za ispiranje usta često su prvi izbor u slučaju kemijske kontrole zubnog biofilma. Željelo se in vitro procijeniti kakva je osjetljivost bakterije Streptococcus oralis (ATCC 10557) na komercijalne otopine za ispiranje usta koje se prodaju na brazilskom tržištu. Metode: Procjenjivalo se sedam otopina: Equate®, Colgate Plax Overnight®, Sanifill®, Cepacol Cool Citrus® i Oral-B® (cetylpyridinium chlorid – cetilpiridinij klorid), Listerine® (thymol – timol) i Peroxyl® (hydrogen peroxid – vodikov peroksid). Otopina 0,12-postotnog klorheksidin diglukonata (Periogard®) bila je pozitivna kontrola. Određivao se antibakterijski učinak sedam različitih razrjeđenja (od 1:0 do 1:32) i najveće razrjeđenje s inhibitornim učinkom (MID) u Müller–Hintonovu agaru s dodatkom pet posto krvi. U svaku mikrojažicu s krutom hranjivom podlogom uliveno je 50 mikrolitara pripremljene otopine te je inkubirana 24 sata na temperaturi od 37oC. Analiza MID-a temeljila se na zonama inhibicije bakterijskog rasta (u milimetrima) stvorenima oko utora (razmatrale su se samo one s promjerom ≥10 mm). Rezultati: Dobiveni su sljedeći podaci o MID-u: za Equate® i Oral-B® –1 : 2, za Sanifill® – 1 : 1, te za Plax®, Cepacol® i Periogard® – 1 : 4. Peroxyl® i Listerine® nisu antibakterijski djelovali na S. oralis. Zaključeno je da Streptococcus oralis predstavlja dokaz o osjetljivosti soja na otopine za ispiranje usta koje su korištene u ovom istraživanju, osim kad je riječ o Peroxylu® i Listerinu®. Zaključak: Rezultati pokazuju da su cetilpiridinijev klorid i klorheksidin glukonat (cetylpyridinium chloride i chlorhexidine gluconate), kao glavni aktivni sastojci ispitanih otopina za ispiranje usta, važni spojevi u kemijskoj kontroli zubnog biofilma.Aim: The use of mouthwashes represents, in many cases, the first option for the chemical control of dental biofilm. To evaluate in vitro susceptibility of Streptococcus oralis (ATCC 10557) to commercial mouthwashes available on the Brazilian market. Methods: Seven mouthwashes were evaluated: Equate®, Colgate Plax Overnight®, Sanifill®, Cepacol Cool Citrus® and Oral-B® (cetylpyridinium chloride), Listerine® (Thymol) and Peroxyl® (hydrogen peroxide). A 0.12% chlorhexidine digluconate oral rinse (Periogard®) served as a positive control. The antibacterial activity of the mouthwashes in 7 dilutions (1:0 to 1:32) was evaluated by determining the maximum inhibitory dilution (MID) in Muller Hinton agar supplemented with 5% blood. Fifty microliters of each ready-to-use solution and their dilutions were poured into wells perforated in the solid culture medium and the dishes were incubated in bacteriological incubators at 37oC for 24 hours. The analysis of MID data was based on the measurement of the zones of bacterial growth inhibition (in mm) formed around the wells (only inhibition zones with a diameter ≥10 mm were considered). Results: The following MIDs were obtained: 1:2 for Equate® and Oral-B®, 1:1 for Sanifill®, and 1:4 for Plax®, Cepacol® and Periogard®. Peroxyl® and Listerine® did not show antibacterial activity against S. oralis. In conclusion, S. oralis presented susceptibility to the mouthwashes evaluated in this study, except for Peroxyl® and Listerine®. Conclusion: These results suggest that cetylpyridinium chloride and chlorhexidine gluconate, which are the most important active components of the tested brands of mouthwashes, are important agents in the chemical control of dental biofilm

    Maxillofacial injuries among Brazilian children and adolescents victims of traffic accidents

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the prevalence of morbidity due to traffic accidents in children and adolescents and its relationship with maxillofacial injuries in the city of Campina Grande, Para&#237;ba, Brazil. METHODS: This cross-sectional study analyzed 533 forensic reports of individuals aged 0-19 years, victims of external causes in Campina Grande, Brazil, in 2013. Data were collected through a form containing variables sex, age, day of week, time, type of traffic accident, injured body region, presence of fractures, maxillofacial and oral cavity injuries. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences software (SPSS) was used for data analysis. Prevalence ratios and confidence intervals at 95% were estimated with the chi-square test. RESULTS: There was predominance of males (75.0%) aged 15-19 years (65.0%), with association between sex and occurrence of traffic accidents (p <0.001). The afternoon shift recorded 36.7% of cases of accidents involving motorcyclists (55.0%). In 25.0% of cases, there were injuries on the head and 26.7% on the face. Head and face injuries were observed in 10.0% of patients, while maxillofacial and oral cavity injuries were present in 21.7% and 6.7%, respectively. There was an association between occurrence of accident and face injuries (p = 0.009). CONCLUSION: Traffic accidents affect mostly young male individuals, causing multiple injuries in different body areas, including maxillofacial and oral cavity injuries