94 research outputs found

    Wpływ partii politycznych na kształtowanie świadomość społecznej i narodowej chłopów na Lubelszczyźnie na przełomie XIX i XX wieku

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    Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Impact of COVID-19 on the functioning of medical facilities in Poland

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    The COVID-19 pandemic in Poland lasted from March 2020 to May 2022. As a result of the new strain of the virus, it was necessary to change the way primary health care units work. In order to allow patients to interact with medical staff, teleconsultations were introduced. This was thought to reduce the spread of the virus and reduce the risk of contracting SARS-CoV-2. Many other countries have seen a reduction in in-person visits and an increase in online doctor consultations. The aim of the study was to examine the level of services provided by medical facilities, including efficiency, effectiveness and patient satisfaction. The survey, which included 246 people, showed that most respondents used remote visits during the pandemic and more than 50% of them believe that clinics were not adequately prepared for the epidemiological situation. Despite the rapid development of technology in the medical sector, patients still prefer the traditional form of medical consultation, which they argue is more accurate and insightful for the doctor during this type of visit

    Bruxism – contemporary knowledge about the disorder and therapeutic possibilities

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    Introduction: bruxism is a parafunction characterized by excessive activity of the masticatory muscles, consisting in grinding, or clenching of the teeth. The etiology of bruxism is multifactorial. Carefully collected history and additional tests enable correct diagnosis. There is no single method that is completely effective in treating bruxism. It is important to make the patient aware of the disorder, it’s possible consequences, and the need for treatment.   Aim of the study: approximation of the bruxism profile, drawing attention to the prevalence of the disorder and the need for early diagnosis, as well as discussing the current therapeutic options   Material and methods: the authors reviewed the literature on bruxism in terms of its causes, epidemiology, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment   Conclusions: Correct, short-term diagnosis and application of appropriate treatment may inhibit the development of functional disorders of the masticatory system

    Do sunscreens have more positive or negative effects? Study review

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    Introduction: UV radiation is related to skin cancers, skin photoaging and sunburn. It can be harmful for human skin, so it is crucial to have a protection against sun rays. Substances protecting people from sun are sunscreens, that block and absorb UV radiation. The first sunscreen was discovered in 1928 and, since then, there have been many concerns about its safety, efectiveness and impant on the environment. Types of accessible sunscreens are physical sunscreens, chemical sunscreens and a combination. This study review is performed to assess possible risks of using sunscreens and evaluate if there are more positive or negative effects of their action. The aim of the study:  To evaluate positive and negative effects of sunscreens action. Materials and methods: We searched Pubmed and ResearchGate in order to find relevant studies about sunscreens and their impact on human skin, human health and environment. Results: There seem to be some adverse effects of sunblockers for the environment, such as destroying coral reefs, bioaccumulating in fish tissue and water sources. In some studies there was mentioned a negative impact of sunscreens on hormonal systems and pregnancy, as well as on human skin. On the other hand, many studies display that sunblockers inhibit the carcinogenic effect of sun rays, preventing people from developing skin cancers. Conclusions: Althought sunscreens can have some negative effects, studies showed that there are more positive effects of their action. They can be harmful for the environment, but at the same time they can be a protection. Sunscreens protect skin from developing skin cancer and also delay skin aging. However, the protection against sun is complex

    Contraception - methods, effectiveness and safety

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    Introduction The article provides an overview of the available methods of contraception, effectiveness, safety, advantages and disadvantages of using a given contraceptive. The use of contraception is becoming more and more popular in society. There are many methods of contraception. The choice depends mainly on the patient's preferences, but diseases and a well-collected history are also important.   The aim of the study Review the latest literature on methods of contraception   Material and methods The research was conducted using Articles by PubMed and Google Scholar on methods of contraception Description of the state of knowledge:  There are many methods of contraception, Hormonal methods include oral contraceptive pills, contraceptive patches, implants, hormone injections. Barrier products such as copper / levonogestrel IUDs prevent pregnancy by creating a mechanical barrier to prevent conception.  [1,2] The most common method - the use of condoms prevents sperm from entering the uterus. All products and methods have benefits and potential complications, therefore the method should be selected individually for each patient. [6,7] Summary: There are many types of contraception . Some of them are almost 100% effective in preventing pregnancy.  [1,3,4,5,] It should be remembered that each method of contraception should be selected individually, depending on the patient's needs. [8,9] &nbsp

    Stevens–Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis, A Review of Pathogenesis, Clinical Features, Diagnosis and Treatment

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    Stevens Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) are rare, acute conditions, potentially life-threatening, immune-mediated and often unpredictable. Characteristic for SJS and TEN is acute necrosis of the epidermis and mucous membranes, caused by the extensive death of keratinocytes. These syndromes are considered hypersensitivity reactions. They are most often caused by drugs. There have also been reports of SJS / TEN being caused by infection, SJS/TEN disease is very rare and due to its rarity there is no specific pharmaceutical algorythm. Supportive care and treatment of symptoms are very important. The most crucial part of non-pharmacologic treatment of SJS/TEN is the detection and cessation of the pharmaceutical that caused the disease. The aim of this literature review was to summarize current knowledge about the pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of Stevens- Johnson Syndrom and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis. Standard criteria were used to review the literature data. The search of articles in the PubMed and Google Scholar database was carried out using the following keywords: Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis, cutaneous adverse drug reaction

    Potential mechanisms of action and effectiveness of electroconvulsive therapy in the treatment of depressive disorders

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    The aim of this study is to prove the positive effect of electroconvulsive therapy on depressive disorders. Depression as a mental illness has not been fully studied in terms of its relationship in combination with electroconvulsive therapy. Nevertheless, despite many uncertainties, its positive effect on this type of treatment is indicated. Analysing a number of studies, electroconvulsive therapy is considered to be the most effective treatment for depression. As the research work shows, thanks to the use of electroconvulsive therapy in older people over 60 years of age, a positive effect on the patient's health can be observed in the entire study group. The mechanism of action of electroconvulsive therapy is multifaceted. There are several theories of how it works, affecting different areas of the individual's body. These include an anticonvulsant theory (GABAergic), effects on serotonergic and dopaminergic functions in the brain, effects on neurogenesis in the hippocampus and amygdala and neuropathicity, effects on gene transcription, an increase in the Narp protein with a presumed antidepressant effect, support for the neuroendocrine mechanism, as well as effects on inflammation (cytokines).&nbsp

    Plant Based Diets and the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

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    Introduction: The prevalence of diabetes in the world continues to increase. Most cases of type 2 diabetes are caused by modifiable risk factors, including unhealthy diets based on meat and processed products, low physical activity, overweight and obesity. Research suggests that plant-based diets have shown significant weight reduction benefits compared to non-plant-based diets and improve glycemic control to a greater extent than conventional diabetic diets. The aim of the study: assessment of the frequency of developing diabetes t.2 in people eating various types of vegetarian diets compared to people whose diet contains animal products. Material and methods: Standard criteria were used to review the literature data. The search of articles in the PubMed and Google Scholar database was carried out using the following keywords: plant based diet, vegetarian diet, type 2 diabetes. Description of the state of knowledge: Food products such as red meat, especially processed meat, are one of the most important risk factors for metabolic disorders, including diabetes. A healthy and properly balanced plant-based diet can positively affect the carbohydrate metabolism. Due to the high fiber content, this diet has a low energy density. It also contains flavonoids and a high amount of antioxidants beneficial to human health. Summary: Properly balanced vegetarian diets lower the risk of developing metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Plant-based diets range from vegan, lacto-ovo-vegetarian, peso-vegetarian, and semi-vegetarian diets. Different types of diets show differences in therapeutic effects. The most important factor connecting these different diets is the focusing on whole grains, vegetables and fruits, nuts, legumes, and limiting consumption of saturated and trans fats

    The influence of drugs used in mental disorders on the health of the oral cavity - a systematic review

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    Ze wzrostem liczby diagnoz zaburzeń psychicznych łączy się wzrost zapotrzebowania na leki psychotropowe, których częstym działaniem niepożądanym jest kserostomia, definiowana jako uczucie suchości w jamie ustnej i prowadząca m.in. do próchnicy i stanów zapalnych błon śluzowych. Największą zdolnością do wywoływania tych działań niepożądanych cechują się leki przeciwpsychotyczne i trójcykliczne leki przeciwdepresyjne, ale nie są od nich wolne także SSRI, antydepresanty atypowe                   i anksjolityki takie jak benzodiazepiny. W leczeniu kserostomii ważna jest profilaktyka kandydozy i próchnicy: odpowiednia dieta, prawidłowe zabiegi higienizacyjne oraz regularne kontrole stomatologiczne. Inne metody to farmakoterapia i stosowanie substytutów śliny. Istnieje korelacja pomiędzy zaburzeniami psychicznymi a wyższą liczbą ubytków próchnicowych, niższą jakością higieny jamy ustnej i większą częstością występowania chorób periodontologicznych