45 research outputs found

    Different levels of expression of the clock protein PER and the glial marker REPO in ensheathing and astrocyte-like glia of the distal medulla of Drosophila optic lobe

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    Circadian plasticity of the visual system of Drosophila melanogaster depends on functioning of both the neuronal and glial oscillators. The clock function of the former is already quite well-recognized. The latter, however, is much less known and documented. In this study we focus on the glial oscillators that reside in the distal part of the second visual neuropil, medulla (dMnGl), in vicinity of the PIGMENT-DISPERSING FACTOR (PDF) releasing terminals of the circadian clock ventral Lateral Neurons (LNvs). We reveal the heterogeneity of the dMnGl, which express the clock protein PERIOD (PER) and the pan-glial marker REVERSED POLARITY (REPO) at higher (P1) or lower (P2) levels. We show that the cells with stronger expression of PER display also stronger expression of REPO, and that the number of REPO-P1 cells is bigger during the day than during the night. Using a combination of genetic markers and immunofluorescent labeling with anti PER and REPO Abs, we have established that the P1 and P2 cells can be associated with two different types of the dMnGl, the ensheathing (EnGl), and the astrocyte-like glia (ALGl). Surprisingly, the EnGl belong to the P1 cells, whereas the ALGl, previously reported to play the main role in the circadian rhythms, display the characteristics of the P2 cells (express very low level of PER and low level of REPO). Next to the EnGl and ALGl we have also observed another type of cells in the distal medulla that express PER and REPO, although at very low levels. Based on their morphology we have identified them as the T1 interneurons. Our study reveals the complexity of the distal medulla circadian network, which appears to consist of different types of glial and neuronal peripheral clocks, displaying molecular oscillations of higher (EnGl) and lower (ALGl and T1) amplitudes

    Case report of Churg-Strauss syndrome - signs and symptoms suggesting disseminated neoplasmatic disease

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    Churg-Strauss syndrome (CSS) is characterized by asthma, sinusitis, hypereosinophilia and eosinophilic infiltrates, with particular pulmonary, gastrointestinal, neural and cardiovascular involvement. We presented a case of CSS complicated by weight loss, pulmonary embolism and non-traumatic rib fractures. The case confirms that the clinical course of the disease is highly heterogeneous.Churg-Strauss syndrome (CSS) is characterized by asthma, sinusitis, hypereosinophilia and eosinophilic infiltrates, with particular pulmonary, gastrointestinal, neural and cardiovascular involvement. We presented a case of CSS complicated by weight loss, pulmonary embolism and non-traumatic rib fractures. The case confirms that the clinical course of the disease is highly heterogeneous

    Periodic expression of Sm proteins parallels formation of nuclear Cajal bodies and cytoplasmic snRNP-rich bodies

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    Small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) play a fundamental role in pre-mRNA processing in the nucleus. The biogenesis of snRNPs involves a sequence of events that occurs in both the nucleus and cytoplasm. Despite the wealth of biochemical information about the cytoplasmic assembly of snRNPs, little is known about the spatial organization of snRNPs in the cytoplasm. In the cytoplasm of larch microsporocytes, a cyclic appearance of bodies containing small nuclear RNA (snRNA) and Sm proteins was observed during anther meiosis. We observed a correlation between the occurrence of cytoplasmic snRNP bodies, the levels of Sm proteins, and the dynamic formation of Cajal bodies. Larch microsporocytes were used for these studies. This model is characterized by natural fluctuations in the level of RNA metabolism, in which periods of high transcriptional activity are separated from periods of low transcriptional activity. In designing experiments, the authors considered the differences between the nuclear and cytoplasmic phases of snRNP maturation and generated a hypothesis about the direct participation of Sm proteins in a molecular switch triggering the formation of Cajal bodies

    External and circadian inputs modulate synaptic protein expression in the visual system of Drosophila melanogaster

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    In the visual system of Drosophila melanogaster the retina photoreceptors form tetrad synapses with the first order interneurons, amacrine cells and glial cells in the first optic neuropil (lamina), in order to transmit photic and visual information to the brain. Using the specific antibodies against synaptic proteins; Bruchpilot (BRP), Synapsin (SYN), and Disc Large (DLG), the synapses in the distal lamina were specifically labeled. Then their abundance was measured as immunofluorescence intensity in flies held in light/dark (LD 12:12), constant darkness (DD), and after locomotor and light stimulation. Moreover, the levels of proteins (SYN and DLG), and mRNAs of the brp, syn, and dlg genes, were measured in the fly's head and brain, respectively. In the head we did not detect SYN and DLG oscillations. We found, however, that in the lamina, DLG oscillates in LD 12:12 and DD but SYN cycles only in DD. The abundance of all synaptic proteins was also changed in the lamina after locomotor and light stimulation. One hour locomotor stimulations at different time points in LD 12:12 affected the pattern of the daily rhythm of synaptic proteins. In turn, light stimulations in DD increased the level of all proteins studied. In the case of SYN, however, this effect was observed only after a short light pulse (15 min). In contrast to proteins studied in the lamina, the mRNA of brp, syn, and dlg genes in the brain was not cycling in LD 12:12 and DD, except the mRNA of dlg in LD 12:12. Our earlier results and obtained in the present study showed that the abundance of BRP, SYN and DLG in the distal lamina, at the tetrad synapses, is regulated by light and a circadian clock while locomotor stimulation affects their daily pattern of expression. The observed changes in the level of synaptic markers reflect the circadian plasticity of tetrad synapses regulated by the circadian clock and external inputs, both specific and unspecific for the visual system

    Stanowisko Polskiego Towarzystwa Endokrynologicznego dotyczące związków endokrynnie czynnych (EDC)

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    With the reference to the position statements of the Endocrine Society, the Paediatric Endocrine Society, and the European Society of Paediatric Endocrinology, the Polish Society of Endocrinology points out the adverse health effects caused by endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) commonly used in daily life as components of plastics, food containers, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. The statement is based on the alarming data about the increase of the prevalence of many endocrine disorders such as: cryptorchidism, precocious puberty in girls and boys, and hormone-dependent cancers (endometrium, breast, prostate). In our opinion, it is of human benefit to conduct epidemiological studies that will enable the estimation of the risk factors of exposure to EDCs and the probability of endocrine disorders. Increasing consumerism and the industrial boom has led to severe pollution of the environment with a corresponding negative impact on human health; thus, there is great necessity for the biomonitoring of EDCs in Poland. (Endokrynol Pol 2015; 66 (3): 276–285)    W nawiązaniu do opublikowanych ostatnio stanowisk Towarzystwa Endokrynologicznego (Endocrine Society), Towarzystwa Endokrynologii Pediatrycznej (Pediatric Endocrine Society) oraz Europejskiego Towarzystwa Endokrynologii Pediatrycznej (European Society of Pediatric Endocrinology), Polskie Towarzystwo Endokrynologiczne (PTE) zwraca uwagę na negatywne skutki zdrowotne spowodowane ekspozycją na związki endokrynnie czynne (EDC, endocrine disrupting chemicals) używane w przemyśle jako składowe plastików, opakowań żywności, leków oraz kosmetyków. Postępująca urbanizacja, industrializacja i konsumpcjonizm prowadzą do zwiększonego skażenia środowiska, które wpływa negatywnie na organizmy żywe, w tym również na ludzkie zdrowie. Obecnie znanych jest ponad 800 związków, które wykazują zdolność zaburzania czynności układu dokrewnego. Narastająca częstość występowania przypadków zaburzeń endokrynnych, zaburzeń rozwoju narządów płciowych, zaburzeń metabolicznych zwraca szczególną uwagę na potencjalną rolę czynników środowiskowych. Stanowisko PTE zostało sprowokowane alarmującymi danymi o wzroście częstości występowania: zaburzeń płodności, wnętrostwa, przedwczesnego dojrzewania płciowego dziewcząt i chłopców, nowotworów hormonozależnych, w tym raka endometrium, sutka, gruczołu krokowego, jajnika i jąder. W opinii autorów konieczne jest przeprowadzenie w Polsce reprezentatywnych, długoterminowych badań epidemiologicznych pozwalających na ocenę związku pomiędzy ekspozycją na EDC a występowaniem zaburzeń czynności gruczołów wydzielania wewnętrznego. Niezwykle ważne wydaje się stworzenie wielodyscyplinarnej grupy badawczej. Uzyskane wyniki po przedstawieniu przedstawicielom rządu, mogłyby umożliwić wprowadzenie stosownych rozporządzeń prawnych. (Endokrynol Pol 2015; 66 (3): 276–285)

    ZmOrphan94 Transcription Factor Downregulates ZmPEPC1 Gene Expression in Maize Bundle Sheath Cells

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    Spatial separation of the photosynthetic reactions is a key feature of C4 metabolism. In most C4 plants, this separation requires compartmentation of photosynthetic enzymes between mesophyll (M) and bundle sheath (BS) cells. The upstream region of the gene encoding the maize PHOSPHOENOLPYRUVATE CARBOXYLASE 1 (ZmPEPC1) has been shown sufficient to drive M-specific ZmPEPC1 gene expression. Although this region has been well characterized, to date, only few trans-factors involved in the ZmPEPC1 gene regulation were identified. Here, using a yeast one-hybrid approach, we have identified three novel maize transcription factors ZmHB87, ZmCPP8, and ZmOrphan94 as binding to the ZmPEPC1 upstream region. Bimolecular fluorescence complementation assays in maize M protoplasts unveiled that ZmOrphan94 forms homodimers and interacts with ZmCPP8 and with two other ZmPEPC1 regulators previously reported, ZmbHLH80 and ZmbHLH90. Trans-activation assays in maize M protoplasts unveiled that ZmHB87 does not have a clear transcriptional activity, whereas ZmCPP8 and ZmOrphan94 act as activator and repressor, respectively. Moreover, we observed that ZmOrphan94 reduces the trans-activation activity of both activators ZmCPP8 and ZmbHLH90. Using the electromobility shift assay, we showed that ZmOrphan94 binds to several cis-elements present in the ZmPEPC1 upstream region and one of these cis-elements overlaps with the ZmbHLH90 binding site. Gene expression analysis revealed that ZmOrphan94 is preferentially expressed in the BS cells, suggesting that ZmOrphan94 is part of a transcriptional regulatory network downregulating ZmPEPC1 transcript level in the BS cells. Based on both this and our previous work, we propose a model underpinning the importance of a regulatory mechanism within BS cells that contributes to the M-specific ZmPEPC1 gene expression

    Zalecenia Polskiego Towarzystwa Endokrynologicznego oraz Polskiego Towarzystwa Diabetologicznego dotyczące diagnostyki i leczenia zaburzeń funkcji tarczycy w cukrzycy typu 1 i 2

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    Thyroid disorders are more frequently observed in diabetic patients. These conditions have been shown to be mainly of autoimmune origin and all of them may lead to hormonal imbalance. Especially strong links exist between autoimmune thyroid diseases (AITD) and type 1 diabetes. Importantly, both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can adversely affect metabolic control of diabetes. These recommendations propose diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms for thyroid dysfunction in diabetic patients.Zaburzenia czynności tarczycy dotyczą znacznej części populacji osób chorych na cukrzycę. Najczęściej są to zaburzenia o podłożu autoimmunologicznym, częściej współistniejące z cukrzycą typu 1. Zarówno niedoczynność, jak i nadczynność tarczycy pogarszają wyrównanie metaboliczne pacjentów z cukrzycą. Celem zaleceń było zaproponowanie algorytmu diagnostyczno-terapeutycznego chorób tarczycy u pacjentów z cukrzycą

    Compartmentation of photosynthesis gene expression in C4 maize depends on time of day

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    Compared with the ancestral C3 state, C4 photosynthesis occurs at higher rates with improved water and nitrogen use efficiencies. In both C3 and C4 plants, rates of photosynthesis increase with light intensity and are maximal around midday. We determined that in the absence of light or temperature fluctuations, photosynthesis in maize (Zea mays) peaks in the middle of the subjective photoperiod. To investigate the molecular processes associated with these temporal changes, we performed RNA sequencing of maize mesophyll and bundle sheath strands over a 24-h time course. Preferential expression of C4 cycle genes in these cell types was strongest between 6 and 10 h after dawn when rates of photosynthesis were highest. For the bundle sheath, DNA motif enrichment and gene coexpression analyses suggested members of the DNA binding with one finger (DOF) and MADS (MINICHROMOSOME MAINTENANCE FACTOR 1/AGAMOUS/DEFICIENS/Serum Response Factor)-domain transcription factor families mediate diurnal fluctuations in C4 gene expression, while trans-activation assays in planta confirmed their ability to activate promoter fragments from bundle sheath expressed genes. The work thus identifies transcriptional regulators and peaks in cell-specific C4 gene expression coincident with maximum rates of photosynthesis in the maize leaf at midday.This work was supported by the European Commission project 3to4 (grant agreement no: 289582), by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) through research unit GREEN-it “Bioresources for Sustainability” (UID/Multi/04551/2013, UIDB/04551/2020), by POPH-QREN to A.R.B. (SFRH/BD/105739/2014), A.M.G. (SFRH/BD/89743/2012), and N.J.M.S. (IF/01126/2012), by ERACAPS grant C4BREED and BBSRC grants BB/L014130, BBP0031171, and BB/S006370/1, and by European Research Council Grant Revolution RG80867