7 research outputs found

    Release of dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) inhibitory peptides from milk protein isolate (MPI) during enzymatic hydrolysis

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    The release of dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) inhibitory peptides from bovine milk protein isolate (MPI) during trypsin hydrolysis was studied using a design of experiments (DOE) approach. A 3 factor×3 level DOE including temperature (40, 50 and 60°C), enzyme to substrate ratio (E:S; 0.50, 1.25 and 2.00% (w/w)) and hydrolysis time (60, 150 and 240min) was used during the generation of 15 hydrolysates (H1-H15). The degree of hydrolysis (DH) varied between 6.98±0.31 (H8) to 12.75±0.62% (H10). The DPP-IV half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) ranged from 0.68±0.06 (H11)/0.68±0.10 (H4) to 1.59±0.11mgmL-1 (H8). Temperature had no effect (p>0.05) on the DPP-IV IC50 value, while an increase in E:S or time significantly decreased DPP-IV IC50 value (p0.05, n=3). Following simulated gastrointestinal digestion (SGID) of H16 (H16_CorPP), the DPP-IV IC50 value increased (p<0.05) to 0.90±0.07mgmL-1. There was no significant difference between the DPP-IV IC50 value of the SGID of MPI (MPI_CorPP, 0.89±0.11mgmL-1) and that of H16_CorPP. Potent known DPP-IV inhibitory peptide sequences were identified by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) within H16, some of which were also present within H16_CorPP. MPI hydrolysates may be of interest for serum glucose regulation in humans


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    Abstracts from the 44th ESAO and 7th IFAO Congress, 6-9 September 2017, Vienna, Austria

    Non–alcoholic to metabolic associated fatty liver disease: cardiovascular implications of a change in terminology in patients living with HIV

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    Background and Aims: It has recently been suggested that the definition of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) be changed to Metabolic Associated FLD (MAFLD) to better reflect the complex metabolic aspects of this syndrome. We compared the ability of MAFLD and NAFLD to correctly identify high CV risk patients, sub-clinical atherosclerosis or a history of prior CV events (CVEs) in patients living with HIV (PWH). Methods: Single center, cross-sectional study of PWH on stable anti-retrovirals. NAFLD was diagnosed by transient liver elastography; published criteria were used to diagnose MAFLD (JHepatol.2020;73(1):202-209). Four mutually exclusive groups were considered: low (&lt;7.5%) vs high (&gt;7.5%) ASCVD risk, subclinical CVD (carotid IMT ≥1 mm and/or coronary calcium score &gt;100), and prior CVEs. The association of NAFLD and MAFLD with the CVD risk groups was explored via a multinominal model adjusted for age, sex, liver fibrosis, HIV duration, nadir CD4 and current CD4 cell count. Results: We included 1249 PWH (mean age 55 years, 74% men, median HIV duration 24 years). Prevalence of overweight/obesity and diabetes was 40% and 18%. Prevalence of NAFLD and MAFLD and overlapping groups are shown in Fig 1A. Fig 1B shows distribution of NAFLD/MAFLD in the 4 patient categories (p-for-trend &lt;0.001). Both MAFLD and NAFLD were significantly associated with an increased risk of CVD compared to the reference level (ASCVD&lt;7.5%) (all p-values &lt;0.004; Fig 2). Conclusions: NAFLD and MAFLD perform equally in detecting CVD or its risk. The proposed change in terminology may not help to identify PWH requiring enhanced surveillance and preventative interventions for cardiovascular disease

    Ecosistemi da progettare. Esercizi progettuali per la conservazione della biodiversit\ue0, il ripristino funzionale degli ecosistemi e l\u2019accessibilit\ue0 alle risorse naturali.

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    In un\u2019epoca di grande pressione sugli ecosistemi naturali, l\u2019uso del territorio per la conservazione della biodiversit\ue0, il recupero funzionale degli ecosistemi pi\uf9 degradati e di sistemi produttivi che si coniughino alle esigenze di biodiversit\ue0, hanno un ruolo strategico di primaria importanza per assicurare la sostenibilit\ue0 delle risorse. La biodiversit\ue0 \ue8 tutto ci\uf2 che abbiamo. Biodiversit\ue0 \ue8 ossigeno, cibo, medicine, risorse economiche, resilienza e adattamento ai cambiamenti naturali, cos\uec come a quelli indotti dalle attivit\ue0 umane. Un mondo senza uccelli, insetti, prati, aree umide o boschi non sosterebbe la popolazione umana esistente, e certamente non renderebbe possibile la ripresa economica che tutti ci auspichiamo. Abbiamo chiesto agli studenti del corso di \u201cEcosistemi, habitat protetti e ripristini ambientali\u201d della Laurea Magistrale in \u201cProgettazione e gestione degli ecosistemi agro-territoriali, forestali e del paesaggio\u201d dell\u2019Alma Mater Studiorum, Universit\ue0 degli Studi di Bologna, di fare un esercizio teorico-pratico sulla base di questa prospettiva e cio\ue8 di elaborare progetti di ripristino ambientale, conservazione della natura, e uso sostenibile delle risorse. Gli studenti hanno risposto con grande seriet\ue0 ed entusiasmo a questa proposta formativa. Sono loro gli ideatori, interlocutori e anche i beneficiari dei progetti che vengono presentati in questo booklet. In alcuni casi hanno ritenuto opportuno coinvolgere la cittadinanza e le associazioni di volontariato locali per poter sviluppare i loro progetti sulla base delle esigenze dei fruitori di queste aree. Queste sono vere e proprie azioni di Citizen Science che integrano l\u2019uso sostenibile dell\u2019ambiente con le esigenze economiche e della societ\ue0, e forniscono una prova della professionalit\ue0 acquisita dai ragazzi in questo percorso. Nell\u2019elaborazione dei progetti i ragazzi sono stati affiancati e stimolati da esperti e professionisti di vari settori che hanno permesso di indirizzare l\u2019esercizio teorico necessario per il sostenimento dell\u2019esame alle esigenze specifiche e attuali dei territori studiati. Con questo booklet desideriamo far conoscere agli addetti ai lavori, enti di gestione, aree protette, comuni, regioni, ai proprietari delle aree scelte come modello per l\u2019esercizio progettuale e alla cittadinanza, i progetti sviluppati nei loro territori. Possono servire come spunto per la pianificazione e la gestione dei territori specifici, ma esprimono anche la necessit\ue0 dei nostri ragazzi di un ambiente fatto di natura e biodiversit\ue0

    Fate of melatonin orally administered in preterm newborns: Antioxidant performance and basis for neuroprotection

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    Preterm infants cannot counteract excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS) production due to preterm birth, leading to an excess of lipid peroxidation with malondialdehyde (MDA) production, capable of contributing to brain damage. Melatonin (ME), an endogenous brain hormone, and its metabolites, act as a free radical scavenger against ROS. Unfortunately, preterms have an impaired antioxidant system, resulting in the inability to produce and release ME. This prospective, multicenter, parallel groups, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial aimed to assess: (i) the endogenous production of ME in very preterm infants (gestational age <= 29 + 6 WE, 28 infants in the ME and 26 in the placebo group); (ii) the exogenous hormone availability and its metabolization to the main metabolite, 6-OH-ME after 15 days of ME oral treatment; (iii) difference of MDA plasma concentration, as peroxidation marker, after treatment. Blood was collected before the first administration (T1) and after 15 days of administration (T2). ME and 6-OH-ME were detected by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry, MDA was measured by liquid chromatograph with fluorescence detection. ME and 6-OH-ME were not detectable in the placebo group at any study time-point. ME was absent in the active group at T1. In contrast, after oral administration, ME and 6-OH-ME resulted highly detectable and the difference between concentrations T2 versus T1 was statistically significant, as well as the difference between treated and placebo groups at T2. MDA levels seemed stable during the 15 days of treatment in both groups. Nevertheless, a trend in the percentage of neonates with reduced MDA concentration at T2/T1 was 48.1% in the ME group versus 38.5% in the placebo group. We demonstrated that very preterm infants are not able to produce endogenous detectable plasma levels of ME during their first days of life. Still, following ME oral administration, appreciable amounts of ME and 6-OH-ME were available. The trend of MDA reduction in the active group requires further clinical trials to fix the dosage, the length of ME therapy and to identify more appropriate indexes to demonstrate, at biological and clinical levels, the antioxidant activity and consequent neuroprotectant potential of ME in very preterm newborns