16 research outputs found

    Occurrence and characterization of the species complex causing tomato bacterial spot in "Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe", SC, Brazil

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar isolados de Xanthomonas causadores da mancha bacteriana do tomateiro para consumo in natura, provenientes da região do Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe, SC, Brasil, bem como caracterizá-los quanto à sensibilidade in vitro ao cobre. As espécies foram determinadas por similaridades de perfis genômicos gerados por BOX-PCR e a sensibilidade ao cobre foi estabelecida utilizando-se o meio CYE suplementado com sulfato de cobre nas concentrações de 50, 100 e 200 μg/mL. Do total de 44 isolados, 80% foram identificados como X. gardneri, 11% como X. perforans e 9% como X. vesicatoria. De acordo com a reação ao cobre, os isolados foram agrupados em quatro classes (S, sensíveis; MS, moderadamente sensíveis; MI, moderadamente insensíveis; I, insensíveis). Quanto à sensibilidade ao cobre, 98% de todos os isolados foram sensíveis a 200 μg/mL, sugerindo que aparentemente, a dosagem recomendada de produtos à base de cobre em campo, 10 vezes maior que a dosagem limítrofe utilizada nos testes in vitro, ainda é eficiente para as diferentes espécies da bactéria.The aim of this study was to identify at the species level Xanthomonas strains causing tomato bacterial spot in the region of “Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe”, state of Santa Catarina, Brazil, as well as to determine their in vitro sensitivity to copper. Species were determined by similarity analysis of genomic profiles generated by BOX-PCR and sensitivity to copper was established using the CYE medium supplemented with copper sulfate at concentrations of 50, 100 and 200 μg/mL. Of the 44 isolates, 80% were identified as X. gardneri, 11% as X. perforans and 9% as X. vesicatoria. According to the response to copper, the isolates were divided into four classes (S, sensitive; MS, moderately sensitive; MI, moderately insensitive; I, insensitive). Regarding the sensitivity to copper, 98% of all isolates were sensitive at 200 μg/mL, suggesting that the recommended dosage of copper-based products registered for the crop may still provide effective control of the different bacterial species

    Hyperspectral imaging for the detection of plant pathogens in seeds: recent developments and challenges

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    Food security, a critical concern amid global population growth, faces challenges in sustainable agricultural production due to significant yield losses caused by plant diseases, with a multitude of them caused by seedborne plant pathogen. With the expansion of the international seed market with global movement of this propagative plant material, and considering that about 90% of economically important crops grown from seeds, seed pathology emerged as an important discipline. Seed health testing is presently part of quality analysis and carried out by seed enterprises and governmental institutions looking forward to exclude a new pathogen in a country or site. The development of seedborne pathogens detection methods has been following the plant pathogen detection and diagnosis advances, from the use of cultivation on semi-selective media, to antibodies and DNA-based techniques. Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) associated with artificial intelligence can be considered the new frontier for seedborne pathogen detection with high accuracy in discriminating infected from healthy seeds. The development of the process consists of standardization of methods and protocols with the validation of spectral signatures for presence and incidence of contamined seeds. Concurrently, epidemiological studies correlating this information with disease outbreaks would help in determining the acceptable thresholds of seed contamination. Despite the high costs of equipment and the necessity for interdisciplinary collaboration, it is anticipated that health seed certifying programs and seed suppliers will benefit from the adoption of HSI techniques in the near future

    Diversity of Xanthomonas spp. associated with bacterial spot of processing tomatoes in Brazil.

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    A mancha-bacteriana, causada por bactérias do gênero Xanthomonas, é uma das doenças mais importantes da cultura do tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) para processamento industrial no Brasil. A etiologia dessa doença é complexa e a ocorrência das espécies envolvidas nas epidemias em lavouras da cultura no país é notavelmente pouco conhecida. Os objetivos desta tese foram identificar as espécies/grupos genéticos e as raças presentes em campos comerciais nas macro-regioes produtoras do Brasil-Central e Nordeste, determinar a sensibilidade in vitro de isolados ao cobre e aos antibióticos estreptomicina e oxitetraciclina. Inicialmente, 447 isolados foram analisados quanto aos perfis de eletroforese de campo pulsado (PFGE) e quanto às atividades amidolítica e pectolítica. Após identificação dos baplótipos PFGE, grupos de isolados foram caracterizados através de testes de patogenicidade em tomateiro e pimentão, presença das proteínas a ou b, utilização de fontes de carbono, sensibilidade in vitro ao cobre, estreptomicina e oxitetraciclina, reação provocada em hospedeiras diferenciais de tomateiro e Capsicum e presença dos genes de avirulência avrRxv e avrXv3. As análises da diversidade foram efetuadas a partir de índices de diversidade de Nei e pela análise de variância molecular (AMOVA). As três espécies de Xanthomonas relatadas na literatura como associadas à mancha-bacteriana em tomateiro, foram detectadas nos campos comerciais amestrados. Porém, no Brasil-Central as epidemias foram causadas principalmente por 'X. gardneri', enquanto que no Nordeste, exclusivamente por X. axonopodis pv. vesicatoria. Este é o primeiro relato de epidemias causadas por 'X gardneri' no mundo. A diversidade baplotípica foi baixa dentro de populações. Não obstante, menor diversidade intra-em variedades híbridas importadas do que PA nacionais. Da mesma forma, populações do Brasil-Central foram menos variáveis do que as do Nordeste. Esses fatos se explicam pela predominância em variedades PA nacionais e macro-região Nordeste de isolados pertencentes ao grupo PFGE 1, que apresentou-se mais pofimórfico, em oposição aos grupos 3 e 4, menos variáveis que predominaram em variedades híbridas e no Brasil-Central. A maior proporção da variação total por sua vez, foi atribuída ao componente inter-populacional, tanto para macro-regiões como para tipos de variedade. No entanto, considerável variação genética foi atribuída ao efeito da macro-geografia (30,6%) ou tipo de variedade (24,4%). Em relação às raças, relatou-se a ocorrência no país pela primeira vez das raças T3 e TIP8, no Nordeste e T2P7 e T2P8, no Brasil-Central. Esse fato indica que as resistências derivadas de 'NIL 216', L. pennelli e 'Hawaii 7998' são promissoras para o Nordeste. Quanto à sensibilidade aos agentes de controle químico, não foram encontrados isolados resistentes à oxitetraciclina (25 mg/ml). No entanto, foram encontrados isolados resistentes ao cobre (50 ml/ml) e à estreptomicina (25 mg/ml) em alta freqüência principalmente entre isolados de 'X. gardneri', o que explica a baixa eficiência do controle químico muitas vezes observada no campo. Este trabalho representa o primeiro relato sobre a composição populacional em larga escala de Xanthomonas spp. associadas à mancha-bacteriana em tomateiro rasteiro no país.Bacterial spot caused by bacteria of the genus Xanthomonas is one of the most important diseases of tomatoes for processe (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) in Brazil. The etiology of this disease is complex and there is notable lack of knowledge about the species involved in epidemics on this crop in Brazil. The objectives of this thesis were to identify the species/genetic groups, as well as races present in commercial fields in in Central and Northeastern Brazil, to determine the in vitro sensitivity of strains to copper and to streptomycin and oxytetracyclin. Initially, 447 strains were characterized according to their pulsed-field electrophoresis haplotypes and also for their amilolytic and pectolytic activities. After these analyses, selected strains were then tested for their pathogenicity on tomato and pepper, for the presence of a or b proteíns, utilization of carbon sources, in vitro sensitivity to copper, streptomycin and oxitetracyclin, reactions on differential tomato and pepper hosts and presence of the avirulence genes avrRxv and avrXv3. Diversity analysis of bacterial populations were done with Nei's diversity index and analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA). The three Xanthomonas species reported in the literature as associated with tomato bacterial spot, were detected in the sampled fields. However, the populations from Central Brazil were mainly composed by 'X. gardneri', whereas in the Northeast, X axonopodis pv. vesicatoria was the only species found. The haplotipic diversity was considerably low within populations. However, intra-populational diversity was lower among itnported hybrids than among national OP varieties. Similarly, populations from Central-Brazil were less variable than the ones from Northeast. These facts are explained by the predominance of strains from the more variable PFGE group 1 in OP varieties and in the Northeast region as opposed to the less variable groups 3 and 4 which predominated in hybrids and in Central Brazil. The greatest proportion of genetic in both analyses. However, considerable genetic variation was conferred by macrogeography (30.6%) or type of variety (24.4%) effects. Inoculation of selected strains on differential cultivars of pepper and tomato revealed, for the first time in Brazil, the occurrence of races T3 and TIP7, in the Northeast and T2P7 and T2P8, in Central Brazil. This fact indicates the promissing use of derived resistances from 'NIL 216', L. pennelli and 'Hawaii 7998' for the Northeast. No strains were resistant to oxitetracyclin (25 mg/ml) but a high frequency of strains resistant both to copper (50 ml/ml) and streptomycin (25 mg/ml) was found within 'X. gardneri'. This fact may explain the low efficiency of chemical control sometimes observed in the field. This work represents the first report about a large scale populational composition Xanthomonas spp. associated with processing tomatoes bacterial spot in Brazil