15 research outputs found

    Para a noção de transformação curricular

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    Neste artigo é evidenciada a relação entre currículo e conhecimento, abordando-se o conhecimento escolar na sua seleção, organização e transformação, a partir de uma revisão do conceito de transposição didática e da proposição dos conceitos de transformação curricular e transformação didática. Qualquer debate sobre o currículo exige a dilucidação do conhecimento e uma reflexão sobre os seus diversos significados, sobretudo quando a educação se torna num projeto amplo de questionamento da realidade social. Para além de várias questões colocadas acerca do conhecimento escolar e do modo como a sua organização pode ser realizada, procura-se centrar o debate numa reflexão sobre as fronteiras entre conhecimentos e esclarecer que, sobre essa temática, jamais poderão existir respostas fechadas.This article highlights the link between curriculum and knowledge, the approach of school knowledge’s selection, organization and transformation is based on a revision of the concept of didactic transposition and on the proposal of the concepts of curriculum and didactic transformation. Debates on curriculum demand an explanation and a reflection on the multiple meanings of knowledge mainly when education aims to be a broad project to contest social reality. It aims to focus the discussion on a reflection regarding the borders between knowledges and to show that in this subject there are never closed answers.Dans cet article est mis en évidence le rapport entre le curriculum et la connaissance, en abordant la connaissance scolaire dans sa sélection, son organisation et sa transformation à partir d’une révision du concept de transposition didactique et de la proposition des concepts de transformation du curriculum et de transformation didactique. Toute discussion sur le curriculum exige la dilucidation de la connaissance et une réflexion sur ses plusieurs signifiés, surtout quand l’éducation devient un projet plus large de mise en question de la réalité sociale. Au delà des plusieurs questions posées autour de la connaissance scolaire et de la manière comme son organisation peut être réalisée, on cherche á fixer le débat dans une réflexion sur les frontières entre connaissances et éclaircir que, sur cette thématique jamais ne pourront exister des réponses absolues.En este trabajo se pone en evidencia la relación entre el currículum y el conocimiento, abordándose el conocimiento escolar en su selección, organización y transformación desde una revisión del concepto de transposición didáctica y de la proposición de los conceptos de transformación curricular y transformación didáctica. Cualquier discusión sobre el currículum requiere la aclaración del conocimiento y una reflexión sobre sus diversos significados, especialmente cuando la educación se convierte en un proyecto más amplio de cuestionamiento de la realidad social. Además de varias preguntas sobre el conocimiento escolar y el modo en el que su organización puede tener lugar, se intenta centrar el debate en una reflexión sobre las fronteras entre conocimientos y aclarar que en esta temática jamás podrán existir respuestas cerradas.(undefined

    Movimento de objetivação e subjetivação mediado pela criação artística Movement of objectivity and subjectivity, mediated for the artistic creation

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    Este texto tem por objetivo refletir sobre o movimento de um sujeito e sua relação com a criação artística, apontando que neste processo articulam-se dialeticamente o saber, o fazer e o sentir. As análises sustentam-se nas falas desse sujeito, coletadas por meio de entrevistas e registros em vídeo de sua participação em uma disciplina de um curso de graduação em Psicologia. As reflexões decorrentes, por sua vez, pautam-se nos aportes teóricos da Psicologia Histórico-Cultural e revelam a complexidade do processo de constituição do sujeito que, via atividade criadora, parte da realidade e a transforma, transformando nesse movimento a si mesmo e ao modo como significa tanto a sua própria trajetória quanto o contexto do qual ativamente participa.<br>This text has for objective reflect about the moviment of a subject and his relation with the artistic creation, aiming that in this I process articulate herself dialeticaly the knowledge, do him and feel him. Was analysed the speeches collected with interviews and records in video of his participation in a subject discipline of the one course of Psychology. The reflections was suposted by theoretical of the Historical-Cultural Psychology. Was possible reveal the complexity of the trial of constitution of the person that, road creative activity, part of the reality and it transforms, transforming in that movement to itself even and to the way as signifies so much to its own as much as path the context of which actively participates

    Pregnancies and Gynecological Follow-Up after Solid Organ Transplantation: Experience of a Decade

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    In recent years, solid organ transplantations, such as kidney or lung grafts, have been performed worldwide with an improvement of quality of life under immunosuppressive therapy and an increase in life expectancy, allowing young women to consider childbearing. In the current study, we conduct a retrospective study in two French centers for kidney and lung transplantations to evaluate the rate and outcomes of pregnancies, contraception and gynecological monitoring for women under 40 years old who underwent solid organ transplantation. Among 210 women, progestin was the most widely used contraceptive method. Of the 210 women, 24 (11.4%) conceived 33 pregnancies of which 25 (75.8%) were planned with an immunosuppressant therapy switch. Of the 33 pregnancies, 7 miscarried (21.2%) and 21 (63.7%) resulted in a live birth with a high rate of pre-eclampsia (50%). No graft rejections were observed during pregnancies. Among the deliveries, 19 were premature (90.5%, mostly due to induced delivery) and the C-section rate was high (52.4%). No particular pathology was identified among newborns. We conclude that pregnancies following solid organ transplantation are feasible, and while they are at an increased risk of pre-eclampsia and prematurity, they should still be permitted with close surveillance by a multidisciplinary care team

    Contribution of an Artificial Intelligence approach to the Guidance/Piloting of PADS

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    The dropping of Precision Aerial Delivery Systems (PADS) aims at reaching the “higher, further and more reliable” triptych. Since the 2000s, the development of precise GPS and IMU position systems, and better estimation of wind and flight status have made possible more efficient control of PADS under a ram-air parachute. These allowed drops at ever-higher altitude and at ever further from target point. Nevertheless, the precision of the touchdown, involving the double issue of reaching a target point and the smoothness of the touchdown, has often shown shortcomings or at least a lack of reliability in the expected precision. Among the factors contributing to landing errors, unforeseen wind changes in the surface atmospheric layer are among the main causes of error. This is followed by inaccuracies in status estimation (sensors, real-time management, filtering), then by command modeling errors or also errors related to GNC algorithms. The necessary completeness and the proven complexity of mastering these aspects, generates development costs and significant experimental needs for a result that is not necessarily up to the level of the work. To overcome these limits of the "physical" (φ) or classic approach, a study was launched within the French Armament Procurement Agency DGA associated with its affiliated school ISAE-SUPAERO, to assess the possible relevance of applying Artificial Intelligence to manage the guidance and control of a load under a ram-air parachute, therefore by a so-called “AI” approach, and hence to improve the precision of PADS. Thus, the work reported here assesses the contribution of Reinforcement Learning (RL) technologies to the guidance of PADS. To do this, we will present the learning platform used, as well as its coupling to a ram-air parachute flight simulator based on the 9DDL flight dynamics model developed by ONERA [02]. We present the chosen RL algorithm, the learning process and some stability improvements in order to anticipate the reality gap between simulation and reality. A complementary work is also done to evaluate the robustness of the approach as for example here to make the comparison between different models (3DOF to 9DOF). At the end, the obtained results are then compared in the simulator against a classical approach based on the φ laws. These prerequisites lay the foundations for an evaluation of the relevance of the results obtained with regard to a double cross validation using a real mini-PADS prototype (EOLE)

    Cerebrospinal fluid kappa and lambda free light chains in oligoclonal band‐negative patients with suspected multiple sclerosis

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    Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) free light kappa chains (kappa FLC) may be a more sensitive marker of intrathecal IgG synthesis compared to oligoclonal bands (OCBs). Our aim was to retrospectively determine the additional value of the kappa and lambda index (CSF FLC/serum FLC)/(CSF albumin/serum albumin) in predicting a Multiple Sclerosis (MS) diagnosis in a group of OCB-negative patients with suspected MS

    A mudança de orientação da lógica de solução das controvérsias econômicas internacionais Solution logic orientation changes in international economical disputes

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    O grau de juridicidade do direito internacional econômico tem crescido nos últimos anos, ocasionando alterações na lógica de solução das controvérsias econômicas internacionais. Este adensamento da juridicidade do sistema confere maior legitimidade e importância aos mecanismos de solução de controvérsias, em especial o presente na Organização Mundial do Comércio (OMC), principal instituição reguladora do comércio internacional. De acordo com a nova lógica, os países mais fortes economicamente passaram a aceitar perdas relativas a setores específicos, buscando ganhos com o estabelecimento do sistema como um todo. A nova sistemática guiada por normas pré-definidas e especificamente traçadas para a solução de conflitos internacionais (rule-oriented) veio substituir a solução destes conflitos pelo uso da força, via sanções unilaterais ou pressões sobre setores sensíveis (power-oriented). Além disso, a análise desta mudança de orientação evidencia que a OMC e seu Órgão de Solução de Controvérsias vêm ganhando maior credibilidade e respeito por parte de seus usuários, visto que casos concretos envolvendo setores como o agrícola e países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento demonstram a real possibilidade de utilização de mecanismos de retaliação mesmo quando se trata de países mais fracos contra países muito mais fortes.<br>International Economical Law's level of jurisdiction has increased in the last years. This increase changed the logic of international economical dispute settlement system. The jurisdiction increase also gave more legitimacy and importance to dispute settlement mechanisms, specially the mechanisms pointed out by the World Trade Organization (WTO) which is the main international trade regulating institution. According to the new logic of dispute settlement countries considered economically strong began to accept losses related to specific sectors in order to win with the establishment of the whole new system. The new system consists of rules that are clearly defined and that are specifically created for international dispute settlement. The new rule-oriented system replaces the power-oriented system that solved its disputes by using force, unilateral sanctions or pressuring sensible sectors. Moreover, the analysis of orientation changes shows that the WTO and its Dispute Settlement Body have gain more credibility and respect from their users since, for example, agricultural cases that involve developed and developing countries have shown that it is possible to use retaliation mechanisms even when weaker countries are against strong countries