949 research outputs found

    Accountability and the fairness bias in the context of joint production: Effects of bonuses and opportunities

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    According to the accountability principle a person's fair allocation takes into account the input-relevant variables she can influence, like effort, but not the variables she cannot influence, like a randomly assigned exogenous factor. This study is based on a real effort-task experiment, where the exogenous influence is twofold: it comes either as a production factor or as a bonus. We confirm that in a base treatment, i.e in absence of exogenous factors, subjects base their allocation decisions largely on effort. When exogenous differences are present behavior changes. Whereas bonuses are largely ignored and subjects still mostly base their decisions on effort, production factors render allocations more selfish. Furthermore, we study whether accountability holds for decisions over opportunities. We apply the so-called lottery-points-method, where a binary lottery in the last experimental stage allocates the whole amount to one of the workers. We find that subjects claim more for themselves when allocating opportunities in all treatments.Distributive justice, real effort task, procedural fairness

    Bidding in common value fair division games: The winner's curse or even worse?

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    A unique indivisible commodity with an unknown common value is owned by group of individuals and should be allocated to one of them while compensating the others monetarily. We study the so-called fair division game (GĂŒth, Ivanova-Stenzel, Königstein, and Strobel (2002, 2005)) theoretically and experimentally for the common value case and compare our results to the corresponding common value auction. Whereas symmetric risk neutral Nash equilibria are rather similar for both games, behavior differs strikingly. Implementing auctions and fair division games in the lab in a repeated setting under first- and second-price rule, we find that overall behavior is much more dispersed for the fair division games than for the auctions. Winners' profit margins and shading rates are on average slightly lower for the fair division game. Moreover, we find that behavior in the fair division game separates into extreme over- and underbidding.common value auction, winner's curse, fair division game

    Whose impartiality? An experimental study of veiled stakeholders, impartial spectators and ideal observers

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    This article defines in a precise manner three different mechanisms to achieve impartiality in distributive justice and studies them experimentally. We consider a first-person procedure, the Rawlsian veil of ignorance, and two third-party procedures, the impartial spectator and the ideal observer. As a result, we find striking differences in the chosen outcome distributions by the three methods. Ideal observers that do not have a stake in the allocation problem nor information about their position in society propose significantly more egalitarian distributions than veiled stakeholders or impartial spectators. Risk preferences seem to explain why participants that have a stake in the final allocation propose less egalitarian distributions. Impartial spectators that are informed about their position in society tend to favor stakeholders holding the same position.impartiality, veil of ignorance, impartial spectator, distributive justice

    Editorial Perspective: Perils and Promise for Child and Adolescent Sleep and Associated Psychopathology during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

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    It is anticipated that the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) pandemic and associated societal response will have wide‐ranging impacts on youth development and mental health. Sleep is crucial for child and adolescent health and well‐being, and the potential for sleep problems to emerge or worsen during and following the pandemic is high. This may be particularly true for children and adolescents who are at heightened risk for the onset of sleep and mental health disturbances and for those whom developmental changes impacting sleep are rapidly occurring. Youth with preexisting psychopathologies (including anxiety and depression) and neurodevelopmental conditions (including attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder) could be especially vulnerable to disturbed sleep during this period of change and uncertainty. It is thus imperative that sleep considerations be part of research and clinical initiatives aimed at understanding and mitigating the impact of the COVID‐19 pandemic in children and adolescents. This article considers ways in which the pandemic may impact sleep, including research and clinical implications

    Pulsar Polar Cap Heating and Surface Thermal X-Ray Emission I. Curvature Radiation Pair Fronts

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    We investigate the effect of pulsar polar cap (PC) heating produced by positrons returning from the upper pair formation front. Our calculations are based on a self-consistent treatment of the pair dynamics and the effect of electric field screening by the returning positrons. We calculate the resultant X-ray luminosities, and discuss the dependence of the PC heating efficiencies on pulsar parameters, such as characteristic spin-down age, spin period, and surface magnetic field strength. In this study we concentrate on the regime where the pairs are produced in a magnetic field by curvature photons emitted by accelerating electrons. Our theoretical results are not in conflict with the available observational X-ray data and suggest that the effect of PC heating should significantly contribute to the thermal X-ray fluxes from middle-aged and old pulsars. The implications for current and future X-ray observations of pulsars are briefly outlined.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Arsenic and Old Pelts: An Update on Deadly Pesticides in Museum Collections

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    The use of toxic chemicals within museums is an issue only recently addressed by anthropologists and scholars in related fields. A case of arsenic poisoning in an anthropologist during the 1960s is reviewed for what it may tell us about a mysterious ailment that afflicted Clark Wissler 50 years earlier. While no conclusive diagnosis can be made, Wissler’s case reminds us that we have come a long way in protecting against one of the lesser known dangers confronting anthropologists. All museums use pesticides and preservatives of some form, though the health impact of these agents is not always known. This necessary evil in the preservation of ethnographic collections can thus pose a health risk to people who work with or come in contact with treated objects. Here we open one cold case file, in which we believe a prominent American anthropologist may have directly suffered from the effects of poisons commonly used in the early nineteenth-century. Our own experience and recent inquiries provide one possible answer to the cause of the illness suffered by Clark Wissler

    Enlisted Navy Reservists and their intention to stay in the Navy Reserve until retirement eligible

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    This thesis examines factors that influence the retention of enlisted members in pay grades E1-E5 and E6 in the Selected Navy Reserve. Data were extracted from the 2000- 2001 Navy Reserve Career Decisions Survey. Chi-square tests of independent were used to assess the relationship of various demographic, unit-type, critical-rate, and reserve experience variables to plans for retention to retirement eligibility. Thirteen factors significantly associated with planned retention for E1-E5'S and ten for E6'S are identified. E6'S indicate a higher retirement intention rate than do E1-E5'S. For both pay grade groups, males indicate a higher retirement intention rate than do females and married members indicate a higher retirement intention rate than do non-married members. E1-E6 Prior Service members indicate a higher retirement intention rate than do E1-E6 Non Prior Service members. For both groups, Reserve Center/Readiness Command unit type is positively associated with planned retention while aviation and shipboard unit types are not significantly related. For E1-E5'S, retirement intent is positively related to serving in a critical rating, while it is not for E-6'S. For E1-E6'S, retention plans are also strongly dependent on opinions about quality of training, accomplishment recognition, family impact, civilian job impact, educational benefits and senior leadership.http://archive.org/details/enlistednavyrese109452186Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Calicivirose sistĂȘmica : uma enfermidade emergente do calicivĂ­rus felino

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    O calicivĂ­rus felino Ă© um patĂłgeno distribuĂ­do mundialmente na população de gatos domĂ©sticos. É conhecido por ser o agente da clĂĄssica enfermidade denominada de complexo respiratĂłrio viral felino. Nas Ășltimas dĂ©cadas, diversos paĂ­ses relataram surtos envolvendo diferentes cepas de calicivĂ­rus, todas causando uma enfermidade nova, a calicivirose sistĂȘmica. Tal quadro clĂ­nico tem mostrado altas taxas de morbidade e mortalidade na população felina, afetando inclusive animais adultos vacinados. Neste contexto, a calicivirose sistĂȘmica vem se tornando uma preocupação cada vez maior na clĂ­nica veterinĂĄria, tendo um mecanismo complexo e ainda pouco compreendido. Esta revisĂŁo aborda informaçÔes recentes relacionadas Ă  calicivirose sistĂȘmica, com caracterĂ­sticas do agente causador, caracterĂ­sticas de cepas clĂĄssicas de calicivĂ­rus que poderiam atuar nesta nova enfermidade e possĂ­veis novos tratamentos.Feline calicivirus is a pathogen distributed worldwide in the domestic cat population. It is known to be part of the classic disease known as feline respiratory disease complex. In the past decades, several countries have reported outbreaks involving different strains of calicivirus, all of them causing a new illness known as virulent systemic calicivirus disease. This new disorder has shown high rates of morbidity and mortality in the feline population, affecting even adults and vaccinated animals. Thus, its disease and agent have become a major concern in veterinary medicine, due to their complex and still poorly understood mechanism. The presente study offers a review of recent informations about the virulent systemic calicivirus disease, focusing on already elucidated characteristics of its agent, factors about the classical strains that could contribute on the disease, and new treatments
