30 research outputs found

    Social science research methods and statistics from an Islamic perspective

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    The objective of this paper is to provide an Islamic perspective on social science research methods and statistics. This is a theoretical paper bases on reviews of primary sources (al-Qurโ€™an and Hadith) and secondary sources (books and papers) of Islamic and social science (particularly psychology) literature. First, the paper will provide an Islamic overview of the concept of social science research in Islam and compare it with the concept of research in Islamic discipline such as `aqidah, fiqh, and akhlaq. Second, the paper will outline the objectives of social science research including both basic and applied research and their relation to our existence as human being. Third, the paper will evaluate some of the social science research methods and evaluate them from both scientific and religious Islamic perspective. The methods reviewed in this paper are experimental method, correlational method, survey method, case-studies method, natural observation and a few lesser known qualitative methods. Fourth, a related research issue called sampling is also discussed together with some evidence from Islamic literature especially the issue of representativeness in sampling. Fifth, the dilemma faced by researchers in ethical issue will also be discussed with input from Islamic perspective. Finally, a brief description of the importance of statistics in Islam is given to show its basic roles such as organizing knowledge, and applied role such as making decision. All Islamic evaluation will be based on Al-Qurโ€™an, Hadith, Biography of Prophets, various Islamic disciplines, and practices of early Muslim scholars. Finally, the paper concludes that social science research method can help us fulfil our role as servants of Allah (`ibadah role) and as vicegerents of Allah (khilafah role)

    A systematic review of the influence of technology-mediated employment interview on applicant reactions from 2000-2010

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    In this technology savvy world, the use of technology has become a common practice in organization even for personnel selection purpose. Among tools of selection that has begun utilising technologies for its medium is the employment interview which is most profound among the researchers as technology-mediated employment interview. The present study presents a systematic review of recent research on technology-mediated employment interview (i.e., interactive voice response interview, IVR; telephone interview, TI; videoconference interview, VI) in personnel selection with particular preference to applicant reactions. Via computer-assisted searches of social science databases, gateways, publications from relevant organizations, hand searched key journals and scanned reference lists, a total of five studies (3 experimental studies; 2 non-experimental studies) were selected and critically appraised. All studies demonstrated a mixed result. Three experimental studies found consistent results of negative applicant reactions on VI, but for TI, one study demonstrated positive applicant reactions while another study showed negative applicant reactions. With non-experimental studies, compared to VI and IVR, TI received consistent positive applicant reactions. All five studies had significant methodological flaws, particularly the absence of power calculations across all studies. With the insufficient, contradictory and methodologically flawed evidence, the present study noted several important key messages and further depict a hypothetical research model to guide future research in this area

    Applicant reaction to structure : self-monitoring as a moderator

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    This experimental study examined applicant reaction on different types of interview structure (through structured, semi-structured and unstructured interview transcripts) with further analysis of self-monitoring as moderator variable. Final year undergraduate students (n=41) were selected and imagined themselves as applicant applying for the post of research assistant (RA). The results showed a significant effect of interview structure on applicantsโ€Ÿ reactions with F (1, 40) =35.29; p0.05 and self-monitoring did not moderate effect of interview structure on applicant reactions with F(2, 38) = 2.626, p>0.05; ฮทยฒ=0.121

    Coping strategies used by international students who recovered from homesickness and depression in Malaysia

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    International students use various self-help coping strategies to manage depression and home-sickness, but previous studies have not concluded on how international students have recoveredfrom depression and homesickness after using their self-help coping strategies. The aim of thisstudy is to use the semi structured interview to identify the self-help coping strategies used byinternational students who were unwilling to get treatment and had recovered from theirsymptoms of depression and homesickness in Malaysia. The second aim is to quantitativelyidentify the major psychosocial problems attributing to depression and homesickness amongstudents who have not recovered from the symptoms. Thirty-one international students out of520 diagnosed with depression and homesickness yet were unwilling to get treatment, wereinvited forthe reassessment of their homesickness and depressionafter three-and-a-halfmonths.Psychological assessment shows 9 students had recovered but 20 students had not. These ninestudents were interviewed to explore how they recovered from depression and homesickness.Meanwhile,the20studentswereaskedtocompleteaquestionnairewhichmeasuredtheirreasonfor not being able to recover from depression and homesickness. Results of the semi structuredinterview shows that some of the self-help coping strategies used by participants includingsharing their problems with others who were not experiencing homesickness and depression,keeping themselves busy with some useful activities, indulging in physical exercise, facing thesituation courageously, thinking positively, and reading and following some advice from re-ligious texts. The 20 students who did not recover faced more problems involving language,social connection, academic, loneliness, stress and family problems. Overall, self-help copingstrategies used by this studyโ€™s participants are useful in managing depression and homesickness

    Psychology of learning: an Islamic theory

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    The objective of this article is to provide an Islamic perspective on the psychology of learning. This is a theoretical study based on reviews of secondary sources on Islamic and conventional psychology. It analyzes four conventional theories namely classical conditioning theory, operant conditioning theory, observational learning theory, and insight learning theory. It is argued that the fundamental elements of these theories go against the Islamic belief system, but certain other elements conform to Islamic beliefs. Referring to ibn Sina and al-Ghazaliโ€Ÿs treatment of many aspects of these theories and reflecting on the practices of the Companions during the time of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), the article argues that the fundamental difference between the conventional theories of psychology of learning and the Islamic theory of psychology of learning is the factor of human soul. In conventional theories, the soul as a factor is completely discounted, while in Islamic theory it is considered to be central

    Iman-restoration therapy (IRTI) : a new counseling approach and its usefulness in developing personal growth of Malay adolescents

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    Over the years, it has become a trend that those in mental health professions, especially counselors and psychologists are less religious, even atheistic due to their secular belief system. This is coupled with their diminutive efforts to link spirituality and science in most of their research works and intellectual frameworks in relation to counseling and treating psychological illnesses. However, it has been found in recent past that three quarters of counselors, even with secular and Christian belief system, reported using spirituality as an intervention tool in their research. This significant finding reflects the growing realization on the significance of religion and spirituality as an effective psychotherapeutic intervention. Thus, the purpose of this study is to examine ร”mร‰n Restoration Therapy, a new psychotherapeutic approach which is based on the study of the Qurโ€Ÿan, Sunnah and the works of early Muslim scholars, as a new counseling approach in developing personal growth of Malay adolescent clients. Through a single case study design, data was collected from interview and counseling sessions from an undergraduate student at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). With the emergence of seven themes, results revealed that maintaining ones faith in Allah SWT can bring about a positive functioning in oneโ€Ÿs cognitive, emotive, behavior and motivational components and attain spiritual intuition that fosters religious faith and meaningful living. Implications and suggestions for further studies are duly illustrated

    Social psychology : a critical analysis from Islamic and scientific perspectives and application in industrial and organizational psychology

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    The objective of this present theoretical paper is to provide an explanation on social psychology from Islamic perspective. The paper firstly discussed in general an overview of social affection, behaviour and cognition from Islamic point of view. Secondly, contemporary theories in social psychology were evaluated from both scientific and Islamic perspectives. Thirdly, the paper attempts to apply social psychologyโ€™s principles and theories to explain issues in applied field of Industrial/ Organizational Psychology. Finally, to embrace the importance of the role of human soul, an integrated model was proposed. The paper had referred to both psychology and Islamic psychologyโ€™s secondary sources. From Islamic perspective, whenever possible, explanation from Quran, Sunnah, Fiqh, Aqidah and Akhlaq perspectives were presented