39 research outputs found

    Considerations in scientific writing: discussion, conclusions and references

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    La sección de discusión es el segmento encargado de interpretar y analizar los resultados de un estudio; así como presentar las implicancias prácticas/clínicas de los hallazgos, las limitaciones del estudio y recomendaciones para futuros estudios que busquen mejorar la investigación original. Al igual que los distintos segmentos de un artículo científico, las secciones de discusión, conclusiones y referencias bibliográficas siguen reglas estandarizadas de redacción y publicación científica que deben ser conocidas por los autores. Conocer estas reglas otorgará al autor la oportunidad de facilitar y agilizar el proceso de preparación y publicación de su manuscrito mientras que al lector le permitirá entender con mayor sencillez los datos encontrados en el estudio. En la presente nota científica se resumen las principales recomendaciones y guías para redactar apropiadamente la discusión, conclusiones y referencias bibliográficas de un artículo científico.The discussion section is responsible for interpreting and analyzing the results of a study, as well as presenting the practical/clinical implications of the findings, the limitations of the study and recommendations for future studies aimed to improve the original research. As the different segments of a scientific article, the discussion, conclusions and references follow standardized rules of scientific writing and publication that should be known by the authors. These rules will give the author the opportunity to facilitate and expedite the process of preparation and publishing. In the other hand, the reader will be able to understand, in a simple way, the data found in the study. This scientific note summarizes the main recommendations and guidelines for properly writing the discussion, conclusions and references of a scientific article

    Volumetric analysis of oropharynx according to craniofacial morphology using cone-beam tomography

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    Objetivo. Analizar las tomografías computarizadas de haz cónico (CBCT), de sujetos con diferente biotipo facial y diferente patrón esquelético para comparar el volumen de la vía aérea orofaríngea. Métodos. El estudio fue de carácter descriptivo y transversal. La muestra estuvo formada por 55 tomografías cone beam pertenecientes a sujetos de 15 a 43 años. Las tomografías se agruparon según el biotipo facial, el patrón esquelético y por grupos etarios (15 - 20, 21 - 29, y 30 - 43 años). Se crearon cefalogramas virtuales para hallar el índice de Vert y el ángulo ANB. Los datos fueron analizados mediante las pruebas estadísticas: U de Mann-Whitney, ANOVA y Kruskal-Wallis. Resultados. No se encontró una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre el volumen orofaríngeo y el biotipo facial, ni entre el volumen orofaríngeo y el patrón esquelético. Se observó que los volúmenes más bajos fueron registrados en sujetos con patrón esquelético clase II (=8,70±3,60 cm3) y en sujetos con biotipo braquifacial (=8,87±2,96 cm3). No hubo diferencia significativa entre el volumen y el sexo de los sujetos (p>0,05). El grupo de 15 a 20 años presentó el mayor volumen orofaríngeo (=11,16±5,64 cm3). Adicionalmente, se registró una correlación negativa entre el volumen orofaríngeo y el ángulo ANB (r=-0,31, p=0,02). Conclusiones. El volumen orofaríngeo según el biotipo facial y el patrón esquelético no presenta una variación significativa para la muestra analizada. Además, el volumen orofaríngeo no varía de acuerdo al sexo, y es mayor entre los 15 y 20 años.Objective. To analyze the cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans of subjects with different facial biotype and different skeletal patterns to compare the volume of the oropharyngeal airway. Methods. The study was descriptive and cross-sectional. The sample consisted of 55 cone-beam scans belonging to subjects aged 15 to 43 years. The cone beam scans were grouped according to facial biotype, skeletal pattern, sex, and age groups (15 - 20, 21 - 29, and 30 - 43 years old). Cephalograms were created from the tomography to find the Vert index and the ANB angle. Data were analyzed using statistical tests: U of Mann-Whitney, ANOVA, and Kruskal-Wallis. Results. No statistically significant difference was found between oropharyngeal volume and facial biotype, nor between oropharyngeal volume and skeletal pattern. The lowest volumes were identified in subjects with class II skeletal pattern (= 8.70 ± 3.60 cm3), and in subjects with brachyfacial biotype (= 8.87 ± 2.96 cm3). There was no significant difference between volume and sex (p> 0.05). The 15-20-year-old group presented the highest volume of oropharyngeal (=11.16 ± 5.64 cm3). Also, a negative correlation was recorded between oropharyngeal volume and the ANB angle (r= -0.31, p= 0.02). Conclusions. Oropharyngeal volume according to facial biotype and the skeletal pattern does not present a significant variation for the analyzed sample. Also, the oropharyngeal volume does not vary according to sex, and the volume is greater between 15 and 20 years

    Scientific writing considerations: the title, abstract and keywords

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    Con el término redacción científica se incluye a la totalidad de normas y protocolos estandarizados para lograr la adecuada escritura y difusión de manuscritos en revistas científicas. Los primeros segmentos de un artículo científico suelen ser los más leídos y de los que depende que el lector se anime por leer la totalidad del mismo. La apropiada redacción de un título, resumen y palabras clave permite que el lector comprenda y se interese por la investigación realizada. De la misma forma, simplifica su búsqueda en bases de datos y mejora su difusión con mayor rapidez. En la presente nota científica se resumen las principales recomendaciones y guías para redactar apropiadamente un título, un resumen y las palabras clave de un artículo científico.The term scientific writing includes all standardized norms and protocols to achieve the adequate writing and diffusion of manuscripts in scientific journals. A scientific article’s first segments are usually the most read and depending on them the reader is encouraged to read the entire article. The proper wording of a title, abstract and key words allows the reader to understand and be interested in the research carried out. In addition, it simplifies the article’s search in databases and improves to more quickly diffusion. This scientific note summarizes the main recommendations and guidelines for the proper way to write a scientific article`s title, abstract and key words

    Scientific writing considerations: introduction and methods

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    Redactar artículos científicos implica conocer reglas y protocolos relacionados a la argumentación, explicación, ortografía, estilo y edición de textos. Escribir y leer apropiadamente artículos científicos son habilidades clave para los investigadores. Clásicamente los artículos originales presentan como estructura general: introducción, métodos, resultados y discusión (IMRyD). Todos los segmentos presentan características propias y normas de redacción que son valoradas por los editores y revisores; valoraciones que decidirán la aceptación o rechazo de un manuscrito para ser publicado en una revista científica. En la presente nota científica se resumen algunas recomendaciones para redactar apropiadamente una introducción y los métodos de un artículo científico.Scientific writing involves the knowledge of the rules and protocols related with argumentation, explanation, spelling, style and text editing. Writing and reading scientific papers are key skills for researchers. Classically, original articles present as a general structure: introduction, methods, results and discussion (IMRaD). All topics present their own characteristics and writing standards that are assessed by the editors and reviewers; these assessments will decide the acceptance or rejection of a manuscript for publication in a scientific journal. This scientific note summarizes some suggestions for properly writing an introduction and the methods of a scientific article

    Orthodontic brackets friction changes after clinical use : a systematic review

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    To evaluate the bracket-wire friction force after clinical use. A systematic search of several electronic databases (PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, Scopus, The Cochrane Library, Lilacs and Google Scholar) without limitations regarding publication year or language, was performed. In-vitro studies analyzing the changes in friction force of orthodontic brackets before/after their clinical use were considered. Risk of Bias was assessed with Downs and Black checklist. All methodological features that could interfere in the results were specifically described. Seven studies satisfied the inclusion criteria and were included in the review. All 7 studies reported at least two groups (before and after clinical use). Friction force increased after intraoral aging in most of the studies. However, there is lack of good quality evidence in this research area. Brackets present increased surface roughness after clinical use, and consequently increased coefficient of friction (COF) and Friction Force. Further studies are necessary to obtain more reliable results

    Prevalence of impacted teeth and supernumerary teeth by radiographic evaluation in three Latin American countries : a cross-sectional study

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    Supernumerary teeth are those that exceed the usual dental formula. There are different classifications depending on their anatomical location, shape and number. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of impacted and supernumerary te

    Assessment of fractures in endodontically treated teeth restored with and without root canal posts using high-resolution cone beam computed tomography

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    Root fractures are a diagnostic challenge for dentists in endodontic treatment. This study aimed to determine the relationship between the characteristics of tooth fractures and the presence of root canal posts in endodontically treated teeth using high-resolution cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Fifty high-resolution CBCT scans of endodontically treated teeth with a diagnosis of fracture were obtained, of which 30 were from women and 20 were from men. These scans were acquired with three Veraviewepocs 3D units and one 3D Accuitomo 170 unit, with a 40 × 40-mm field of view and 125 ?m voxel size. The variables assessed included the type of fracture, extent of fracture, type of retention, post length, cause of endodontic failure, location of the lesion, and time required to detect the fracture (difficulty score). For data analysis, the chi-squared test, Student?s t-test, and multiple linear regression (? 0.05). On the other hand, the type of fracture significantly influenced the time required for its detection. Additionally, the most difficult plane for detecting the fracture and the difficulty score were associated, with statistically significant results. The type of fracture in endodontically treated teeth was not associated with the type of post used for restoration. All of the CBCT systems used to detect tooth fracture showed the same efficiency

    Three-dimensional evaluation of mandibular canine impaction characteristics and their relationship with lower incisor root morphometry

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    To three-dimensionally evaluate the characteristics of mandibular canine impaction with the morphometry of the roots of the lower incisors. Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans of 35 individuals (18 males and 17 females) with a mean age of 14.37±

    Primary failure of eruption : occlusal and dentoalveolar characteristics in mixed and permanent dentition. A study with cone beam computed tomography

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    The main objective of this study was to describe the dentoalveolar and occlusal characteristics of subjects with primary failure of eruption (PFE) in cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and compare them with a control group without the anomaly. This r