705 research outputs found


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    The purpose of the study is to investigate the elementary education undergraduate students' understanding levels of one dimensional motion which they take in the compulsory general physics course in the second year, third term and instructors’ predictions about the students’ responses. The study is a descriptive study. The data of the study were collected via an interview form consisting of three multiple choice questions and one open ended question developed by the researcher considering the expert opinions. Seven students were chosen randomly from the population relying on volunteers and having spare time and semi-structured interviews were carried out with these students individually. In addition, just after the questions were asked to the students, face-to-face interviews were carried out with five experienced faculty members teaching general/basic physics courses in the same faculty. It was revealed that among the elementary education students 30.7% of students perceived that average speed and average velocity were different quantities, 33.3% of students calculated correctly the value of the velocity of the car starting from rest and speeding up at a constant acceleration on a straight line considering the distance travelled, and 29.3% of them calculated correctly the negative acceleration (or deceleration) of a moving car which slows down at a constant acceleration on a straight line and 10.7% of the students calculated correctly the similar distance travelled by another car moving with a constant acceleration while coming to a rest when it caught up the car moving with a constant speed on a straight line in the same direction. It was revealed that among the participants, the rate of the students who answered the questions correctly were at low levels which required to be examined, thought, discussed, and considered. The percentages of the instructors’ predictions about the responses of elementary education undergraduate students whom they teach linear motion in general physics course reveal that they usually do not adequately know their students’ understanding levels of linear motion and their problems about the subject.  Article visualizations


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    The purpose of the study is to explore the third year elementary education students’ views about the effect of learning-knowing the biographies of scientists on students’ studying at every level from primary school to university in terms of thinking, questioning, inquiry skills as well as studying, learning and achievement. The study is a descriptive study. Of 81 third year students studying in elementary education program, 29 male and 52 female students participated in the study. The data of the study were obtained via an interview form consisting of four open-ended questions developed by the researcher taking expert opinion. Moreover, semi-structured interviews were carried out with six undergraduate students chosen randomly among the students who volunteered and had free time to participate in the study. It was revealed that the percentages of the participants who stated that learning the biographies of scientists interest me, I dreamed of being a scientist, and the biographies of scientists will lead the elementary, secondary, and high school students to think, to do research, to study, and to learn more were 87.6%, 39.5% and 95.0%, respectively. Moreover, it can be stated that regarding the question “Does reading-learning the biographies of scientists motivate undergraduate students to think, to do research, to study, to learn, and to achieve more?”, 85.2% of the participants said “yes”, it does-it can”. Considering that using the biographies of scientists for acquiring and implementing the scientific process skills and actualizing values education at national or universal levels will be effective and efficient, it is suggested that the biographies of scientists should be used frequently.  Article visualizations

    Multiple Mediation of Self-Esteem and Perceived Social Support in the Relationship Between Loneliness and Life Satisfaction

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    The purpose of this study is to test serial-multiple mediation role of self-esteem and perceived social support on the relationship between university students’ loneliness and life satisfaction. The participants of this study consisted of 398 undergraduate students, with 289 females and 109 males aged between 17 and 41 with a mean age of 21.79 (SD=3.23). This study examined the statistical significance of the mediation effects in the tested model through the Ordinary Least Squares Regression Model and the Bootstrap method. The results showed that mediation effect of self-esteem and perceived social support variables solely were found be higher on the relationship between loneliness and life satisfaction than when both of them were entered into the model together. Single mediation effect of each variable did not differ. Focusing on students' perceived social support and self-esteem may be useful to increase students’ life satisfaction in universities. This study may also be a resource for college counselors and mental health professionals to create protective and preventive approaches when working with students. Keywords: Loneliness, Life Satisfaction, Self-Esteem, Perceived Social Support, Serial Multiple Mediatio

    Genetic Diversity Among Turkish Native Chickens, Denizli and Gerze, Estimated by Microsatellite Markers

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    The genetic diversity of the Turkish native chicken breeds Denizli and Gerze was evaluated with 10 microsatellite markers. We genotyped a total of 125 individuals from five subpopulations. Among loci, the mean number of alleles was 7.5, expected heterozygosity (H(e)) was 0.665, PIC value was 0.610, and Wright’s fixation index was 0.301. H(e) was higher in the Denizli breed (0.656) than in the Gerze breed (0.475). The PIC values were 0.599 and 0.426 for Denizli and Gerze, respectively. A phylogenetic tree was constructed using genetic distance and the neighbor-joining method. Its topology reflects the general pattern of genetic differentiation among the Denizli and Gerze breeds. The present study suggests that Denizli and Gerze subpopulations have a rich genetic diversity. The information about Denizli and Gerze breeds estimated by microsatellite analysis may also be useful as an initial guide in defining objectives for designing future investigations of genetic variation and developing conservation strategies

    The Roles of Perceived Social Support, Coping, and Loneliness in Predicting Internet Addiction in Adolescents

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    The current research aims to examine the roles of perceived social support, coping, and loneliness when predicting the Internet addiction in adolescents. The research participants included 300 high school students, with an average age of 16.49 and SD=1.27, attending schools in a city in Southeastern Anatolian Region during 2015-2016 academic years. Participant adolescents included 180 females (60%) and 120 males (40%). Data collection was conducted through Short Form of Young’s Internet Addiction Test, Revised Form of Multi-Dimensional Perceived Social Support Scale, Coping Scale for Children and Youth, and the UCLA Loneliness Scale – Short-Form. Descriptive statistics, Pearson Correlation Coefficient, and Multiple Linear Regression Analysis were used to analyze the research data. Research findings showed that perceived social support from significant other support, loneliness, and cognitive avoidance and problem solving among coping strategies significantly predicted Internet addiction. Family support and friend support as sub-dimensions of perceived social support and assistance seeking and behavioral avoidance among coping strategies were not found to predict Internet addiction. Research findings were discussed based on the relevant literature, interpreted, and suggestions for researchers were put forward. Keywords: Internet addiction, perceived social support, coping strategies, loneliness, adolescent

    A Proposal For the Preservation of the Kirklareli Station Locomotive Depot Within the Framework of Restoring Some of the Historical Train Station’S Original Construction Work

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    DergiPark: 246014trakyafbdTarihi istasyon yapıları, bir buçuk asırlık köklü geçmişe sahip olan demiryollarımızın tarihine ve gelişimine tanıklık etmektedir. Bu yönüyle TCDD için yaşayan birer tarihi belge niteliği taşıyan istasyon yapıları özgün mimarileri ve inşa teknikleri ile de mimari mirasımızın önemli bir parçasını oluşturmaktadır. Ancak günümüzde, birçok tarihi istasyon yapısı bilinçsiz yapılan onarımlar veya ekler nedeniyle orijinalliğini yitirmiş; bir kısmı da çeşitli nedenlerle kullanım dışı kalarak bakımsızlık ve ilgisizlik yüzünden tahrip olmuş veya yıkılarak tümüyle yok olmuştur. Buharlı lokomotiflerin çalışma prensibine göre inşa edilmiş olan lokomotif depoları ve su depoları demiryolu taşıtlarındaki teknolojik gelişmelerden en fazla etkilenen yapılar olmuştur. Dizel ve elektrikli lokomotiflerin hizmete girmesiyle lokomotif depolarının bir kısmının yapılan onarımlar veya yeni eklerle kullanımına devam edilmiş, birçoğunun kullanımı ise terk edilmiştir. Çalışma ile metruk hâldeki Kırklareli lokomotif deposu için restorasyon projesi hazırlanarak, yapının özgün mimari değerlerinin ve yapım sisteminin tekrar kazandırılarak yeni bir işlev ile yaşatılması için öneriler geliştirilmiştir.Historical railway stations bear witness to history. The development of the Turkish railway network has a long-established history. In this respect, station buildings stand as a vivid historical testament to the TCDD (The Turkish State Railways). They constitute a considerable part of Turkey’s architectural heritage with their original and authentic architectural features and their pioneering building techniques. However, today the structures of many historical stations have strayed from their original specifications, in part due to the effects of repair works undertaken with no knowledge of the original specifications, and the later annexes attached to the buildings. Some of the stations were simply neglected and fell into a state of disrepair. Others, left unused for a variety of reasons, were eventually demolished. Units such as the locomotive depots and water depots, operating on steam locomotive principles, have been affected the most by technological developments, as witnessed in the changes to rail transport. Once diesel and electrically-driven locomotives were put into use, some depots fell into total disuse. Others survived for repair and maintenance work, or through the development of the new annexes. As part of this study, a restoration project was prepared for the derelict Kırklareli Locomotive Depot. Proposals were made to maintain the old structure but with a new function, the regaining and restoring of the authentic architectural values and the original construction system

    Optimization of cnc operating parameters to minimize surface roughness of Pinus sylvestris using integrated artificial neural network and genetic algorithm

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    The surface roughness of wood is affected by the processing conditions and the material structure. So, optimization of operation parameters is very crucial to have minimum surface roughness. In this study, modeling and optimization of surface roughness (Ra) of Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris) was investigated. Firstly, the samples were cut under different conditions 8 mm, 9 mm and 11mm depth of cut and 12 mm, 14 mm and 16 mm axial depth of cut) in computer numerical control (CNC) machine, and then surface roughness (Ra) values of samples were calculated. Then a prediction model of surface roughness was developed using artificial neural networks (ANN). Optimization process was carried out to reach minimum surface roughness of wood samples by the genetic algorithm (GA) method. MAPE value of the ANN model was found lower than 4,0 %. The optimum CNC operation parameters were 1874,5 rad/s, 3,0 m/min feed rate, 9,7 mm depth of cut and 12 mm for axial depth of cut for minimum surface roughness. As a result of study, surface roughness of Scotch pine wood can be modeled and optimized using integrated ANN and GA methods by saving time and cost


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    Tren garları demiryolu mimarisini oluşturan en önemli yapılar arasındadır. İstasyon alanlarında inşa edilen yapılar içerisinde garlar, tasarım açısından yeni bir bina tipinin doğmasına yol açarken kullanılan malzeme ve yapım teknikleri ile de farklı bir mimarinin gelişmesini sağlamıştır. İstasyon alanlarında gar veya yolcu binalarının dışında çeşitli hizmet yapıları da inşa edilmiştir. Gar¬–yolcu binaları estetik kaygıların güdüldüğü yapılar olarak diğer istasyon binalarından ayrılmaktadır. Hizmet binalarının mimarisi gar–yolcu binalarına nazaran sade ve gösterişsiz tarzda olsa da işlevselliğin öne çıktığı bu yapılar, gerek bezemeleri gerekse yapım tekniği açılarından birbirleri ve yolcu binaları ile uyum içerisindedir. Ülkemizde Osmanlı İmparatorluğu döneminde inşa edilen demiryolu hatları yabancı şirketler tarafından yapıldığı için farklı hatlar üzerindeki istasyon binalarının mimarisi de farklılık göstermektedir. Bununla birlikte aynı demiryolu hattı üzerindeki demiryolu yapılarının çoğunda küçük değişikliklerle birlikte benzer projeler uygulanmıştır. Kırklareli Garı plan organizasyonu olarak diğer gar binaları ile benzer özellik gösterse de cephe ve yapım tekniği açılarından özgün karaktere sahiptir. Kırklareli Garı’nda uygulanan yapım tekniği ve cephe bezemeleri aynı demiryolu hattı üzerinde yer alan diğer istasyonlardaki yolcu binalarında da uygulanmıştır. Hat üzerindeki ikinci büyük istasyon noktası olan Babaeski’de ise plan organizasyonu, yapım tekniği ve cephe karakteristiği açılarından Kırklareli Garı’nın küçük bir kopyası inşa edilmiştir. Bu çalışma ile korunma sorunları bulunan Kırklareli ve Babaeski Gar binaları mimari ve yapısal özellikleri bakımından incelenmiş, yapılara ait orijinal projeler ile mevcut rölöveler karşılaştırılarak binaların geçirdiği değişimler tespit edilmiştir