139 research outputs found

    Effect of sodium lactate /sodium diacetate in combination with sodium nitrite on physiochemical, microbial properties and sensory evaluation of cow sausage

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    Sodium nitrite has been always considered as one of the common additives due to its antibacterial effects on Clostridium botulinum and meat products' color, however it produces cancer creating nitrosamine. Recently, organic acids and their salts such as lactates have been employed as antimicrobial compounds. Lactates also improve organileptic properties including color, texture and taste and antioxidant properties. Sodium lactate causes to more reduction of anaerobic spore former bacteria than nitrite, inhibits botulin produced by Clostridium botulinum. Sodium lactate produces a permanent reddish pink color through reduction of deoxymygloboline and producing deoxymyoglobuline. In this study, the decrease of sodium nitrite amount from 120ppm to 15ppm by adding sodium lactate / sodium diacetate led to achieve an acceptable product. The best results revealed through adding 3.0625% of sodium lactate / sodium diacetate in combination with 30ppm sodium nitrite. Results also exhibited more reduction of pathogens' growth than nitrite, enhanced flavor slightly, but unable to produce reddish pink color as produced by nitrite. Results also exhibited  that sodium lactate / diacetate cause to retard in microbial growth, reducing chemical change, enhance sensory properties, partially improvement in taste and texture. Although inappropriate color demonstrated sodium lactate / diacetate's inability in red pink color production in 4th sample (contains 15 ppm nitrite), its synergy effect in combination with sodium nitrite on nitroso myoglobuline production has been proven, led to sodium nitrite reduction in sausages

    Prevalence of constitutive and inducible resistance to clindamycin in staphylococci isolates from Hajar and Kashani hospitals in Shahrekord 2008

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    زمینه و هدف: مقاومت به کلیندامایسین در استافیلوکوک به دو صورت بنیادی و القایی است. این مطالعه با هدف بررسی شیوع مقاومت بنیادی و القائی نسبت به کلیندامایسین در سویه های استافیلوکوک جدا شده از بیماران در بیمارستان های هاجر و کاشانی شهرکرد انجام شد. روش بررسی: این تحقیق توصیفی- تحلیلی بر روی 230 ایزوله استافیلوکوک انجام شد. برای سویه های با فنوتیپ مقاوم به اریترومایسین و حساس به کلیندامایسین، تست D انجام گردید. در این تست دو دیسک اریترومایسین (15μg) و کلیندامایسین (2μg) با فاصله مراکز 15 میلی متر، بر روی پلیت قرار داده شدند. پس از انکوباسیون، وجود هاله عدم رشد به شکل D بررسی گردید. داده ها به کمک آزمون های آماری کای دو و فیشر تجزیه و تحلیل گردید. یافته ها: از بین 230 ایزوله استافیلوکوکی، 6/55 حساس به کلیندامایسین بودند و 5/37 مقاومت بنیادی و 2/5 مقاومت القایی به کلیندامایسین داشتند. میزان مقاومت بنیادی و القایی به کلیندامایسین در ایزوله های استافیلوکوک مقاوم به متی سیلین (MRSA) به ترتیب 66 و 9 و در ایزوله های حســــاس به متی سیلین (MSSA) به ترتیب 4/15 و 3/2 بود. میــــزان مقـــاومت القایی در سویه های MRSA 2/4 برابر نسبت به سویـــه های حساس بود )]9/15-1/1OR=4.2 CI95%( (05/0(

    Comparison of Real-Time PCR with Disk Diffusion, Agar Screen and E-test Methods for Detection of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus

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    Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a nosocomial pathogen. Our main objective was to compare oxacillin disk test, oxacillin E-test, and oxacillin agar screen for detection of methicillin resistance in S. aureus, using real-time PCR for mecA as the ``gold standard'' comparison assay. 196 S. aureus isolates were identified out of 284 Staphylococcus isolates. These isolates were screened for MRSA with several methods: disk diffusion, agar screen (6.0 mu g/ml), oxacillin E-test, and real-time PCR for detection of mecA gene. Of the 196 S. aureus isolates tested, 96 isolates (49%) were mecA-positive and 100 isolates (51%) mecA-negative. All methods tested had a statistically significant agreement with real-time PCR. E-test was 100% sensitive and specific for mecA presence. The sensitivity and specificity of oxacillin agar screen method were 98 and 99%, respectively and sensitivity and specificity of oxacillin disk diffusion method were 95 and 93%, respectively. In the present study, oxacillin E-test is proposed as the best phenotypic method. For economic reasons, the oxacillin agar screen method (6.0 mu g/ml), which is suitable for the detection of MRSA, is recommended due to its accuracy and low cost

    Motivational Components Involved in the Metamotivational Monitoring in Medical Students

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    Background: Theoretical implications of self-regulated learning emphasize that self-regulation of motivation (metamotivation) plays an important role in learning, effort, perseverance, and academic success in general. Metamotivation is how people monitor and control their motivational states to achieve their goals. Researchers believe that metamotivation includes two reciprocal processes: metamotivational monitoring, evaluating whether the person has selected the proper level (quantity) and type (quality) of motivation to perform his tasks; and metamotivational control, using the results of the monitoring phase and applying suitable strategies for adapting or changing the motivation. In metamotivational monitoring, students try to identify the declined motivational component in order to regulate its quantity and quality using motivational regulation strategies. In this field, two important questions arise: How can identify and measure the motivational components involved in metamotivational monitoring? and: Which motivational component is targeted by the medical students when they use every motivational regulation strategy? Methods: Applying a multi-stage study, motivational components involved in metamotivational monitoring were characterized and a questionnaire developed. Then, using Structural Equation Modeling, predictive relationships between motivational components and motivational regulation strategies were investigated. Results: The Motivational Components Questionnaire (MCQ) showed acceptable evidence of validity and reliability. In the Exploratory Factor Analysis, 6 factors were discovered that explained 74% of the total variance. In examining the predictive relationships, each of the four components of self-efficacy, intrinsic value, self-relevant value and promotion value were specifically predicted by two motivational regulation strategies. Conclusions: Evidence of validity and reliability of the MCQ indicates that this questionnaire can be used in medical education contexts. Health Profession Educators can improve the academic motivation of students by identifying one or more declined motivational component and teaching specific motivational regulation strategies. It is recommended to hold training courses on motivational regulation strategies for medical school faculty, study-skills advisors, and students

    Effects of cross-linking modification with phosphoryl chloride (POCl3) on pysiochemical properties of barley starch

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    Chemical methods are one of the comon method in starch modification. This study aimed at investigating of cross-link affection of phosphoryl chloride with two different levels 0.5 and 1g.kg-1 in order to enhance funciotnal proeprties and physiochemical changes on extracted starch from barley variety Bahman which cultivates in Chahr-Mahal Bakhtiari Province of Iran. Obtained results indicated that cross-linking leads to reduce sweeling power of strach granuls compred to natural starch and the amount of reduciton increase via the substitituin level. Powerfull cross-linkingnetween starch chains casue more resistance of granules to seweeling which is increased by means of cross-linking dgree. Additioally,  investigationresults from synersis revealed that releasing water percentage in cross-linked starches increase in comparison to natural starches and this amount depends onthe amount of cross-link surface with a significantly difference in (α <0.05). Gelatinization temperature in both levels negligibly increased by modification where in low level of cross-linking was more. Furthermoe evaluating gelation temperatures of both natural and cross-linked modified starches showed that addition of phosphate groups in starch and creating extra coovalent bonds make granues more compressed reulting in slight increase of To, Tp, Tcin barley starch. Icreasing of temperature observed more in less concentration of cross-links. Evaluation of viscosity changes also revealed that this modification depending on increasing the amount of Phosphoryl Chloride led to increasing peak temperature, diminish peak and setback viscosity. Result also exhibited that in morphological level, cross-link causes to incidence changes in particles' diameter size. The comparison of diameter average and frequency between natural starch and cross-links starch exhibited that in cross-linkd treatment with 0.5% phosphoryl chloride, increase in frequency of granules with diameter of 6 - 10µm and >20 µm obersced. While frequency of granules with diamater size of 2 - 6 µm and 10 - 20 µm has been reduced to 0 which create bigger granules

    Effect of sorbitol on dough rheology and quality of sugar replaced cookies

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    A high amount of sugar is used in bakery products, which may cause diabetes, high blood glucose levels and obesity. Due to these reasons, sugar is being replaced with substitutes. There is different carbohydrate-based sugar substitutes (polyols) that can efficiently replace sugar. Among polyols, sorbitol is an efficient replacer that can mimic sugar with minimal effects on cookie quality. Effects of different sorbitol levels (0 to 12.5%) were seen on the dough rheology. Mixographic studies showed that peak height and mixing time reduced with the addition of sorbitol. Farinographic studies showed that water absorption and the mixing tolerance index of dough reduced with the supplementation of sorbitol, whereas dough development time, arrival time, dough stability time and softening of dough increased. Extensographic studies revealed that sorbitol substitution produced hard, cohesive, adhesive and elastic dough. Sugar in cookies formulations was reduced from 100 to 50% by replacing with sorbitol 0 to 50%. Physical analysis of sorbitol containing cookies showed that the diameter and spread factor of cookies decreased with higher levels of sorbitol, whereas thickness, color, hardness and water activity of cookies increased. The calorific value of cookies decreased with the increasing levels of sorbitol. At upto 20% replacement of sugar, other parameters of cookies were not affected. Sensory evaluation of the cookies showed that hedonic points for sensory evaluation parameters reduced with the increasing levels of sorbitol, T2 (20% replacement) showed maximum overall acceptability

    Comparison of the performance of Disk diffusion, Agar screening and E-test methods with Real- time PCR for the detection of methicillin resistant coagulase negative Staphylococcus strains isolated from clinical samples of Shahrekord university hospitals, 2008

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    Background : Coagulase Negative staphylococci (CoNS) are nosocomial pathogens. The main objective of the study was to compare the performance of disk diffusion, E-test and agar screening methods with Real-time PCR technique for detection of methicillin resistance in coagulase negative staphylococci (MRCoNS), using Taqman® Real-time PCR for mecA DV WKH ³ JROG VWDQ GDUG´ FRP SDULVRQ DVVD\ � Methods : 88 coagulase negative Staphylococcus isolates were identified out of 284 Staphylococcus isolates collected from Hajar and Kashani hospitals-shahrekod, Iran. Methicillin resistance strains were identified by several methods: Disk diffusion, Agar screening, E-test and Real-time PCR. The results of the tested methods ZHUH FRP SDUHG ZLWK WKRVH RI WKH 5 HDO� WLP H 3& 5 E\ & KL VTX DUH RU ) LVKHU¶ V H[ DFW WHVWV� Results : Of the 88 coagulase negative Staphylococcus isolates tested, 46 isolates (52.3%) were mecA - positive and 42 isolates (47.7%) were mecA-negative. The results of all the tested methods had a statistically significant agreement with those of Real-time PCR. The E-test was 100% sensitive and specific for mecA presence. The sensitivity and specificity of oxacillin agar screen (6.0 µg/ml) method were 96% and 98%, respectively and the sensitivity and specificity of oxacillin Disk diffusion method were 91% and 90%, respectively. Conclusion: In the present study, E-test is proposed as the best phenotypic method. In case economic issue matters, the oxacillin agar screening method (6.0 µg/ml), which is suitable for the detection of MRCoNS due to its accuracy and low cost, is recommended. Keywords : methicill

    Metamotivation in Medical Students: Explaining Motivation Regulation Strategies in Medical Students

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    BACKGROUND: Metamotivation is a process that students use to monitor their motivational states to reach their academic goals. To date, few studies have addressed the ways that medical students manage their motivational states. This study aim to identify the motivational strategies of medical students as they use the metamotivational process to monitor and control their motivational states. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This qualitative study uses directed content analysis of the narrative responses of 18 medical students to draft an in-depth and semistructured interview protocol which were conducted through WhatsApp due to social distance restrictions of COVID-19. Data were collected, encoded, and analyzed using deductive content analysis approach descripted by Elo and Kyngäs. RESULTS: Seven main themes were extracted as the motivational strategies of medical students including “regulation of value,” “regulation of situational interest,” “self-consequating,” “environmental structuring,” “efficacy management,” “regulation of relatedness,” and “regulation of situational awareness.” In this study by identifying new strategies, we provide a broader framework of metamotivational strategies in the field of the progression of learners in medical education. CONCLUSION: Medical students use a variety of strategies to regulate their academic motivation. To sustain and improve the motivation of medical students, identifying and strengthening metamotivational strategies is the first step

    The investigation of prevalence of methicillin and vancomycin resistance in coagulase negative Staphylococci isolated from clinical samples of Shahrekord university hospitals, 2009

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    Background: Vancomycin has been widely used in the treatment of infections caused by methicillin-resistant coagulase negative Staphylococci (MRCoNS). The emergence of vancomycin-intermediate and -resistant coagulase negative Staphylococci (VICoNS and VRCoNS, respectively) in various parts of the world, has caused great concern. In this study we investigated the prevalence of MRCoNS and Emergence of VICoNS and VRCoNS in Shahrekord Hospitals. Methods: Eighty eight coagulase negative Staphylococcus isolates were identified out of 284 Staphylococcus isolates collected from Shahrekod’s hospitals, Then, antimicrobial susceptibility pattern was determined for 12 antibiotics with Disk Diffusion method. Methicillin resistant strains were identified by several methods: Disk diffusion, E-test and Real-time PCR. Vancomycin resistant strains were also identified by several methods: Disk diffusion, Agar screening, E-test and Duplex PCR. Results: Using the disk diffusion test, 100% of isolates were resistant to penicillin while the lowest resistance (33%) was found for ofloxacin. Fourty six CoNS strains were methicillin resistant and none of these isolates were vancomycin resistant and none had vanA/vanB genes demonstrated by PCR. Conclusion: This study showed a high prevalence of MRCoNS at Shahrekord hospitals, but, vancomycin resistance was not found

    The most well-known health literacy questionnaires: a narrative review

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      Background: Health literacy is an important issue in public health and defined as the cognitive and social skills of an individual that determine his/her ability to obtain, access, understand, and apply health information. As the area of social determinant of health and structure content of the questionnaires, such as the perception of health and the health status of people, were neglected in the previous reviews, the present study was conducted to review and compare Health literacy questionnaires, which have domains in these areas, in English and Persian languages.  Methods: We reviewed the most famous health literacy questionnaires designed and validated in English and Persian languages published in PubMed, Google Scholar, Ovid, Scientific Information Database, and Barakat Knowledge Network System. After removing repetitive articles, the remaining articles were studied and the questionnaires were qualitatively analyzed.   Results: More than 31 well-known English and Persian questionnaires and articles were included in the present review. Among these tools, 17 questionnaires had a section on understanding and comprehension and 14 had calculation and analysis in addition to comprehension. Among the 31 questionnaires, three questionnaires had some items about social determinants of health and 12 had some items about perception of health. According to our study, the questionnaire that covers all areas of health literacy as well as social determinants of health is the HLS-EU-Q, which has been translated into different languages.  Conclusion: Since health literacy levels are related to many social determinants of health, the HLS-EU-Q can be used for health literacy evaluation as a strong predictor of a person’s health status