5 research outputs found

    Uniting Science and Faith: A Re-STEAM Interdisciplinary Approach in Islamic Education Learning

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    This study explores the effective Re-STEAM (Religion, Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) interdisciplinary approach in teaching Islamic Religious Education (PAI) at SDIT Al-Khawarizmi and SDN 031 Tanah Grogot, Indonesia. The research addresses the need to revitalize PAI learning by integrating it with other disciplines, particularly science and technology. Using qualitative methods with a phenomenological approach and Multi-Site Design, the study investigates the impact of Re-STEAM on student learning outcomes. Results indicate that this approach significantly enhances students' learning motivation, critical thinking skills, and understanding of PAI materials. Integrating science and faith through Re-STEAM helps students apply Islamic values daily and prepares them for 21st-century challenges. Moreover, it demonstrates that modern science complements religious teachings, fostering a balanced development of intellectual, emotional, and spiritual intelligence. The findings suggest that the Re-STEAM approach effectively combines academic competence with strengthened faith and character, aligning with the core principles of Islamic education

    Students’ Possession of Social and Emotional Learning Competencies in the Second Cycle Schools of Basic Education in the Sultanate of Oman

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    The study aimed to identify the degree of students’ social and emotional learning competencies in the schools of the second episode of basic education in Oman after the COVID-19 pandemic, and the researchers used the descriptive curriculum. The questionnaire of the OECD study was used for social and emotional skills in learning (Kankaraš and Suarez-Alvarez, 2019) which consisted of 5 competencies and 30 indicators: accomplishing tasks; emotional organization; dealing with others; cooperation; and openness. The results of the study showed that the overall degree of students’ ownership of social and emotional learning competencies was largely, with an average account (3.70), 74%, and a degree of ownership of each competency to a large extent, and in proportions percentage, ranged from 60.3% to 82%. There are statistically significant differences in the degree to which students have social and emotional learning competencies in the schools of the second episode of basic education in Oman in the total degree attributable to the sex variable, in favor of females (female students), while there are no statistically significant differences in the degree to which students have the competencies of social and emotional learning in the overall degree depending on the age variable. The study recommended that social and emotional learning skills be integrated into the curriculum, and that the Ministry of Education adopt courses, workshops, and lectures on emotional social learning programs aimed at educating all educational, community and media institutions

    Nurturing Ethical Character in Islamic Colleges through Interactive Technology: Lecturers Perspective

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    This article examines the impact of integrating interactive technology in character education programs on ethical character development in Islamic colleges from the lecturers' perspective. The study addresses two research questions: (1) How does the integration of interactive technology influence ethical character development, according to lecturers in Islamic colleges? (2) What challenges do lecturers face in effectively utilizing interactive technology for nurturing ethical character education?. Data was collected through a survey of 50 lecturers from Islamic colleges in Madura, using a combination of closed-ended and open-ended questions. The findings reveal that integrating interactive technology positively affects ethical character development by enhancing student engagement, critical thinking, and moral reasoning. This research contributes to addressing a research gap by providing empirical evidence on the effectiveness of interactive technology in nurturing ethical character development in the context of Islamic colleges. Additionally, the study identifies challenges lecturers face in embracing the digital age, including limited technical skills, inadequate resources, and resistance to change. Addressing these challenges is crucial for maximizing the potential of interactive technology in character education programs. Overall, this research offers practical insights for educational institutions and policymakers, informing the design of strategies for incorporating interactive technology into character education programs while mitigating associated challenges. By focusing specifically on Islamic colleges, this study provides unique perspectives on integrating interactive technology in nurturing ethical character development, adding novelty to the existing literatureArtikel ini mengkaji dampak integrasi teknologi interaktif dalam program pendidikan karakter terhadap perkembangan karakter dari sudut pandang para dosen di perguruan tinggi Islam. Penelitian ini menjawab dua pertanyaan penelitian: (1) Bagaimana integrasi teknologi interaktif memengaruhi perkembangan karakter, menurut pandangan para dosen di perguruan tinggi Islam? (2) Apa tantangan yang dihadapi oleh para dosen dalam memanfaatkan teknologi interaktif secara efektif untuk pembinaan pendidikan karakter? Data dikumpulkan melalui survei terhadap 50 dosen dari perguruan tinggi Islam di Madura, dengan menggunakan kombinasi pertanyaan tertutup dan pertanyaan terbuka. Temuan penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa integrasi teknologi interaktif berdampak positif pada perkembangan karakter dengan meningkatkan keterlibatan siswa, pemikiran kritis, dan penalaran moral. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi dalam mengatasi kesenjangan penelitian dengan memberikan bukti empiris tentang efektivitas teknologi interaktif dalam pembinaan karakter etis dalam konteks perguruan tinggi Islam. Selain itu, penelitian ini mengidentifikasi tantangan yang dihadapi oleh para dosen dalam menghadapi era digital, termasuk keterbatasan keterampilan teknis, sumber daya yang kurang memadai, dan resistensi terhadap perubahan. Mengatasi tantangan-tantangan ini sangat penting untuk memaksimalkan potensi teknologi interaktif dalam program pendidikan karakter. Secara keseluruhan, penelitian ini memberikan wawasan praktis bagi lembaga pendidikan dan pembuat kebijakan, yang dapat digunakan sebagai dasar perancangan strategi untuk mengintegrasikan teknologi interaktif dalam program pendidikan karakter sambil mengatasi tantangan yang terkait. Dengan fokus khusus pada perguruan tinggi Islam, penelitian ini memberikan perspektif unik tentang integrasi teknologi interaktif dalam pembinaan karakter etis, yang memberikan nilai tambah pada literatur yang ada

    The Students' Motivation and Achievement in Learning English: The Correlational Study

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    The students have a lot on their plates already, and one of the biggest is the academic activity. Researchers have shown a correlation between intrinsic motivation and academic performance. Students' English proficiency is also influenced by their level of interest and effort in learning the language. The purpose of this research was to determine if and how students at MA Muhammadiyah Darul Arqam Punnia Labumpung, Kab. Pinrang is motivated to learn English based on their academic performance. Students' interest in English and effort in studying the language were found to be significantly related. This was demonstrated by a correlational study on students' motivation and their performance on an English language test. The first piece of good news is that the SPSS 21 program's computed r value is greater than the table at both the 5% and 1% significant level (0.367 0.852 > 0.47). Second, the computation of the contribution between student motivation and achievement in English showed that student motivation (variable X) contributed roughly 72.59% contribution to the achievement (variable Y) of the sample class, while the remaining 25.41% was influenced by other factors. Keywords: Students’ Motivation, Learning English, and English Achievement

    Recent Developments and Different Perspectives on Social and Emotional Competency Classifications: A Comparative Study

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    Abstract Social and emotional competencies play a major role in promoting a climate of positive relationships, responsibility, and a sense of family security; supporting positive behavior; achieving academic growth; contributing to emotional self-regulation; reducing anxiety about social interaction in individuals; reducing psychological stress; promoting optimism; and supporting mental health in individuals; however, there is no consensus on the number of core competencies, and how to identify and activate them. This difference in approach challenges future research, as well as the scientific utility of creating an integrative taxonomy, and focused review evaluates different approaches to visualizing and assessing social and emotional competencies. Based on common concepts, the researchers seek to provide different classifications of social and emotional learning competencies, through which they identify the basic domains and manifestations of social and emotional competencies that link frameworks focused on social and emotional learning ( C A S E L ) and personality traits ( s u c h a s t h e B i g F i v e ) . By presenting these different developments in the classifications of social and emotional learning competencies, the researcher sees better organizing many of the terms and definitions used and directing the perception and activation of social and emotional competencies and their various aspects