2,104 research outputs found

    Optimization cane traction output from hopper in full-automatic sugarcane planters by using response surface modeling and analytical hierarchy process

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    Agriculture mechanization plays a significant economic role by increasing agriculture production and reducing cost of cultivation.  There is a dire need to develop more processing machinery for value addition of agricultural produce with a reduction in time and labour.  The planting operation is one of the most important tasks that sugarcane growers undertake.  It should result in a plant stand at the desired density that emerges quickly and uniformly.  Austoft sugarcane planter was studied and the CAD model for metering device was simulated with Catia software.  Main components of this machine are hopper, metering device, and basis.  Multiple regression and Response Surface Methodology (RSM) were applied to data for investigating the effect of angle and speed of sugarcane billet metering device on discharging and precision indices.  The speed of metering device had more effect than angle on both performance indices.  Analytical hierarchy process (AHP) used to match the best operation condition for discharging billets from hopper.  The angle of 80° and speed of 1 m s-1 was the best suited condition for sugarcane billet metering device with 98.64% for precision index and 4.2 billets in per second for discharging index. A consistency ratio evaluation value of 0.1 confirmed the results.   Keywords: sugarcane, planters, AHP, mechanization agriculture, RSM, computer aided design (CAD)

    Antimicrobial Effects of Four Intracanal Medicaments on Enterococcus Faecalis: An in Vitro Study

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    Introduction: The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of four intracanal medicaments on Enterococcus Faecalis (E. Faecalis). Methods and Materials: Fifty extracted single-rooted human teeth were prepared with standard method. After contaminating the canals with E. Faecalis, the samples were divided into one control and four experimental groups (n=10). The teeth in each group were treated with one of the experimental medicaments, including calcium hydroxide (CH), 2% chlorhexidine (CHX), triple antibiotic paste (TAP) and nanosilver (NS). In control group, canals were filled with neutral gel. Microbial samples were obtained from the roots after 7 days and optical density of the cultures was determined after 24h incubation. Optical density values were analyzed with one-way analysis of variance and Tukey’s post hoc tests. Results: CHX gel and TAP were significantly more effective against E. Faecalis than CH, which was also significantly more efficient than NS and normal saline. In the paper cone samples, CHX gel was more effective than TAP; however, samples obtained with #2 and 4 Gate Glidden drills, indicated that TAP was much more efficient than CHX gel. Normal saline and NS had similar effects on E. Faecalis. Conclusion: Nanosilver gel was not efficient enough against E. Faecalis; however, TAP and CHX gel showed better antibacterial efficacy than CH and can be used as an alternative intracanal medicament in root canal therapies

    On triple homomorphisms of Lie algebras

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    Let L and K be two Lie algebras over a commutative ring with identity. In this paper, under some conditions on L and K, it is proved that every triple homomorphism from L onto K is the sum of a homomorphism and an antihomomorphism from L into K. We also show that a finite-dimensional Lie algebra L over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero is nilpotent of class at most 2 if and only if the sum of every homomorphism and every antihomomorphism on L is a triple homomorphism

    Anatomska, kemijska i mehanička svojstva bukova drva degradiranoga gljivama roda Pleurotus

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    The aim of this study was to determine the destructive capabilities of the two white rot fungi Pleurotus cornucopiae (Pc) and P. eryngii (Pe) compared with the standard fungus Trametes versicolor (Tv) on beech wood samples after 60 days of incubation. Understanding of the white rot decay is important as it is necessary for the development of effective solutions for wood protection. Measurements of mass loss, chemical, mechanical properties and light microscopical investigations were conducted prior to and after incubation. Mass loss of samples was found to be 9-22 % depending on fungi species. Impact bending strength is not as sensitive as presumed in classical literature. Light microscopy analysis revealed that decay patterns were similar for both fungi. Wood cell wall thinning, fungal colonization hyphae were also the same for both fungi. Results indicated considerable wood attack by both Pleurotus species, Pc being more destructive than Pe.Cilj rada bio je utvrditi učinak dviju gljiva bijele truleži – Pleurotus cornucopiae (Pc) i P. eryngii (Pe) – na uzorcima bukova drva nakon 60 dana inkubacije u usporedbi s učinkom standardne gljive Trametes versicolor (Tv). Razumijevanje degradacije drva zbog bijele truleži iznimno je važno za razvoj učinkovitih rješenja zaštite. U pokusu su prije i nakon inkubacije drva provedena mjerenja gubitka mase, kemijskih i mehaničkih svojstava te je obavljeno ispitivanje svjetlosnim mikroskopom. Utvrđeno je da je gubitak mase uzoraka iznosio 9 – 22 %, ovisno o vrsti gljive. Čvrstoća drva na savijanje nije toliko osjetljiva na utjecaj gljiva kao što se navodi u klasičnoj literaturi. Analiza slika dobivenih svjetlosnim mikroskopom pokazala je da su procesi propadanja drva pri zarazi objema gljivama slični. Stanjivanje stijenki drvnih stanica i hife kolonizacije obiju gljiva također su bile jednake. Rezultati su pokazali znatnu degradaciju drva napadnutoga gljivama roda Pleurotus, s tim da je gljiva Pc destruktivnija od gljive Pe