249 research outputs found

    Fast Exact Search in Hamming Space with Multi-Index Hashing

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    There is growing interest in representing image data and feature descriptors using compact binary codes for fast near neighbor search. Although binary codes are motivated by their use as direct indices (addresses) into a hash table, codes longer than 32 bits are not being used as such, as it was thought to be ineffective. We introduce a rigorous way to build multiple hash tables on binary code substrings that enables exact k-nearest neighbor search in Hamming space. The approach is storage efficient and straightforward to implement. Theoretical analysis shows that the algorithm exhibits sub-linear run-time behavior for uniformly distributed codes. Empirical results show dramatic speedups over a linear scan baseline for datasets of up to one billion codes of 64, 128, or 256 bits

    Motivational Components Involved in the Metamotivational Monitoring in Medical Students

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    Background: Theoretical implications of self-regulated learning emphasize that self-regulation of motivation (metamotivation) plays an important role in learning, effort, perseverance, and academic success in general. Metamotivation is how people monitor and control their motivational states to achieve their goals. Researchers believe that metamotivation includes two reciprocal processes: metamotivational monitoring, evaluating whether the person has selected the proper level (quantity) and type (quality) of motivation to perform his tasks; and metamotivational control, using the results of the monitoring phase and applying suitable strategies for adapting or changing the motivation. In metamotivational monitoring, students try to identify the declined motivational component in order to regulate its quantity and quality using motivational regulation strategies. In this field, two important questions arise: How can identify and measure the motivational components involved in metamotivational monitoring? and: Which motivational component is targeted by the medical students when they use every motivational regulation strategy? Methods: Applying a multi-stage study, motivational components involved in metamotivational monitoring were characterized and a questionnaire developed. Then, using Structural Equation Modeling, predictive relationships between motivational components and motivational regulation strategies were investigated. Results: The Motivational Components Questionnaire (MCQ) showed acceptable evidence of validity and reliability. In the Exploratory Factor Analysis, 6 factors were discovered that explained 74% of the total variance. In examining the predictive relationships, each of the four components of self-efficacy, intrinsic value, self-relevant value and promotion value were specifically predicted by two motivational regulation strategies. Conclusions: Evidence of validity and reliability of the MCQ indicates that this questionnaire can be used in medical education contexts. Health Profession Educators can improve the academic motivation of students by identifying one or more declined motivational component and teaching specific motivational regulation strategies. It is recommended to hold training courses on motivational regulation strategies for medical school faculty, study-skills advisors, and students

    Investigating the value level of pharmaceutical companies in Tehran Stock Exchange

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    The main purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between human resources productivity and the value level of companies admitted to the stock market of Tehran Stock Exchange. The methods of library study and review of documents and the content of the materials, as well as the preparation of interviews were used to collect information. By reviewing the subject literature and interviewing managers and experts of some pharmaceutical companies, the components affecting the productivity of human resources have been determined and by brainstorming, the three components of the motivational system, work commitment and job enrichment have been determined in priority. The value level of pharmaceutical company’s stocks, is determined by the ratio of price to profitability, book and accounting value of companies and their market value. With statistical analysis and hypothesis testing, the significant relationship between the productivity components of human resources and the value levels of pharmaceutical companies have been confirmed. The results of the analysis show that unlike other companies accepted in the stock market of Tehran Stock Exchange, where the components of industry, politics and economy are effective in their success and value, for pharmaceutical companies, human resources and especially their level of expertise play a major role in the level of value. Also, high work commitment despite low motivational systems is one of the other obvious results of this research about these companies

    Metamotivation in Medical Students: Explaining Motivation Regulation Strategies in Medical Students

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    BACKGROUND: Metamotivation is a process that students use to monitor their motivational states to reach their academic goals. To date, few studies have addressed the ways that medical students manage their motivational states. This study aim to identify the motivational strategies of medical students as they use the metamotivational process to monitor and control their motivational states. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This qualitative study uses directed content analysis of the narrative responses of 18 medical students to draft an in-depth and semistructured interview protocol which were conducted through WhatsApp due to social distance restrictions of COVID-19. Data were collected, encoded, and analyzed using deductive content analysis approach descripted by Elo and Kyngäs. RESULTS: Seven main themes were extracted as the motivational strategies of medical students including “regulation of value,” “regulation of situational interest,” “self-consequating,” “environmental structuring,” “efficacy management,” “regulation of relatedness,” and “regulation of situational awareness.” In this study by identifying new strategies, we provide a broader framework of metamotivational strategies in the field of the progression of learners in medical education. CONCLUSION: Medical students use a variety of strategies to regulate their academic motivation. To sustain and improve the motivation of medical students, identifying and strengthening metamotivational strategies is the first step

    Population genetic study on common kilka (Clupeonella cultriventris Nordmann, 1840) in the Southwest Caspian Sea (Gilan Province, Iran) using microsatellite markers

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    This study represents population genetic analysis of the common kilka Clupeonella cultriventris (Nordmann, 1840) in the southwest Caspian Sea (Gilan Province). A total of 60 specimens of adult common kilka were sampled from two seasons (spring and summer), 2010. Fifteen pairs of microsatellites previously developed for American shad (Alosa sapidissima), Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi), Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) and Sardine (Sardina pilchardus) were tested on genomic DNA of common kilka. Alleles frequencies, the fixation index RST, observed and expected heterozygosity were determined at disomic loci amplified from fin tissue samples. Five pairs of primers (Cpa6, Cpa8, Cpa104, Cpa125 and AcaC051) as polymorphic loci were used to analyze the genetic variation of the common kilka population. Analyses revealed that an average of alleles per locus was 14.4 (range 5 to 21 alleles per locus in regions). All sampled regions contained private alleles. The average observed and expected heterozygosity were 0.153 and 0.888, respectively. All loci significantly deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE). Based on AMOVA, RST values was found to be 0.113 (Nm=1.96, P<0.01). The genetic distance between populations was 0.344, which indicates that the genetic difference among the studied populations is pronounced. These results support the existence of different genetic populations along the Caspian Sea coast (Guilan Province).Key words: Population genetic, Southwest Caspian Sea, microsatellite, Clupeonella cultriventris

    Explaining justice educational indexes of religious learnings view with emphasis on Nahjol Balagheh

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    Justice and education (education justice) are the most important themes attention case and emphasize on Islamic learning especially Nahjol Balagheh. It looks at more discussions and talks in with field by society great ones and experts, but education justice indexes haven’t cleared in modal a scientific codified way now. Because in education justice has important role in education processes and justice is the biggest educational characteristic of Islamic system. Its indexes should be cleared in Nahjol Balagheh. This research has filled the scientific gap country. It has modeled Nahjol Balagheh as education justice standard. For searching education justice indexes in it. The aim of this research explains education justice indexes of Nahjol Balagheh View. This research is a basic research of type analysis. It has been used for explaining justice education indexes of thematic analysis way for collecting and identifying themes related to justice education indexes. First, we have examined theoretic basis and Islamic thinker’s viewpoints. Then, with referring and exact studying of Nahjol Balagheh, it has counted related extraction, code and their frequency. Thematic analysis results of comparative analysis drawing show that education justice index has been formed as one overarching, 2 integrative, 6 key themes the relation of this themes has guided in comparative analysis form. Key words: education, justice, index, Nahjol Balagheh

    Evaluation of Lifestyle Health Promotion of Dormitory Medical Students Regarding Comprehensive Aspects

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    Objective: Lifestyle improvement has a key role in empowering people and facilitating their duties. Most of the students who live in the dormitories, are apparently not locals and their lifestyle improvement is even more essential to increase their efficiency and productivity. The aim of this study is to assess health-promoting lifestyle of medical sciences students who live in dormitory with respect to different aspects such as nutritional status, stress management, physical activity, health responsibility, social support and perception of life. Moreover the results are provided separately for male and female students and compared with each other. Materials and Method: In this paper, an analytical descriptive study was conducted with 220 students who live in dormitory and random stratified sampling was used. Data collection was based on a standard health-promoting lifestyle questionnaire. The minimum lifestyle score was 52 and the maximum score was 208. The validity of the Persian version of health-promoting lifestyle has been done by Mohammadi Zeidi et al. Cronbach alpha of 0.85 were obtained for all of the questionnaires and the data were analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics®. Results: Average scores of the male and female students" lifestyle were moderate (122.63 ± 25.18). The lowest score was related to the physical activity of female students (16.71 ± 4.47) and the highest score was for the social support between male students (23.71 ± 4.09). Independent t test showed that the difference between the means of nutrition and health responsibility for male and female students were significant (P = 0.05). Pearson correlation coefficient showed that there is a relationship between all aspects of lifestyle (P = 0.01). It is investigated that there is relationship between gender and physical activity by doing a regression. Conclusion: Considering the fact that the students had an average score of health promoting lifestyle, paying attention to the health education and the behaviors related to the health promotion of this population is more essential and cost-effective

    Exploring the Professional Beliefs of an EFL Teacher: A Narrative Inquiry

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    The applied science model of teacher education implies that the relationship between theory and practice is unidirectional. In this study, however, the researchers make a case in the opposite direction, i.e., they believe that professional practice can also shed some light on theories of language teaching. Since narrative inquiry is best for capturing the detailed stories or life experiences of a single life, the researchers took it as a legitimate mode of research to uncover and make sense of the professional experience of an experienced and professionally popular language teacher. Analysis revealed six themes, which reflect the participant’s professional beliefs. Among other things, she believes that optimizing teaching practice depends on maximizing learner involvement, focusing on responsive teaching, leaving room for practice, and personalizing practice. The study has clear implications for practitioners and teacher educators
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