6,254 research outputs found

    A User Scheduling Scheme for Reducing Electromagnetic (EM) Emission in the Uplink of Mobile Communication Systems

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    The ubiquity and convergence of wireless communication services have contributed to an unprecedented popularity of mobile communications. Given that wireless communication systems operate on radiofrequency waves, the electromagnetic (EM) radiation exposure they generate is also unprecedented and, hence, this could have adverse health effects on both humans and animals according to the World Health Organization. In this paper, we propose a user scheduling/power allocation scheme to minimize the EM exposure of users subject to transmitting a target number of bits. Our user scheduling method is based on assigning priority levels to each user and the user with the lowest priority level is scheduled for transmission. Power allocation, on the other hand, is based on the water-filling approach over time by using the past channel gains of a user to compute its water level. Simulation results show that our proposed scheme performs much better than a spectral efficiency based scheme but has a higher EM emission in comparison with a non-practical ideal scheme

    On the traffic offloading in Wi-Fi supported heterogeneous wireless networks

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    Heterogeneous small cell networks (HetSNet) comprise several low power, low cost (SBSa), (D2D) enabled links wireless-fidelity (Wi-Fi) access points (APs) to support the existing macrocell infrastructure, decrease over the air signaling and energy consumption, and increase network capacity, data rate and coverage. This paper presents an active user dependent path loss (PL) based traffic offloading (TO) strategy for HetSNets and a comparative study on two techniques to offload the traffic from macrocell to (SBSs) for indoor environments: PL and signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) based strategies. To quantify the improvements, the PL based strategy against the SIR based strategy is compared while considering various macrocell and (SBS) coverage areas and traffic–types. On the other hand, offloading in a dense urban setting may result in overcrowding the (SBSs). Therefore, hybrid traffic–type driven offloading technologies such as (WiFi) and (D2D) were proposed to en route the delay tolerant applications through (WiFi) (APs) and (D2D) links. It is necessary to illustrate the impact of daily user traffic profile, (SBSs) access schemes and traffic–type while deciding how much of the traffic should be offloaded to (SBSs). In this context, (AUPF) is introduced to account for the population of active small cells which depends on the variable traffic load due to the active users

    Spectral Efficiency Improvements in HetNets by Exploiting Device-to-Device Communications

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    Next generation cellular networks require huge capacity, ubiquitous coverage and maximum energy efficiency. In order to meet these targets, Device-to-device (D2D) communication is being considered for future heterogeneous networks (HetNets). In this paper, we consider a three tier hierarchical HetNet by exploiting D2D communication in traditional HetNet. D2D communication is deployed within the HetNet where closely located mobile users are engaged in direct communication without routing the traffic through cellular access network. The proposed configuration mandates to reduce the interference offered by the resultant HetNet by reducing the transmitter-receiver distance and ensuring that the mobile users are transmitting with adaptive power subject to maintaining their desired link quality. In this context, we analyzed and compared the spectral efficiency improvements in hierarchical HetNet against traditional HetNet. Simulation results show that D2D communication offers much higher spectral efficiency as compared to traditional HetNet

    The Clash of Civilizations: a Myth?

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    “The Clash of Civilizations” adalah sebuah metafora kontroversial yang berkembang di politik global pasca perang dingin. Diperkenalkan oleh Samuel Huntington, metafora tersebut menyarankan bahwa politik dunia mengalami konfigurasi ulang yang “fault line” antara budaya menggantikan batasan politik dan ideologi sebagai “flashpoint krisis dan pertumpahan darah”. Tujuan dari artikel adalah untuk mengkaji secara kritis proposisi dan asumsi teoretikal yang menguatkan tesis. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa proposisi tidak berdasar dan asumsi teoretikal dibalik argumen kurang dapat dipercaya. Ini memperdebatkan bahwa “clash of civilizations” merupakan mitos belaka

    The Spread of Democracy and International Security

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    Tulisan ini menolak determinisme dari kaum realis. Politik dalam negeri atau sifat dasar rezim mempengaruhi politik luar negeri, diikuti kemungkinan perang, damai, dan keamanan Internasional. Didukung oleh argumen kaum liberal, kaum realis percaya bahwa penyebaran demokrasi akan memberi kontribusi bagi promosi keamanan Internasional. Argumen ini didasarkan tiga alasan utama:pertama, persuasi tesis “demokrasi damai”, kedua, bukti kuat keberadaan perdamaian demokratis, dan ketiga, kesalahan kritik realis. Mengikuti logika tersebut, akan semakin banyak negara-negara di dunia menjadi demokratis, “zona damai” yang lebih luas akan muncul, dan jumlah konflik dan perang antarnegara semakin berkurang

    Prospects of microalgal biodiesel production in Pakistan – a review

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    Biodiesel is an alternative, renewable, biodegradable and environmentally friendly fuel for transportation, with properties like petroleum-derived diesel, and can be used directly in a compression ignition engine without any modifications. The world's fossil fuel and crude oil reserves are going to dry up in the next few decades, but, contrariwise, an attractive, high quality, readily available and economically extractable oil from microalgae is a substitute feedstock to produce alternative biodiesel fuel for the transportation sector in the future. Microalgae have a higher biomass productivity (tons/hectare/year) and lipid yield (kg/kg of algal biomass) as compared to vegetable oil crops. To overcome the problem of energy deficiency in developing countries, like Pakistan, and boost their economic growth, alternative fuels are proving very important for environment-friendly and sustainable development, especially in the last few decades. Different research studies on microalgae cultivation, characterization of microalgae oil (lipids), and evaluations of its socio-economic feasibility to produce renewable biodiesel have been conducted in the past in Pakistan for its future prospects. This review paper includes the overall summary and compilation of the microalgae research conducted in Pakistan on biodiesel production and includes the algal biodiesel production cost analysis. The studies showed promising results for harnessing microalgae and using its lipids to produce biodiesel with favourable properties that were comparable to the conventional diesel in Pakistan. The information related to the microalgae research will help stakeholders and governmental organisations working in the renewable energy sector to consider its cultivation on a large scale, using waste water as a feedstock to produce biodiesel to meet the target set by the Government of Pakistan of using 10% blended biodiesel by the year 2025 in Pakistan

    Industrial Sector Input Demand Responsiveness and Policy Interventions

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    In Pakistan, government intervention in the input market of the industrial sector is considerable. It regulates prices of virtually all energy and certain other non-labour inputs. To stimulate industrial production and output growth, it also encourages the provision of extended credit facilities to the industrial producers. Further, it has also often announced adjustments/reductions in duties and tariffs on products used in industrial production. Conversely, government also imposes taxes on outputs. It may desire to levy new taxes on the industrial inputs. All interventions have profound implications for producers, consumers and the government alike. Therefore, it is important to know how they may affect the industrial input demand. Further, it is equally important to know how effective they may be for the government in the realisation of its objectives. The most pertinent approach to ascertain the industrial input demand responsiveness to government interventions is to obtain valid estimates of price elasticities. In fact, competent elasticity estimates of the producer input demand derived with a sound methodology can serve as a solid basis to predict producer responsiveness to market changes and thereby the effectiveness and desirability of government interventions. While the price elasticities of products over the years have been estimated for Pakistan, renewed interest on estimating responsiveness of producer input demand with modern estimation procedures has recently surged. Idrees (1997) and Khan (1998) have determined elasticities for the domestic large-scale manufacturing sector from a demand system. Although these research studies make a good addition to the literature, their scope is extremely limited because they have combined industrial inputs into large aggregates. At present, there is no study that has investigated the input demand elasticities of the domestic industrial sector at the dis-aggregated level.

    Management and Complications of Arnold Chiari Hydrocephalus at Tertiary Health Care Center

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    Objective: to investigate the role of CT and MRI in diagnosis of Arnold chiari malformation of hydrocephalus and its treatment with VP shunt along with complications. Study Design: Prospective study Place and duration: Department of Neurosurgery, DG Khan Medical College from May 4, 2018 to May 4, 2019. Methodology: Fifty patients of congenital hydrocephalus who were not treated previously were selected. Detailed history about disease and clinical examination of patients was performed. Follow ups were done at neurosurgery OPD. SPSS software for data analysis was used and mean ± SD, frequency and percentages were calculated for variables. P value ≤0.05 was considered as significant. Results: Treatment in case of congenital hydrocephalus as VP shunt, intra-aneurysmal coiling, excision of meningomyelocele with VP shunt and suboccipital craniectomy + upper cervical laminectomy (scucl) were observed as 10%, 6%, 8% and 8% respectively.  Twelve percent of patients were not treated. Conclusion: CT and MRI are the main diagnostic tools for diagnosis of Arnold chiari malformation and VP shunt is the treatment of choice. Among complications of VP shunt infection of shunt and shunt block are the main complications

    Strategi Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Kinerja Guru di SMA 7 Sarolangun

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    Pemimpin pendidikan dilingkungan sekolah yaitu kepala sekolah.  Seorang pemimpin harus mampu menciptakan iklim dan suasana yang kondusif, aman, nyaman, tentram, menyenangkan penuh semangat untuk guru, karyawan dan siswa sekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskrpsikan strategi kepemimpinan kepala sekolah SMA 7 Sarolangun dalam meningkat kualitas kinerja guru. Penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif, subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah dan guru. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi kepala sekolah yaitu (1) perencanaan pembelajaran dalam hal ini, kepala sekolah menerapkan bebrapa teknik untuk membantu guru dalam mengembangkan perencanaan pembelajaran, meliputi (a) Pembinaan Kinerja Guru, (b) Diklat. (2) Pelaksanaan pembelajaran, strategi yang digunakan kepala sekolah meliputi (a) Pengawasan pertama (b) sarana memfasilitasi (c) ikut serta dalam keluasan, (d) pemberian motivasi (e) pemberian penghargaan. (3) Evaluasi
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