661 research outputs found

    Wpływ płci i cukrzycy typu 2 na normalizację częstości rytmu serca u pacjentów z chorobą wieńcową po rehabilitacji kardiologicznej

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    Introduction: The purpose of this study was to clarify whether type 2 diabetic patients with coronary disease are subject to similar benefits in heart rate recovery (HRR) as non-diabetic counterpatrs after cardiac rehabilitation, assessing men and women subjects separately. Material and methods: The data used for this analysis were from an eight-week, phase-II cardiac rehabilitation including 284 patients with ischaemic heart disease who were managed at Tehran Heart Centre between July 2004 and January 2006. The heart rate parameters were compared between diabetic and non-diabetic patients before and after cardiac rehabilitation. Diabetic and non-diabetic patients had similar age and left ventricular ejection fraction. Results: Among men, the non-diabetic patients achieved a greater improvement in peak heart rate and heart rate recovery (HRR). Additionally, lower resting heart rate was found in nondiabetic men after rehabilitation. In the women &#8805; 50 years old, there was no significant difference between diabetic and non-diabetic. The non-diabetic women < 50 years old showed significantly higher peak heart rate and HRR compared with diabetic women. Conclusions: These results indicate that the benefit of cardiac rehabilitation in HRR is significantly lower in type 2 diabetic men. Improvement of HRR is not associated with diabetic status in women &#8805; 50 years old. The response to cardiac rehabilitation in women may appear to be influenced more by age at menopause rather than diabetes mellitus.Wstęp: Celem badania było wyjaśnienie czy pacjenci z cukrzycą typu 2 i chorobą wieńcową odnoszą podobne korzyści z rehabilitacji kardiologicznej dotyczące normalizacji częstości rytmu serca (HRR, heart rate recovery) jak osoby z chorobą wieńcową bez cukrzycy. Osobno oceniano mężczyzn i kobiety. Materiał i metody: Dane wykorzystane w analizie pochodziły z 8-tygodniowego II stadium rehabilitacji kardiologicznej przeprowadzonej u 284 pacjentów z chorobą niedokrwienną serca leczonych w Tehran Heart Center w okresie pomiędzy lipcem 2004 roku a styczniem 2006 roku. Porównywano parametry opisujące częstość rytmu serca u osób z cukrzycą i bez cukrzycy, przed i po rehabilitacji kardiologicznej. Pacjenci z cukrzycą i bez cukrzycy charakteryzowali się podobnym wiekiem i zbliżoną frakcją wyrzutową lewej komory. Wyniki: U mężczyzn bez cukrzycy uzyskano większą poprawę dotyczącą szczytowej częstości rytmu serca i normalizacji HRR. Dodatkowo po rehabilitacji, u mężczyzn bez cukrzycy stwierdzono mniejszą spoczynkową częstość rytmu serca. Nie zaobserwowano znamiennych różnic pomiędzy kobietami z cukrzycą i bez cukrzycy w wieku 50 lat i starszych. Kobiety bez cukrzycy poniżej 50. roku życia charakteryzowały się istotnie większą szczytową częstością rytmu serca i HRR w porównaniu z kobietami z cukrzycą. Wnioski: Uzyskane wyniki świadczą o tym, że korzyści z rehabilitacji kardiologicznej dotyczące HRR są istotnie gorsze u mężczyzn z cukrzcą typu 2. Poprawa dotycząca HRR u kobiet w wieku 50 lat i starszych nie zależała od obecność cukrzycy. Wydaje się, że u kobiet odpowiedź na rehabilitację kardiologiczną w większym stopniu zależy od wieku, w którym wystąpiła menopauza niż od obecności cukrzycy

    Expanded Network of Inflammatory Markers of Atherogenesis: Where Are We Now?

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    Inflammatory biomarkers play a pivotal role in atherosclerotic lesions. The plasma levels of these markers are predictive of adverse outcomes such as myocardial infarction and cardiovascular death. The immune system is involved at all stages of atherogenesis via activation of monocytes/macrophages and T lymphocytes. Circulating proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines produced by these cells interact with specific receptors on various cells and activate specific signaling pathways, leading to inflammation-induced atherosclerotic lesions. Recent studies have focused on predictive value of inflammatory biomarkers such as C-reactive protein and interleukin-6. These biomarkers were shown to be associated with poor quality of life and predictive of adverse events in coronary atherosclerosis and left ventricular dysfunction. Vascular predictive value of other numerous inflammatory markers is being investigated. We herein analyze the role of several mediators of inflammation, affecting vascular functions and leading toward atherosclerotic lesions

    2-Amino­pyridinium diphenyl­phosphinate monohydrate

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    In the crystal of the title hydrated salt, C5H7N2 +·C12H10O2P−·H2O, the cations, anions and water mol­ecules connected by N—H⋯O and O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds into a layer along the bc plane; the phenyl rings protrude into the space between the layers. The dihedral angle between rings of anion is 86.1 (1)°

    On Ordered (p; q)-Lateral Ideals in Ordered Ternary Semigroups

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    In this paper, we study some useful results of ordered (p; q)-lateral ideals in ordered ternary semigroups. Also, some properties of (p; q)-lateral simple ordered ternary semigroup have been examined. Further, we characterize the relationship between minimal (resp., maximal) ordered (p; q)- lateral ideals and (p; q)-lateral simple ordered ternary semigroups

    Availability and helpful environment of school health services in Rawalpindi and Islamabad region

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    Objective: To assess the status of health services and environment in the public and private schools of Rawalpindi and Islamabad.Methodology: A cross sectional study was conducted at Islamabad Medical and Dental College, Islamabad from April to September 2017. A survey was done in the schools of Rawalpindi and Islamabad through a questionnaire, distributed to the school heads and/or administrators. The study outcome was measured in terms of status of school health services and health environment.. Out of the total list of government, private and semi government schools the number for visit and interview was selected systematically. Data was entered and analyzed by using SPSS 20 version. Results: Overall 60.1% schools had a health team. Health teams were found in 47.6% of government, 58.3% of private and 80.0% of semi government schools. Only 42.4% had received any health-related training for students or personnel in the schools, 28.3% schools had presence of doctor while 30.9% had a nurse. Safe drinking water and adequate washroom facility was available in majority of schools along with playing area and proper lighting and ventilation condition. Conclusion: School health services are very poor at the schools in Rawalpindi and Islamabad region. There is lack of health training for students and staff with only 42.4% getting it

    The relationships between emotional intelligence, sensation seeking, and marital satisfaction among female teachers

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    Background: Marriage and matrimony is an issue widely affected by emotional intelligence and sensation seeking. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationships between emotional intelligence, sensation seeking, and marital satisfaction among female teachers in the city of Borujerd.Methods: The statistical population consisted of all married female teachers in the city of Borujerd among whom 100 were selected as the sample using random cluster sampling method. To collect the data, Enrich marital satisfaction, Bar-On emotional intelligence, and Zuckerman sensation seeking questionnaires were used. Data analysis was performed using SPSS software running Pearson’s correlation test and stepwise regression.Results: The results of the analysis indicated that, with a significance level of P&lt;0.001, there was a negative and significant relationship between sensation seeking and marital satisfaction, and there was a positive and significant relationship between emotional intelligence and marital satisfaction. Also, a statistically significant relationship was found between sensation seeking and emotional intelligence. Due to the inverse relationship, any increase in sensation seeking scores results in a decrease in marital satisfaction and vice versa. Moreover, because of the direct relationship between the two variables, any increase in emotional intelligence results in an increase in marital satisfaction.Conclusion: Considering the findings of the present study, sensation seeking and emotional intelligence have a significant relationship with marital satisfaction. The results of the study can help psychologists and counselors to pay more attention in marital satisfaction and affecting factors to enhance couples’ relationships

    Shear-induced bimodality and stability analysis of chiral spheroidal swimmers

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    We study the shear-induced behavior of chiral (circle-swimming) and nonchiral swimmers in a planar channel subjected to Poiseuille (pressure-driven) flow. The swimmers are modeled as active Brownian spheroids, self-propelling with a fixed-magnitude velocity, pointing along their axis of symmetry. We consider both cases of prolate and oblate swimmers and focus primarily on swimmers that possess an intrinsic, or active, counterclockwise angular velocity, in addition to the shear-induced angular velocity they acquire within the channel flow (Jeffery orbits). The probabilistic results are established using a Smoluchowski equation within the position orientation phase space that is solved numerically. We show that the interplay between shear- and chirality-induced angular velocities, combined with the effects due to particle self-propulsion and steric particle-wall interactions, lead to an interesting range of effects, including pinning, off-centered and near-wall accumulation of swimmers within the channel. This is further accompanied by the linear stability analysis of swimmers, used to explain the probabilistic results. We discuss the qualitative differences of probabilistic results that emerge due to the different regimes of rotational dynamics of swimmers in channel flow, particularly the shear-trapping/-escaping of prolate/oblate swimmers and the difference in latitudes of fixed points associated with each swimmer shape. Our results point to possible mechanisms for flow-driven separation of active spheroidal particles based on their chirality strength.Comment: 14 Pages, 5 Figure

    Behavioral and Emotional Components of Chaste Lifestyle

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    A chaste lifestyle is one of the various types of lifestyle that contains a wide scope and studies the characteristics of interpersonal relationships. This lifestyle consists of the principles and rules that create and maintain chastity in various areas of life. In order to study the behavioral and emotional components of the chaste lifestyle with an approach to Islamic sources, this study has been conducted using analytical and descriptive methods. The findings show that not showing off, avoiding stimulating factors, satisfying sexual needs in chaste contexts, having synergism for success in maintaining chastity, contenting with possessions and protecting them, creating and increasing chaste behaviors, and reducing and eliminating anti-chastity wrong behaviors are among the most important behavioral components of a chaste lifestyle in Islamic sources. Furthermore, by control of fear and anxiety about chaste decisions and actions, interest in a healthy life and a bright future, repentance from past errors, expectation and enthusiasm for evolution and development, happiness and satisfaction of moving on the valuable path to chastity, affection and love for Allah, optimism and hope for His help, and strength of modesty and correct control and guidance of sexual emotions, we can achieve the emotional components of a chaste lifestyle