64 research outputs found

    Quality Management and Medical Education in Saudi Arabia

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    Background: Middle managers within ministry of health act under continuous pressure from board level to be successful leaders of today's and tomorrow's healthcare service. Leadership styles are important factors among middle managers to retain employees in organizations and to ensure a high quality of practice.Aims: Two main aims: to examine the leadership style(s) of middle managers as perceived by them as leader from different departments of the Saudi Ministry of Health, and to examine the leadership style(s) of the middle managers as perceived by their subordinates as raters from different departments of the Saudi Ministry of Health.Materials and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive design was used to answer the research questions. A convenience sample of 121 participants, 30 middle managers and 91 subordinates, who were recruited through different departments at Saudi Ministry of Health during the period of June 2010 through September 2010.Participants were subjected to Univariate and Multivariate analysis. The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) was used to collect data.Results: the mean ratings of all four components of transformational leadership for the subordinates and middle managers were between 2.90 to 3.29 .The mean ratings for contingent reward and management by exception active were 3.30 and 2.50 respectively and this was well within the optimum range as suggested by Bass. Management by exception passive and laissez-faire showed mean ratings of 1.67 and 1.25 respectively. The correlation coefficients among transformational leadership style and each variable of, satisfaction, effectiveness and extra effort for raters and leaders sample was high positively reached (r = .72, p< 0.05) , (r = .81, p< 0.05) , (r = .80, p< 0.05) respectively, The correlation coefficients among transactional leadership style and each variable of, satisfaction, effectiveness and extra effort for raters and leaders sample was high positively reached (r = .20, p<0.05) , (r = .44, p< 0.05) , (r = .35, p< 0.05) respectively, and The correlation coefficients among laissez -Faire leadership style and each variable of, satisfaction, effectiveness and extra effort for raters and leaders sample was high negatively reached (r = -.48, p< 0.05) , (r = -.46, p< 0.05) , (r = -.43, p< 0.05) respectively. There are agreement between leaders and raters on transformational, transactional and laissez-faire as distributive in Saudi Ministry of Health in kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The result showed there was no significant difference on the MLQ factors for raters and Leader due to gender, marital status, and age. Also , the analysis showed significant differences among raters’ opinions due to work experiences as contingent reward and extra effort in favor of raters who experience of them more than ˃ 6 Month, and finally, the analysis showed there significant differences among raters’ opinions due to period working with leaders as transformational, idealized Influence attributed, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, contingent reward, and effectiveness in favor of raters who working with leaders for a period between 6 months - ˂ 1 year, but significant differences among raters’ opinions due to period working with leaders as Laissez –Faire in favor of raters who working with leaders for a period between 1 year - 2 years.Conclusions: transformational leadership can contribute a lot to the effectiveness of organizations and that there is a need for further investigation of leadership at different levels

    Cantharidin Poisoning due to Blister Beetle Ingestion in Children : Two case reports and a review of clinical presentations

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    Cantharidin is an intoxicant found in beetles in the Meloidae (Coleoptera) family. Ingestion may result in haematemesis, impaired level of consciousness, electrolyte disturbance, haematurea and renal impairment. Here, we report two paediatric cases of meloid beetle ingestion resulting in cantharidin poisoning and the clinical presentation of the ensuing intoxication

    Knowledge and Attitude of Saudi Arabian School Teachers with Regards to Emergency Management of Dental Trauma

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    Injury to both the primary and the permanent dentitions and their supporting structures is one of the most common dental problems seen in children.  School is one of the locations with greatest prevalence of occurrence of traumatic dental injuries.  School teachers play important role in prevention of dental trauma and improving its prognosis. The present study was undertaken to assess knowledge and attitudes regarding emergency management of dental trauma, first aid for avulsed tooth and influence of dental education among school teachers in Abha city. METHODS: The participants were 100 school teachers from Abha city and were interviewed using a questionnaire regarding management of dental trauma.  The completed proformas was collected and the result was statistically analyzed to know the knowledge and attitudes regarding emergency management of dental trauma. CONCLUSIONS: Majority of school staff had little knowledge related to handling of traumatic dental injuries and emergency management of avulsed permanent teeth in school children. Majority of school teachers were eager to have knowledge regarding dental trauma through continues dental education programs and workshops.  First aid training increases knowledge about dental trauma and should be included in the course curriculum of teachers training program


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    The title mol­ecule, C15H21N3S, exists as the thione tautomer in the solid state. The 1,2,4-triazole ring is almost planar (r.m.s. deviation = 0.004 Å) and the prop-2-en-1-yl chain is close to being perpendicular to this plane [C—N—C—C torsion angle = 77.1 (5)°]. In the crystal, centrosymmetric dimeric aggregates are formed by pairs of N—H⋯S hydrogen bonds as parts of eight-membered (⋯HNCS)2 synthons. These are connected into layers parallel to (101) via C—H⋯π inter­actions, where the π-system is the triazole ring. The investigated sample was a nonmerohedral twin; the refined domain ratio was 0.655 (4):0.345 (4)

    Determination of putative virulence factors among clinical isolates of enterococci isolated from a military hospital in the eastern province of Saudi Arabia

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    Background: The pathogenic potential of enterococci to produce life-threatening infections is well-documented. The scientific community has, of late, evinced a renewed interest in the putative virulence factors of enterococci. Objective of the study was to determine the putative virulence factors of clinically isolated Enterococcus species from a military hospital and to describe the association between virulence factors and vancomycin susceptibility.Methods: A total of 245 enterococci were isolated from clinical samples collected from KFMMC, a leading military hospital in the eastern province of Saudi Arabia. Following species identification and antimicrobial susceptibility testing using the Vitek 2 system; the isolates were tested for the production of caseinase, gelatinase, biofilm, and presence of haemolysin.Results: Among the enterococcal isolates, 36.7% produced caseinase, 38% produced gelatinase, 24.1% exhibited biofilm formation, and 30.6% were positive for haemolytic activity. A significant association between vancomycin susceptibility patterns and the virulence factors, gelatinase and haemolytic activity, were noted. No significant associations were observed between vancomycin susceptibility patterns and the presence of caseinase or the formation of biofilms.Conclusions: Virulence factors are invariably produced by several clinical isolates of enterococci in our hospital, and some virulence factors are associated with vancomycin susceptibility

    Divorce and Severity of Coronary Artery Disease: A Multicenter Study

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    The association between marital status and coronary artery disease (CAD) is supported by numerous epidemiological studies. While divorce may have an adverse effect on cardiac outcomes, the relationship between divorce and severe CAD is unclear. We conducted a multicenter, observational study of consecutive patients undergoing coronary angiography during the period between April 1, 2013, and March 30, 2014. Of 1,068 patients, 124 (12%) were divorced. Divorce was more frequent among women (27%) compared to men (6%). Most divorced patients had been divorced only once (49%), but a subset had been divorced 2 (38%) or ≥3 (12%) times. After adjusting for baseline differences, there was no significant association between divorce and severe CAD in men. In women, there was a significant adjusted association between divorce and severe MVD (OR 2.31 [1.16, 4.59]) or LMD (OR 5.91 [2.19, 15.99]). The modification of the association between divorce and severe CAD by gender was statistically significant for severe LMD (Pinteraction 0.0008) and marginally significant for CAD (Pinteraction 0.05). Among women, there was a significant adjusted association between number of divorces and severe CAD (OR 2.4 [95% CI 1.2, 4.5]), MVD (OR 2.0 [95% CI 1.4, 3.0]), and LMD (OR 3.4 [95% CI 1.9, 5.9]). In conclusion, divorce, particularly multiple divorces, is associated with severe CAD, MVD, and LMD in women but not in men


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    Background: Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death throughout the world. PHC doctors are in a unique position to prevent CHD and promote health in the population. However, the perception of PHC doctors on CHD prevention has not been well documented. Objectives : To explore and examine the perception of PHC doctors on the prevention of CHD. Subject and method: A questionnaire survey of all PHC doctors attending a continuing medical education (CME) activity in Riyadh city. The questionnaire was designed and piloted with local PHC doctors before being used in this survey. Results : All the 77 PHC doctors responded (100%) and almost all the them (97.4%) agreed that the primary prevention of CHD was an essential task. Fifty-two participants (67.53%) confirmed that little attention had been paid to the primary prevention of CHD. While the majority of respondents (71.43%) felt that the primary prevention of CHD was an easy task, a significant minority (23.37%) disagreed. Interestingly, 70 (90.91%) respondents were not aware of any local literature on how to achieve primary prevention of CHD and would like to have the literature made available to them. Finally, participants indicated that the percentage prevalence of CHD risk factors among their patients was high. Conclusion : the findings of this survey confirm a general feeling that the primary prevention of CHD is not being given enough attention. Participants accepted that the primary prevention of CHD was an essential part of their work, but the lack of local literature and research on this vital area was a major concern

    5 Quality Management and Medical Education in Saudi Arabia

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