171 research outputs found

    Resistance Economy, Turning the Sanction to Opportunity

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    In recent years, the term Resistance economy is raised by the great Leader of Iran and then it is turned into the common concept of political economy issues. Various theorists presented their views by various approaches; some people investigated by economy literature, others by Islamic economy and evaluated the role of culture and politics in formation of resistive economy. Regarding Resistance economy, at first we should have a true understanding of national economy and global economy and the pressure of the global dominancy system on Iran. After defining the concept of resistance economy, the present study evaluated its importance and goals and then the pathology of Iran economy and barriers and requirements of resistance economy fulfillment and the solutions of eliminating the barriers based on resistive economy were considered. Finally, some solutions are presented to develop resistance economy

    Mechanisms of Identity Construction among Members of Pyramid Schemes in Iran: A Critical Ethnography

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    Whereas the emergence of pyramid schemes exerted considerable impacts on people’s lives, up to now, far too little attention has been paid to the experiences of members from the sociological perspective, particularly in non-Western contexts. Therefore, this study illuminates social processes underlying participation in such schemes in a less studied social setting, Iran. This article also critically traces the social and psychological consequences of membership in pyramid schemes. We adapted a critical ethnographic approach, including participant observation of local branch offices, followed by 16 in-depth interviews with the former members of schemes. Our findings suggest that the practices deployed by the schemes lead to the building of social identity, namely, “superhuman,” mainly based on the misinterpretation of the real world. Finding the reality surrounded deliberately contrasted with the firms’ promises, the constructed identity fails, and members lose their social capital

    Effect of irritable bowel syndrome on sleep quality and quality of life of inflammatory bowel disease in clinical remission

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    Background: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) as a chronic and debilitating disease is affected by sleep disturbance which increases the risk of malignancy. Sleep disturbance is more common in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and few reported studies have assessed its role in IBD. We evaluated the effect of IBS on sleep quality and quality of life (QOL) of IBD patients in clinical remission. Methods: In a cross‑sectional study, 115 IBD patients in clinical remission aged from 14 to 70 years referred to gastroenterology outpatient departments and private gastroenterology offices from 2007 to 2016. Patients considered in four groups (with/without IBS). The Revised “Rome III criteria” used for diagnosing IBS. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index questionnaire and the health‑related QOL questionnaire used for evaluating sleep quality and QOL. Results: About 85 (73.9%) cases had ulcerative colitis (UC) and 30 (26.1%) cases had Crohn’s disease (CD). Forty (34.8%) cases had IBD + IBS. Poor sleep quality in UC + IBS (OR: 0.018, P = 0.003) and UC (OR: 0.016, P = 0.002) was less than CD. Diseases extent in left side colitis (OR: 0.064, P = 0.016) were less than with pancolitis. Sleep quality affected by quality of life (IBDQ) (P = 0.048). Mean quality of life (IBDQ) in patients who had poor sleep was 11% less than those with good sleep. Conclusions: The syndrome of IBS affects the sleep quality of IBD in clinical remission, especially in CD. Its additive effect with IBD may worsen symptoms that correlated with sleep disturbance, such as pain, psychological and physical condition, and QOL. Keywords: Inflammatory bowel diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, quality of life, slee

    Influence of adjuvant clonidine on mania, sleep disturbances and cognitive performance - Results from a double-blind and placebo-controlled randomized study in individuals with bipolar I disorder during their manic phase

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    Background: While the favorable effect of adjuvant clonidine in the treatment of acute mania has been observed already about 40 years ago, this line of treatment has not been further investigated. Here, we resumed this topic, and we tested the effect of adjuvant clonidine, an antihypertensive stimulating the alpha-2 central adrenergic receptor, on symptoms of mania, cognitive performance, and subjective sleep. To this end, we performed a randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled clinical trial among inpatients with bipolar disorder I during their acute phase of mania. Methods: A total of 70 inpatients (mean age: 37.40 years; 15.7% females) with diagnosed bipolar disorder I and during their acute manic phase were randomly assigned either to the adjuvant clonidine (0.2 mg/d to a maximum of 0.6 mg/d) or to the placebo condition. Standard medication was lithium at therapeutic dosages. At baseline, participants completed a series of self-rating questionnaires covering sociodemographic information and subjective sleep. Subjective sleep was re-assessed 24 days later at the end of the study. Experts rated participants' acute state of mania with the Young Mania Rating Scale at baseline and at day 12 and day 24. Participants' cognitive performance was assessed at baseline and at day 24 at the end of the study. Results: Over time, mania scores significantly decreased (large effect size), but more so in the clonidine condition, compared to the placebo condition (medium effect size). Likewise, over time, subjective sleep improved (large effect size), but more so in the clonidine, compared to the placebo condition (medium effect size). Over time, cognitive performance improved (medium effect size), irrespective from the study condition. Conclusions: Compared to placebo, adjuvant clonidine to lithium improved symptoms of mania, as rated by experts', and subjective sleep quality. Adjuvant clonidine had no further favorable (or detrimental) impact on cognitive performance. Keywords: Bipolar disorder; Clonidine; Cognitive performance; Mania; Subjective sleep quality; alpha(2) central adrenergic receptors

    Influence of adjuvant clonidine on mania, sleep disturbances and cognitive performance – Results from a double-blind and placebo-controlled randomized study in individuals with bipolar I disorder during their manic phase

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    Background: While the favorable effect of adjuvant clonidine in the treatment of acute mania has been observed already about 40 years ago, this line of treatment has not been further investigated. Here, we resumed this topic, and we tested the effect of adjuvant clonidine, an antihypertensive stimulating the alpha-2 central adrenergic receptor, on symptoms of mania, cognitive performance, and subjective sleep. To this end, we performed a randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled clinical trial among inpatients with bipolar disorder I during their acute phase of mania. Methods: A total of 70 inpatients (mean age: 37.40 years; 15.7% females) with diagnosed bipolar disorder I and during their acute manic phase were randomly assigned either to the adjuvant clonidine (0.2 mg/d to a maximum of 0.6 mg/d) or to the placebo condition. Standard medication was lithium at therapeutic dosages. At baseline, participants completed a series of self-rating questionnaires covering sociodemographic information and subjective sleep. Subjective sleep was re-assessed 24 days later at the end of the study. Experts rated participants' acute state of mania with the Young Mania Rating Scale at baseline and at day 12 and day 24. Participants' cognitive performance was assessed at baseline and at day 24 at the end of the study. Results: Over time, mania scores significantly decreased (large effect size), but more so in the clonidine condition, compared to the placebo condition (medium effect size). Likewise, over time, subjective sleep improved (large effect size), but more so in the clonidine, compared to the placebo condition (medium effect size). Over time, cognitive performance improved (medium effect size), irrespective from the study condition. Conclusions: Compared to placebo, adjuvant clonidine to lithium improved symptoms of mania, as rated by experts', and subjective sleep quality. Adjuvant clonidine had no further favorable (or detrimental) impact on cognitive performance. Keywords: Bipolar disorder; Clonidine; Cognitive performance; Mania; Subjective sleep quality; alpha(2) central adrenergic receptors


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    Background: TMJ disorders are common and often self-limited in the adult population. In epidemiologic studies, up to 75 percent of adults show at least one sign of joint dysfunction on examination and as many as one third have at least one symptom. The present study was conducted to investigate the position and shape of the condyle in patients with TMD divided into two groups (a group with disc displacement and a group with osteoarthritis) and based on their CBCT images.Materials: The present study was conducted on 45 patients (5 men and 37 women) aged 13 to 82 (with a mean age of 37.5) known by their clinical examinations to have TMD type II (disc displacement) and type III (osteoarthritis). To investigate the shape and position of the condyle and the slope of the articular eminence in the sagittal, coronal and axial planes, CBCT images were taken from the patients' TMJ on both sides at maximum dental occlusion.Results: The result of this study showed the lack of a normal distribution of the data in the quantitative analysis of the horizontal condylar position with the mouth closed (post+ante/post-ante). The compare this indicator in the RDC and the TMD groups, revealing a significant difference between the two (P=0.002). In group II, the condyle showed a greater tendency toward the posterior position. A significant relationship was found between the mediolateral condylar position (central, medial and lateral positions) and the RDC or TMD group type (P=0.02), and the condyle showed a greater tendency toward the lateral position in both groups. However, a significant relationship between the sagittal shape of the condyle and the RDC or TMD group type (P=0.02. Conclusion: The results obtained indicate that adolescent disc displacement and osteoarthritis can cause the condyle to change its position and shape in the fossa

    A histopathological study of smoking on free gingiva in patients with moderate to severe periodontitis

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    Introduction Cigarette smoking has been recognized to be a risk factor for progression of periodontal disease. Due to less inflammation and bleeding in the presence of clinical signs of periodontal disease in smokers than in nonsmokers and given the conflicting results of studies on changes in the epithelium and gingival connective tissue by smoking, this study was performed to evaluate the thickness and keratosis on the epithelium of free and sulcular gingival tissue in smokers and nonsmokers patients with moderate to advanced periodontitis. Methods: In this cross sectional study, biopsies were obtained from palatal gingival of 60 patients with moderate to advanced periodontitis (30 smokers and 30 nonsmokers). These biopsies were histologically processed, serially sectioned at 5 microns, stained with H. E. and examined by image analysis software (analysis-SL-starter), which was used to perform the morphometric evaluation of the outer and inner epithelial thickness, keratosis and vascularity in connective tissue. The data were analyzed with SPSS 17, t-test, Mann-Whitney Test, and Pearson correlation. p<0.05 was considered significant. Results: Histopathological examination showed significant association between smoking and CAL (p=0.048), keratosis on outer epithelium (p=0.020) and mean of thickness of outer (p=0.023) and inner (p<0.001) marginal gingival epithelium but gingival vascular density in nonsmokers was more than smokers (p=0.002). Collagenized connective tissue was observed in smokers more than nonsmokers. (p<0.001) Conclusions: It seems that the reduction of the clinical signs of inflammation in the gingival tissue of smokers is due to changes in gingival epithelium and connective tissue from smoking

    Barriers of physician-patient relationships in professionalism: A qualitative study

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    Introduction: Undoubtedly, there are several obstacles in the path of medical professionalism. This study examines these obstacles in the relationship between physician and patient. Therefore, this study was conducted to explore the barriers of physician-patient relationships in professionalism based on physician experiences.Methods: It was a qualitative study with a conventional content analysis approach. Our participants were 14 patients and 11 physicians. The sampling method was purposive, and data was collected through semi-structured interviews and field notes. Interviews continued until data saturation.Results: Findings of the study regarding barriers of patientphysician relationship were classified into five main categories:misperception of the physician’s identity, unprofessional behavior of the physician, physician’s sense of self-superiority, patients’ cultural differences, and lack of supportive services in the health care system.Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the communication challenges between physician and patient werenot limited to the physicians’ education. Part of these challenges depends on the patients and their culture. Another part of these challenges is directly related to the medical and management system structure