988 research outputs found

    Isophote curves on timelike surfaces in Minkowski 3-space

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    Isophote comprises a locus of the surface points whose normal vectors make a constant angle with a fixed vector. In this paper, isophote curves are studied on timelike surfaces in Minkowski 3-space E31. The axises of spacelike and timelike isophote curves are found via their Darboux frames. Subsequently, the relationship between isophotes and slant helices is shown on timelike surfaces.Comment: 11 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1203.438

    An Outline Of Qunawi's Reflections On Divine Names In Terms Of Oneness Of The Being/Wahdat Al-Wujûd

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    Being one of the most important figures among the wahdat al-wujûd(oneness of the being) theoreticians, Qunawi paid a significant attention to the Divine Names, like his predecessor ibn Arabî. Unlike the authors of classical period of su fism, Qunawi tackled the issue of Divine Names not only with regard to the Dhikr/rememberance/repitition of the divine names but also to ontological concerns. He placed the Divine Names in a central position while describing his Sufistic ontology. According to him, the first things manifested/disclosured from the God are His names and attributes. Everything in the physical world is the self-disclosure of a divine name, or the loci of manifestation/madhar of that name. These divine names have got such an eminent position in Qunawi's ideas that it is almost possible to consider his reflections on the divine names paramount to his ontological views. From the point of view that Qunawi's ontology is mainly based on Divine Names, an outline of his reflections on divine names has been introduced in this study.Vahdet-i Vücûd teorisyenleri arasındaki en önemli şahsiyetlerden biri olan Konevî, selefi ibn Arabî gibi ilâhî isimlere ciddi önem vermiştir. Klasik tasavvuf dönemi müelliflerinin aksine Konevî, ilâhî isimler meselesini sadece zikir açısından ele almamış, aynı zamanda ontolojik açıdan da meseleyi değerlendirmiştir. Tasavvufî ontolojisini açıklarken ilâhî isimleri merkezî bir noktaya yerleştirmiştir. Ona göre Cenab-ı Hak'tan ilk taayyün ya da tezahür eden varlıklar, ilâhî isimler ve sıfatlardır. Ayrıca fizikî âlemdeki her bir nesne ilâhî bir ismin tecellîsi veya mazharıdır. Bu isimler Konevî'nin fikirlerinde öylesine ön plandadır ki onun esmâya dair görüşünün, varlık görüşüyle neredeyse aynı anlama geldiğini düşünmek mümkündür. Bu çalışmada Konevî'nin varlık görüşünün büyük ölçüde ilâhî isimlere istinad ettiği fikrinden hareketle, onun esmâü'l-hüsnâ anlayışının ana hatları ele alınmıştır

    Prognoza nanosa putem suspendiranog nanosa pomoću metoda mekog računarstva

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    Appropriate and acceptable prediction of bed load being carried by streams is vitally important for water resources quantity and quality studies. Although measuring the rate of bed load in situ is the most consistent method, it is very expensive and cannot be conducted for as many streams as the measurement of suspended sediment load. Therefore, in this study the role of suspended load on bedload prediction was examined by using sensitivity analysis. On the other hand, conventional sediment rating curves and equations can not predict sediment load accurately so recently the usage of machine learning algorithms increase rapidly. Accordingly, soft computational methods are used in the study. These are; artificial neural network (ANN), support vector machine (SVM) models and a decision tree (CHAID) model that is not used before in sediment studies. Some particular parameters are frequently used in these soft computational methods to form input sets. Hence, well known and commonly used three input sets and a new generated set are used as inputs to predict bedload and then the suspended load variable is added in these input sets. The performances of models with respect to input sets are compared to each other. To generate the results and to push the limits of models a very skewed and heterogeneous data is col¬lected from distributed locations. The results indicate that the performance of ANN and CHAID tree models are good when compared to SVM models. The usage of a suspended load as an additional input for the models boosts the model performances and the suspended load has significant contributions to all models.Za kvantitativne i kvalitativne studije vodnih resursa od ključne je važnosti prikladna i prihvatljiva prognoza nanosa prenošenog vodotocima. Premda je najkonzistentnija metoda za određivanje nanosa in situ mjerenje stope nanosa, takva su mjerenja veoma skupa te se ne mogu provoditi na velikom broju vodotoka poput mjerenja nanosa suspendiranog sedimenta. Stoga je u ovoj studiji ispitana uloga suspendiranog nanosa u prognozi nanosa, pri čemu je primijenjena analiza osjetljivosti. Kako se konvencionalnim krivuljama stope sedimentacije i konvencionalnim jednadžbama ne mogu točno prognozirati sedimentni nanosi, u posljednje vrijeme jako porasla upotreba algoritama strojnog učenja. U skladu s tim, u ovoj studiji su primjenjene metode mekog računarstva. Poimence, primijenjeni su ovi modeli: umjetne neuronske mreže (ANN), metoda potpornih vektora (SVM) i modeli stabla odlučivanja (CHAID), koji su po prvi put upotrijebljeni u istraživanju sedimenata. Pojedini parametri često se koriste u metodama mekog računarstva pri kreiranju ulaznih skupova podataka. Ovdje su upotrijebljena tri uobičajena ulazna skupa te novi generirani skup, koji su najprije poslužili kao ulazni podaci za prognozu nanosa, a zatim je tim ulaznim skupovima dodana varijabla suspendiranog nanosa. Međusobno su uspoređene performanse modela s obzirom na ulazne skupove. Kako bi se generirali rezultati i smanjila ograničenja modela, s različitih lokacija prikupljeni su vrlo pristrani i heterogeni podaci. Rezultati pokazuju da su performanse ANN i CHAID modela stabla odlučivanja dobre u usporedbi sa SVM modelima. Upotreba suspendiranog nanosa kao dodatne ulazne varijable poboljšava performanse svih modela i značajno im doprinosi


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    The core area is made up of muscles, which surrounds the human body like a corset and acts in the stabilization of the body. Core stabilization training can strengthen muscles in this area and provide better stabilization. The purpose of this study is; investigate of the effect of 8-weeks core stabilization training on the FMS (Functional Movement Screen) test scores of 12-14 age group male basketballs. 27 healthy athletes (Experiment Group n=14, 13.14±0.663 ages – Control Group n=13, 13.15±0.801 ages) participated in the study. The experimental group was given 8 weeks to core stabilization training. Before the training, the Functional Movement Screen test was applied to the Pre-post test and the scores were evaluated. Statistical analysis SPSS 22 software package was performed taking into account the confidence parameter (p <0.05). Median and IQR values were used in the descriptive statistics because the data were not normally distributed. Statistical significance was analyzed between FMS (Functional Movement Screen) pre-post test scores according to the analysis results. There was no significant difference (r:0.59; p<0.05) in the pre-post FMS values for the Control Group. When the FMS values were compared for the Experimental Group, a significant difference was found (r:0.42; p<0.05). This study has achieved the result that FMS developed the movement patterns and the performance of the performance athletes increased the quality of the functional movements. Results that are more accurate can be achieved with a study conducted with a larger sample group.  Article visualizations

    Kritik bakım hastaları ve bakım verenlerinin transfer anksiyetesi

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    Introduction: Family physicians play an important role for their critically ill patients and their caregivers. Both admission and discharge in the critical care units can cause anxiety in the patients and their family caregivers. The aim of the study was to investigate transfer anxiety in patients and their caregivers due to being transferred from the intensive care unit (ICU). Methods: This is a descriptive study that was carried out through interviewing patients and their caregivers who were hospitalized in the ICU and then transferred out due to the improvement of their general condition. The data was collected by using a Questionnaire Form and the StateTrait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). Results: A total of 170 individuals (85 patients and 85 family caregivers) were involved in the study. The patient’s anxiety scores were higher than their caregivers and the difference was statistically significant (p<0.001). The patients and their caregivers’ mean anxiety scale scores after the transfer were higher in comparison with the mean scores before the transfer(p<0.001). Conclusions: Transfer anxiety in patients and their caregivers due to being transferred from the ICU was confirmed. Healthcare professionals are encouraged to make the necessary adjustments to prevent transfer anxiety in critical care patients. In this process, involvement of family physicians of such patients is crucial.Giriş: Aile hekimleri, kritik hastaları ve onların bakım veren yakınları için önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Kritik bakım ünitelerine hem kabul hem de taburculuk, hastalarda ve ailede kaygıya neden olabilir. Çalışmanın amacı, yoğun bakım ünitesinden (YBÜ) transfer edilmesinden dolayı hastalar ve bakım verenlerinde transfer kaygısını araştırmaktır. Yöntem: Bu araştırma, yoğun bakım ünitesine yatırılan ve daha sonra genel durumlarının iyileşmesi nedeniyle nakledilen hastalar ve bakım verenleriyle görüşülerek yapılan tanımlayıcı bir çalışmadır. Araştırmanın verileri Anket Formu ve Durumluk Sürekli Kaygı Envanteri (STAI) kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bulgular: Çalışmaya toplam 170 kişi (85 hasta ve 85 aile üyesi) dahil edildi. Hasta anksiyete ölçeği skorları bakım veren aile üyelerinkinden daha yüksekti ve fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlıydı (p<0.001). Hasta ve bakım veren yakınlarının anksiyete ölçeği ortalama skorları transfer öncesine göre transfer sonrası daha yüksekti ve fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlıydı (p<0.001). Sonuç: Hasta ve yakınlarının transfer anksiyetesi deneyimledikleri onaylanmış oldu. Sağlık uzmanları, kritik bakım hastalarında transfer kaygısını önlemek için gerekli düzenlemeleri yapmaya teşvik edilmektedir. Bu süreçte, bu tür hastaların aile hekimlerinin müdahil olması çok önemlidi

    Determination of beck depression inventory scores of the patients in a hemodialysis center: Evaluation with a holistic approach

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    Aim/ Background: The holistic approach in medicine refers to addressing an individual as a whole. Family physicians should be familiar with psychological as well as physical problems of their hemodialysis patients. This study aims to measure depressive mood levels of patients in a hemodialysis center, and to investigate the potential risk factors with a holistic approach.Method: This study was conducted on patients receiving treatment at a private hemodialysis center. During the hemodialysis session, the patients’s blood samples were taken, and serum phosphorus, creatinine, albumin, and hematocrit levels were measured. A semi-structured questionnaire form was used to investigate the sociodemographic characteristics and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) was used to determine depressive mood level of the patients.Results: This study was conducted on a sample of 88 patients (33 female, 55 male). The mean BDI scores were 16.7±9.8, and when the cut-off point of BDl was taken as 15, the rate of depressive mood was %56.8 for hemodialysis patients. We evaluated the duration of illness, family structure, educational level, having non-renal comorbid disease, employment status, economic status, and also blood creatinine, albumin, phosphorus, and hematocrit levels. The mean BDI score was significantly lower in patients who lived in simple nuclear families with fewer than six individuals at home. Conclusion: The holistic approach is essential, especially inchronic disease follow-up in primary healthcare. Family support and psychological evaluation with a holistic approach are vital for hemodialysis patients.Amaç: Tıpta bütüncül yaklaşım, bireyi bir bütün olarak ele almayı ifade eder. Aile hekimleri, takip ettikleri hemodiyaliz hastalarının fiziksel problemleri kadar psikolojik sorunlarından da haberdar olmalıdır. Bu çalışmada, bir hemodiyaliz merkezinde tedavi gören hastaların depresif duygudurum seviyesi ve olası risk faktörlerini bütüncül yaklaşımla tespit etmeyi amaçladık.Yöntem: Bu çalışma, özel bir hemodiyaliz merkezinde tedavi gören hastalar üzerinde gerçekleştirildi. Hemodiyaliz seansı sırasında hastalar tartılarak diyete uyum tespiti yapıldı, serum fosfor, kreatinin, albümin ve hematokrit düzeyleri ölçüldü. Hastaların sosyodemografik özelliklerini araştırmak için yarı yapılandırılmış bir anket formu ve depresif duygudurum seviyesinin belirlenmesi için Beck Depresyon Envanteri (BDE) kullanıldı.Bulgular: Bu çalışma 88 hastadan (33 kadın, 55 erkek) oluşan bir örnek üzerinde yürütülmüştür. Ortalama BDE skoru 16.7 ± 9.8 idi ve BDE'nin kesme noktası 15 olarak alındığında, hemodiyaliz hastalarında depresyon oranı % 56.8 idi. Hastalık süresi, aile yapısı, eğitim düzeyi, böbrek dışı komorbid hastalık varlığı, istihdam durumu, ekonomik durum ve ayrıca kan kreatinin, albümin, fosfor ve hematokrit düzeyleri değerlendirildi. Evde altı kişiden az birey olan basitçekirdek ailelerde yaşayan hastalarda ortalama BDE skoru anlamlı olarak düşük saptandı.Sonuç: Bütüncül yaklaşım birinci basamakta özellikle kronik hastalık takibinde önemlidir. Hemodiyaliz hastaları için aile desteği ve bütüncül bir yaklaşımla psikolojikdeğerlendirme hayatidir

    Reflections on Turkish-Israeli relations

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    Ankara : The Department of International Relations, of Bilkent Univ., 2000.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2000.Includes bibliographical references.The purpose of this thesis is to present a brief history of Turkish-Israeli relations, to display the essence and motives of these relations, and to explain the repercussions of the rapprochement between the two countries in the Middle East. The first chapter of this thesis presents information pertaining to Turkish· Israeli relations before and after the 1990s. Following an account of the relations between Turks and Jews in history, this chapter includes a brief history of the Turkish-Israeli relations from the establishment of Israel. It also analyses the important changes in the 1990s and gives details about high level visits between the two countries. The second chapter shows that there are several advantages that both Jerusalem and Ankara gain as a result of their growing closeness. This chapter focuses on the reasons why Israel and Turkey signed military agreements and cooperated in various areas. It also includes the essence of the relations and what the components of this relationship are. The third chapter presents an analysis of the repercussions of the developing relations between Turkey and Israel. It analyses how this rapprochement affected the course of Middle Eastern politics at the end of the twentieth century. This chapter also provides information about the reactions of some regional states to Turkish-Israeli rapprochement. Finally, the conclusion part of the study includes an overview of the ideas employed within the previous chapters and it also predicts what the future holds for this relationship.Doğan, Mehmet AliM.S

    Is there any Effect of Core Exercises on Anaerobic Capacity in Female Basketball Players?

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    This study was planned in order to determine the effect of core exercises on anaerobic capacity of female basketball players. Twelve female athletes who play basketball participated in the study voluntarily. The athletes had 3 sets of repetitive core exercise program performed 4 days a week for 8 weeks at the end of their basketball trainings. The height of the athletes was 165 ± 6.57 cm, body weight was 58.73 ± 7.42 kg, age was 19.75 ± 1.05, and athletic age was 6.11 ± 2.11. According to the analysis of the results, peak power, average power, right and left hand grip strengths and right and left arm fat percentages of post-tests were found to have a statistically significant difference than the pre-tests (p <0.05). To sum up, there are very few studies on the anaerobic capacity of female basketball players, especially on the upper extremities. It is observed that basketball players have a stronger anaerobic capacity in attack and defense and that core exercises have a positive effect on certain basketball-specific technical skills such as passing, shooting, dribbling and defensive movements, and in this sense, they will also increase the performance of the athletes

    Uloga socijalne inteligencije u sreći

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    The main objective of this study is to examine the role which social intelligence has in happiness. Two hundred and forty nine university students (130 females/119 males) participated in the study. The Turkish Version of the Tromsø Social Intelligence Scale (TSIS-TR) and The Turkish Version of the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire Short-Form (OHQ-SF) have been used as data acquisition tools. Pearson Correlation and multiple regression analysis techniques have been used for analyzing data. According to the results of the analysis it has been determined that sub-dimensions of social intelligence are positively and statistically significantly related with the happiness levels of university students. It has been concluded that in terms of the sub-dimensions of social intelligence, “social skill” is the dimension that best explains happiness. Social intelligence explains 16% of the variance in happiness. As a result, social intelligence is an important factor for the happiness of university students.Glavni cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je proučiti uloge koje socijalna inteligencija ima za razvoj sreće. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 249 sveučilišnih studenata (130 žena i 119 muškaraca). Kako bi se došlo do podataka korištene su turska inačica Tromsø Social Intelligence Scale (TSIS-TR) i Oxford Happiness Questionnaire Short-Form (OHQ-SF). Pearsonova korelacija i višestruka regresijska analiza tehnike su koje su se koristile kod analize podataka. Prema rezultatima analize zaključeno je da su podkategorije socijalne inteligencije pozitivno i statistički značajno vezane uz dimenzije socijalne inteligencije, npr. „socijalna vještina“ je dimenzija koja najbolje objašnjava sreću. Socijalna inteligencija objašnjava 16% varijance kod sreće. Iz toga slijedi da je socijalna inteligencija važan čimbenik sreće sveučilišnih studenata