31,482 research outputs found

    Video vehicle detection at signalised junctions: a simulation-based study

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    Many existing advanced methods of traffic signal control depend on information about approaching traffic provided by inductive loop detectors at particular points in the road. But analysis of images from CCTV cameras can in principle provide more comprehensive information about traffic approaching and passing through junctions, and cameras may be easier to install and maintain than loop detectors, and some systems based on video detection have already been in use for some time. Against this background, computer simulation has been used to explore the potential of existing and immediately foreseeable capability in automatic on-line image analysis to extract information relevant to signal control from images provided by cameras mounted in acceptable positions at signal-controlled junctions. Some consequences of extracting relevant information in different ways were investigated in the context of an existing detailed simulation model of vehicular traffic moving through junctions under traffic-responsive signal control, and the development of one basic and one advanced algorithm for traffic-responsive control. The work was confined as a first step to operation of one very simple signalcontrolled junction. Two techniques for extraction of information from images were modelled - a more ambitious technique based on distinguishing most of the individual vehicles visible to the camera, and a more modest technique requiring only that the presence of vehicles in any part of the image be distinguished from the background scene. In the latter case, statistical modelling was used to estimate the number of vehicles corresponding to any single area of the image that represents vehicles rather than background. At the simple modelled junction, each technique of extraction enabled each of the algorithms for traffic-responsive control of the signals to achieve average delays per vehicle appreciably lower than those given by System D control, and possibly competitive with those that MOVA would give, but comparison with MOVA was beyond the scope of the initial study. These results of simulation indicate that image analysis of CCTV pictures should be able to provide sufficient information in practice for traffic-responsive control that is competitive with existing techniques. Ways in which the work could be taken further were discussed with practitioners, but have not yet been progressed

    Linear Relationship Statistics in Diffusion Limited Aggregation

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    We show that various surface parameters in two-dimensional diffusion limited aggregation (DLA) grow linearly with the number of particles. We find the ratio of the average length of the perimeter and the accessible perimeter of a DLA cluster together with its external perimeters to the cluster size, and define a microscopic schematic procedure for attachment of an incident new particle to the cluster. We measure the fractal dimension of the red sites (i.e., the sites upon cutting each of them splits the cluster) equal to that of the DLA cluster. It is also shown that the average number of the dead sites and the average number of the red sites have linear relationships with the cluster size.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Nonlinear Realization of the Local Conform-Affine Symmetry Group for Gravity in the Composite Fiber Bundle Formalism

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    A gauge theory of gravity based on a nonlinear realization (NLR) of the local Conform-Affine (CA) group of symmetry transformations is presented. The coframe fields and gauge connections of the theory are obtained. The tetrads and Lorentz group metric are used to induce a spacetime metric. The inhomogenously transforming (under the Lorentz group) connection coefficients serve as gravitational gauge potentials used to define covariant derivatives accommodating minimal coupling of matter and gauge fields. On the other hand, the tensor valued connection forms serve as auxillary dynamical fields associated with the dilation, special conformal and deformational (shear) degrees of freedom inherent in the bundle manifold. The bundle curvature of the theory is determined. Boundary topological invariants are constructed. They serve as a prototype (source free) gravitational Lagrangian. The Bianchi identities, covariant field equations and gauge currents are obtained.Comment: 24 pages. to appear in IJGMM

    HyRec: A fast and highly accurate primordial hydrogen and helium recombination code

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    We present a state-of-the-art primordial recombination code, HyRec, including all the physical effects that have been shown to significantly affect recombination. The computation of helium recombination includes simple analytic treatments of hydrogen continuum opacity in the He I 2 1P - 1 1S line, the He I] 2 3P - 1 1S line, and treats feedback between these lines within the on-the-spot approximation. Hydrogen recombination is computed using the effective multilevel atom method, virtually accounting for an infinite number of excited states. We account for two-photon transitions from 2s and higher levels as well as frequency diffusion in Lyman-alpha with a full radiative transfer calculation. We present a new method to evolve the radiation field simultaneously with the level populations and the free electron fraction. These computations are sped up by taking advantage of the particular sparseness pattern of the equations describing the radiative transfer. The computation time for a full recombination history is ~2 seconds. This makes our code well suited for inclusion in Monte Carlo Markov chains for cosmological parameter estimation from upcoming high-precision cosmic microwave background anisotropy measurements.Comment: Version accepted by PRD. Numerical integration switches adapted to be well behaved for a wide range of cosmologies (Sec. V E). HyRec is available at http://www.tapir.caltech.edu/~yacine/hyrec/hyrec.htm

    Ultrafast effective multi-level atom method for primordial hydrogen recombination

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    Cosmological hydrogen recombination has recently been the subject of renewed attention because of its importance for predicting the power spectrum of cosmic microwave background anisotropies. It has become clear that it is necessary to account for a large number n >~ 100 of energy shells of the hydrogen atom, separately following the angular momentum substates in order to obtain sufficiently accurate recombination histories. However, the multi-level atom codes that follow the populations of all these levels are computationally expensive, limiting recent analyses to only a few points in parameter space. In this paper, we present a new method for solving the multi-level atom recombination problem, which splits the problem into a computationally expensive atomic physics component that is independent of the cosmology, and an ultrafast cosmological evolution component. The atomic physics component follows the network of bound-bound and bound-free transitions among excited states and computes the resulting effective transition rates for the small set of "interface" states radiatively connected to the ground state. The cosmological evolution component only follows the populations of the interface states. By pre-tabulating the effective rates, we can reduce the recurring cost of multi-level atom calculations by more than 5 orders of magnitude. The resulting code is fast enough for inclusion in Markov Chain Monte Carlo parameter estimation algorithms. It does not yet include the radiative transfer or high-n two-photon processes considered in some recent papers. Further work on analytic treatments for these effects will be required in order to produce a recombination code usable for Planck data analysis.Comment: Version accepted by Phys. Rev. D. Proof of equivalence of effective and standard MLA methods moved to the main text. Some rewording

    Final state rescattering as a contribution to BργB \to \rho \gamma

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    We provide a new estimate of the long-distance component to the radiative transition BργB \to \rho \gamma. Our mechanism involves the soft-scattering of on-shell hadronic products of nonleptonic BB decay, as in the chain BρρργB \to \rho\rho \to \rho\gamma. We employ a phenomenological fit to scattering data to estimate the effect. The specific intermediate states considered here modify the BργB \to \rho \gamma decay rate at roughly the 585 \to 8% level, although the underlying effect has the potential to be larger. Contrary to other mechanisms of long distance physics which have been discussed in the literature, this yields a non-negligible modification of the B0ρ0γB^0 \to \rho^0 \gamma channel and hence will provide an uncertainty in the extraction of VtdV_{td}. This mechanism also affects the isospin relation between the rates for BργB^- \to \rho^-\gamma and B0ρ0γB^0 \to \rho^0 \gamma and may generate CP asymmetries at experimentally observable levels.Comment: 15 pages, RevTex, 3 figure

    A proposal for testing Quantum Gravity in the lab

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    Attempts to formulate a quantum theory of gravitation are collectively known as {\it quantum gravity}. Various approaches to quantum gravity such as string theory and loop quantum gravity, as well as black hole physics and doubly special relativity theories predict a minimum measurable length, or a maximum observable momentum, and related modifications of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle to a so-called generalized uncertainty principle (GUP). We have proposed a GUP consistent with string theory, black hole physics and doubly special relativity theories and have showed that this modifies all quantum mechanical Hamiltonians. When applied to an elementary particle, it suggests that the space that confines it must be quantized, and in fact that all measurable lengths are quantized in units of a fundamental length (which can be the Planck length). On the one hand, this may signal the breakdown of the spacetime continuum picture near that scale, and on the other hand, it can predict an upper bound on the quantum gravity parameter in the GUP, from current observations. Furthermore, such fundamental discreteness of space may have observable consequences at length scales much larger than the Planck scale. Because this influences all the quantum Hamiltonians in an universal way, it predicts quantum gravity corrections to various quantum phenomena. Therefore, in the present work we compute these corrections to the Lamb shift, simple harmonic oscillator, Landau levels, and the tunneling current in a scanning tunneling microscope.Comment: v1: 10 pages, REVTeX 4, no figures; v2: minor typos corrected and a reference added. arXiv admin note: has substantial overlap with arXiv:0906.5396 , published in a different journa

    Pengembangan Modul Pemilihan Karir untuk Siswa Kelas IX SMPN 3 Babat Lamongan

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    Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan di SMPN 3 Babat Lamongan dengan menggunakan angket kebutuhan masalah siswa BK di bidang karier untuk siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama, di temukan sebanyak 38% mengenai tentang pendidikan lanjutan, 33% mengenai langkah-langkah memasuki pendidikan lanjutan, dan 33% mengenai pemahaman penyaluran bakat dan minat data tersebut diperoleh bersifat segera. Hal ini juga dipekuat data wawancara dengan Guru bimbingan dan konseling terkait tentang pemilihan Karier siswa kelas IX, Guru bimbingan dan konseling menyatakan bahwa siswa masih kebingungan dalam memilih sekolah maupun karier setelah lulus Sekolah Menengah Pertana, Melihat fenomena yang ada maka perlu mengembangkan sebuah media yang bisa memberikan informasi untuk keseluruhan siswa. Media yang dirasa sesuai adalah modul, karena pada modul dapat dipaparkan materi secara lengkap sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa, modul memfasilitasi penggunaannya untuk belajar secara mandiri, terdapat evaluasi dan refleksi untuk mengukur pemahaman siswa, praktis digunakan karena tidak membutuhkan listrik dan dapat dibawa kemana-mana. Penelitian pengembangan modul pemilihan karier untuk siswa kelas IX SMPN 3 Babat Lamongan bertujuan untuk bisa memenuhi aspek akseptabilitas yaitu, kegunaan, kelayakan, ketepatan dan kepatutan. Penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan Borg and Gall. Uji validasi Ahli terdiri dari satu ahli materi, satu ahli media dan satu ahli lapangan. Sementara uji coba lapangan skala kecil terdiri dari enam siswa kelas IX. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan angket untuk menghimpun data kuantitatif dan data kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil kriteria akseptabilitas mendapatkan nilai 87% untuk ahli materi, ahli media diperoleh 80 %, ahli calon pegguna Guru Bimbingan dan Konseling diperoleh 87,12%, sementara uji calon pengguna skala lapangan kecil diperoleh nilai 83,21%, dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan media modul pemilihan Karier memenuhi kategori sangat baik tidak perlu revisi digunakan sebagai media Bimbingan dan Konseling

    Active Sampling-based Binary Verification of Dynamical Systems

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    Nonlinear, adaptive, or otherwise complex control techniques are increasingly relied upon to ensure the safety of systems operating in uncertain environments. However, the nonlinearity of the resulting closed-loop system complicates verification that the system does in fact satisfy those requirements at all possible operating conditions. While analytical proof-based techniques and finite abstractions can be used to provably verify the closed-loop system's response at different operating conditions, they often produce conservative approximations due to restrictive assumptions and are difficult to construct in many applications. In contrast, popular statistical verification techniques relax the restrictions and instead rely upon simulations to construct statistical or probabilistic guarantees. This work presents a data-driven statistical verification procedure that instead constructs statistical learning models from simulated training data to separate the set of possible perturbations into "safe" and "unsafe" subsets. Binary evaluations of closed-loop system requirement satisfaction at various realizations of the uncertainties are obtained through temporal logic robustness metrics, which are then used to construct predictive models of requirement satisfaction over the full set of possible uncertainties. As the accuracy of these predictive statistical models is inherently coupled to the quality of the training data, an active learning algorithm selects additional sample points in order to maximize the expected change in the data-driven model and thus, indirectly, minimize the prediction error. Various case studies demonstrate the closed-loop verification procedure and highlight improvements in prediction error over both existing analytical and statistical verification techniques.Comment: 23 page