8 research outputs found
Eye Care in Young Children: A Parents’ Perspective of Access and Barriers
Purpose: To evaluate parental perspectives of accessing eye care for children aged under seven years.
Methods: The survey was conducted during September 2020 to March 2021 using online applications and distributed to parents whose children were between the ages of three and seven years. The survey included parents’ background, their knowledge of the provision of eyecare services, and the possible barriers that existed to access eye-care services. The relationship between parents’ knowledge, barrier scores, level of parental education, and demographic or socioeconomic status was assessed using nonparametric tests.
Results: In total, 1037 questionnaires were completed. The respondents were from 50 cities across Saudi regions. The participants’ age was 39 ± 7.5 years, and 54% of them had at least one child under the age of seven (n = 564). Further, 47% had not taken their children for vision screening at reception/year one (n = 467). In addition, 65% of them were not aware of the mandatory screening program at reception/year 1; whereas, only 20% (n = 207) knew how to access eye-care services; and only 39% of the children had undergone any kind of eye or vision test. The pathways to eye care and the cost of eye services/glasses were the main limitations. The parents’ responses were significantly influenced by their demographic and socioeconomic characteristics (Kruskal Wallis, P < 0.05).
Conclusion: There was a need for enhancing parent information on how to access eye care for young children and the currently available vision screening programs. Finally, a national protocol to cover the cost of the eye exam as well as spectacle prescription shall be proposed as a mean of incentive
Evaluation of different treatment modalities on the efficacy of hydroxypropyl Guar (HP-Guar) formulation on tear film stability (TFS) in subjects exposed to adverse environmental conditions
Abstract The study aimed to assess the efficacy of hydroxypropyl guar (HP) formulation (Systane) to protect tear film parameters under desiccating environment using protection and relief treatment modalities. The subjects were exposed to adverse environmental conditions using a Controlled Environment Chamber (CEC) where the relative humidity (RH) was 5% and the ambient temperature was 21 °C and screened for Tear break-up time (TBUT), Tear film evaporation rate (TFER) and lipid layer thickness (LLT) using the HIRCAL grid, Servomed EP3 Evaporimeter and Keeler’s TearScope-Plus respectively. Significant improvement in LLT was noticed in the protection modality. The mean tear film evaporation rate doubled after exposure to the humidity of 5% to a value of 105.37 g/m2/h (0.29 µl/min). All subjects displayed a significant reduction in non-invasive tear break-up time (NITBUT) with a mean NITBUT of 7.7 s after exposure to a desiccating environment for 15 min. A significant increase in NITBUT after the instillation of the drops was recorded in both methods. The results obtained from this study showed that a solution containing HP-Guar significantly improves tear film parameters under a desiccating environment. Apart from the tear evaporation rate, all tear parameters showed improvement after the use of HP-Guar eye drops. It is evident that tear film parameters respond differently to the management modalities and using CEC has the potential to provide researchers with a readily available method to evaluate the efficiency of tear supplementation
Accommodative Response in Patients with Central Field Loss: A Matched Case-Control Study
Purpose: This study was conducted to evaluate the accommodative response in young participants with visual impairment in comparison with visually normal participants. Methods: Fifteen participants with confirmed visual impairment and 30 visually normal participants aged 12–15 years were recruited. Accommodative response was measured using autorefractor (Grand Seiko WV500) at distances of accommodative demand of 33, 25, and 20 cm. The targets were one-line-above participant threshold acuity. The participants’ accommodative responses were compared between both groups after calibration for refractive errors and the vertex distance of the glasses. Visual acuity and refractive status were also assessed. Results: The age was not significantly different between both participant groups. The visual acuity of visually impaired patients was 6/30 to 6/240, and that of visually normal participants was 6/7.5 or better. Ten of the visually impaired patients and 29 of visually normal participants were myopic. In total, 61–73% of visually impaired patients showed an accommodative lead. Five subtypes of accommodative response were observed. In general, the accommodative inaccuracy increased with increasing accommodative demand. However, the visually normal participants largely exhibited an accommodative lag. A mild-to-moderate relationship was observed between visual acuity and accommodative response (r = 0.3–0.5, p < 0.05). Conclusion: Accommodative response in young visually impaired patients can be variable and on an individual basis. Low vision specialists should anticipate accommodative response outside the normal range. Therefore, we shall consider evaluating each patient’s accommodative response before prescribing any near addition lenses. Accommodation inaccuracy is often more complex than predicted due to increased depth of focus caused by reduced visual acuity
Analysis of basal and reflex human tear osmolarity in normal subjects: assessment of tear osmolarity
Purpose: The aim of this study is to evaluate the difference between reflex and basal tear osmolarity among healthy normal subjects. Method: The right eyes of 20 healthy normal male subjects aged 20 to 40 years were recruited for this study. The inclusion criteria for the subjects were the Ocular Surface Disease Index questionnaire score of less than 12 and wetting length of the phenol red thread of more than 10 mm. Tear film osmolarity was assessed using TearLab osmometer. Basic tear osmolarity was measured normally without inducing any irritation to the eye. In order to stimulate reflex tear, subjects were asked to open their eye as long as they can till they feel ocular surface irritation (minimum 20 s). Results: The mean score on the Ocular Surface Disease Index questionnaire was 5.5 ± 3. The mean value obtained from the phenol red thread was 21 ± 4.5 mm. There were no statistically significant differences between the osmolarity readings of basal and reflex tear osmolarity ( p > 0.05). The mean value was 308 ± 12 and 306 ± 9 mOsm/l for basic and reflex tear osmolarity, respectively. Conclusion: This study found that the osmolarity of the basal and reflex tears fell within the same range. The values found in this study are in agreement with published results for normal subjects
Assessment of macular pigment optical density in Arab population and its relationship to people’s anthropometric data: a cross-sectional study
Background: Anthropometry facilitates the evaluation of risks associated with reduced macular pigment optical density (MPOD). Objectives: To investigate the predictors and anthropometric indices associated with MPOD in healthy adult in Arab population. Design: This is a cross-sectional study. Methods: The MPOD was measured at 0.5° from fovea using a heterochromatic flicker photometer. Healthy participants aged between 20 and 40 years were recruited. The study evaluated the following data of the participants: height, weight, body mass index, body fat percentage, basal metabolic rate, visceral fat level, muscle mass, bone mineral content, and percentage of protein and body water. The correlation between MPOD with anthropometrics and demographic data was evaluated using Spearman’s correlation test. The differences among genders were investigated using the Mann–Whitney U test. The smoking effect on MPOD was analyzed using the Friedman test. Results: In all, 143 participants were recruited. The median ± interquartile range was calculated for age (23 ± 4 years), visual acuity (0.00 ± 0.00 logMAR), and MPOD (0.41 ± 0.18). The average MPOD was higher in males than in females but it was not statistically significant ( p  > 0.05); on the other hand, they were statistically significantly different in most of the anthropometric data. A significant relationship was found between MPOD and percentage of body fat, protein, and body water ( r  = 0.30, p  < 0.05). The observed median MPOD value was higher in this study than that found in previous studies in white populations, but lower than that found in studies investigating Asian populations. Conclusion: One of the most important risk factors of age-related macular degeneration is associated with a relative absence of macular pigment. This study brought into focus percentage of protein and body water for further studies as well as the well-established links with body fat and obesity. Unknown predictors of MPOD remain uncovered. The study also provided first report on normative values of MPOD for Arab population and confirmed the differences from other ethnicities