52,097 research outputs found

    Sudden change in dynamics of genuine multipartite entanglement of cavity-reservoir qubits

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    We study the dynamics of genuine multipartite entanglement for a system of four qubits. Using a computable entanglement monotone for multipartite systems, we investigate the as yet unexplored aspects of a cavity-reservoir system of qubits. For one specific initial state, we observe a sudden transition in the dynamics of genuine entanglement for the four qubits. This sudden change occurs only during a time window where neither cavity-cavity qubits nor reservoir-reservoir qubits are entangled. We show that this sudden change in dynamics of this specific state is extremely sensitive to white noise.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figure

    Video vehicle detection at signalised junctions: a simulation-based study

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    Many existing advanced methods of traffic signal control depend on information about approaching traffic provided by inductive loop detectors at particular points in the road. But analysis of images from CCTV cameras can in principle provide more comprehensive information about traffic approaching and passing through junctions, and cameras may be easier to install and maintain than loop detectors, and some systems based on video detection have already been in use for some time. Against this background, computer simulation has been used to explore the potential of existing and immediately foreseeable capability in automatic on-line image analysis to extract information relevant to signal control from images provided by cameras mounted in acceptable positions at signal-controlled junctions. Some consequences of extracting relevant information in different ways were investigated in the context of an existing detailed simulation model of vehicular traffic moving through junctions under traffic-responsive signal control, and the development of one basic and one advanced algorithm for traffic-responsive control. The work was confined as a first step to operation of one very simple signalcontrolled junction. Two techniques for extraction of information from images were modelled - a more ambitious technique based on distinguishing most of the individual vehicles visible to the camera, and a more modest technique requiring only that the presence of vehicles in any part of the image be distinguished from the background scene. In the latter case, statistical modelling was used to estimate the number of vehicles corresponding to any single area of the image that represents vehicles rather than background. At the simple modelled junction, each technique of extraction enabled each of the algorithms for traffic-responsive control of the signals to achieve average delays per vehicle appreciably lower than those given by System D control, and possibly competitive with those that MOVA would give, but comparison with MOVA was beyond the scope of the initial study. These results of simulation indicate that image analysis of CCTV pictures should be able to provide sufficient information in practice for traffic-responsive control that is competitive with existing techniques. Ways in which the work could be taken further were discussed with practitioners, but have not yet been progressed

    Spectral Singularities of Complex Scattering Potentials and Infinite Reflection and Transmission Coefficients at real Energies

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    Spectral singularities are spectral points that spoil the completeness of the eigenfunctions of certain non-Hermitian Hamiltonian operators. We identify spectral singularities of complex scattering potentials with the real energies at which the reflection and transmission coefficients tend to infinity, i.e., they correspond to resonances having a zero width. We show that a wave guide modeled using such a potential operates like a resonator at the frequencies of spectral singularities. As a concrete example, we explore the spectral singularities of an imaginary PT-symmetric barrier potential and demonstrate the above resonance phenomenon for a certain electromagnetic wave guide.Comment: Published versio
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