49 research outputs found

    The effects of the interaction of technology, structure, and organizational climate on job satisgfaction

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    This study examines the effects of the interaction of technology, structure, and organizational climate on job satisfaction in power-generation plants. Correlation tests and series of hierarchical regression analyses were performed. The study reveals several significant correlations among these three organizational variables and with employee job satisfaction

    Culture and leadership styles

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    Phenomenological Study of Women Entrepreneurs and Their Impact on Socio-Economic Growth in Malaysia

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    The study was conducted on women entrepreneurship and socio-economic growth in Malaysia. The study on women entrepreneurship in Malaysia was on Women entrepreneurship is said to be the emerging phenomenon of the 21th Century. It has been recognised that today women are as likely as men seeking business opportunities around them. Women entrepreneurs are able to contribute to socioeconomic development of the country. However, women entrepreneurs were found to encounter internal and external barriers to their business growth. Based on the literature review on entrepreneurship highlighted numerous constraints and barriers to women entrepreneurship which include amongst others gender-biased, lack of entrepreneurial and business skills, finance and even the personality characteristics of women. In this study there were four factors and barriers facing entrepreneurship growth were identified. They were personality traits, business skills, knowledge and training, the need for government support system and support systems that contribute to women entrepreneurship growth and the socio-economic growth of the country. In order to answer these four objectives, this study conducted a focus group method in order to clearly understand the phenomenon of women entrepreneurship in Malaysia. It has been informed the focus group approach is commonly used in social science research. A selected group of 10 key person women entrepreneurs answered the interview and discussion via online focus group discussion. The structured questionnaires were also distributed to the 10 entrepreneurs participated and responded in focus group discussion. The focus group discussion centred on four themes on women entrepreneurship development, women and its contribution to socio-economic growth, including household income, employment and society wellbeing. Data collection on entrepreneurial psychological factors, barriers to women entrepreneurship success and growth, government support systems and the social and economic growth of the country were gathered from the focus group discussion and were analysed using NVIVO software package. The results of the study were tabulated based on four themes and sub themes. In conclusion this research has established a woman entrepreneurship socio-economic model in Malaysia. A causal relationship model configured variables as a main guidance for entrepreneurship stakeholders and practitioners. This study was a phenomenological study on woman entrepreneurship and its effect on women socio-economic growth in Malaysia. The study provided implications to stakeholders in addressing women entrepreneurship problems and barrier to women business growth. It was recommended that further research on women entrepreneurship will be based on industrial and business sectors dominated by women.&nbsp

    Relationship between business strategy and human resource management practices in private and public limited companies in Malaysia

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    This study examines the relationship between two business strategies (differentiation and low-cost) and six human resource management (HRM) practices (recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation, performance management, employment security, and work-life balance). Furthermore, an examination conducted on the differences in such relationship between the Public and Private Limited companies in Malaysia. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was used to investigate the effect of business ownership in the model.It is found that differentiation strategy stressed on all six HRM practices while low-cost strategy emphasized four HRM practices only. The results also show that the effects of business strategy and HRM practices performed in Public Limited companies are only slightly different from the ones performed in Private Limited companies

    Sociological perspective of performance appraisal: an overview

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    In today's competitive global market, managing employees is becoming more challenging and complex. There is a great demand for an effective managerial style as employees' expectations towards work are more diversified than before, It requires managers to acquire better knowledge and skills in understanding employees behavior at work. As employees are the key players in an organization, they play a vital role in determining the success and the survival of the organization. Employees can accept or reject any rule, procedure and regulation in the organization. Managers should understand that when employees come to work, they are not only contributing their knowledge, skills and abilities but also their emotions, creativity and personalities. So, in appraising their performance all the above factors should be taken into consideration because they affect employees' overall performance. Furthermore, the workers who come to work do not only aim for recognition and rewards but also for status, social acceptance, and power. Thus, every employee from all hierarchies will put great concern and interest on performance appraisal issues as they influence his/her future career development in the organization. Employees have realized that the outcomes of performance appraisal affect their rewards, determine their future career and give an impact on social relationships among them. Besides, the performance appraisal acts as one of the determinant factors in work motivation, commitment and loyalty. To ensure the success of performance appraisal, a new approach in evaluating employees that is totally different from evaluating other factors of production is needed. This paper highlights performance appraisal issues and determines how far the contributions of performance appraisal are being recognized, valued, and respected by the organization

    Pengurusan dan pembangunan sumber manusia di alaf baru

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    Zaman alaf baru menampakkan perubahan dan perkembangan persekitaran global.Ternyata dunia pada hari ini adalah lebih terbuka dan tiada lagi batasan.Masyarakat sejagat lebih berpengetahuan kerana informasi dapat diterima dan disebar dengan meluas melalui prasama ICT yang kian berkembang.Justeru persaingan perniagaan agak sengit dan negara perlu lebih kompetitlf untuk menarik pelaburan dari dalam dan luar negara. Perubahan dan perkembangan yang mendadak ini telah banvak mempengaruhi cara masyarakat berfkir, merancang dan bertindak supaya mereka tidak terpinggir dan ketinggalan zaman.Bagi organisasi yang bertaraf global, mereka terpaksa akur kepada kehendak pasaran global dan mereka memberi perhatian dan fokus kepada pelanggan dan pengguna.Berasaskan senario yang sedang dihadapi dalam zaman alaf baru dan era globalisasi, artikel ini membincang dan menganalisis isu dan cabaran dalam proses pengurusun yang memerlukan program pembangunan sumber manusia yang lebih dinamik

    Managerial ethical decision making for sustainability

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    Management practices in Malaysia in the new economy: An evolution

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    Personnel management practices in Malaysia - the case of the State Economic Development Corporations

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    This thesis examines personnel management policies and practices within the State Economic Development Corporations (SEDCs) of the Malaysian economy. It is concerned to explore and access the contemporary influence and significance of personnel managers and their policies on routine SEDC practices. Under the Malaysian government's New Economic Policy (NEP) of 1970, SEDCs are expected to provide employment, training and development of Bumiputra employees (i.e. Malay and other indigenous groups), to produce Bumiputra entrepreneurs and to increase their participation and ownership in the Malaysian commercial and industrial sectors. The empirical research which informs this thesis was designed to examine, first, whether these political, social and economic commitments have and do facilitate the development and emergence of personnel management in the SEDCs. Second, whether personnel managers currently play a significant role in ensuring that these objectives are met, and third whether there is a more significant contribution that personnel managers and policies could potentially make to the employment practices of SEDCs. An overall finding of the empirical research is that there are significant barriers restricting the presence and influence of professional personnel managers in SEDCs. In 8 out of 11 SEDCs there was no separate personnel function or specialised, trained personnel manager. These primary research findings both reflect and reinforce a theme that can be found in some of the more critical personnel management literature which highlights the potential difficulties faced by some personnel managers and the negative consequences of the absence of personnel department in a great variety of organisations, industries and countries. Studies of personnel management suggest that barriers to effective personnel management practices include: the low status of personnel managers, their subordinate relationship to line managers and the prevailing definition of organisational effectiveness that concentrates exclusively upon financial results. Many of the negative consequences of the absence of personnel management such as informalisation, inconsistency, inefficiency of personnel practices have been pointed out. In this research, various cultural, political, legal and structural factors that constitute barriers to personnel management were found. In most SEDCs, the economic and social contributions of the personnel management and the significant role of personnel managers were de-emphasized and neglected. The absence of formalised, decentralised and standardized personnel management causes ad hoc and unsystematic manpower planning and training, discrimination in selection and promotion and a lack of motivational practices. In addition to examining these barriers, the thesis also seeks to highlight where appropriate facilitators to the development of personnel management as well as the potential impact on SEDCs employment practices of personnel management practices and initiatives

    Kesan langsung prinsip transformasi perkhidmatan ke atas kualiti perkhidmatan di sektor awam

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between service transformational principle (creativity and innovation, decision-making, value of money and intergrity) and the service quality of the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH).A total of 700 questionnaires were distributed, only 339 questionnaires collected and can be used for analysis.Data collected was analysed using Descriptive Analysis, Pearson Correlation Analysis and Regression Analysis.The findings of this study indicated that there was a significant relationship between creativity and innovation, decision-making, valuefor-money and integrity and the service quality of MOH