185 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Hepcidin Hormone and Some Biochemical Parameters in Iraqi Children Patients with β-Thalassaemia Intermedia Before and After Blood Transfusion

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    Background:"thalassaemia" refers to a group of blood diseases characterized by low or absent synthesis of normal globin chains. Depending on the chain whose synthesis is impaired, the thalassaemias are called α‒, β‒,ɣ‒ ,σ‒ or ԑɣσβ-thalassaemias . Most thalassaemias are inherited as recessive traits.Objective: the aim of this study is evaluated hepcidin levels, transferrin, ferritin, serum iron and total iron bending capacity [TIBC] before and after blood transfusion of thalassaemia patients.Methods: In this study, we take 80 persons the age of them were mean±SD (9.68±2.08), 40 patients with β-thalassaemia intermedia, and 40 healthy persons as control. We take blood 5ml from thalassaemia's patients before blood transfusion and after transfusion of blood by 3 days. The total number of the samples we taken are 120, 40 samples before blood transfusion, 40 samples after blood transfusion and 40 control samples. Then we separated each sample into two tubes.Result: increase iron absorption of thalassaemia patient after blood transfusion due to decrease level of hepcidin.Conclusion: from this study was appear iron absorption meanly affect by hepcidin level, so that hepcidin was highly significant change in thalassaemia patient after blood transfusion and that lead to iron overload. So conclude high levels of ferritin after blood transfusion due to blood uptake lead to increase iron storage (ferritin). Keywords: β-thalassaemia intermidia, hepcidin, serum iron and ferritin (iron storage)

    Evaluation of Hepcidin Hormone and Some Biochemical Parameters in Iraqi Children Patients with β-Thalassaemia Intermedia Before and After Blood Transfusion

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    Background:"thalassaemia" refers to a group of blood diseases characterized by low or absent synthesis of normal globin chains. Depending on the chain whose synthesis is impaired, the thalassaemias are called α‒, β‒,ɣ‒ ,σ‒ or ԑɣσβ-thalassaemias . Most thalassaemias are inherited as recessive traits.Objective: the aim of this study is evaluated hepcidin levels, transferrin, ferritin, serum iron and total iron bending capacity [TIBC] before and after blood transfusion of thalassaemia patients.Methods: In this study, we take 80 persons the age of them were mean±SD (9.68±2.08), 40 patients with β-thalassaemia intermedia, and 40 healthy persons as control. We take blood 5ml from thalassaemia's patients before blood transfusion and after transfusion of blood by 3 days. The total number of the samples we taken are 120, 40 samples before blood transfusion, 40 samples after blood transfusion and 40 control samples. Then we separated each sample into two tubes.Result: increase iron absorption of thalassaemia patient after blood transfusion due to decrease level of hepcidin.Conclusion: from this study was appear iron absorption meanly affect by hepcidin level, so that hepcidin was highly significant change in thalassaemia patient after blood transfusion and that lead to iron overload. So conclude high levels of ferritin after blood transfusion due to blood uptake lead to increase iron storage (ferritin). Keywords: β-thalassaemia intermidia, hepcidin, serum iron and ferritin (iron storage)


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    In the medical field, due to the development of neuroimaging, several new methods of the biometric     field have been attending and favorable candidates for the identification of people. These methods are part of "covert biometrics" that involve the use of measures of clinical and medical images to identify them. The prime motivation to use an invisible (Hidden biometric) is the fact that attacks of a system can be very hard to deal with. This privacy strongly contributes to the increased strongest in the topic of person's verification and identification. In this article, he extracted a brain signature, called a "brain fingerprint" from brain (MRI) Magnetic Resonance Image, obtained from 30 healthy subjects as images (1739), these real data sets from Yarmok Medical Hospital. These brainprint in this work are considered to be a hallmark of the brain. The objective of this proposed work which is design a robust, accurate human identification using human brain print, the brain classification based on several phases, included Data acquisition, Feature extraction processing depend on linear discrimination analysis (LDA) to gain important and interesting features of every image calculated by (number of features in the class). The proposed system shows rise detection precision with the features extracted based on LDA with automatical classifier learning by K nearest neighbor (K-NN) and logistic regression (LR) from the LDA method gained with the LR algorithm of (93%) while LDA method gained (91%) with K-NN

    Political Bias in Talk Shows: A Case of MQM in Local Bodies Election 2015

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    The study through content analysis examines the extent ofanchorperson's political bias in Pakistani political talk shows. Itargues that for political talk shows to be effective spaces for publicpolitical discussions, fair and unbiased role of anchorpersons isessential. As a case, anchorpersons treatment towards MQMpolitical participants in the talk shows before local bodies' elections2015, was studied. Through random sampling 22 prime-timepolitical talk shows of the leading news channels in which MQMpolitical leaders participated, were selected. To measure biaspractices political bias instrument was developed. Political bias ofanchorperson was studied through six indicators i.e., the directionof the introduction of political talk shows, ranks of participants,question tone, questions allegation, time given to participants andinterruption by anchorperson. The findings show high bias ofanchorpersons against MQM participants in prime time politicaltalk shows. Political bias is highest in question design as comparedto coverage and content bias

    Sialic Acid Is A Novel Biochemical Marker In Sera Of Iraqi Endometriotic Patients .

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    Sialic acids are nine carbon acidic sugars typically found as the terminal residue of cell surface sugar chains as well as on secreted glycoproteins and in the extracellular matrix. Structural diversity and unique strategic location of sialic acids (Sias) on the cells make them one of the most important molecules in life and set the challenges for sialoglycobiologist. An important facet of Sia biology is the function of Sia-binding immunoglobulin-like lectins (Siglecs), receptors that are largely expressed across the major leukocyte lineages to mediate important innate and adaptive immune functions. A postulated autoimmune aetiology of endometriosis derives from reports on increased polyclonal B-cell activity, abnormalities in function of B and T cells, ,  high B-cell and T-cell counts, and reduced natural-killer-cell activity.Also, high serum concentrations of Igs autoantibodies . Sialic acid binding immunoglobulins (Ig)-like lectins (siglecs) belong to I-type lectin with a selective expression on the haematopoetic cell lineages. These have amazing structural diversity to recognize and interact with an array of linkage-specific sialic acids on a glycan structure express on host cells as well as pathogen. Fourteen human and nine murine siglecs have already been identified and the list is still increasing. Innate immune system is the first line of defense evolved during the years of evolution. This is responsible for controlling and clearing invading pathogens. The results of the present study indicate that Sialic acid is a novel biochemical marker related to the immune pathological alterations of endometriosis as shown in G1 and G3 . Also, the results showed the role of zoladex in alteration immune responses as shown in G2. Keywords Sialic acid . endometriosis . immunoglobulins . autoimmune diseases

    Tuberculous endocarditis: valvular and right atrial involvement

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    Valvular endocarditis due to Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a rare clinical entity. It is usually manifest in the context of disseminated tuberculosis in immunocompromised Patients. This report describes a unique case of a 30-year-old immunocompetent man with an incidental finding of tuberculous valvular endocarditis. The Patient had a large mass on the anterior mitral leaflet and severe mitral regurgitation. He underwent mitral valve replacement and Mycobacterium tuberculosis was cultured from the valve vegetation and the right atrial masses. Post-operative recovery has been uneventful without relapse for 24 months

    Study of IL-35 levels in Multiple Myeloma patients and its Relation with Immunoglobulins

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) is a malignant disorder characterized by the proliferation of plasma cellsand the second most common hematological standing next to lymphoma. Multiple myeloma patients commonly present with defects in numbers and function of various   immune cells including dendritic cells ,B cells,Tcells and natural kill cells[23].Interleukin- 35 (IL-35) is a novel anti-inflammatory cytokine suppressing the immune response through the expansion of regulatory T cells and suppression of Th17 cell development.The present study aimedto investigate the possible role of IL-35 in pathogenesis of MM and its relation withimmunoglobulins such as IgA,IgG and IgM.Forty Iraqis patients with multiple myeloma(G1,G2) and twenty healthy individuals as a control group (G1)were enrolled in this study.Whole blood used for determination of  hemoglobin. Serum samples were used for determination of albumin,total protein using standard procedures of the biochemistry laboratory of hospital. Also immunoglobulin's (IgA,IgG,IgM) and IL-35 were determined in serum.The results revealed a significant increasing in urine total protein ,ESR,creatinine ,uric acid ,BUN, and TP in  patients groups(G2,G3) comparing to control group(G1) while a   significant decrease in albumin and Hb  were found in  patients groups comparing to control .Also a significant differences  was observed in calcium concentration in G3  compared to G2 while there are no differences  was observed between G2 and G1 . The results shown highly significant increase in IgA,IgG, IgM and  IL-35,in  patients groups comparing to control group. Also a significant  differences were noticed in G3 comparing to G2. A highly significant positive correlation between IL-35 and IgA was noted in G2  and G3. Also a highly significant positive correlation between IL-35 and IgG levels was noticed in G2 and G3. Moreover a significant negative correlation founded between IL-35  andIgM in G2  and  G3 .A conclusion could be drown from this study for the first time that MM patients showed increasing in IL-35  levels so, it may be considered as a novel cytokine involved in the pathogenesis of MM. Keyword:IL-35,Multiple Myeloma,Immunoglobulines

    The Effect of Using Aqueous Extract of Cyperus Rotundus Tubers on Characteristics and Shelf Life of Chicken Nuggets

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    The experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of the aqueous extract of the Cyperus ‎rotundus tubers ‎on fat oxidation and stored frozen chicken nuggets' physical and microbial ‎characteristics. The extract was incorporated into minced poultry meat at concentrations of 0% (control), 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, and 0.4%, and the treated samples were stored for periods of 1 and 30 days at -18°C. The addition of Cyperus rotundus extract significantly improved the pH values and water-holding capacity of the treated nuggets (T2, T3, T4, and T5) compared to the control (T1) across both storage durations. Moreover, a notable reduction in lipid oxidation markers (peroxide value (PV), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBA), free fatty acids (FFA), and total volatile nitrogen (TVN) was observed in the treated samples relative to the control. Additionally, a significant decrease in the total coliform bacteria count was evident in the treated nuggets, which inversely correlated with the concentration of the Cyperus rotundus extract. The findings suggest that the aqueous extract of Cyperus rotundus tubers beneficially affects the quality and safety of chicken nuggets, enhancing their shelf life when stored at -18°C for up to 30 days‎‎‎

    Laugh Labs and Their Treatment: Analysis of the Satirical Language of Leading Infotainment Programs of Pakistani News Channels

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    This study attempts to explore different kinds of jokes that are cracked in the leading infotainment programs of Pakistani news channels. Benign Violation Theory provides conceptual roots for the study which describes jokes as a benign violation of something. The systematic sampling technique is used to draw a sample from the infotainment programs that include Khabarnaak, Khabardar, Hasb-e-Haal, Syasi Theater, Sawa Teen, and Mazaaq Raat. Content Analysis is the method by with the data is coded into categories formulated by both deductive and inductive approaches. The results show that the frequency of using dark humor in the satirical language differs within and between the groups. Moreover, Khabarnaak cracked more jokes that were dark. On the other hand, Mazaaq Raat cracked the least dark jokes in its programs as compared to the other four leading infotainment programs of Pakistani news channels. The study also helps to find the reasons behind sending advice notices to all the broadcast stations of Pakistan by PEMRA to put a check on the content of these programs
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